Hunt Terrier (not "hunting terrier") refers to types of terrier dogs that were attached to British "hunts", horse-oriented social clubs devoted to chasing the red fox on horseback, following packs of hounds.[1] The hunt terrier was kept for a variety of reasons, such as rat control around stables and kennels, and to run with the hounds to flush the fox from small hiding places. It might also be expected to flush foxes from underground dens ("going to earth" like a working terrier), or to act as a lurcher. They tended to be white in colour so as to be more easily seen by the hunter,[2] but they could be any colour.

Where hunts and fox hunting remain legal today, such as in the United States, terriers are little used. Breeds refined from Hunt terriers, such as the Fox Terrier and Jack Russell Terrier,[3] are kept today as pets and showdogs, or, if small enough, as working terriers.

Some breeds derived from hunt terriers


  1. Marc Baldwin (2006). "A Very Brief History of Fox Hunting in England". Wildlife Online. Retrieved 4 April 2008. The first British hunt was established during the 1670s in Yorkshire and, since then, a further 317 hound packs have been registered.
  2. "Smooth Fox Terrier History". Archived from the original on 19 April 2008. Retrieved 4 April 2008. dogs with white coats were preferred, as they were more easily discernible from the fox in the dark
  3. Richard von Kleist (2006). "Jack Russell Terrier". Your Online Guide to Small Dogs. Archived from the original on 24 March 2008. Retrieved 4 April 2008. Packs of Jack Russell Terriers are kept at most hunt kennels in the United Kingdom.

See also

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