Nations with which Yemen has diplomatic relations.

The foreign relations of Yemen are the relationships and policies that Yemen maintains with other countries. It is a member of the United Nations, the Arab League, and the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation. Yemen participates in the nonaligned movement. The Republic of Yemen accepted responsibility for all treaties and debts of its predecessors, the YAR and the PDRY. Additionally, India acceded to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and has stressed the need to render the Middle East region free of nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction.


North Yemen

The geography and ruling Imams of North Yemen kept the country isolated from foreign influence before 1962.[1] During the 1920s, the government of Yemen forged relations with the Italian government under Mussolini, which led to the conclusion of an Italian-Yemeni friendship treaty on September 2, 1926.[2] This gave the Sana'a government diplomatic support vis-a-vis the Saudi government, which had aggressive designs on Yemeni territory. The country's relations with Saudi Arabia were defined by the Treaty of Taif[3] in 1934 which delineated the northernmost part of the border between the two kingdoms and set the framework for commerce and other interactions. The Taif Agreement has been renewed periodically in 20-year increments, and its validity was reaffirmed in 1995. Relations with the British colonial authorities in Aden and the south were usually tense.

The Soviet and Communist Chinese Aid Missions established in 1958 and 1959 were the first important non-Muslim presence in North Yemen. Following the September 1962 revolution, the Yemen Arab Republic became closely allied with and heavily dependent upon Egypt.[4] Saudi Arabia aided the royalists in their attempt to defeat the republicans and did not recognize the Yemen Arab Republic until 1970. Subsequently, Saudi Arabia provided Yemen substantial budgetary and project support. At the same time, Saudi Arabia maintained direct contact with Yemeni tribes, which sometimes strained its official relations with the Yemeni government. Hundreds of thousands of Yemenis found employment in Saudi Arabia during the late 1970s and 1980s.

Saleh's foreign policy as the leader of North Yemen was characterized by the principles of "positive neutrality" and Arab unity. Under Saleh, Yemen cultivated close ties with Saudi Arabia and other pro-West states in the region. He also purchased military equipment from the United States and expanded economic relations with the West. At the same time, Saleh also tried to maintain friendly relations with the then-Soviet Union (which broke apart in 1991). In October 1984, he renewed the treaty of Friendship and Cooperation that was originally signed in 1964 by San'a and Moscow.[5]

In February 1989, North Yemen joined Iraq, Jordan, and Egypt informing the Arab Cooperation Council (ACC), an organization created partly in response to the founding of the Gulf Cooperation Council, and intended to foster closer economic cooperation and integration among its members.[6] After unification, the Republic of Yemen was accepted as a member of the ACC in place of its YAR predecessor. In the wake of the Persian Gulf crisis, the ACC has remained inactive.

South Yemen

British authorities left South Yemen in November 1967 in the wake of an intense resistance campaign. The People's Democratic Republic of Yemen, the successor to British colonial rule, had diplomatic relations with many nations, but its major links were with the Soviet Union and other Communist countries. Relations between it and the conservative Arab states of the Arabian Peninsula were strained. There were military clashes with Saudi Arabia in 1969 and 1973, and the PDRY provided active support for the Dhofar Rebellion against the Sultanate of Oman. The PDRY was the only Arab state to vote against admitting new Arab states from the Persian Gulf area to the United Nations and the Arab League. The PDRY provided sanctuary and material support to various international terrorist groups.

Unified Yemen

The Persian Gulf crisis dramatically affected Yemen's foreign relations. As a member of the UN Security Council (UNSC) for 1990 and 1991, Yemen abstained on a number of UNSC resolutions concerning Iraq and Kuwait and voted against the "use of force resolution". Western and Persian Gulf Arab states reacted by curtailing or canceling aid programs and diplomatic contacts. At least 850,000 Yemenis returned from Saudi Arabia and the Persian Gulf.

