The following Confederate States Army units[1] and commanders fought in the Battle of Bentonville of the American Civil War. The Union order of battle is shown separately.

Abbreviations used

Military rank


  • w = wounded
  • mw = mortally wounded
  • k = killed

Army of the South

Gen Joseph E. Johnston, commanding

Army of Tennessee

LTG Alexander P. Stewart

Lee's Corps

MG D. H. Hill

Division Brigade Regiments and Others

Stevenson's Division
     MG Carter L. Stevenson

Palmer's Brigade

   BG Joseph B. Palmer

  • Tennessee Contingent
    • 3rd-18th Tennessee
    • 23rd-26th-45th Tennessee: Col Anderson Searcy
    • 32nd Tennessee: Ltc John P. McGuire
  • 58th North Carolina: Cpt George W.F. Harper
  • 60th North Carolina
  • 54th Virginia Infantry
  • 63rd Virginia Infantry
Pettus's Brigade

   BG Edmund W. Pettus (w)

  • 20th Alabama
  • 23rd Alabama
  • 30th Alabama
  • 31st Alabama
  • 46th Alabama
Cumming's Brigade

(Arrived on the battlefield March 20)
   Col Robert J. Henderson

  • 34th Georgia
  • 36th Georgia
  • 39th Georgia
  • 56th Georgia

Clayton's Division
     MG Henry D. Clayton

Stovall's Brigade

   Col Henry C. Kellogg

  • 40th Georgia
  • 41st Georgia
  • 42nd Georgia: Maj L.P. Thomas
  • 43rd Georgia
  • 52nd Georgia
Jackson's Brigade

   Ltc Osceola Kyle

Baker's Brigade

   BG Alpheus Baker

  • 22nd Alabama
  • 37th-40th-42nd Alabama
  • 54th Alabama

Hill's Division
     Col John G. Coltart

Deas's Brigade

   Col Harry T. Toulmin

  • 19th Alabama
  • 22nd Alabama
  • 25th Alabama
  • 39th Alabama
  • 50th Alabama
Manigault's Brigade

   Ltc John C. Carter

Stewart's Corps

MG William W. Loring (became ill March 20)[2]
MG Edward C. Walthall

Division Brigade Regiments and Others

Loring's Division
   Col James Jackson

Lowry's Brigade

     Ltc Robert J. Lawrence

  • 6th Mississippi
  • 14th Mississippi
  • 15th Mississippi
  • 20th Mississippi
  • 23rd Mississippi
  • 43rd Mississippi
Scott's Brigade

   Cpt John A. Dixon

Featherston's Brigade

   Maj Martin A. Oatis

  • 1st Mississippi
  • 3rd Mississippi
  • 22nd Mississippi
  • 31st Mississippi
  • 33rd Mississippi
  • 40th Mississippi
  • 1st Mississippi Battalion

Walthall's Division
     MG Edward C. Walthall

Reynolds's Brigade

   BG Daniel H. Reynolds (w)
   Col Henry G. Bunn (w)
   Ltc Morton G. Galloway

  • 1st-2nd Arkansas Mounted Rifles (dismounted): Ltc Morton G. Galloway
  • 4th Arkansas: Col Henry C. Bunn
  • 9th Arkansas
  • 25th Arkansas
Quarles's Brigade

   BG George Doherty Johnston

  • 1st Alabama
  • 25th Alabama
  • 42nd-46th-49th-53rd-55th Tennessee
  • 48th Tennessee

Cheatham's Corps

MG William B. Bate

Division Brigade Regiments and Others

Cleburne's Division
     BG James Argyle Smith

Govan's Brigade

   Col Peter V. Green

  • 1st-2nd-5th-13th-15th-24th Arkansas
  • 6th-7th Arkansas
  • 8th-19th Arkansas
Smith's Brigade

   Cpt John R. Bonner

  • 1st Georgia (Volunteers)
  • 54th Georgia
  • 57th Georgia
  • 63rd Georgia
Granbury's Brigade

(Arrived on the battlefield March 20)
   Ltc William A. Ryan

Lowrey's Brigade

(Arrived on the battlefield March 21)
   Ltc John F. Smith

  • 5th Regiment-3rd Battalion Mississippi
  • 8th-32nd Mississippi
  • 16th-33rd-45th Alabama

Bate's Division
     Col D. L. Kenan (w)

Tyler's Brigade

   Maj William H. Wilkinson (k)

  • 37th Georgia
  • 4th Georgia Battalion Sharpshooters
  • 2nd-10th-20th Tennessee
Finley's Brigade

   Ltc Edward Mashburn

  • 1st-3rd Florida
  • 4th Florida Infantry-1st Florida Cavalry (dismounted)
  • 6th-7th Florida

Brown's Division
(Arrived on the battlefield March 21)
     BG Roswell S. Ripley

Gist's Brigade

   Col Hume R. Field

  • 6th Georgia-8th Georgia Battalion
  • 46th Georgia
  • 65th Georgia
  • 2nd Georgia Sharpshooters Battalion
  • 16th South Carolina
  • 24th South Carolina
Maney's Brigade

   Ltc Christopher C. McKinney

Strahl's Brigade

   Col James D. Tillman

  • 4th-5th-31st-33rd-38th Tennessee
  • 19th-24th-41st Tennessee
Vaughan's Brigade

   Col William P. Bishop

  • 11th-29th Tennessee
  • 12th-47th Tennessee
  • 13th-51st-52nd-54th Tennessee

Department of North Carolina

Gen Braxton Bragg

Division Brigade Regiments and Others

Hoke's Division
(From the Army of Northern Virginia)
     MG Robert F. Hoke

Clingman's Brigade

   Col William S. Devane (w)

