This is a list of the described species of the harvestman family Assamiidae. The data is taken from WCOlite (World Catalogue of Opiliones),[1] reflected in iNaturalist.[2] An earlier version of this listing was generated by Joel Hallan's Biology Catalog.[3]

Many of Roewer's subfamilies are poorly justified, and further restudy of the relationships within this family await further research.[4]


Aburistinae — Roewer, 1935

  • AburistaRoewer, Yahia Mustafa
  • Aburista termitarum — Roewer, 1935 — Ghana
  • Aburistella — Lawrence, 1947
  • Aburistella flava — Lawrence, 1947
  • Bancoella — Lawrence, 1947
  • Bancoella bimaculata — Lawrence, 1947
  • Banconyx — Lawrence, 1947
  • Banconyx dentichelis — Lawrence, 1947
  • Sokodea — Roewer, 1935
  • Sokodea caeca — Roewer, 1935
  • Typhlobunellus — Roewer, 1927
  • Typhlobunellus formicarum — Roewer, 1927
  • Typhlobunellus platypalpis — Lawrence, 1947
  • Typhloburista — Lawrence, 1947
  • Typhloburista pusilla — Lawrence, 1947


Acacinae — Roewer, 1935

  • Acaca albatra — Roewer, 1935
  • Acaca liobuniformis — (Caporiacco, 1949) — Ethiopia
  • Acanthacaca — Roewer, 1952
  • Acanthacaca katumbea — Roewer, 1961
  • Acanthacaca upembensis — Roewer, 1952


Assamiinae — Sørensen, 1884

  • Afroassamia — Caporiacco, 1940
  • Afroassamia laevipes — Caporiacco, 1940
  • Anassamia — Roewer, 1935
  • Assamia — Sørensen, 1884
  • Assamia aborensis — Roewer, 1913 — India (Assam)
  • Assamia bituberculataThorell, 1889 — Burma
  • Assamia gravelyi — Roewer, 1911 — Sri Lanka
  • Assamia pectinata — Roewer, 1912 — Burma
  • Assamia rufa — Roewer, 1927
  • Assamia westermanni — Sørensen, 1884 — India (Assam)
  • Assamiella — Roewer, 1923
  • Assamiella marginata — (Roewer, 1912) — Burma
  • Assaphalla — Martens, 1977
  • Assaphalla peralata — Martens, 1977
  • Dawnabius — Roewer, 1935
  • Dawnabius pectinatus
  • Gomezyta — Roewer, 1935
  • Gomezyta africana — Roewer, 1935
  • Gudalura — Roewer, 1927
  • Gudalura biseriata — Roewer, 1927
  • Metassamia — Roewer, 1923
  • Metassamia bihemisphaericaThailand
  • Metassamia bituberculata — (Roewer, 1912) — Darjiling
  • Metassamia furcidens — Roewer, 1935 — Assam
  • Metassamia nepalica — Martens, 1977
  • Metassamia reticulata — (Simon, 1887) — Burma
  • Metassamia septemdentata — Roewer, 1923 — Assam
  • Metassamia sexdentata — (Thorell, 1889) — Burma
  • Metassamia soerensenii — (Thorell, 1889) — Burma
  • Metassamia spinifrons — (Roewer, 1915) — Sikkim
  • Metassamia variata — Sørensen, 1932 — India
  • Micrassamula — Martens, 1977
  • Micrassamula thak — Martens, 1977
  • Micrassamula jumlensis — Martens, 1977
  • Neassamia — Roewer, 1935
  • Neassamia siamensis — Roewer, 1935 — Thailand
  • Nepalsia — Martens, 1977
  • Nepalsia rhododendron — Martens, 1977
  • Nepalsia betula — Martens, 1977
  • Nepalsia picea — Martens, 1977
  • Nepalsioides — Martens, 1977
  • Nepalsioides thodunga — Martens, 1977
  • Nepalsioides angusta — Martens, 1977
  • Parassamia — Roewer, 1935
  • Parassamia sexdentata — Roewer, 1935 — India
  • Parassamia albimarginata — Roewer, 1940 — Burma
  • Pechota — Roewer, 1935
  • Pechota marginalis — Roewer, 1935 — Malacca
  • Popassamia — Roewer, 1940
  • Popassamia heinrichi — Roewer, 1940 — Burma
  • Puria — Roewer, 1923
  • Puria dorsalis — (Roewer, 1914) — India (Maharashtra)
  • Tavoybia — Roewer, 1935
  • Tavoybia quadrispina — Roewer, 1935 — Malacca
  • Umtaliella — Lawrence, 1934
  • Umtaliella rhodesiensis — Lawrence, 1934 — Zimbabwe