After the liberation of Kuwait, Yemen continued to maintain high-level contacts with Iraq. This hampered its efforts to rejoin the Arab mainstream and to mend fences with its immediate neighbors. In 1993, Yemen launched an unsuccessful diplomatic offensive to restore relations with its Persian Gulf neighbors. Some of its aggrieved neighbors actively aided the south during the 1994 civil war. Since the end of that conflict, tangible progress has been made on the diplomatic front in restoring normal relations with Yemen's neighbors. The Omani-Yemeni border has been officially demarcated. In the summer of 2000, Yemen and Saudi Arabia signed an International Border Treaty settling a 50-year-old dispute over the location of the border between the two countries. Yemen settled its dispute with Eritrea over the Hanish Islands in 1998.

Bilateral relations

Country Formal Relations Began Notes
 Afghanistan 11 March 1971 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 11 March 1971[7]
 Angola 28 October 2004 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 28 October 2004.[8]
 Argentina 25 April 1974 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 25 April 1974[9]
 Armenia 26 May 1995 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 26 May 1995.[10]
 Australia 20 December 1980 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 20 December 1980[11]
 Azerbaijan 25 February 1992 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 25 February 1992[12]
 Bahrain 13 May 1972 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 13 May 1972[13]
 Bangladesh21 March 1983See Bangladesh–Yemen relations

Both countries established diplomatic relations on 21 March 1983.[14]

South Yemen was the first Arab state to recognize Bangladesh (other Arab states had supported Pakistan in the 1971 war), and the support for Bangladeshi independence marked an emerging split between South Yemen and China.

 Benin 24 February 2014 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 24 February 2014 when Ambassador of Benin to Yemen Mr. Taher Mohammed Dambaya presented his credentials to President Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi.[15]
 Bosnia and Herzegovina 19 December 1995 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 19 December 1995[16]
 Brazil 7 May 1984 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 7 May 1984[17]
 Brunei Darussalam 28 December 1984 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 28 December 1984[18]
 Canada 30 December 1975 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 30 December 1975[19]
 Chad 10 November 1970 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 10 November 1970[20]
 China24 September 1956See China–Yemen relations

China and the Arab Republic of Yemen established diplomatic relations at ministerial level on September 24, 1956, and upgraded bilateral relations to ambassadorial level on February 13, 1963.China established ambassadorial-level diplomatic relations with the Democratic People's Republic of Yemen on January 31, 1968. After Yemen was united, China and Yemen set September 24, 1956 as the date of the establishment of bilateral diplomatic relations.[21]

The two countries signed a treaty of friendship in 1958, with an agreement to cooperate in commercial, technical and cultural development.

 Colombia 3 October 1988 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 3 October 1988[22]
 Comoros 6 January 1985 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 6 January 1985[23][24]
 Costa Rica 4 September 2007 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 4 September 2007[25]
 Croatia 17 January 1993 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 17 January 1993[26]
 Cuba 4 May 1972 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 4 May 1972[27]
 Cyprus 8 November 1983 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 8 November 1983[28]
 Czech Republic 3 September 1956 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 3 September 1956[29]
 Djibouti13 March 1980See Djibouti – Yemen relations

Both countries established diplomatic relation on 13 March 1980.[30]

Relations between Yemen and Djibouti are good, and cooperation takes place on many levels.[31] A causeway between the two countries has been proposed.[32]

 Dominican Republic 24 September 2009 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 24 September 2009.[33]
 Egypt 11 April 1946 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 11 April 1946[34]
 Eritrea23 May 1993See Eritrea–Yemen relations

Both countries established diplomatic relations on 23 May 1993 when Mr. Ahmed Abdella al Basha presented his credentials as the Yemeni Ambassador to President of Eritrea Issaias Afwerki.[35]

In 1995, there was a war between Yemen and Eritrea over the Hanish islands. Yemen was deemed to have most of the island group in 1998.

