A partial list of notable Crimean Tatars, in alphabetical order:

Military personnel


Writers and intellectuals

Civil rights activists

  • Reşat Amet – murdered activist
  • Mustafa Dzhemilev – leader of the Mejlis
  • Emir-Usein Kuku – human rights defender
  • Musa Mamut – committed self-immolation in protest of being forced to leave Crimea
  • Server Mustafayev – human rights defender
  • Yuri Osmanov – one of the founders of the National Movement of Crimean Tatars; assassinated
  • Ayshe Seitmuratova – activist for right of return who were deported as young children
  • Ali Osman Becmambet- national hero of the Tatars in Dobrogea ( Romania )



Scientists, Engineers, and Mathemeticians

See also

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