The destruction of country houses in Ireland was a phenomenon of the Irish revolutionary period (1919–1923), which saw at least 275 country houses deliberately burned down, blown up, or otherwise destroyed by the Irish Republican Army (IRA).[1] The vast majority of the houses, known in Ireland as big houses, belonged to the Anglo-Irish upper class known as the Protestant Ascendancy. The houses of some Roman Catholic unionists, suspected informers, and members or supporters of the new Irish Free State government were also targeted. Although the practice by the IRA of destroying country houses began in the Irish War of Independence, most of the buildings were destroyed during the Irish Civil War (1922–23).[2] Today, most of the targeted buildings are in ruins or have been demolished. Some were restored by their owners, albeit often smaller in size, or were later rebuilt and re-purposed.[3]

The Big House as a target

Ballynastragh House depicted in 1826, typical of the "Big Houses" targeted by the IRA.

By the start of the Irish revolutionary period in 1919, the Big House had become symbolic of the 18th and 19th-century dominance of the Protestant Anglo-Irish class in Ireland at the expense of the native Roman Catholic population, particularly in southern and western Ireland.[4]

The Anglo-Irish, as a class, were generally opposed to Irish republicanism and held key positions in the Dublin Castle administration. The Irish nationalist narrative maintained that the land of Irishmen had been illegally stolen from them by the Anglo-Irish aristocracy, who had mostly arrived in Ireland as Protestant settlers from Great Britain during the plantations of Ireland. The Anglo-Irish big house was at the administrative centre of the estates of the landowners, as well as being the family seat from which the Anglo-Irish exerted their political control over the island.[5]

This perception was popularly held by nationalists, despite a considerable increase in Irish landownership in the previous decades due to the Irish Land Acts. Whereas in 1870, 97% of land was owned by landlords and 50% by just 750 families, by 1916, 70% of Irish farmers owned their own land.[6] Catholics had been emancipated in 1829 and the political dominance of the Anglo-Irish in Ireland had consequently declined following the electoral successes of the Catholic nationalist Irish Parliamentary Party through much of the 19th century.[7]

The former Protestant Ascendancy had lost its economic power following the Great Famine of 1845-49, and the Long Depression of the 1870s; and then lost its political power after the Representation of the People Act 1884. By 1915 the Irish Land Commission had transferred over 60% of Irish farmland to tenant farmers, leaving most of the former landed gentry with a house and a home farm known as a "demesne". The former landlords could afford to employ gardeners and household staff as they had received, as a group, the equivalent of over €60 billion (in 2019 euro) in compensation from the British government.[8] Burning country houses from 1919 was therefore a largely symbolic act.

Irish War of Independence

In the destruction of the country houses of the aristocracy and landed gentry, the IRA hoped to overcome a culture of deference towards the landowning class.[9] As early as 1918, IRA organiser Ernie O'Malley had his Volunteers train in demesne grounds to "rid them of their inherent respect for the owners".[10]

During the Irish War of Independence, big houses were often targeted in reprisal for the destruction or defacement of houses owned by suspected IRA members or sympathisers by British forces (most commonly the Black and Tans and Auxiliary Division of the Royal Irish Constabulary). Anglo-Irish landowners typically held no influence over British counterinsurgency policies in any given area, and reprisal attacks on big houses by the IRA were bolstered by the assumption that their owners were always unionists. "In April 1921, north Cork IRA leader, Liam Lynch, enraged by the destruction of several houses in reprisal for an IRA ambush declared, 'six big houses and castles of their friends, the Imperialists will go up for this.'"[11]

At least 76 country mansions were destroyed in the Irish War of Independence; 30 big houses were burned in 1920 and another 46 in the first half of 1921, mostly in the conflict's Munster heartland, i.e. the counties of Cork, Kerry, Tipperary, Clare and Limerick.[7]

Historian James S. Donnelly stated in a study of the burning of over 50 country houses in County Cork from 1919 to 1921 that although there may have been agrarian or sectarian animosities at work, most of the houses targeted by the IRA were burnt either to deny them as potential billets to British forces or as reprisals for house burnings committed by British forces.[7] Similarly, a study of the border region of counties of Louth, Cavan and Monaghan found no such burnings until June and July 1921, coinciding with a sizeable British Army offensive in the area and that the main motive was to deny the soldiers potential billets. "In this region at least it was the guerrilla tactics of the IRA and not agrarian motives that were main motive for targeting the Big Houses".[12]