 Ethiopia 28 September 1961 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 28 September 1961[36]
 Fiji 6 June 2014 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 6 June 2014[37]
 Finland 1 April 1978 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 1 April 1978[38]
 Gabon 21 August 1985 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 21 August 1985[39]
 Gambia 28 March 1985 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 28 March 1985[40]
 Georgia 5 September 1995 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 5 September 1995[41]
 Germany 19 December 1953 See Germany–Yemen relations

Both countries established diplomatic relations on 19 December 1953 when has been accredited first Ambassador of FRG to Yemen (resident in Cairo) Dr Günther Pawelke.[42] During the civil war in Yemen, the Federal Republic of Germany provided humanitarian aid to the country.

 Ghana 30 November 1995 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 30 November 1995[43]
 Guyana 14 June 1980 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 14 June 1980[44]
 Holy See13 October 1998

The Holy See and Yemen established diplomatic relations on 13 October 1998[45]

 Hungary 16 March 1959 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 16 March 1959[46]
 Iceland 20 July 1983 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 20 July 1983[47]
 India15 March 1962See India–Yemen relations

Diplomatic relations between these countries were established on 15 March 1962.[48] Relations continue to be in good shape notwithstanding India's close partnership with Saudi Arabia or Yemen's close ties with Pakistan.

 Indonesia 21 April 1962 See Indonesia-Yemen relations

Both countries established diplomatic relations on 21 April 1962.[49] Indonesia and Yemen shared similarity as the Muslim majority countries, Indonesia is the most popular Muslim country in the world, while Yemen also a Muslim majority nation. Indonesia has an embassy in Sana'a, while Yemen has an embassy in Jakarta. Both the countries have many cultural proximities and similar view on international issues.

 IranMay 1971See Iran-Yemen relations

Both countries established diplomatic relations in May 1971.[50]

Following the first two decades of the Islamic Revolution, ties between Tehran and Sana'a were never strong, but in recent years the two countries have attempted to settle their differences.[51] One sign of this came on December 2, 2003, when the Yemeni foreign ministry announced that "Yemen welcomes Iran's request to participate in the Arab League as an observer member."[52]

However, relations have also been tense in recent years, particularly for the alleged Iranian support to Houthi rebels in Yemen, as part of the Shia insurgency in Yemen.[53]

 Iraq 7 March 1961 See Iraq–Yemen relations

Both countries established diplomatic relations on 7 March 1961[54]

Relations between Yemen's former president, Ali Abdullah Saleh, and Iraq's former president, Saddam Hussein, were very close, as Saleh supported Iraq in the Gulf War.[55]

  • Iraq has an embassy in Sana'a.
  • Yemen has an embassy in Baghdad.
 Ireland 25 July 2000 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 25 July 2000[56]
 IsraelSee Israel–Yemen relations

There are no diplomatic relations that exist between Israel and Yemen and relations between the two countries are very tense. Yemen refuses the admission of people with an Israeli passport or any passport with an Israeli stamp, and the country is defined as an "enemy state" by Israeli law.

Notwithstanding the hostility between the two countries, approximately 435,000 Jews of Yemenite origin reside in Israel.

 ItalySee Italy-Yemen relations

Diplomatic relations between Italy and Yemen began on September 2, 1926. The signing of the Italo-Yemeni Treaty under which Italy was granted the right of control over the east coast of the Red Sea was described as a friendship treaty. Italy was in this era ruled by Benito Mussolini, who had arrested the reins of power in 1922, and his policy was based on conquest and expansion.