Dampetrinae — Sørensen, in L. Koch 1886

  • Apygoplus — Roewer, 1912
  • Apygoplus longipes — (Roewer, 1911) — New Guinea
  • Apygoplus bulbigerus — Roewer, 1913 — New Guinea
  • Apygoplus marginatus — Roewer, 1915 — New Guinea
  • Cadomea — Roewer, 1940
  • Cadomea longitudinalis — Roewer, 1940
  • Dampetrellus — Roewer, 1927
  • Dampetrellus scaber — Roewer, 1927
  • Dampetrus — Karsch, 1880
  • Dampetrus australisKarsch, 1880
  • Dampetrus cristatus — Sørensen, in L. Koch 1886 — New South Wales
  • Dampetrus geniculatus — Sørensen, in L. Koch 1886
  • Dampetrus gracilis — Forster, 1949 — Victoria
  • Dampetrus granulatus — Sørensen, in L. Koch 1886 — Queensland
  • Dampetrus isolatus — Shear, 2001 — western Australia
  • Dampetrus soerenseni — Forster, 1955
  • Dunkeriana — Roewer, 1912
  • Dunkeriana neoguinensis — Roewer, 1912 — New Guinea
  • Dunkeriana borneensis — Roewer, 1935 — Borneo
  • Euwintonius continentalis — Roewer, 1923 — Australia
  • Euwintonius insulanus — Roewer, 1940 — Bismarck Archipelago?, New Guinea
  • Euwintonius thaiensis — S. Suzuki, 1985 — Thailand
  • Granobunus — Roewer, 1912
  • Granobunus ferruguineus — Roewer, 1912 — New Guinea
  • Heteropygoplus — Roewer, 1923
  • Heteropygoplus sublaevis — (Roewer, 1915) — New Guinea
  • Hyamus formosus — Thorell, 1891 — Sumatra
  • Macrodampetrus — Roewer, 1915
  • Macrodampetrus bicoloripes — Roewer, 1915 — New Guinea
  • Macrodampetrus unicoloripes — Roewer, 1915 — New Guinea
  • Mermerus — Thorell, 1876
  • Mermerus beccari — Thorell, 1876 — Java
  • Mermerus thorelliBanks, 1931 — Borneo
  • Metadampetrus — Roewer, 1915
  • Metadampetrus sublaevis — Roewer, 1915 — New Guinea
  • Metahyamus — Roewer, 1923
  • Metahyamus jacobsoni — Roewer, 1923 — Simalur Island
  • Metahyamus amoensis — Suzuki, 1969
  • Metahyamus bicolor — Roewer, 1935 — Borneo
  • Metahyamus sutepensis — S. Suzuki, 1985 — Thailand
  • Metahyamus variedentatus — Suzuki, 1976
  • Metamermerus — Roewer, 1920
  • Metamermerus speculator — Roewer, 1920 — Queensland
  • Metamosoia — Roewer, 1915
  • Metamosoia echinata — Roewer, 1915 — New Guinea
  • Metanothippus — Giltay, 1930
  • Metanothippus bicolor — Giltay, 1930
  • Mosoia — Roewer, 1912
  • Mosoia albiceps — (Loman, 1906) — New Guinea
  • Mosoia biarmata — Roewer, 1940 — New Guinea
  • Mosoia bulbigera — Roewer, 1915 — New Guinea
  • Mosoia gracillipes — Roewer, 1912 — New Guinea
  • Mosoia saylori — Goodnight & Goodnight, 1947 — New Guinea
  • Neonothippus — Roewer, 1912
  • Neonothippus marginalis — Roewer, 1912 — New Guinea
  • Nothippulus — Roewer, 1923
  • Nothippulus atroluteus — (Roewer, 1912) — Vietnam
  • Nothippus — Thorell, 1890
  • Nothippus affinis — Loman, in Weber 1892 — Sumatra
  • Nothippus limbatus — Thorell, 1890 — Sumatra
  • Nothippus tigrinus — Roewer, 1935 — Malacca
  • Octobunus — Roewer, 1923
  • Octobunus singularis — Roewer, 1923 — Australia
  • Pahangius — Roewer, 1935
  • Pahangius fasciatus — Roewer, 1935 — Malacca
  • Paradampetrus — Giltay, 1930
  • Paradampetrus leopoldi — Giltay, 1930
  • Paranothippus — Roewer, 1912
  • Paranothippus singularis — Roewer, 1912 — New Guinea
  • Sermowaius — Roewer, 1923
  • Sermowaius neoguinensis — (Roewer, 1913) — New Guinea
  • Simalurius — Roewer, 1923
  • Simalurius jacobsoni — Roewer, 1923 — Indonesia
  • Simalurius palawanensis — Suzuki, 1977
  • Sudaria — Roewer, 1923
  • Sudaria atrolutea — Roewer, 1935 — Sumatra
  • Sudaria jacobsoni — Roewer, 1923 — Sumatra
  • Sudaria sarasinorum — (Roewer, 1913) — Sulawesi
  • Sudaria simaluris — Roewer, 1923 — Simalur Island