The "Big Houses" did not become the subject of a concerted campaign until the Irish Civil War.[13] In this period there was also an increase in the level of violence towards protestant members County Cork.[14] Of the 122 assassinated as "spies", 44, or about 36% were Protestants:[15] about twice the percentage of Protestants in the civilian population of Cork. Mrs Mary (or Maria) Lindsay, an elderly Protestant from Coachford, was shot and killed, with her driver, in an outbuilding while her house was burning, after the authorities refused to commute the capital sentences of six IRA volunteers who were executed after Mrs. Lindsay had informed the authorities of a pending nearby ambush, after her efforts and that of a local priest to stop the pending ambush were ignored by the IRA. The degree to which such IRA violence can be categorised as sectarian as opposed to politically motivated is still the subject of much debate.[16]

Irish Civil War

The ruins of Woodstock House in County Kilkenny, which was attacked on 2 July 1922 during the Civil War.

It is believed that 199 country houses were destroyed during the Civil War.[17] Some mansions were destroyed in the fighting of the early months of the war, but the campaign against them began in earnest in late 1922. The leadership of the Anti-Treaty forces orchestrated a campaign of Big House destruction across Ireland. The order to burn houses of Free State supporters and "Imperialists" (as the IRA called the Anglo-Irish upper class) was given after the Irish Free State government embarked on a policy of executions of anti-Treaty Republican fighters.

Liam Lynch, anti-Treaty IRA Chief of Staff, after the execution of four senior Republicans in Mountjoy Prison, issued a General order on 8 December 1922 that, "all Free State supporters are traitors and deserve the latter's stark fate, therefore their houses must be destroyed at once", and, on 26 January 1923, issued another order for property destruction and possible killing of Free State Senators in reprisal.[18]

The ostensible reason for the coordinated attack on the "Big Houses" therefore was that many of their owners were senators in the Senate or Seanad. However, others were targeted because the IRA listed them as "Imperialists" or in some cases "Freemasons".[18] Most country houses were isolated and in rural areas, and targeting them forced the National Army to allocate their stretched resources to protecting landowners, while also creating an atmosphere of panic among Anglo-Irish people, as well as unionists in general. As such, the country house was regarded by the IRA as a "soft target".[19]

Attacks were planned and organised, and generally focused on Irish peers who had sat in the House of Lords, members of the Senate of the Irish Free State and former Irish Unionist Party politicians.[20] The assault on the "Big Houses" was part of a wider campaign against Free State supporters as a reprisal for the executions policy of the Government. In Dublin for instance, out of 28 homes burned by the IRA between 10 December 1922 and the end of April, nine could be counted as Big Houses or mansions associated with the Anglo-Irish aristocracy.[18] As well as members of the gentry, the houses of newspaper owners and editors, members of the National Army and former British Army officers, and justices of the peace were also targeted.

Some Free State TDs, such as Liam Burke and Seán McGarry, were targeted; in the case of the latter causing the death of his seven-year-old son, Emmet. The former's home was demolished but the latter rebuilt his property. The Ballyboden home of the President of the Executive Council of the Irish Free State, W. T. Cosgrave, was burned down in January 1923.[21] The Foxrock, County Dublin home of the Anglo-Irish politician Sir Horace Plunkett, a distant relation to Count Plunkett, was burnt down in 1923, despite his reputation as a social reformer.[22]

Coolbawn House, near Rathnure in County Wexford, was burned in February 1923 and not repaired or rebuilt

Some houses, such as Ballycarty House, were purportedly also attacked to prevent their being used as garrisons by Free State forces. The size of the buildings targeted ranged from small to palatial. Most were destroyed by being set on fire, their interiors having been doused in petrol, although in some instances houses were blown up using high explosives. The attempt to burn down Burton Hall, Stillorgan, the home of Henry Guinness, in March 1923 failed when a mine planted there failed to explode.[18]

In most cases, no one was injured during the destruction of the house. It is recorded that in several cases, members of the IRA helped the targeted family to remove their possessions from the house before it was destroyed. When the home of Dermot Bourke, 7th Earl of Mayo, was attacked on 29 January 1923, he described the IRA guerrillas as being "excessively polite" and apologetic. Nonetheless, there were incidents of violence and deaths in such attacks. The Church of Ireland Gazette recorded numerous instances of Unionists and Loyalists being shot, burned out or otherwise forced from their homes during the early 1920s.

Senator John Philip Bagwell was kidnapped during the attack on his home. Country houses were often looted during and following their destruction, and in most cases a family's possessions were entirely destroyed. Homes of pro-Treaty Catholic nationalists, such as Oliver St John Gogarty and George Moore were targeted. The former was rebuilt, but the latter was not. The library of Moore Hall, County Mayo, containing ancient manuscripts relating to Irish and world history, was entirely destroyed in February 1923.[23]

Not all such houses were regarded by the IRA as targets, depending upon their ownership. Mount Trenchard House in Foynes, County Limerick was the home of Mary Spring Rice, a nationalist activist, and the building was used by the IRA as a safe house.