  • Yemen has an embassy in Rome.
  • Italy has an embassy in Sana'a.
 Japan 22 September 1970 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 22 September 1970[57]
 Jordan 17 April 1961 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 17 April 1961[58]
 Kazakhstan 9 December 1997 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 9 December 1997.[59]
 Kenya 15 August 1970 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 15 August 1970[60]
 Kuwait 19 March 1970 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 19 March 1970[61]
 Kyrgyzstan 30 May 1997 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 30 May 1997.[62]
 Laos 26 July 1976 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 26 July 1976.[63]
 Latvia 13 February 1992 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 13 February 1992.[64]
 Libya 22 August 1960 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 22 August 1960[65]
 Lithuania 22 May 1992 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 22 May 1992.[66]
 Luxembourg 10 December 1979 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 10 December 1979[67]
 Malaysia7 April 1986See Malaysia–Yemen relations

Both countries established diplomatic relations on 7 April 1986[68] The relations between the two countries can be traced back on the 15th century, with many Hadhrami people playing an important role during the Islamisation of the Malay people. This also proved with the current culture of Malaysian Muslim in the present day resembles an Arab culture.

Currently, both countries in the process to enhance bilateral trades. In 2013, the bilateral trade stood over U$200 million with the major import from Yemen such as seafood products, coffee, honey, leather and fruits while the export from Malaysia are the cooking oil which Malaysia consider as the biggest producers and exporters to Yemen and also to the Middle East.Both countries also has signed a joint commission and promote bilateral relations in higher education.

Since the outbreak of the Yemeni Civil War in 2015, Malaysia was added into the coalition led by Saudi Arabia to deter Houthis, though Malaysian involvement is minimal. There has been criticism over Malaysia's involvement in the war.

 Maldives 1 November 1984 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 1 November 1984[69]
 Malta 24 February 1977 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 24 February 1977[70]
 Mexico 2 March 1976 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 2 March 1976[71]
 Moldova 27 January 1995 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 27 January 1995[72]
 Mongolia 21 August 1985 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 21 August 1985[73]
 Montenegro 27 September 2013 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 27 September 2013[74]
 Namibia 26 November 1990 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 26 November 1990.[75]
   Nepal 25 December 1985 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 25 December 1985[76]
 Netherlands 5 October 1971 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 5 October 1971[77]
 New Zealand 2 May 2018 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 2 May 2018[78]
 Nicaragua 21 February 1983 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 21 February 1983[79]
 Niger 4 January 1985 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 4 January 1985[80][81]
 Nigeria 12 May 1979 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 12 May 1979[82]
 North Macedonia 6 October 1998 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 6 October 1998.[83]
 Norway 23 March 1961 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 23 March 1961[84]
 OmanSee Oman–Yemen relations

Oman and Yemen are generally enjoying good relations. The two countries share a border. Both Oman and Yemen were part of the Persian Empire, and later of Umayyad and Abbasid Caliphates. Yemen has an embassy in Muscat. Oman is represented in Yemen through its embassy in Sana'a.

 Pakistan4 February 1952See Pakistan–Yemen relations

Both countries established diplomatic relations on 4 February 1952[85]

Relations date back when both nations were part of trading routes of ancient times. Parts of the land that now constitutes Pakistan and the territory of Yemen were part of the Persian Empire, and later of Umayyad and Abbasid Caliphates.

Pakistan has an embassy in Sana'a. Many Pakistanis worked in Yemen.

 Philippines 15 February 1983 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 15 February 1983[86]
 Poland 21 December 1957 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 21 December 1957[87]
 Portugal 26 May 1975 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 26 May 1975[88]
 Qatar 20 May 1972 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 20 May 1972[89]
 Romania 17 December 1957 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 17 December 1957[90]
 Russia 31 October 1955 See Russia-Yemen relations

Both countries established diplomatic relations on 31 October 1955.[91]

Russia and Yemen enjoy both warm and friendly relations that goes back to more than a century. Russia has supported both the Yemen Arab Republic and the People's Democratic Republic of Yemen on several occasions and established close relations with them. After Yemeni unification, both countries maintain close ties.

