Gezel is a hardware description language, allowing the implementation of a Finite State Machine + Datapath (FSMD) model.[1] The tools included in Gezel allows for simulation, cosimulation as well as compiling into VHDL code. It is possible to extend Gezel through library-blocks written in C++.

A Hello World Program

dp helloWorld(){
   always {
      $display("Hello World");

system S {


  1. Hansen, Michael R.; Madsen, Jan; Brekling, Aske Wiid (2007). "Semantics and Verification of a Language for Modelling Hardware Architectures". In Jones, Cliff B.; Woodcock, Jim; Liu, Zhiming (eds.). Formal Methods and Hybrid Real-Time Systems. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. pp. 300–319. ISBN 9783540752219.

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