Erecinae — Roewer, 1935

  • Erecomma — Roewer, 1940
  • Erecomma laurenti — Roewer, 1961
  • Erecomma montanum — Roewer, 1940 (note: original spelling as montana subsequently altered to neuter)
  • Erecongoa — Roewer, 1950
  • Erecongoa gracilis — Roewer, 1950
  • Erecongoa granulata — Roewer, 1952
  • Erecops — Roewer, 1940
  • Erecops multispina — Roewer, 1940
  • Erecula — Roewer, 1935
  • Erecula cincta — Roewer, 1961
  • Erecula crassipes — H. Kauri, 1985 — Zaire
  • Erecula leleupi — Lawrence, 1962
  • Erecula marmorata — Roewer, 1940 — Tanzania
  • Erecula novemdentata — Roewer, 1961
  • Erecula pachypes — Roewer, 1935 — Zaire
  • Erecula septemdentata — Lawrence, 1957
  • Eregonda — Roewer, 1950
  • Eregonda tenuis — Roewer, 1950
  • Eubaeorix — Roewer, 1912
  • Eubaeorix gravelyi — Roewer, 1912 — Burma
  • Eupygoplus — Roewer, 1915
  • Eupygoplus armatus — Roewer, 1915 — India
  • Eupygoplus birmanicus — Roewer, 1936
  • Eupygoplus gracilis — Roewer, 1927 — Bengal
  • Fakoa — Roewer, 1923
  • Fakoa spinulata — (Roewer, 1915) — Cameroon
  • Gapotus — Roewer, 1935
  • Gapotus frontalis — Roewer, 1935 — Malacca
  • Irnia — Roewer, 1935
  • Irnia scabra — Roewer, 1935
  • Ivocoryphus — Lawrence, 1965
  • Ivocoryphus jezequeli — Lawrence, 1965
  • Izea — Roewer, 1927
  • Izea armata — Roewer, 1935 — Cameroon
  • Izea pectinata — Roewer, 1927 — São Tomé
  • Kakontwea — Roewer, 1951
  • Kakontwea leleupi — Roewer, 1951
  • Kasaina — Lawrence, 1957
  • Kasaina scabra — Lawrence, 1957
  • Kukkala — Roewer, 1929
  • Kukkala trispinifrons — Roewer, 1929 — India
  • Kungwea — Roewer, 1961
  • Kungwea scabra — Roewer, 1961
  • Lawrenciola — Roewer, 1935
  • Lawrenciola damarana — (Lawrence, 1931)
  • Lawrenciola rhodesiana — (Lawrence, 1931)
  • Lepchana — Roewer, 1927
  • Lepchana spinipalpis — Roewer, 1927
  • Lubudia — Roewer, 1951
  • Lubudia leleupi — Roewer, 1951
  • Lygippulus — Roewer, 1954
  • Lygippulus major — Roewer, 1954
  • Lygippulus nigrescens — Roewer, 1961
  • Lygippulus parvulus — Roewer, 1954
  • Lygippulus scaber — Roewer, 1954
  • Lygippulus setipes — Roewer, 1961
  • Lygippus — Roewer, 1940
  • Lygippus abdominalis — Roewer, 1940
  • Lygippus machadoi — Lawrence, 1951
  • Maccabeesa — Roewer, 1936
  • Maccabeesa lawrencei — Roewer, 1936
  • Mandaria — Roewer, 1935
  • Mandaria caeca — Roewer, 1935
  • Merucola — Roewer, 1935
  • Merucola granulatus — Roewer, 1935
  • Aberdereca — Goodnight & Goodnight, 1959
  • Aberdereca parva — Goodnight & Goodnight, 1959 — Kenya
  • Acanthophrysella — Strand, 1911
  • Acanthophrysella pectinata — (Loman, 1902) — Tanzania
  • Allereca — Roewer, 1961
  • Allereca ruandana — Roewer, 1961
  • Angolyppa — Lawrence, 1957
  • Angolyppa scabra — Lawrence, 1957
  • Angopygoplus — Lawrence, 1951
  • Angopygoplus dentichelis — Lawrence, 1951
  • Anjolus — Goodnight & Goodnight, 1948
  • Anjolus malkini — Goodnight & Goodnight, 1948
  • Baeorix — Thorell, 1889
  • Baeorix manducus — Thorell, 1889 — Burma
  • Bambereca — H. Kauri, 1985
  • Bambereca spinifrons — H. Kauri, 1985 — Zaire
  • Bibundina — Roewer, 1935
  • Bibundina pectinata — Roewer, 1935
  • Binderia — Roewer, 1935
  • Binderia spinarmata — Roewer, 1935
  • Bolama — Roewer, 1927
  • Bolama spinosa — Roewer, 1927
