In mathematics, in particular in homotopy theory within algebraic topology, the homotopy lifting property (also known as an instance of the right lifting property or the covering homotopy axiom) is a technical condition on a continuous function from a topological space E to another one, B. It is designed to support the picture of E "above" B by allowing a homotopy taking place in B to be moved "upstairs" to E.

For example, a covering map has a property of unique local lifting of paths to a given sheet; the uniqueness is because the fibers of a covering map are discrete spaces. The homotopy lifting property will hold in many situations, such as the projection in a vector bundle, fiber bundle or fibration, where there need be no unique way of lifting.

Formal definition

Assume all maps are continuous functions between topological spaces. Given a map , and a space , one says that has the homotopy lifting property,[1][2] or that has the homotopy lifting property with respect to , if:

  • for any homotopy , and
  • for any map lifting (i.e., so that ),

there exists a homotopy lifting (i.e., so that ) which also satisfies .

The following diagram depicts this situation:

The outer square (without the dotted arrow) commutes if and only if the hypotheses of the lifting property are true. A lifting corresponds to a dotted arrow making the diagram commute. This diagram is dual to that of the homotopy extension property; this duality is loosely referred to as Eckmann–Hilton duality.

If the map satisfies the homotopy lifting property with respect to all spaces , then is called a fibration, or one sometimes simply says that has the homotopy lifting property.

A weaker notion of fibration is Serre fibration, for which homotopy lifting is only required for all CW complexes .

Generalization: homotopy lifting extension property

There is a common generalization of the homotopy lifting property and the homotopy extension property. Given a pair of spaces , for simplicity we denote . Given additionally a map , one says that has the homotopy lifting extension property if:

  • For any homotopy , and
  • For any lifting of , there exists a homotopy which covers (i.e., such that ) and extends (i.e., such that ).

The homotopy lifting property of is obtained by taking , so that above is simply .

The homotopy extension property of is obtained by taking to be a constant map, so that is irrelevant in that every map to E is trivially the lift of a constant map to the image point of .

See also


  1. Hu, Sze-Tsen (1959). Homotopy Theory. page 24
  2. Husemoller, Dale (1994). Fibre Bundles. page 7


  • Steenrod, Norman (1951). The Topology of Fibre Bundles. Princeton: Princeton University Press. ISBN 0-691-00548-6.
  • Hu, Sze-Tsen (1959). Homotopy Theory (Third Printing, 1965 ed.). New York: Academic Press Inc. ISBN 0-12-358450-7.
  • Husemoller, Dale (1994). Fibre Bundles (Third ed.). New York: Springer. ISBN 978-0-387-94087-8.
  • Hatcher, Allen (2002), Algebraic Topology, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0-521-79540-0.
  • Jean-Pierre Marquis (2006) "A path to Epistemology of Mathematics: Homotopy theory", pages 239 to 260 in The Architecture of Modern Mathematics, J. Ferreiros & J.J. Gray, editors, Oxford University Press ISBN 978-0-19-856793-6
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