 San Marino 22 February 2005 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 22 February 2005.[92]
 Saudi Arabia21 June 1957See Saudi Arabia–Yemen relations

Both countries established diplomatic relations on 21 June 1957 when the Government of Saudi Arabia is establishing a Legation in Yemen and appointed Abdul Rahman Abikan as its first Minister of Saudi Arabia to Yemen.[93]

The two countries at one time did enjoy good relations and closely cooperated in military, economic and cultural issues. Now because of the ongoing Yemeni Civil War and the realignments of power in the Middle East with the emergence of al-Qaeda and the radicalization of some factions of Islam, Saudi Arabia has led a military intervention into Yemen.

  • Saudi Arabia has an embassy in Sana'a.
  • Yemen has an embassy in Riyadh.
 Serbia 28 December 1957 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 28 December 1957.[94]
 Singapore8 March 1983

Both countries established diplomatic relations on 8 March 1983.[95]

Singapore and Yemen generally have solid, good relations. Singapore is one of Yemen's biggest trading partners outside the Gulf States

 Slovakia 1 January 1993 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 1 January 1993.[96]
 Slovenia 12 October 1995 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 12 October 1995[97]
 Somalia28 January 1961See Somalia–Yemen relations

Both countries established diplomatic relations on 28 January 1961 when Yemen raising to Legation the General Consulate in Somalia.[98] Both nations are also members of the Arab League.

Following the outbreak of the civil war in Somalia in the 1990s, the Yemeni authorities maintained relations with Somalia's newly established Transitional National Government and its successor the Transitional Federal Government.[99] The subsequent establishment of the Federal Government of Somalia in August 2012 was also welcomed by the Yemeni authorities, who re-affirmed Yemen's continued support for Somalia's government, its territorial integrity and sovereignty.[100]

Additionally, Somalia maintains an embassy in Yemen, with the diplomatic mission led by Ambassador Ismail Qassim Naji.[101] Yemen also has an embassy in Mogadishu.[102]

 South Africa 3 January 1996 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 3 January 1996[103]
 South Korea 21 August 1985 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 21 August 1985[104]
 Spain26 September 1969See Spain–Yemen relations

Both countries established diplomatic relations on 26 September 1969.[105]

The Embassy of Spain in Yemen was inaugurated in April 2006. This opening sought to boost bilateral relations between the two countries, focusing such cooperation on multiple aspects.

 Sudan 21 April 1956 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 21 April 1956 when has been accredited Chargé d'Affaires a.i. of Legation of the Yemen to Sudan Sayed Salah Ahmed El Masri.[106]

As of 2011, relations between Yemen and Sudan were not particularly strong, but they took on added importance after Yemen, Sudan, and Ethiopia developed an alliance late in 2003.[107] The leaders of the three countries subsequently met frequently; the focus of their concern was often Eritrea.[107] This alliance took an interesting twist at the end of 2004, when Yemeni president Ali Abdallah Salih offered to mediate differences between Sudan and Eritrea.[107] As Sudan–Eritrea relations improved, the tripartite alliance with Ethiopia became dormant.[107] The heads of government of Sudan, Yemen, Ethiopia, and Somalia did meet in Addis Ababa early in 2007, where they focused on the situation in Somalia.[107] Sudan and Yemen also signed 14 cooperative agreements in mid-2007.[107] As of early 2011, Sudan–Yemen relations were cordial but less significant than they had been several years before.[107]

 Syria 23 May 1965 See Syria-Yemen relations

Both countries established diplomatic relations on 23 May 1965[108] The two countries generally enjoy good relations. Both countries currently have ongoing Civil Wars, The Syrian Civil War and The Yemeni Civil War.

 Tajikistan 25 February 1997 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 25 February 1997[109]
 TurkeySee Turkey–Yemen relations

Turkey and Yemen have a very long and deep historical ties, spanned from the Ottoman Empire to the modern era. However, their relationship is mostly very complicated with both the Ottoman occupation and Yemeni rebellion against the Turks.