  • Buemba — Roewer, 1935
  • Buemba filipes — Roewer, 1935
  • Bulobana — Roewer, 1935
  • Bulobana infuscata — Roewer, 1940 — Tanzania
  • Bulobana octopunctata — Roewer, 1935 — Zaire
  • Bundukia — Lawrence, 1962
  • Bundukia nigra — Lawrence, 1962
  • Buniabia — Roewer, 1961
  • Buniabia filipes — Roewer, 1961
  • Callereca — Roewer, 1940
  • Callereca angolensis — Lawrence, 1949 — Angola
  • Callereca gracilis — Roewer, 1940 — Eastern Africa, Moshi
  • Callereca teteana — Roewer, 1954
  • Cardwella — Roewer, 1935
  • Cardwella atar — (Sørensen, 1932) — Australia
  • Cerea — Sørensen, 1896
  • Cerea feae — Roewer, 1927 — Bioko, "French Congo" (note 'feai' is an unjustified amendment by Staręga 1992)
  • Cerea lugubris — Sørensen, 1896 — Cameroon
  • Cereatta celeripes — (Loman, 1910) — Cameroon
  • Cereatta elegans — Roewer, 1935 — Cameroon
  • Cereatta kivuensis — Roewer, 1961
  • Cereipes — Roewer, 1935
  • Cereipes angustus — (Roewer, 1912) — Cameroon
  • Cereodiscus — Roewer, 1940
  • Cereodiscus lesserti — Roewer, 1940
  • Cereoides — Roewer, 1935
  • Cereoides nebulosus — (Sørensen, 1896) — Cameroon
  • Chilon — Sørensen, 1896
  • Chilon albatra — (Roewer, 1935) — Cameroon
  • Chilon cinctus — Sørensen, 1896 — Cameroon
  • Chilon horridus — (Roewer, 1912) — Cameroon
  • Chilon laevituber — (Roewer, 1953)
  • Chilon robustus — Sørensen, 1896 — Cameroon
  • Chilon royi — (Roewer, 1961)
  • Chilon salebrosus — (Karsch, 1879) — Western Africa
  • Chilon scaber — Sørensen, 1896 — Cameroon
  • Chilon villersi — (Roewer, 1953)
  • Coleutus — Roewer, 1940
  • Coleutus longipalpis — Roewer, 1940
  • Comereca — Roewer, 1961
  • Comereca rectipes — Roewer, 1961
  • Cryptopygoplus — Lawrence, 1931
  • Cryptopygoplus africanus — Lawrence, 1931 — South Africa
  • Cryptopygoplus damaranus — Lawrence, 1931 — South Africa
  • Cryptopygoplus rhodesianus — Lawrence, 1931 — South Africa
  • Djemia — Roewer, 1935
  • Djemia cooperi — Roewer, 1935
  • Dodabetta — Roewer, 1929
  • Dodabetta conigera — Roewer, 1929
  • Ereala — Roewer, 1950
  • Ereala armata — Roewer, 1950
  • Erebalda — Roewer, 1940
  • Erebalda cryptostigma — Roewer, 1940
  • Ereca — Sørensen, 1910
  • Ereca affinis — Sørensen, 1910 — Eastern Africa
  • Ereca bengtsoni — H. Kauri, 1985 — Zaire
  • Ereca calcanifera — H. Kauri, 1985 — Zaire
  • Ereca fusca — H. Kauri, 1985 — Zaire
  • Ereca imitatrix — H. Kauri, 1985 — Zaire
  • Ereca itombwensis — H. Kauri, 1985 — Zaire
  • Ereca kalimabengana — H. Kauri, 1985 — Zaire
  • Ereca lata — Sørensen, 1910 — Eastern Africa
  • Ereca lawrencei — H. Kauri, 1985 — Zaire
  • Ereca loekenae — H. Kauri, 1985 — Zaire
  • Ereca lyrifera — H. Kauri, 1985 — Zaire
  • Ereca maculata — Roewer, 1913 — Eastern Africa
  • Ereca modesta — Sørensen, 1910 — Eastern Africa
  • Ereca mwengana — H. Kauri, 1985 — Zaire
  • Ereca robusta — H. Kauri, 1985 — Zaire
  • Ereca rufa — Sørensen, 1910 — Eastern Africa
  • Ereca sangensis — H. Kauri, 1985 — Zaire
  • Ereca silvatica — H. Kauri, 1985 — Zaire
  • Ereca simulator — Sørensen, 1910 — Eastern Africa
  • Ereca soerenseni — Lawrence, 1962
  • Ereca triareolata — Roewer, 1961
  • Ereca undulata — Sørensen, 1910 — Eastern Africa
  • Ereca unicolor — Roewer, 1961