The ruins of Moore Hall, County Mayo, which was abandoned after being burnt down by the IRA in 1923.

Most of the properties targeted by the IRA were abandoned following the attacks. The widespread use of petrol and other incendiaries ensured that most of the buildings were completely gutted by fire and rendered uninhabitable. The state of the buildings, as well as fear of a repeat attack, meant that few of the country houses were rebuilt. Most were demolished, while others remain as ruins. Most of the owners sought compensation from the Irish Free State government. Ebenezer Pike claimed £62,000 for the destruction of Kilcrenagh House, arguing his losses were "enormous, for valuable furniture, paintings, and art treasures were all consumed in the flames."[24]

Both of Sir Augustus Digby Warren's properties in County Cork were destroyed. William Downes Webber sought compensation from the Irish Free State totalling £149,000 for the rebuilding and £18,000 for the contents of Mitchelstown Castle; £27,500 for the building and the full £18,000 for the contents were eventually awarded by Justice Kenny in 1926. Webber deemed the award for rebuilding too small and relocated to Dublin.

The period of the destruction of the Big Houses came to play an important part in Irish culture.[25][26][27] William Butler Yeats decried the targeting of big houses in the poem Meditations in Time of Civil War (1924). In The Last September (1929), Elizabeth Bowen mythologised the big houses as an ideal of civilisation and order, yet one which had its origins in injustice and could not be expected to survive in the modern world.[25] The destructions were also haphazard and case-by-case. Some mansions like Dunsany Castle, owned by Edward Plunkett, 18th Baron of Dunsany, were spared because of his fame and because the house contained holy relics of the martyred Saint Oliver Plunket, that were revered and visited by local people. Other families such as the Shackleton family or the Guinness family were unaffected because of their local popularity, even though they were not supporters of Irish independence.

Resurgence during the Troubles

During the Troubles in Northern Ireland, the practice of targeting the big house was revived by the Provisional Irish Republican Army, although there were relatively few of these in the six counties. Most notoriously, Tynan Abbey was attacked on the night of 21 January 1981. The 86-year-old Sir Norman Stronge and his only son James, (both former MPs), were killed by the Provisional Irish Republican Army. The house was then burnt to the ground. The bodies of Norman and James were later recovered from their burning home.[28][29]

On 5 November 1973 a 50 lb (23 kg) bomb wrecked a milking parlour on the grounds of Cappoquin House, home of Sir Richard Keane, at Belmont, Cappoquin, County Waterford. The attack took place amidst a dispute between Sir Richard and his 65 tenants in Cappoquin over ground rents. The Official IRA were believed to be responsible[30]

On 16 May 1981 Killeen Castle in Dunsany, County Meath was extensively damaged in an arson attack carried out by republican sympathisers. The men involved spread petrol in several rooms before setting it alight. The attack came at the height of the H-Block campaign for political status for republican prisoners in Northern Ireland and an ongoing hunger strike. The castle was by that point owned by an Irish businessman, Basil Brindley; one of the men accused of carrying out the attack later said he would not have burned the house if he knew it was owned by an Irishman.[31]

On 11 May 1991 a Provisional IRA unit armed with assault rifles and machine guns sprayed Caledon House in County Tyrone. An IRA statement released afterwards claimed that British soldiers guarding the house were the intended target[32][33] and the unit involved had fired over seven hundred rounds.[34] Previously, a bomb attack on 10 November 1972 had caused extensive damage to the building. The 40 lb (18 kg) bomb demolished a wall, blew out windows and caused other damage. Police believed the residence was targeted because Lord Caledon was a company commander in the Ulster Defence Regiment.[35][36] On 14 March 1973 a British Army Technical Officer discovered two bombs inside a monument on the grounds of the estate dedicated to the 2nd Earl of Caledon. The 80 foot tall monument was destroyed when the soldier attempted to neutralise the two bombs in a controlled explosion, instead detonating the devices.[37]

Cultural references

List of houses destroyed

Year This list Dooley 2001
1920 16 30
1921 51 46
1922 23 82
1923 41 117
Total 130 275

Additionally, 21 houses are being investigated as burnt in 1920: Ballintubber House, Ballyclough/Ballyclogh House, Ballyvary/Bellavary House, Beechlawn House, Birdhill (Marlfield Co Tipperary), Castlelambert/Castle Lambert House, Coolkellure/Coolkelure House, Crotto/Crotta House, Crowsnest, Doolin House/Castle, Glenart Castle, Glenfarne Hall, Hermitage (Co Limerick), Kilturra, Malin Hall, Moorock House, Mount Massey/Massy House, Roxborough House, Saunders Grove, Tanavalla/Garryantanvally.