 Turkmenistan 27 February 1995 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 27 February 1995[110]
 Uganda 17 December 1973 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 17 December 1973 and Yemen Arab Republic appointed Ahmad al Moalemi as the first ambassador to Uganda.[111]
 Ukraine 21 April 1992 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 21 April 1992.[112]
 United Arab Emirates 1971 See United Arab Emirates-Yemen relations

The UAE and Yemen have a complex and strained relationship, as the UAE has played a significant role in regional politics in Yemen, and has at various points been an adversary of the country, as the UAE's involvement in Yemen, for example the United Arab Emirates takeover of Socotra, and its support for the Southern Transitional Council, a secessionist organization in Southern Yemen, has been a source of tension between the two countries, and has contributed to the ongoing conflict and humanitarian crisis in the country. Furthermore, the UAE has been involved in other efforts in Yemen that have been controversial. The country has been accused of backing local militias and separatist groups that have sought to gain more autonomy or independence from the central government. Some critics have accused the UAE of using these groups to further its own interests in the region, rather than working towards a broader peace and stability in Yemen.

United Kingdom United Kingdom 24 October 1951 See United Kingdom–Yemen relations

Both countries established diplomatic relations on 24 October 1951.[113] United Kingdom and Yemen have a long history of bilateral relations, dating back to the 20th century when the UK played a significant role in the region as a colonial power. The UK was a key influence on the modern state of Yemen, as it played a role in the creation of the independent South Yemen, which it had colonised previously. However, relations recently have been quite mixed, due to the United Kingdom's involvement in the Yemeni Civil War.

 United States4 March 1946See United States-Yemen relations

Both countries established diplomatic relations on 4 March 1946[114]

Embassy of Yemen in Washington, D.C.

Traditionally, Yemen's relations with the United States have been tepid, as the lack of strong military-to-military ties, commercial relations, and support of Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh has hindered the development of strong bilateral ties. During the early years of the George W. Bush administration, relations improved under the rubric of the war on terror, though Yemen's lax policy toward wanted terrorists has stalled additional American support.[115]

 Uzbekistan 25 May 1992 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 25 May 1992[116]
 Vietnam 16 October 1963 Both countries established diplomatic relations on 16 October 1963[117]

International organization membership

Yemen is a member of the United Nations (UN) and the following UN affiliates and specialized agencies:[118]

Yemen is also a member of the following organizations:[118]

Yemen was granted observer status at the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 1999 and in 2002 and 2003 submitted necessary documentation for full membership. The WTO working party on Yemen met in 2004 and twice thereafter to discuss Yemen's accession; negotiations are expected to take several years.[118]

Relations with the Gulf Cooperation Council

Yemen desires to join the 24-year-old Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), a sub-regional organization which groups Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, and Oman in an economic and security alliance. GCC members have traditionally opposed accession of additional states. Currently, Yemen has partial observer status on some GCC committees, and observers believe that full membership is unlikely. Others assert that it is in the GCC's interest to assist Yemen and prevent it from becoming a failed state, lest its instability spread to neighboring Gulf countries. This has helped Yemen greatly. In November 2006, an international donors' conference was convened in London to raise funds for Yemen's development. Yemen received pledges totaling $4.7 billion, which are to be disbursed over four years (2007–2010) and represent over 85% of the government's estimated external financing needs. Much of these pledges came from Yemen's wealthy Arab neighbors.[115]

The impediments to full GCC membership are steep. Reportedly, Kuwait, still bitter over Yemen's support for Saddam Hussein during the first Gulf War, has blocked further discussion of membership. Meanwhile, Yemen needs to export thousands of its workers each year to the Gulf in order to alleviate economic burdens at home. Foreign remittances are, aside from oil exports, Yemen's primary source of hard currency.[115]

