Durarara!! is a Japanese manga series written by Ryohgo Narita and illustrated by Akiyo Satorigi. Based on the light novel series of the same name, the series follows an eccentric group of citizens residing in Ikebukuro who form various connections through dealings with the local gangs – one of which is the "Dollars," a so-called invisible gang which no one seems to know much about. On top of all of this, the city is enraptured by the urban legend of the "Black Rider," the supposedly headless pilot of a black motorcycle.
The manga is serialized monthly in Square Enix's shōnen manga magazine Monthly GFantasy since May 2009. Yen Press licensed the manga series at Comic-Con International Con 2011, and began releasing the series in English in North America in January 2012.[1]
Volume list
No. | Original release date | Original ISBN | English release date | English ISBN | |
01 | December 26, 2009[2] | 978-4-7575-2765-2 | January 24, 2012[3] | 978-0-3162-0490-3 | |
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02 | June 26, 2010[4] | 978-4-7575-2921-2 | April 24, 2012[5] | 978-0-3162-0931-1 | |
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03 | December 27, 2010[6] | 978-4-7575-3109-3 | July 24, 2012[7] | 978-0-3162-0932-8 | |
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04 | June 27, 2011[8] | 978-4-7575-3276-2 | October 30, 2012[9] | 978-0-3162-0933-5 | |
Saika Arc
No. | Original release date | Original ISBN | English release date | English ISBN | |
01 | February 27, 2012[10] | 978-4-7575-3516-9 | March 26, 2013[11] | 978-0-3162-4532-6 | |
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02 | September 10, 2012[12] | 978-4-7575-3711-8 | May 28, 2013[13] | 978-0-3162-5094-8 | |
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03 | March 27, 2013[14] | 978-4-7575-3930-3 | January 21, 2014[15] | 978-0-3163-6901-5 | |
Yellow Scarves Arc
No. | Original release date | Original ISBN | English release date | English ISBN | |
01 | October 26, 2013[16] | 978-4-7575-4111-5 | September 23, 2014[17] | 978-0-3163-3587-4 | |
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02 | May 27, 2014[18] | 978-4-7575-4299-0 | November 18, 2014[19] | 978-0-3163-3703-8 | |
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03 | January 27, 2015[20] | 978-4-7575-4545-8 | July 21, 2015[21] | 978-0-3163-0503-7 | |
See also
- ↑ "Yen Press Adds Durarara, Kore wa Zombie desu ka, Olimpos". Anime News Network. July 22, 2011. Retrieved July 23, 2011.
- ↑ "デュラララ!! 1巻" (in Japanese). Square Enix. Retrieved August 3, 2011.
- ↑ Durarara!!, Vol. 1 [Paperback]. ISBN 0316204900.
- ↑ デュラララ!! 2 (Gファンタジーコミックススーパー) [コミック] (in Japanese). ASIN 475752921X.
- ↑ "Durarara!!, Vol. 2". Yen Press. Retrieved January 14, 2018.
- ↑ デュラララ!! 3 (Gファンタジーコミックススーパー) [コミック] (in Japanese). ASIN 4757531095.
- ↑ "Durarara!!, Vol. 3". Yen Press. Retrieved January 14, 2018.
- ↑ デュラララ!!(4)(完) (Gファンタジーコミックススーパー) [コミック] (in Japanese). ASIN 4757532768.
- ↑ "Durarara!!, Vol. 4". Yen Press. Retrieved January 14, 2018.
- ↑ デュラララ!! 罪歌編(1) (Gファンタジーコミックススーパー) [コミック] (in Japanese). ASIN 4757535163.
- ↑ "Durarara!! Saika Arc, Vol. 1". Yen Press. Retrieved January 14, 2018.
- ↑ デュラララ!! 罪歌編21) (Gファンタジーコミックススーパー) [コミック] (in Japanese). ASIN 4757537115.
- ↑ "Durarara!! Saika Arc, Vol. 2". Yen Press. Retrieved January 14, 2018.
- ↑ デュラララ!! 罪歌編(3) (Gファンタジーコミックススーパー) [コミック] (in Japanese). ASIN 4757539304.
- ↑ "Durarara!! Saika Arc, Vol. 3". Yen Press. Retrieved January 14, 2018.
- ↑ デュラララ! ! 黄巾賊編(1) (in Japanese). ASIN 4757541112.
- ↑ Durarara!! Yellow Scarves Arc, Vol. 1. ISBN 0316335878.
- ↑ デュラララ! ! 黄巾賊編(2) (in Japanese). ASIN 4757542992.
- ↑ Durarara!! Yellow Scarves Arc, Vol. 2. ISBN 031633703X.
- ↑ デュラララ! ! 黄巾賊編(3) (in Japanese). ASIN 4757545452.
- ↑ Durarara!! Yellow Scarves Arc, Vol. 3. ASIN 0316305030.
External links
- Durarara!! (manga) at Anime News Network's encyclopedia