Note: The 'Date of attack' is assumed to be overnight, either late at night on that day, or continuing/beginning in the early hours of the next day, unless clarified by the notation p.m. or a.m.

HouseLocationCountyOwner or occupierDate of attackCurrent state
Aasleagh LodgeAghagowerCounty MayoGeorge Browne, 6th Marquess of Sligo 1923Rebuilt
Annaskeagh HouseDundalkCounty LouthAugustus N. Sheridan JP 11 February 1923Demolished
Antrim CastleAntrimCounty AntrimAlgernon Skeffington, 12th Viscount Massereene28 October 1922During a grand ball on 28 October 1922, the castle caught fire and was destroyed. Although much of the evidence pointed to arson by the IRA, the official verdict was not conclusive, thus no insurance claim was paid out. The castle remained as a ruin until its demolition in 1970. Only a slightly raised grassed platform as well as a freestanding Italian tower which was built in 1887 and a gatehouse remain.
Ardamine HouseGoreyCounty WexfordMajor A. W. Mordaunt-Richards9 July 1921Demolished[39]
Ardfert Abbey (Ardfert House)ArdfertCounty KerryJohn Burrell Talbot-Crosbie 22 August 1922Demolished
Ardtully HouseKilgarvanCounty Kerry Raymond William Orpen 1921Abandoned as ruins
Artramon HouseWexfordCounty Wexford Sir George Le HunteFebruary 1923Rebuilt; now a hotel
Ballybay HouseBallybayCounty MonaghanEdward Henry John Leslie2 June 1921Demolished
Ballycarty HouseTraleeCounty KerryNash familyJanuary 1923Abandoned as ruins
Ballydonnellan CastleKillalaghtanCounty GalwayDonnellan familyJanuary 1923Abandoned as ruins
Ballydugan HouseKilrickleCounty GalwayBurke family15 June 1922Rebuilt by the original family
Ballygassan HouseBallygassanCounty LouthJohn Russel 3 February 1923Rebuilt[40]
Ballynastragh HouseGoreyCounty WexfordSir Thomas Esmonde, 11th Baronet9 March 1923Demolished; smaller house was later built on the site
Ballyrankin HouseBunclodyCounty WexfordWalter Clarmont Skrine and Moira O'Neill 8 July 1921Abandoned as ruins
Ballywalter HouseCastletownrocheCounty CorkS.G. Penrose Welsted30 April 1921Rebuilt smaller
BearforestMallowCounty CorkMajor Charles Purdon Coote 1 June 1921Rebuilt
Beech Park HouseBallybodenCounty DublinW. T. Cosgrave 13 January 1923Rebuilt 1924
Bellevue HouseBallyhogueCounty WexfordLady Jane Emma Power 31 January 1923Abandoned as ruins
Bessborough HousePiltownCounty KilkennyVere Ponsonby, 9th Earl of Bessborough 22 February 1923Rebuilt 1929
Burgatia HouseRosscarberyCounty Cork Thomas Kingston2 February 1921Demolished
Cahermore HouseRosscarberyCounty CorkRegan (merchant), previously Hungerford family c16 June 1921Demolished
Cappoquin HouseLismoreCounty WaterfordLady Adelaide Keane 19 February 1923Rebuilt
Castleboro HouseCastleboroCounty WexfordRobert Carew, 3rd Baron Carew 5 February 1923Abandoned as ruins
CastlehacketTuamCounty GalwayBernard Percy Broderick 1923Demolished; smaller house built on the site
Castle BernardBandonCounty CorkJames Bernard, 4th Earl of Bandon 21 June 1921Abandoned as ruins
Castle BernardKinnittyCounty OffalyCaptain Caulfield French 1922Restored in 1928 by means of a Government grant of £32,000
Castle CookeFermoyCounty CorkColonel William Cooke-Collis 7 June 1921Demolished
Castle GoreCrossmolinaCounty MayoArthur Gore, 6th Earl of Arran 3 Sep 1922Abandoned as ruins
Castle MaryCloyneCounty CorkColonel Mountifort J.C. Longfield 19 September 1920Abandoned as ruins, stable courtyard converted into new home
Castleshane House (Castle Shane)MonaghanCounty MonaghanJohn Harford Stanhope Lucas-Scudamore of Kentchurch Court 15 February 1920Abandoned as ruins. Note: Later official reason for burning was 'accidental', possibly for insurance claims
CavananoreHackballscrossCounty Louth Senator Bernard O'Rourke 18 Feb 1923Rebuilt[40]