  • 8th North Carolina
  • 31st North Carolina
  • 51st North Carolina
  • 61st North Carolina: Ltc Edward Beatty Mallett (k)
Kirkland's Brigade

   BG William W. Kirkland

  • 17th North Carolina
  • 42nd North Carolina
  • 66th North Carolina
Hagood's Brigade

   BG Johnson Hagood

  • 3rd Regiment, North Carolina Artillery (6 companies)
  • Contingent of Lt. Col. James H. Rion:
    • 11th South Carolina
    • 21st South Carolina
    • 25th South Carolina
    • 27th South Carolina
    • 7th South Carolina Battalion
  • Contingent of Lt. Col. John D. Taylor (w):
    • 2nd Regiment-1st Battalion North Carolina Artillery
    • Adams's Battery (Company D, 13th Battalion, North Carolina Light Artillery)
  • Contingent of Maj. William A. Holland:
    • 40th North Carolina
Colquitt's Brigade

   Col Charles T. Zachary

  • 6th Georgia
  • 19th Georgia
  • 23rd Georgia
  • 27th Georgia
  • 28th Georgia
North Carolina Junior Reserves Brigade

   Col John H. Nethercutt

  • 1st North Carolina Junior Reserves: Col Charles W. Broadfoot
  • 2nd North Carolina Junior Reserves
  • 3rd North Carolina Junior Reserves
  • 20th North Carolina Battalion, Junior Reserves

   Ltc Joseph B. Starr

  • 1st North Carolina Artillery (1 company)
  • 13th Battalion North Carolina Light Artillery (3 companies)
    • Company B (Atkins' Battery): Cpt George Atkins
    • Company E: (Dickson's Battery)
  • 3rd Battalion North Carolina Light Artillery (3 companies)
    • Company A: Cpt Andrew J. Ellis
    • Company B: Cpt William Badham, Jr.
    • Company C: Lt Alfred Darden
  • Chesterfield (South Carolina) Artillery

Department of South Carolina, Georgia, & Florida

LTG William J. Hardee

  • Chief of Staff: Ltc T. Benton Roy
  • Engineer: Ltc William D. Pickett
Division Brigade Regiments and Others

Taliaferro's Division
     BG William B. Taliaferro

Elliott's Brigade

   BG Stephen Elliott, Jr. (w)

  • 22nd Georgia Heavy Artillery Battalion
  • 28th Georgia Artillery Battalion
  • 2nd South Carolina Heavy Artillery
  • 19th South Carolina Militia
Rhett's Brigade

   Col William Butler

  • 1st South Carolina Regulars
  • 1st South Carolina Heavy Artillery
  • 15th South Carolina Battalion

McLaws's Division
   MG Lafayette McLaws

Conner's Brigade

   BG John D. Kennedy

Fiser's Brigade

   Col John C. Fiser

Harrison's Brigade

   Col George P. Harrison

  • 5th Georgia
  • 32nd Georgia
  • 47th Georgia
Hardy's Brigade

   Col Washington Hardy

  • 50th North Carolina: Col George W. Wortham
  • 77th North Carolina (7th Senior Reserves)
  • 10th North Carolina Battalion, Heavy Artillery
Blanchard's Brigade

   BG Albert G. Blanchard

  • 1st South Carolina Reserve Battalion
  • 2nd South Carolina Reserve Battalion
  • 6th South Carolina Reserve Battalion
  • 7th South Carolina Reserve Battalion
  • Kay's Company, South Carolina Reserve
Battalion Artillery

   Maj A. Burnet Rhett

  • LeGardeur's Battery
  • H. M. Stuart's Battery (Beaufort Light Artillery)

Cavalry Command

LTG Wade Hampton III

Division Brigades Regiments and batteries

Butler's Division
(From the Army of Northern Virginia)
     MG M. C. Butler (w)
     BG Evander M. Law

Young's Brigade

   Col Gilbert J. Wright

Butler's Brigade

   BG Evander M. Law
   BG Thomas M. Logan

Horse Artillery
  • Earle's South Carolina Battery: Cpt William E. Earle
  • Hart's (Halsey's) South Carolina Battery: Cpt Edwin L. Halsey

Wheeler's Cavalry Corps

MG Joseph Wheeler
(Army of Tennessee)

Division Brigade Regiments and Others

Humes' Division
     Col Henry M. Ashby

T. Harrison's Brigade

   Col Baxter Smith

Ashby's Brigade

   Ltc James H. Lewis

  • 1st Tennessee
  • 2nd Tennessee
  • 5th Tennessee
  • 9th Tennessee

Allen's Division
     BG William W. Allen

Hagan's Brigade

   Col David G. White

Anderson's Brigade

   BG Robert H. Anderson

  • 3rd Confederate
  • 8th Confederate
  • 10th Confederate
  • 5th Georgia

Dibrell's Division
     BG George G. Dibrell

Dibrell's Brigade

   Col William S. McLemore

  • 4th Tennessee (Murrey's)
  • 13th Tennessee
  • Shaw's Tennessee Battalion (includes Allison's Tennessee Squadron)
Breckinridge's Brigade

   Col W. C. P. Breckinridge


  1. Multiple commander names indicate command succession of command during the battle or the campaign.
  2. Hughes, p. 172.


  • Bentonville State Historic Site website
  • Bradley, Mark L. Last Stand in the Carolinas: The Battle of Bentonville. Campbell, California: Savas Publishing Company, 1996. ISBN 1-882810-02-3.
  • Hughes, Jr., Nathaniel Cheairs Bentonville: The Final Battle of Sherman and Johnston. Chapel Hill, N.C.: University of North Carolina Press, 1996.
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