  • Erecabia — Roewer, 1940
  • Erecabia hartmanni — Roewer, 1940
  • Erecabia pluridens — Lawrence, 1962
  • Erecella — Roewer, 1935
  • Erecella transversalis — Roewer, 1961
  • Erecella walikaleana — H. Kauri, 1985 — Zaire
  • Erecella basilewskyi — Lawrence, 1962
  • Erecella biseriata — Roewer, 1961
  • Erecella brunnea — Roewer, 1940 — Ruanda
  • Erecella flava — Roewer, 1935
  • Erecella lutea — Roewer, 1935
  • Erecella nigropicta — Roewer, 1961
  • Erecella signata — Roewer, 1950
  • Metapygoplus — Roewer, 1923
  • Metapygoplus intermedius — (Loman, 1892) — Indonesia (Flores)
  • Metapygoplus spinicoxa — Roewer, 1940 — Burma
  • Metereca — Roewer, 1923
  • Metereca abnormis — (Roewer, 1912) — Tanzania
  • Metereca aspersa — Roewer, 1935 — Uganda
  • Metereca concolor — Roewer, 1961
  • Metereca differens — (Lawrence, 1957)
  • Metereca katangana — H. Kauri, 1985 — Zaire
  • Metereca kivuana — (Roewer, 1961)
  • Metereca kivuna — Roewer, 1961
  • Metereca leleupae — H. Kauri, 1985 — Zaire
  • Metereca longipes — H. Kauri, 1985 — Zaire
  • Metereca minuta — Roewer, 1954
  • Metereca montana — (Roewer, 1912) — Eastern Africa
  • Metereca papillata — Roewer, 1935 — East Africa
  • Metereca paradoxa — H. Kauri, 1985 — Zaire
  • Metereca ripensis — H. Kauri, 1985 — Zaire
  • Metereca simples — (Roewer, 1952)
  • Montereca — Lawrence, 1962
  • Montereca paucidens — Lawrence, 1962
  • Neobaeorix — Lawrence, 1962
  • Neobaeorix cornuta — Lawrence, 1962
  • Neocoryphus — Lawrence, 1965
  • Neocoryphus niger — Lawrence, 1965
  • Neopygoplus — Roewer, 1923
  • Neopygoplus jacobsoni — Roewer, 1923 — Sumatra
  • Neopygoplus siamensis — S. Suzuki, 1985 — Thailand
  • Parapygoplus — Roewer, 1912
  • Parapygoplus variatus — (Thorell, 1889) — Burma
  • Propygoplus — Roewer, 1923
  • Propygoplus maculatus — (Roewer, 1912) — Nepal
  • Propygoplus siwalik — Martens, 1977
  • Propygoplus rugosa — (Roewer, 1940) — Sikkim
  • Propygoplus scabrisoma — (Roewer, 1940) — Sikkim
  • Propygoplus tenuipes — (Roewer, 1927) — Sikkim
  • Pygoplus — Thorell, 1889
  • Pygoplus obscurus — Thorell, 1889 — India (Assam)
  • Pygoplus ferrugineus — Thorell, 1889 — India (Assam)
  • Pygoplus trifasciatus — Thorell, 1889 — India (Assam)
  • Roewereca — Lawrence, 1962
  • Roewereca tenebrosa — Lawrence, 1962
  • Sacesphorus — Thorell, 1889
  • Sacesphorus maculatus — Thorell, 1889 — Burma
  • Sijucavernicus — Roewer, 1923
  • Sijucavernicus kempi — Roewer, 1923 — cave, India (Assam)
  • Simienatus — Roewer, 1956
  • Simienatus scotti — Roewer, 1956
  • Tarnus — Suzuki, 1969
  • Tarnus pulcher — Suzuki, 1969
  • Termitereca — Roewer, 1940
  • Termitereca singularis — Roewer, 1940
  • Tetecus — Roewer, 1935
  • Tetecus tenuis — Roewer, 1935 - Mozambique
  • Thobala — Roewer, 1940
  • Thobala lesserti — Roewer, 1940 - Myanmar
  • Tubereca — Kauri, 1985
  • Tubereca biharaguana — Kauri, 1985 — Rwanda
  • Tundabia — Roewer, 1935
  • Tundabia semicaeca — Roewer, 1935 - Tanzania (?)
  • Tundabia ugandensis — Goodnight & Goodnight, 1959 - Uganda
  • Valpara — Roewer, 1929
  • Valpara albitarsus — Roewer, 1929
  • Vandarawella — Roewer, 1935
  • Vandarawella bicolor — Roewer, 1935
  • Wintonia — Roewer, 1923
  • Wintonia scabra — Roewer, 1923 — Australia