Cecilstown LodgeMallowCounty CorkEsther Jane and Annie Jones 3 June 1921Rebuilt
Charlemont FortCharlemontCounty Armagh James Caulfeild, 8th Viscount Charlemont 30 July 1920Demolished, only the gatehouse remains (derelict)
Clonyn CastleDelvinCounty WestmeathHon. Patrick Greville-Nugent 9 March 1923Rebuilt
Comeragh HouseKilmacthomasCounty WaterfordCaptain Fairholme 1923Rebuilt
Convamore HouseBallyhoolyCounty CorkWilliam Hare, 3rd Earl of Listowel 30 April 1921Abandoned as ruins
Coolbawn HouseRathnureCounty WexfordJames Richard Dier JP February 1923Abandoned as ruins
Coolcour / Coolcower HouseMacroomCounty CorkRichard Christopher Williamsc4 July 1921Rebuilt; now a hotel
Cor CastleInnishannonCounty CorkMrs Caroline Stephenson 25 June 1921 a.m.Rebuilt 1998-2001
Crookstown HouseCrookstownCounty CorkRobert Warren 13 June 1921Rebuilt
Currygrane HouseBallinaleeCounty LongfordSir Henry Wilson, 1st Baronet 10 August 1922Demolished
Derreen HouseKenmareCounty KerryHenry Petty-Fitzmaurice, 5th Marquess of Lansdowne 5 September 1922Rebuilt in a similar style in 1924-6
Derry HouseRosscarberyCounty CorkAlexander Sullivan pre-12 April 1921Demolished; but attached Myross Wood, where the family continued to live, remains standing.
Derrylahan ParkBorrisokaneCounty TipperaryLieut. Colonel Charles O. Head, JP 2 July 1921 a.m.Abandoned as ruins
Derryquin CastleSneemCounty KerryColonel Charles Wallace Warden 28 August 1922Abandoned as ruins, demolished 1969
Desart CourtCallanCounty KilkennyHamilton Cuffe, 5th Earl of Desart 22 February 1923Rebuilt by 1926, sold 1934, stripped 1945, demolished 1957
Downhill HouseBallinaCounty MayoMr. John Garvey, CS, O.B.E., D.L. 18 February 1923Demolished; new house built
Dripsey Castle House (Dripsey House)DripseyCounty CorkMrs Georgina Bowen-Colthurst 15 February 1923 (remains: early June 1921)Rebuilt
Dromagh CastleMallowCounty CorkWilliam N. Leader10 March 1921Abandoned as ruins
Dromgowna HouseBerrings near DripseyCounty CorkMiss Peggy Bowen-Colthurstpre 11 June 1920 (remains: early June 1921)Abandoned as ruins?
Dunboy (Puxley) MansionCastletownbereCounty CorkHenry L. Puxley 9 June 1921Abandoned as ruins; Partially restored in 21st century[41]
DunslandGlanmireCounty CorkJoseph Pike, D.L., J.P.p.m. 29[42] August 1920Partially rebuilt by June 1925
Durrow Abbey (Durrow Castle)TullamoreCounty Offaly Otway Toler, Earl of Norbury family 29 April 1923Rebuilt 1926 less top storey and porte-cochere
Forest HouseMacroomCounty CorkLieutenant Colonel Isaac W. Burns-Lindow/James Gollock 7 July 1921Demolished
Frankfort HouseMontenotte HillCounty CorkSir Alfred Dobbin 25 May 1921Villa. Rebuilt
Gardenmorris HouseKillCounty WaterfordRichard Power O’Shee 22 February 1923Rebuilt, omitting a third storey at one end
Gaulston HouseRochfortbridgeCounty WestmeathRF Wilson of Stillorgan (previously Baron Kilmaine until 1918) (vacant 2 years) 4 June 1920Demolished
Glenmona Lodge / HouseCushendunCounty Antrim Ronald McNeill 20 May 1922Rebuilt 1923 by architect Bertram Clough Williams Ellis. Now owned by National Trust.
Gola HouseTydavnetCounty MonaghanWilliam Black 25 February 1921 (or by 5 March)Demolished
GraiguenoeThurlesCounty TipperaryClarke family 28 February 1923Demolished
Innishannon HouseInnishannonCounty CorkBrigadier General F.W.J. Caulfield (occupant), Hugh Moreton Frewen (owner) 25 June 1921 a.m.Demolished
Kellistown HouseKellistownCounty CarlowElizabeth Pack-Beresford and sister 23 March 1923Rebuilt, now the Brophy family home (aka Kellistown Cottage or The Glebe house)
Kilboy HouseNenaghCounty TipperaryHenry Prittie, 4th Baron Dunalley 2 August 1922Partially rebuilt
Kilbrittain CastleKilbrittainCounty Cork Daniel O’Riordan and Denis F. Doyle 25 May 1920Partially rebuilt
