Jwan B N Zhumbes[1] is an Anglican bishop in Nigeria:[2] he is the current Bishop of Bukuru,[3] one of ten dioceses within the Anglican Province of Jos, itself one of 14 provinces within the Church of Nigeria.[4]

Zhumbes is an avid writer. He lives in Jos-South and is married to Lois: they have four children. Currently, Zhumbes is also the Chair of Langham Nigeria Expository Preaching Initiative for Central Nigeria.[5]


  1. Office, Anglican Communion. "Anglican Communion: Diocese". Anglican Communion Website.
  2. "Bukuru diocese ( Anglican Communion), cathedral church of st peter, Bukuru jos south, plateau state, Bukuru (2021)". www.localprayers.com.
  3. "+jwan's Desk".
  4. "Our Provinces | Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion)".
  5. "The Rt Revd Jwan Zhumbes on World Anglican Clerical Directory". World Anglican Clerical Directory.

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