Eupodaucheniinae — Roewer, 1935

  • Eupodauchenius — Roewer, 1912
  • Eupodauchenius luteocruciatus — (Loman, 1910) — Cameroon, "French Guinea"


Hypoxestinae — Roewer, 1935

  • Adamauna — Roewer, 1935
  • Adamauna maculatipes — Roewer, 1935
  • Bandona — Roewer, 1927
  • Bandona palpalis — Roewer, 1927 — cave, Thailand
  • Bandona boninensis — Gruber, 1974
  • Bwitonatus — Roewer, 1950
  • Bwitonatus marlieri — Roewer, 1950
  • Cleoxestus — Roewer, 1954
  • Cleoxestus luteipictus — Roewer, 1954
  • Congonella — Roewer, 1935
  • Congonella frontalis — Roewer, 1935
  • Dicoryphus — Loman, 1902
  • Dicoryphus ater — (Lawrence, 1962)
  • Dicoryphus furvus — Loman, 1902 — "German East Africa"
  • Dicoryphus jeanneli — (Roewer, 1913)
  • Dicoryphus melanacanthus — (Loman, 1902) — Eastern Africa
  • Doloressus — Roewer, 1935
  • Doloressus cippatus — Roewer, 1935
  • Doloressus filipes — Lawrence, 1949 — Angola
  • Doloressus ghesquierei — (Roewer, 1950)
  • Doloressus palmgreni — H. Kauri, 1985 — Zaire
  • Dongila — Roewer, 1927
  • Dongila silvatica — Roewer, 1927
  • Dongila spinosa — Roewer, 1927
  • Findia — Roewer, 1915
  • Findia atrolutea — Roewer, 1915 — "French Congo", Zaire
  • Hypoxestinus — Roewer, 1927
  • Hypoxestinus frontalis — Roewer, 1935 — Cameroon
  • Hypoxestinus nkogoi — Roewer, 1927 — "French Congo"
  • Hypoxestus — Loman, 1902
  • Hypoxestus bituberculatus — Lawrence, 1962
  • Hypoxestus coxicornis — Roewer, 1940 — Ruanda
  • Hypoxestus levis — Loman, 1902
  • Hypoxestus patellaris — (Sørensen, 1910) — Kilimanjaro
  • Hypoxestus planus — Goodnight & Goodnight, 1959
  • Hypoxestus roeweri — Starega, 1992
  • Hypoxestus trituberculatus — Lawrence, 1962
  • Hypoxestus ealanus — H. Kauri, 1985 — Zaire
  • Hypoxestus glaber — H. Kauri, 1985 — Zaire
  • Hypoxestus scaphoides — H. Kauri, 1985 — Zaire
  • Leleupiolus — Roewer, 1951
  • Leleupiolus marmoratus — Roewer, 1951
  • Lossida — Roewer, 1935
  • Lossida rugosa — Roewer, 1935
  • Lossidacola — Roewer, 1935
  • Lossidacola pachytarsus — Roewer, 1935
  • Mabwella — Roewer, 1952
  • Mabwella trochanteralis — Roewer, 1954
  • Mabwella wittei — Roewer, 1952
  • Mecutina — Roewer, 1935
  • Mecutina filipes — Roewer, 1935 — Mozambique
  • Mecutina moshinia — Roewer, 1940 — Tanzania
  • Metasesostris — Roewer, 1915
  • Metasesostris armatus — Roewer, 1915 — Tanzania
  • Musola — Roewer, 1927
  • Musola longipes — Roewer, 1927 — Bioko
  • Nkogoa — Roewer, 1927
  • Nkogoa feai — Roewer, 1927
  • Parasesostris — Roewer, 1915
  • Parasesostris granulatus — Roewer, 1915 — Tanzania
  • Parazalmoxis — Roewer, 1913
  • Parazalmoxis africana — Roewer, 1913 — Kenya
  • Passula — Roewer, 1927
  • Passula scabricula — Roewer, 1927 — Malaysia, Pinang Islands
  • Podaucheniellus — Roewer, 1927
  • Podaucheniellus bipalaris — Roewer, 1927 — Cameroon
  • Podauchenius — Sørensen, 1896
  • Podauchenius longipes — Sørensen, 1896 — Cameroon
  • Randilea — Roewer, 1935
  • Randilea scabricula — Roewer, 1935
  • Rhabdopygata — Roewer, 1954
  • Rhabdopygata mossambica — Roewer, 1954
  • Rhabdopygella — Roewer, 1935
  • Rhabdopygella ferruginea — Roewer, 1935
  • Rhabdopygella laevis — Roewer, 1935
  • Rhabdopygus — Roewer, 1912
  • Rhabdopygus benoiti — H. Kauri, 1985 — Zaire
  • Rhabdopygus fuscus — Roewer, 1912
  • Rhabdopygus maculatus — Roewer, 1935 — East Africa
  • Rhabdopygus robustus — Lawrence, 1957
  • Rhabdopygus rugipalpis — Roewer, 1952
  • Rhabdopygus termitarum — Roewer, 1951
  • Scabrobunus — Roewer, 1912
  • Scabrobunus filipes — Roewer, 1912 — India (Maharashtra)
  • Sesostranus — Roewer, 1935
  • Sesostranus longipes — Roewer, 1950
  • Sesostranus niger — Roewer, 1935
  • Sesostrellus — Roewer, 1935
  • Sesostrellus gibbosus — H. Kauri, 1985 — Zaire
  • Sesostrellus robustus — Roewer, 1935
  • Sesostrellus umbonatus — (Roewer, 1935) — Uganda
  • Sesostris — Sørensen, 1910
  • Sesostris brevipes — H. Kauri, 1985 — Burundi
  • Sesostris gracilis — Sørensen, 1910 — Kilimandjaro
  • Sesostris insulanus — Roewer, 1912 — Eastern Africa
  • Sesostris maculatus — Roewer, 1915 — Eastern Africa
  • Sesostris maculifer — H. Kauri, 1985 — Zaire
  • Spinixestus — Roewer, 1952
  • Spinixestus armatus — Roewer, 1952
  • Spinixestus benderanus — H. Kauri, 1985 — Zaire
  • Spinixestus leleupi — H. Kauri, 1985 — Zaire
  • Spinixestus polycuspidatus — H. Kauri, 1985 — Zaire
  • Spinixestus rufus — Roewer, 1952
  • Spinixestus siteteus — Roewer, 1961
  • Talaspus — Roewer, 1935
  • Talaspus spinimanus — Roewer, 1935
  • Tusipulla — Roewer, 1935
  • Tusipulla coxalis — Roewer, 1935 — Tanzania
  • Viglua — Roewer, 1940
  • Viglua brunnipes — Roewer, 1940
  • Viglua machadoi — Lawrence, 1949
  • Viglua machadoi machadoi — Lawrence, 1949
  • Viglua machadoi granulosa — Lawrence, 1957
  • Viglua machadoi majora — Lawrence, 1949