Kilcolman HouseBandonCounty Cork Mrs. E. M. A. Longfield 28 June 1921 a.m.Abandoned as ruins
Kilcrenagh House (aka Woodside)CarrigrohaneCounty Cork Ebenezer Pike 25 May 1921Demolished, smaller house built on site
Kilmore HouseKilmurry McMahonCounty ClareHickman family 30 July 1922Demolished. Note: 8 or 18 May 1921 fire with minor damage
Kilmorna HouseListowelCounty KerrySir Arthur Vicars (owned by sister Edith) a.m. 14 April 1921Demolished
Kiltanon / Kiltannon HouseTullaCounty ClareColonel Molony 15 September 1920Abandoned as ruins
Kilteragh HouseFoxrockCounty DublinSir Horace Plunkett 30 January 1923Partially restored as several houses
Knockabbey or Thomastown CastleTallanstownCounty LouthO'Reilly 2 March 1923Rebuilt and now open to the public.[40]
Leemount HouseCoachfordCounty CorkMrs Mary (or Maria) Lindsay circa 10 March 1921Abandoned as ruins
Lanesborough Lodge (Quivvy Lodge)BelturbetCounty CavanCharles Butler, 7th Earl of Lanesborough 4 June 1921Abandoned as ruins
Leap CastleRoscreaCounty OffalyDarby family 30 July 1922 a.m.Ruined; partially restored
Lisheen CastleThurlesCounty TipperaryJohn F. O'Meara 29 June 1921Rebuilt; now a hotel
Lohort CastleCecilstownCounty CorkSir Tim O'Brien, 3rd Baronet 5 July 1921Abandoned as ruins
Lydacan CastleCarnmoreCounty GalwayJames Greated 28 October 1922Abandoned as ruins
Macroom CastleMacroomCounty CorkBaroness Ardilaun 18 August 1922Abandoned as ruins, mostly demolished in 1967
Mayfield HouseBandonCounty CorkHewitt R. Poole JP 28 June 1921 a.m.Demolished, 3 bay house on SE corner
Marlfield HouseMarlfield, ClonmelCounty TipperaryJohn Philip Bagwell 9 January 1923Rebuilt; now houses luxury apartments
Merton HouseRosscarberyCounty CorkEmily and Beatrice Whitley c19 June 1921Demolished
Massbrook HouseLahardaneCounty MayoFrederick James Peregrine Birch 3 Sep 1922Rebuilt
Milestown HouseCastlebellinghamCounty LouthMajor Barrow 19 January 1923Rebuilt [40]
Mitchelstown CastleMitchelstownCounty CorkWilliam Downes Webber12 August 1922Demolished 1930
Moore HallCarraCounty MayoMaurice Moore 1 February 1923Abandoned as ruins
Mountshannon HouseCastleconnellCounty Limerick David O'Leary Hannigan JP of Kilbolane Castle (previously Earl of Clare C18-1887) 14 June 1920Abandoned as ruins
Mount Talbot HouseTisraraCounty RoscommonW.J. Talbot 8 July 1922Abandoned as ruins
Moydrum CastleAthloneCounty WestmeathAlbert Handcock, 5th Baron Castlemaine 3 July 1921 a.m.Abandoned as ruins
MullabodenBallymore-EustaceCounty KildareBryan Mahon (British General and Irish Senator) 16 February 1923 (press report dated 17 Feb)[43]
Myshall LodgeMyshallCounty CarlowCornwall Brady family (unoccupied) 1922Demolished
Newberry ManorMallowCounty CorkJohn Pretyman Newman 3 June 1921Rebuilt; now a nursing home
Oakgrove (Oak Grove)CarrigadrohidCounty Cork Captain Bowen Colthurst (vacated) pre 7 June 1920 (remains: early June 1921)Demolished; smaller house built on the site c1930 (attached to the extant castellated wing) now known as Oakpark House
Old Court HouseStrangfordCounty DownUna Ross, 26th Baroness de Ros 18 May 1922Demolished; smaller house built on the site
Palmerstown HouseJohnstownCounty KildareDermot Bourke, 7th Earl of Mayo 29 January 1923Rebuilt without the third floor with mansard roof; now an events venue
Prospect HouseInnishannonCounty CorkMichael Dennehy JP 25 June 1921 a.m.Villa. Smaller house rebuilt, and modern house beside.
Puxley MansionCastletownbereCounty CorkHenry W. L. Puxley 9 June 1921Ruined; partially renovated
Rathrobin HouseMountbolusCounty OffalyLt Col Middleton Biddulph 18 April 1923Abandoned as ruins
Ravensdale House / ParkRavensdaleCounty LouthThomas Archer (previously Arthur Gore, 6th Earl of Arran) 18 June 1921Demolished, much of the stone including the tower was reused to build the parish church.[40]
