Belarusian State Economic University
Беларускі дзяржаўны эканамічны ўніверсітэт
RectorAlexey Egorov

Belarus State Economic University (Belarusian: Беларускі дзяржаўны эканамічны ўніверсітэт) is a university in Minsk, Belarus. It specializes in Finance and Economics. It was founded in 1933 as Belarusian Institute for National Economy. It was renamed Belarus State Economic University (BSEU) in January 1992. In 1997, the university was officially given the status of a leading educational institution in preparing specialists in the field of economics.[1]


The university currently has 11 faculties, Special Faculty of Psycho-Pedagogical Training and Professional Development, Bobruisk University Branch, Institute for Social and Humanities Education, 65 departments, student scientific research laboratories and other units.


International cooperation

The university has close contacts with such international educational organizations as the US Embassy, International Research & Exchanges Board (IREX), British Council, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and others.


According to the "UniPage world university ranking," the Belarus State Economic University is ranked 2228 in the world.

Prominent alumni

Criticism, accusations of political repressions

In late 2005, Tatsiana Khoma, a fourth-year A-student of the International Economic Relations Faculty, was expelled from the BSEU after participating in a conference of ESIB, a pan-European student organization, where she was elected member of the organization's leadership.[2] The expulsion caused wide international protest and concerns from Sweden's education minister Leif Pagrotsky. The European University Association has frozen its cooperation with the BSEU following the scandal.[2][3][4] BSEU students close to Tatsiana Khoma and those involved in civic activities were intimidated by the university's administration and the KGB.[5]

In 2006, after mass protests against president Lukashenka that followed a controversial presidential election, BSEU students that were identified among protesters were forced, under threat of expulsion, to publicly repent and denounce the protests.[6]

In 2008, human rights organisations have added BSEU rector Uladzimir Shymau (Vladimir Shimov) to a list of officials of the regime of president Alexander Lukashenko responsible for human rights violations. Shymau was listed among rectors of several universities from where students were expelled on political grounds.[7]

In 2020, during the mass protests that followed another presidential election, the administration of the BSEU has reportedly filed a list of the university's students who participated in the protests to the police and requested measures to be taken against them.[8] Several students were expelled from BSEU for participating in protests.[9] The dean of one of the faculties was fired for expressing his political opinion and protecting student protesters.[10]

On 21 June 2021, Siarhei Skryba, Vice Chancellor of the BSEU for Educational Work, was added to the sanctions list of the European Union. According to the official decision of the EU, "in his position as Vice Chancellor of the Belarusian State Economic University (BSEU) for educational work, Siarhei Skryba is responsible for sanctions taken against students for their participation in peaceful protests, including their expulsion from university. Some of these sanctions were taken following Lukashenka's call on 27 October 2020 for expelling from universities students taking part in protests and strikes."[11]


  1. "История университета". Retrieved 2017-01-08.
  2. 1 2 "Таццяна Хома: "Я ўсё роўна скончу Беларускі эканамiчны ўнiверсiтэт"". 9 December 2005. Retrieved 8 December 2017.
  3. Smith, Hon. Christopher H. (6 December 2005). "Riding Roughshod Over Rights in Belarus". US COMMISSION ON SECURITY AND COOPERATION IN EUROPE. Retrieved 8 December 2017.
  4. "Тацяна Хома: "Імідж БДЭУ ад гэтага пацярпеў – гэта дакладна"". Radio Svaboda. 5 December 2005. Retrieved 8 December 2017.
  5. Венскі вальс для рэктара Шымава [Vienna waltz for rector Shymau] - Radio Svaboda, 27.03.2008
  6. Дэкан БДЭУ патрабаваў публічнага пакаяньня студэнткі (фота) [BSEU dean demanded public repentance from a student] - Radio Svaboda, 19.04.2006
  7. 472 Belarusian officials may face Polish travel ban - Viasna, 19.03.2008
  8. Кіраўніцтва БДЭУ пісала ў міліцыю заявы на студэнтаў [BSEU management has been writing reporting students to the police] - European Radio for Belarus, 10 December 2012
  9. "На мяне данеслі з універсітэта". Студэнт – пра адлічэнне з БДЭУ і "адміністрацыйку" за ўдзел у акцыі ["The university reported on me" - student speaks about expulsion from BSEU and charges for participating in a protest] - Вясна (цэнтар), 03.11.2020
  10. "Да апошняга адстойваў студэнцтва": з БДЭУ звольнены дэкан Міхаіл Мішкевіч ["He protected the students till the end": dean Mikhail Mishkievich fired from the BSEU] - European Radio for Belarus, 28.10.2020
  11. COUNCIL IMPLEMENTING REGULATION (EU) 2021/997 - Official Journal of the European Union, 21.06.2021

53°52′41″N 27°36′26″E / 53.87806°N 27.60722°E / 53.87806; 27.60722

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