Irumuinae — Kauri, 1985

  • Irumua — Roewer, 1961
  • Irumua caeca — Roewer, 1961 — Zaire
  • Irumua bifurcata — [Kauri 1989 ref]
  • Machadoessa — Lawrence, 1951
  • Machadoessa inops — Lawrence, 1951 — Angola
  • Mutadia — Kauri, 1985
  • Mutadia bifurcata — H. Kauri, 1985 — Zaire
  • Numipedia — Kauri, 1985
  • Numipedia subterranea — H. Kauri, 1985 — Zaire
  • Typhlobunus — Roewer, 1915
  • Typhlobunus troglodytes — Roewer, 1915 — Kenya


Maruinae — Roewer, 1935

  • Abanatus — Roewer, 1950
  • Abanatus beloti — Roewer, 1950 — Zaire
  • Celimba — Roewer, 1940
  • Celimba parvula — Roewer, 1940 — Tanzania
  • Congonia — Roewer, 1935
  • Congonia spinifrons — Roewer, 1935 — Zaire
  • Katangania — H. Kauri, 1985
  • Katangania monticola — H. Kauri, 1985 — Zaire
  • Kituvia — Kauri, 1985
  • Kituvia spinifera — H. Kauri, 1985 — Zaire
  • Marua schenkeli — Roewer, 1935 — Zaire
  • Marua spinosa — Roewer, 1935 — Cameroon
  • Mwenga setosa — H. Kauri, 1985 — Zaire


Polycoryphinae — Roewer, 1935

  • Anaimalus — Roewer, 1929
  • Binderella — Roewer, 1935
  • Binderella bistriata — Roewer, 1935 (including synonym of Tengelinia paradoxa Roewer, 1935 which is listed in some online sources as Binderella paradoxa) — Chad, Cameroon
  • Bueana — Roewer, 1927
  • Bueana ephippiata — Roewer, 1927 — Cameroon
  • Gulufia — Roewer, 1935
  • Gulufia frontalis — Roewer, 1935 — Ethiopia
  • Harpenna — Roewer, 1935 (note, misspelling 'Harpeuna' by Hallan catalog)
  • Harpenna denticulata — Roewer, 1935 — India (Bombay)
  • Henriquea — Roewer, 1927
  • Henriquea spinigera — Roewer, 1927 — Principe
  • Karalaica — Roewer, 1927
  • Karalaica atroscutata — Roewer, 1927 — India (Kerala)
  • Kodaika — Roewer, 1929
  • Kodaika escheri — Roewer, 1929 — India (Upper Palnis)
  • Koyna — Roewer, 1915
  • Koyna spinulata — Roewer, 1915 — India
  • Maracandellus — Roewer, 1923
  • Maracandellus rhinoceros — (Thorell, 1889) — Burma
  • Maracandellus bidentatus — S. Suzuki, 1985 — Thailand
  • Maracandinus — Roewer, 1912
  • Maracandinus rubrofemoratus — (Pavesi, 1895) — Ethiopia
  • Maracandus — Simon, 1879
  • Maracandus macei — Simon, 1879 — Bangladesh
  • Maracandus monhoti — Simon, 1879 — Cambodia
  • Mormuga — Roewer, 1927
  • Mormuga uncifrons — Roewer, 1927 — India (Mormugao Bay)
  • Mudumalus — Roewer, 1929
  • Mudumalus partialis — Roewer, 1929 — India (Nilgiris)
  • Oppalnia — Roewer, 1927
  • Oppalnia brevipes — Roewer, 1927 — India (Nilgiri Palni)
  • Paktongius — Suzuki, 1969
  • Paktongius distinctus — Suzuki, 1969 — Thailand
  • Palmanella — Roewer, 1927
  • Palmanella tigrina — Roewer, 1927
  • Panchganius — Roewer, 1935
  • Panchganius blatteri — Roewer, 1935 — India (Satara)
  • Parakodaika — Goodnight & Goodnight, 1944
  • Parakodaika angolae — Goodnight & Goodnight, 1944 — Angola
  • Paramaracandus — Suzuki, 1976
  • Paramaracandus fuscus — Suzuki, 1976
  • Paramaracandus sexdentatus — S. Suzuki, 1985 — Thailand
  • Pashokia — Roewer, 1927
  • Pashokia laeviscutum — Roewer, 1927 — eastern Himalaya
  • Pashokia maxima — Martens, 1977
  • Pashokia mutatrix — Martens, 1977
  • Pashokia rufa — Roewer, 1935 — Burma
  • Pashokia silhavyi — Martens, 1977
  • Pashokia yamadai — Suzuki, 1970
  • Phalcochina — Roewer, 1927
  • Phalcochina albistriata — Roewer, 1927 — India (Kerala)
  • Polycoryphus — Loman, 1902
  • Procoryphus — Roewer, 1950
  • Procoryphus multispinatus — Roewer, 1950
  • Procoryphus straeleni — Roewer, 1952
  • Pulchrandus — H. Kauri, 1985
  • Pulchrandus longimanus — H. Kauri, 1985 — Zaire
  • Pykara coxalis — Roewer, 1929
  • Santhomea — Roewer, 1927
  • Santhomea scabra — Roewer, 1927
  • Senarba — Roewer, 1927
  • Senarba rudicoxa — Roewer, 1927
  • Senarba acanthicoxa — Roewer, 1927
  • Sonega — Roewer, 1935
  • Sonega scutata — Roewer, 1935
  • Thomecola — Roewer, 1935
  • Thomecola quadrispina — (Roewer, 1927)
  • Uviranus — Kauri, 1985
  • Uviranus echinops — H. Kauri, 1985 — Zaire
  • Yadoa — Roewer, 1936
  • Yadoa feae — Roewer, 1936
  • Zirolana — Roewer, 1940
  • Zirolana lutea — Roewer, 1940