RenvyleConnemaraCounty GalwayOliver St. John Gogarty February 1923Rebuilt; now a hotel
RichmountBandonCounty CorkCharles Sealy-King J.P. March 1923Site now part of Bandon Grammar School
River View HouseInnishannonCounty CorkColonel Francis C. Godley 25 June 1921 a.m.Rebuilt
Rochestown HouseRochestownCounty TipperaryFrancis H. Wise November 1918 & February 1923Abandoned as ruins
RockfieldArtaneCounty DublinJ.J. Reddin 1 February 1923Demolished
RockforestRoscreaCounty TipperarySeamus Burke TD March 1923Demolished
Rockmills House (Rockmills Lodge)GlanworthCounty CorkCharles Deane Oliver 30 April 1921Rebuilt by Walsh family
Rosslevan HouseKilraghtisCounty ClareHon. Edward O'Brien July 1922Abandoned as ruins
Roundhill HouseBandonCounty CorkRobert Webb Sherlock 14 January 1923Rebuilt, now part of Bandon Grammar School
Roxborough CastleMoyCounty Tyrone James Caulfeild, 8th Viscount Charlemont summer 1920Dismantled
Roxborough HouseKillinanCounty Galway Dudley Persse November 1922Abandoned as ruins
Runnamoat House (Runnimead / Runnymeade)RoscommonCounty Roscommon Major Raleigh Chichester-Constable of Burton Constable Hall (uninhabited) 5 May 1920Abandoned as ruins, later demolished. Burnt 1933 (per Mark Bence-Jones, A Guide to Irish Country Houses, 1996, but 1933 appears to be incorrect)
Rye CourtMoviddyCounty CorkTonson Rye family 13 June 1921Demolished
St Austin's AbbeyTullowCounty CarlowDoyne family (unoccupied) 1922Later partially demolished
Shanton HouseBallybayCounty MonaghanFitzherbert family 8 July 1921Demolished
Sillahertane HouseKenmareCounty KerrySarah S. Lowe 1921Not burnt, just repeatedly looted, abandoned as ruins
Skevanish HouseInnishannonCounty CorkEthel Peacocke 14 June 1921Abandoned as ruins
South Park House (Southpark House)CastlereaCounty Roscommon Major Michael Joseph Balfe (uninhabited) 5 May 1920Demolished
Springfield CastleBroadfordCounty LimerickRobert Deane-Morgan, 5th Baron Muskerry 4 July 1921Main house rebuilt; partially ruined
Stradone HouseStradoneCounty CavanBurrowes family 29 June 1921Abandoned as ruins and later demolished (outbuildings remain).[44]
Summerhill HouseSummerhillCounty MeathJohn Hercules William Rowley, 5th Baron Langford 4 February 1921Demolished
Templemore AbbeyTemplemoreCounty TipperarySir John Craven Carden, 5th Baronet (ADRIC until May) 19 June 1921Demolished
Temple HillTerenureCounty DublinStephen Gwynn February 1923Demolished
Timoleague House and CastleTimoleagueCounty CorkTravers family 3 December 1920Abandoned as ruins, new house built to the north in 1924 (in front of Castle, of which bottom 2 floors remain)
Tore House[45]RochfortbridgeCounty WestmeathHenry John McKenna 11 June 1922Destroyed; little more than the facade and few walls of Tore House remain.
Tubberdaly HouseEdenderryCounty OffalyEdward Beaumont-Nesbitt 15 April 1923Abandoned as ruins
Tynan AbbeyTynanCounty ArmaghSir Norman Stronge, Bt 21 January 1981Demolished
Tyrone HouseKilcolganCounty Galway St George family (vacated 1905, contents removed) 9 August 1920Abandoned as ruin
Union HallUnion HallCounty CorkCol. William Spaight 31 March 1921
WarrensgroveBandonCounty CorkSir Augustus Digby Warren mid June 1921Main house ruined; outbuildings renovated
Warren's CourtMacroomCounty CorkSir Augustus Digby Warren 17 June 1921Demolished
Wilton CastleEnniscorthyCounty WexfordCaptain P. C. Alcock 5 March 1923Abandoned; ruined. Two storey wing and tower restored from 2006.
Woodbrook HouseBelclareCounty GalwayRenneworth family January 1923Abandoned as ruins then demolished
Woodpark HouseScarriffCounty Clare R.F. Hibbert 10 June 1921Demolished, including all outbuildings; smaller house built on the site
Woodstock HouseInistiogeCounty KilkennyTighe family 2 July 1922Abandoned as ruins

