Hare' Kkaanch Ki Choodiyaan is a Hindi-language television series that aired on the Sahara One from series 25 July 2005 till 20 October 2006. The series was produced by Percept Picture Company, and starred Snigdha Akolkar in her television debut role, and Swapnil Joshi and Mihir Mishra.[1]


It tells a story of middle-class girl Shyamlee, played by Snigdha Akolkar, and her gradual transformation into a woman of great strength. In her journey through life, Shyamlee faces many hurdles that she overcomes with tremendous grit and determination. She is often a victim of circumstances, but each time she faces the challenge and finally emerges a winner.



  1. "Hare kanch ki hathkadiyan?". www.rediff.com.
  2. "Let's Talk About: City beauty Snigdha Akolkar's telly debut". The Indian Express. 14 July 2005.
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