Selencinae — Roewer, 1935

  • Euselenca — Roewer, 1923
  • Euselenca feai — Roewer, 1927 — Fr.Congo
  • Euselenca gracilis — (Sørensen, 1896) — Cameroon
  • Humbea — Roewer, 1935
  • Humbea bimaculata — Roewer, 1935
  • Jaundea spinulata — (Roewer, 1912) — Cameroon
  • Metaselenca — Roewer, 1912
  • Metaselenca halbum — (Loman, 1910) — Cameroon
  • Paraselenca — Roewer, 1923
  • Paraselenca aculeata — (Roewer, 1912) — Togo, Cameroon
  • Paraselenca hispida — (Roewer, 1912) — Togo, Cameroon
  • Paraselenca marginata — Roewer, 1935 — Cameroon
  • Paraselenca simonis — Sørensen, 1932 — West Africa
  • Sassandria bicolor — Roewer, 1912 — Ivory Coast
  • Sassandria tenuipes — Lawrence, 1965
  • Selenca — Sørensen, 1896
  • Selenca maculata — Sørensen, 1896 — Cameroon, Togo
  • Selencasta — Roewer, 1935
  • Selencasta minuscula — (Roewer, 1927) — Bioko
  • Selencula — Roewer, 1935
  • Selencula filipes — (Roewer, 1927) — Bioko
  • Seuthesplus — Roewer, 1935
  • Seuthesplus nigeriensis — Roewer, 1935 — Nigeria
  • Seuthesplus perarmatus — Lawrence, 1965
  • Seuthessus — Kauri, 1985
  • Seuthessus pustulatus — H. Kauri, 1985 — Zaire
  • Umbonimba — Roewer, 1953
  • Umbonimba acanthops — Roewer, 1953


Sidaminae — Roewer, 1935

  • Amhara — Pavesi, 1897
  • Amhara grata — Pavesi, 1897 — Somali
  • Amhara nigrescens — (Roewer, 1935) — Ethiopia
  • Blantyrea — Roewer, 1912
  • Blantyrea armata — Roewer, 1912 — Malawi
  • Bundelkhandia — Turk, 1945
  • Bundelkhandia cavernicola — Turk, 1945
  • Congolla — Roewer, 1935
  • Congolla hispidipalpus — Roewer, 1935
  • Edeala — Roewer, 1927
  • Edeala palpiplus — Roewer, 1927
  • Eusidama — Roewer, 1913
  • Eusidama minima — Roewer, 1913 — Kilimandjaro, Tanzania
  • Fizibius — Roewer, 1961
  • Fizibius proprius — Roewer, 1961
  • Indosidama — Turk, 1945
  • Indosidama moila — Turk, 1945 — cave
  • Lisposidama — Lawrence, 1962
  • Lisposidama filipes — Lawrence, 1962
  • Lukundamila — Roewer, 1961
  • Lukundamila cookei — Roewer, 1961
  • Metasidama — Roewer, 1915
  • Metasidama ephippiata — Roewer, 1915 — Tanzania
  • Metasidama gracilis — Lawrence, 1962
  • Neosidama — Roewer, 1915
  • Neosidama longipes — Roewer, 1915 — Tanzania
  • Orsimonia — Roewer, 1935
  • Orsimonia filipes — Roewer, 1935
  • Orsimonia gracillimus — (Roewer, 1935)
  • Scabrosidama — Lawrence, 1962
  • Scabrosidama serratichelis — Lawrence, 1962
  • Sidama — Pavesi, 1895
  • Sidama moesta — Pavesi, 1895 — East Africa
  • Sidama abessinica — Roewer, 1912 — Ethiopia
  • Sidama spinger — (Roewer, 1935) — Ethiopia
  • Vilhena — Lawrence, 1949
  • Vilhena delicata — Lawrence, 1949


  1. "Assamiidae". Kury, A. et al. (2023). WCO-Lite: World Catalogue of Opiliones. Retrieved 2023-12-01.
  2. "Family Assamiidae". iNaturalist. Retrieved 2023-12-01.
  3. "Joel Hallan's Biology Catalog". Retrieved 2014-10-13.
  4. Ricardo Pinto-da-Rocha, Glauco Machado & Gonzalo Giribet, ed. (2007). Harvestmen: the Biology of Opiliones. Harvard University Press. ISBN 9780674023437.
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