Portrait of Klemm by Johann Gottfried Schreiber, 1714
Detail of the portrait above

Johann Conrad Klemm (1655–1717) was a Lutheran theologian of Germany.[1]


Johann Conrad Klemm was born in Herrenberg, Württemberg, on 23 November 1655. He studied at Tübingen, became a deacon in Metzingen in 1683 and a clergyman in Stuttgart in 1688, in 1700 a professor at Tübingen and in 1711 a full professor of theology there. He died in Tübingen on 18 February 1717.[2]


  • Do voce βάρβαρος ad 1 Cor. xiv, 11;
  • Vindiciæ Locorum Pentateuchis Corruptionis Accusatorum;
  • De κοινωνίᾷ θείας φύσεως ad 2 Petr. i, 3, 4;
  • De Concilio Benedicti XIII;
  • De Papatu Hfierarchico;
  • De Nominibus Hebraicis.[1]


  1. 1 2 Pick 1887, p. 637.
  2. Schott 1882, p. 153.


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