See also


  1. Terence Dooley. The Decline of the Big House in Ireland: A Study of Irish Landed Families (Dublin: Wolfhound Press, 2001), p. 2.
  2. Peter Martin, "Unionism: The Irish Nobility and the Revolution 1919–23", The Irish Revolution (Joost Augustein (ed), Palgrave 2002), p. 157.
  3. Head, Charles O. Head (1943). No Great Shakes: An Autobiography. Northumberland Press Ltd.
  4. Dooley, p. 10.
  5. Dooley, p. 11.
  6. Jonathan Haughton, 'Historical Background' in John W. O'Hagan and Carol Newman, The Economy of Ireland: National and Sectoral Policy Issues (Gill & Macmillan Ltd, 15 August 2014), pp. 19–25.
  7. 1 2 3 James S. Donnelly, 'Big House Burnings in County Cork during the Irish Revolution, 1920–21', Éire-Ireland (47: 3 & 4 Fall/Winter 12), p. 141.
  8. "Commons statement, 11 February 1915".
  9. Dooley, p. 56.
  10. Ernie O'Malley, The Singing Flame (Anvil 2002), p. 94
  11. "The Big House and the Irish Revolution", The Irish Story (2011). Retrieved 22 June 2016.
  12. "Explaining the Civil War Burnings". 6 November 2015.
  13. Martin, p. 157.
  14. Peter Hart, The IRA and its Enemies, pp. 87, 116, 121
  15. Hart, IRA and its Enemies, p. 304
  16. History Ireland Volume 11, Book Review, (Spring 2003), Retrieved 22 June 2016.
  17. Michael Hopkinson, Green Against Green: The Irish Civil War (Gill & Macmillan Ltd, 2004), p. 195.
  18. 1 2 3 4 John Dorney (6 November 2015). "The Burning of the Big Houses Re-visited".
  19. Dooley, p. 72.
  20. Alan O'Day, Reactions to Irish Nationalism, 1865–1914 (Bloomsbury Publishing, 1 July 1987), p. 384.
  21. Gemma Clark, Everyday Violence in the Irish Civil War (Cambridge University Press, 21 April 2014), p. 70.
  22. Diarmaid Ferriter, The Transformation of Ireland 1900–2000 (Profile Books, 2004), p. 210.
  23. George Moore, Letter to the Morning Post, 13 February 1923.
  24. Cork Constitution (27 May 1921)
  25. 1 2 Jacqueline Genet, The Big House in Ireland: Reality and Representation (Rowman & Littlefield, 1 January 1991)
  26. Vera Kreilkamp, The Anglo-Irish Novel and the Big House (Syracuse University Press, 1998)
  27. Robert Kee, The Green Flag: A History of Irish Nationalism (Penguin, 2000).
  28. Tim Pat Coogan"The Green Book: I" from The IRA (1993), Retrieved 11 May 2017.
  29. Biographies of Members of the Northern Ireland House of Commons Archived 26 February 2019 at the Wayback Machine, Retrieved 22 June 2016.
  30. Belfast Telegraph. 6 November 1973.
  31. "'How Killeen would burn'". Meath Chronicle. 17 May 2021. Retrieved 10 April 2023.
  32. Sunday Tribune, 2 June 1991"
  33. Liverpool Echo, 13 May 1991.
  34. "War News". The Irish People. 25 May 1991. Retrieved 12 March 2021.
  35. Evening Herald, 10 November 1972.
  36. Irish Examiner, 11 November 1972.
  37. Irish Examiner, 14 March 1973.
  38. 'Moydrum's unforgettable fire', 'Westmeath Independent', 3 July 2021.
  39. The Destruction of Country Houses in County Wexford during "The Troubles" (1919-23). National Inventory of Architectural Heritage, October 2010. Retrieved 29 May 2018.
  40. 1 2 3 4 5 Jean Young
  41. "Dunboy Castle". Retrieved 31 May 2021.
  42. Cork Constitution newspaper 31st of August 1920
  44. "Drumlaunaght (Upp. Loughtee By.), Stadone, Stradone, Cavan". National Inventory of Architectural Heritage. Retrieved 19 August 2021.
  45. "TORE HOUSE – WESTMEATH – HISTORY – Rochfortbridge, Co. Westmeath".


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