Dendrothele acerina on Salix sp.
Scientific classification Edit this classification
Domain: Eukaryota
Kingdom: Fungi
Division: Basidiomycota
Class: Agaricomycetes
Order: Corticiales
Family: Corticiaceae
Genus: Dendrothele
Höhn. & Litsch. (1907)
Type species
Dendrothele papillosa
Höhn. & Litsch. (1907)

Dendrothele is a genus of fungi in the family Corticiaceae. According to a 2008 estimate, the genus has 36 widely distributed species.[1]


The following species are recognised in the genus Dendrothele:[2]

  • Dendrothele acerina (Pers.) P.A. Lemke (1965)
  • Dendrothele alba Viégas (1940)
  • Dendrothele alliacea (Quél.) P.A. Lemke (1965)
  • Dendrothele americana Nakasone (2006)
  • Dendrothele ampullospora (G. Cunn.) Nakasone & Burds. (2011)
  • Dendrothele amygdalispora Hjortstam (1987)
  • Dendrothele andina (Pat.) Nakasone (2006)
  • Dendrothele andinopatagonica Gresl. & Rajchenb. (1998)
  • Dendrothele arachispora Nakasone & Burds. (2011)
  • Dendrothele asterospora Boidin & Lanq. (1996)
  • Dendrothele aucklandica Nakasone & Burds. (2011)
  • Dendrothele australis Nakasone & Burds. (2011)
  • Dendrothele biapiculata (G. Cunn.) P.A. Lemke (1965)
  • Dendrothele bisporigera Pouzar & Kotl. (2010)
  • Dendrothele boidinii Gresl. & Rajchenb. (1998)
  • Dendrothele candida (Schwein.) P.A. Lemke (1965)
  • Dendrothele capitulata Boidin & Lanq. (1996)
  • Dendrothele citrisporella Boidin & Duhem (2010)
  • Dendrothele commixta (Höhn. & Litsch.) J. Erikss. & Ryvarden (1975)
  • Dendrothele corniculata (G. Cunn.) Stalpers (1985)
  • Dendrothele cornivesiculosa P. Roberts (2009)
  • Dendrothele crustulinum (Bres.) Nakasone (2008)
  • Dendrothele cymbiformis Nakasone & Burds. (2011)
  • Dendrothele duthiei P.H.B. Talbot (1956)
  • Dendrothele gilbertsonii Nakasone (2009)
  • Dendrothele griseocana (Bres.) Bourdot & Galzin (1913)
  • Dendrothele incrustans (P.A. Lemke) P.A. Lemke (1965)
  • Dendrothele itihummensis Gilb. & M. Blackw. (1985)
  • Dendrothele jacobi Duhem & H. Michel (2007)
  • Dendrothele latenavicularis Gorjón (2011)
  • Dendrothele lemkei Gresl. & Rajchenb. (1998)
  • Dendrothele lepra (Berk. & Broome) P.A. Lemke (1965)
  • Dendrothele leptostachys Nakasone & Burds. (2011)
  • Dendrothele macrodens (Coker) P.A. Lemke (1965)
  • Dendrothele magninavicularis Nakasone & Burds. (2011)
  • Dendrothele mangiferae Boidin & Duhem (1996)
  • Dendrothele mexicana (P.A. Lemke) P.A. Lemke (1965)
  • Dendrothele microspora (H.S. Jacks. & P.A. Lemke) P.A. Lemke (1965)
  • Dendrothele minima Duhem (2007)
  • Dendrothele minutissima (Höhn. & Litsch.) Kotir., K.H. Larss. & Saaren. (2011)
  • Dendrothele moquiniarum (Viégas) P.A. Lemke (1965)
  • Dendrothele nakasoneae Gorjón (2012)
  • Dendrothele navicularis Nakasone & Burds. (2011)
  • Dendrothele naviculoefibulata Duhem (2013)
  • Dendrothele nivosa (Berk. & M.A. Curtis ex Höhn. & Litsch.) P.A. Lemke (1965)
  • Dendrothele nivosoides Gaignon, Duc & H. Michel (2001)
  • Dendrothele novae-zelandiae Nakasone & Burds. (2011)
  • Dendrothele ornata Gorjón (2012)
  • Dendrothele pachysterigmata (H.S. Jacks. & P.A. Lemke) P.A. Lemke (1965)
  • Dendrothele papillata B. de Vries & Arnolds (2015)
  • Dendrothele pitrae Gresl. & Rajchenb. (1998)
  • Dendrothele pulvinata (G. Cunn.) P.A. Lemke (1965)
  • Dendrothele salicicola Pouzar & Kotl. (2010)
  • Dendrothele seriata (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) P.A. Lemke (1965)
  • Dendrothele strumosa (Fr.) P.A. Lemke (1965)
  • Dendrothele subellipsoidea Nakasone & Burds. (2011)
  • Dendrothele syspora C.L.M. Rodrigues & Guerrero (2013)
  • Dendrothele tanzaniana Nakasone (2006)
  • Dendrothele tetracornis Boidin & Duhem (1996)
  • Dendrothele triangulispora (Rick) Baltazar & Rajchenb. (2016)
  • Dendrothele tuberculata Gresl. & Rajchenb. (1998)
  • Dendrothele wojewodae Pouzar (2001)


  1. Kirk PM, Cannon PF, Minter DW, Stalpers JA (2008). Dictionary of the Fungi (10th ed.). Wallingford: CABI. p. 199. ISBN 978-0-85199-826-8.
  2. "Species Fungorum - Search Page". Retrieved 2024-01-17.

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