Hookeria lucens
Scientific classification Edit this classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Bryophyta
Class: Bryopsida
Subclass: Bryidae
Order: Hookeriales
Family: Hookeriaceae

The Hookeriaceae are a family of mainly tropical mosses of the order Hookeriales.

It contains six genera from the UK.[1]


As accepted by GBIF;[2]

  • Achrophyllum Vitt & Crosby (8)
  • Adelothecium (Hampe) Mitt. (1)
  • Archephemeropsis Renner, 1934 (1)
  • Bryobrothera Thér. (1)
  • Callicostella (Müll.Hal.) Mitt. (128)
  • Calyptrochaeta Desv. (33)
  • Canalohypopterygium W.Frey & Schaepe (1)
  • Chaetomitriopsis (1)
  • Crosbya Vitt (2)
  • Curviramea (1)
  • Cyathophorella (Broth.) M.Fleisch. (18)
  • Cyclodictyon Cookson & Eisenack (117)
  • Dendrocyathophorum Dixon (2)
  • Dimorphocladon (2)
  • Diploneuron E.B.Bartram (2)
  • Discophyllum (2)
  • Distichophyllum (138)
  • Elharveya (1)
  • Ephemeropsis K.I.Goebel (2)
  • Eriopus S.E.Bridel, 1827 (27)
  • Hampeohypnum (1)
  • Harpophyllum (1)
  • Hemiragis (Brid.) Besch., 1876 (1)
  • Holoblepharum Dozy & Molkenboer, 1846 (4)
  • Hookeria Sm. (164)
  • Hookeriopsis (Besch.) A.Jaeger (105)
  • Lamprophyllum (2)
  • Lepidopilidium (Müll.Hal.) Broth. (33)
  • Lopidium Hook.f. & Wilson (15)
  • Metadistichophyllum Nog. & Z.Iwats. (1)
  • Philophyllum Müll.Hal (1)
  • Piloseriopus A.J.Sharp, 1986 (1)
  • Pilosium (1)
  • Pilotrichidium Besch. (4)
  • Pterygophyllum Brid. (47)
  • Rhynchostegiopsis Müll.Hal. (9)
  • Sauloma (Hook.f. & Wilson) Mitt. (8)
  • Schimperobryum Margad. (1)
  • Schizomitrium W.P.Schimper, 1851 (49)
  • Sclerohypnum (1)
  • Stenodictyon (Mitt.) A.Jaeger (6)
  • Tetrastichium (Mitt.) Cardot (2)
  • Thamniopsis (Mitt.) M.Fleisch. (25)
  • Trachyxiphium W.R.Buck (14)
  • Vesiculariopsis Broth. (1)

Note; numbers in the parenthis equate to number of species per genus


  1. Smith, A. J. E.; Smith, Ruth (2004). The Moss Flora of Britain and Ireland. Cambridge University Press. p. 698. ISBN 9780521546720.
  2. "Hookeriaceae". www.gbif.org. Retrieved 17 October 2022.

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