Arab–Israeli conflict

Yemen has usually followed mainstream Arab positions on Arab–Israel issues, and its geographic distance from the conflict and lack of political clout make it a minor player in the peace process. Yemen has not established any bilateral mechanism for diplomatic or commercial contacts with Israel. The Yemeni Jewish community (300 members) continues to dwindle, as many of its members emigrated to Israel decades ago. On December 11, 2008, Moshe Nahari, a Jewish teacher, was murdered in a market in Raidah, home to one of the last Jewish communities in Yemen. After the attack, President Saleh pledged to relocate Yemeni Jews to the capital.[115]

Yemen supports the Arab Peace Initiative, which calls for Israel's full withdrawal from all occupied territories and the establishment of a Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza Strip in exchange for full normalization of relations with all Arab states in the region. In the spring of 2008, President Saleh attempted to broker a reconciliation agreement between the competing Palestinian factions Hamas and Fatah. During a March meeting in Sana'a, Palestinian representatives from both groups signed a declaration (the Sana'a Declaration) calling for the creation of a national unity government, but the talks fell apart over the issue of Hamas's role in a unified Palestinian Authority.[115]

Major international treaties

Yemen is a signatory to various international agreements on agricultural commodities, commerce, defense, economic and technical cooperation, finance, and postal matters. Yemen is a Non-Annex I country under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Yemen is not a signatory to the Kyoto Protocol but has acceded to it, which has the same legal effect as ratification. Yemen is a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, is a party to the Biological Weapons Convention, and has signed and ratified the Chemical Weapons Convention. Yemen is also a party to environmental conventions on Biodiversity, Desertification, Environmental Modification, Hazardous Wastes, Law of the Sea, and Ozone Layer Protection.[118]

2010 embassy closures

In late December 2009, the U.S. Embassy asked Americans in Yemen to keep watch for any suspicious terrorist activity following a terrorist incident on board a flight to the US that was linked to Yemen.[119] On January 3, 2010, following intelligence[120] and threats from al-Qaeda, the U.S. embassy in Sana'a was closed.[120] A statement issued on the embassy's website said: "The US Embassy in Sana'a is closed today, in response to ongoing threats by Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) to attack American interests in Yemen".[121] Al Jazeera reported that the closure of the embassy can mean only that "they believe al-Qaeda threat is very serious". No reopening date was given.[122]

On the same day, the United Kingdom withdrew their presence in the country for similar purposes.[123] The following day, France closed its embassy.[124][125] Although the French Embassy was closed, staff remained inside.[126] The French foreign ministry issued a statement saying, "Our ambassador decided on January 3 not to authorise any public access to the diplomatic mission until further notice."[127] At the Italian Embassy, only those with prior appointments were allowed to enter. Ambassador Mario Boffo noted, though, that "if things remain as they are, then tomorrow or the day after we will return to normality."[128] The embassy of the Czech Republic closed the visa and consular departments "amid fears of terrorist attacks."[129] Japan, South Korea, Spain and Germany also made changes to their security arrangements and embassy accessibility.[130] In addition to extra security at embassies, Yemen increased security at Sana'a International Airport.[131]

According to the BBC, Yemeni media say the embassy closures come after "six trucks full of weapons and explosives entered the capital, and the security forces lost track of the vehicles."[131] Trucks driven by militants, previously under security surveillance, had entered Sana'a and lost the surveillance at that point.[132]

The French, UK, and US embassies later reopened the following day.[133][134]

2015 embassy closures

Following the 2014–15 Yemeni coup d'état, many nations closed their embassies. France, United Kingdom, and United States closed their embassies on 11 February 2015,[135][136] Germany, Italy, and Saudi Arabia closed their embassies on 13 February,[137][138] Spain, Turkey, and United Arab Emirates closed their embassies on 14 February,[139] Japan closed its embassy on 16 February,[140] and Egypt closed its embassy on 23 February.[141]

See also


  1. Long, David E.; Reich, Bernard (1995). The government and politics of the Middle East and North Africa. Westview Press (3rd edition). p. 153. ISBN 978-0-8133-2125-7.
  2. Text in League of Nations Treaty Series, vol. 67, pp. 384-391.
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