Gymnopus fusipes is the type species of the genus Gymnopus.

This is a list of species in the agaric genus Gymnopus. The following species are recognised in the genus Gymnopus:[1]



  • Gymnopus agricola Murrill (1916)
  • Gymnopus albipes Har. Takah. & Taneyama (2016)
  • Gymnopus albistrictus Murrill (1938)
  • Gymnopus alcalinolens (Peck) Murrill (1916)
  • Gymnopus alkalivirens (Singer) Halling (1997)
  • Gymnopus allegreti (De Seynes) A.W. Wilson, Desjardin & E. Horak (2004)
  • Gymnopus alliifoetidissimus T.H. Li & J.P. Li (2020)
  • Gymnopus alpicola (Bon & Ballarà) Esteve-Rav., V. González, Arenal & E. Horak (1998)
  • Gymnopus alpinus (Vilgalys & O.K. Mill.) Antonín & Noordel. (1997)
  • Gymnopus amygdalisporus Polemis & Noordel. (2007)
  • Gymnopus androsaceus (L.) Della Magg. & Trassin. (2014)
  • Gymnopus aporpohyphes (Singer) Tkalčec & Mešić (2013)
  • Gymnopus aquosus (Bull.) Antonín & Noordel. (1997)
  • Gymnopus atlanticus V. Coimbra, Pinheiro, Wartchow & Gibertoni (2015)
  • Gymnopus atratoides (Peck) Murrill (1916)
  • Gymnopus aurantiacus Murrill (1939)
  • Gymnopus aurantiipes (Corner) A.W. Wilson, Desjardin & E. Horak (2004)
  • Gymnopus austrosemihirtipes A.W. Wilson, Desjardin & E. Horak (2004)
  • Gymnopus avellaneidiscus Murrill (1916)
  • Gymnopus avellaneigriseus Murrill (1916)


Gymnopus brassicolens
  • Gymnopus bactrosporus (Singer) Mešić & Tkalčec (2013)
  • Gymnopus barbipes R.H.Petersen & K.W.Hughes (2014) – North America[2]
  • Gymnopus beltraniae Bañares, Antonín & G. Moreno (2007)
  • Gymnopus benoistii (Boud.) Antonín & Noordel. (1997)
  • Gymnopus bicolor A.W. Wilson, Desjardin & E. Horak (2004)
  • Gymnopus billbowesii Desjardin & B.A. Perry (2017)
  • Gymnopus bisporiger Antonín & Noordel. (2008)
  • Gymnopus bisporus (J. Carbó & Pérez-De-Greg.) J. Carbó & Pérez-De-Greg. (2006)
  • Gymnopus brassicolens (Romagn.) Antonín & Noordel. (1997)
  • Gymnopus brevistipitatus (Antonín) Tkalčec & Mešić (2013)
  • Gymnopus brunneiniger César, Bandala & Montoya (2020)
  • Gymnopus brunneodiscus Antonín, Ryoo & Ka (2020)
  • Gymnopus brunnescens (Murrill) M. Villarreal, Heykoop & Esteve-Rav. (2002)
  • Gymnopus bulliformis R.H. Petersen (2016)


  • Gymnopus campinaranae (Singer) Mešić & Tkalčec (2013)
  • Gymnopus carnosus (Curtis) Murrill (1916)
  • Gymnopus caryophilus Murrill (1945)
  • Gymnopus castaneus M. Villarreal, Heykoop & Esteve-Rav. (2002)
  • Gymnopus catalonicus (Vila & Llimona) Vila & Llimona (2006)
  • Gymnopus ceraceicola J.A. Cooper & P. Leonard (2013)
  • Gymnopus cervinicolor (Murrill) J.L. Mata (2009)
  • Gymnopus cervinus (Henn.) Desjardin & B.A. Perry (2017)
  • Gymnopus cinchonensis Murrill (1916)
  • Gymnopus cockaynei (G. Stev.) J.A. Cooper & P. Leonard (2012)
  • Gymnopus coniceps Murrill (1942)
  • Gymnopus contrarius (Peck) Halling (1997)
  • Gymnopus coracicolor (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) J.L. Mata (2009)
  • Gymnopus cremeimellus Murrill (1916)
  • Gymnopus cremeostipitatus Antonín, R.Ryoo & K.H.Ka (2014) – Korea[3]
  • Gymnopus cremoraceus (Peck) Murrill (1916)


Gymnopus dryophilus
  • Gymnopus densilamellatus Antonín, Ryoo & Ka (2016)
  • Gymnopus dentatus Murrill (1916)
  • Gymnopus denticulatus Murrill (1916)
  • Gymnopus detersibilis (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Murrill (1916)
  • Gymnopus discipes (Clem.) Murrill (1916)
  • Gymnopus dispermus E. Ludw. (2012) Murrill (1916)
  • Gymnopus domesticus Murrill (1916)
  • Gymnopus druceae (G. Stev.) J.A. Cooper & P. Leonard (2012)
  • Gymnopus dryophiloides Antonín, Ryoo & Ka (2020)
  • Gymnopus dryophilus (Bull.) Murrill (1916)
  • Gymnopus dysodes (Halling) Halling (1997)
  • Gymnopus dysosmus Polemis & Noordel. (2007)


  • Gymnopus earleae Murrill (1916)
  • Gymnopus eatonae Murrill (1916)
  • Gymnopus ellisii Murrill 1917
  • Gymnopus erythropus (Pers.) Antonín, Halling & Noordel. (1997)
  • Gymnopus expallens (Peck) Murrill (1916)
  • Gymnopus exsculptus (Fr.) Murrill 1916


Gymnopus foetidus
  • Gymnopus fagiphilus (Velen.) Antonín, Halling & Noordel. (1997)
  • Gymnopus farinaceus Murrill (1916)
  • Gymnopus fasciatus (Penn.) Halling (1997)
  • Gymnopus flavescens Murrill (1916)
  • Gymnopus floridanus Murrill (1939)
  • Gymnopus foetidus (Sowerby) P.M. Kirk (2014)
  • Gymnopus fragillior R.H. Petersen (2016)
  • Gymnopus fuegianus (Singer) Halling & J.L. Mata (2004)
  • Gymnopus fuliginellus (Peck) Murrill (1916)
  • Gymnopus fulvidiscus Murrill (1916)
  • Gymnopus fuscolilacinus (Peck) Murrill (1916)
  • Gymnopus fuscopurpureus (Pers.) Antonín, Halling & Noordel. (1997)
  • Gymnopus fusipes (Bull.) Gray (1821)


  • Gymnopus gelatinosipes (Desjardin & E. Horak) J.A. Cooper (2023)
  • Gymnopus glabrosipes R.H. Petersen (2016)
  • Gymnopus glatfelteri Murrill (1916)
  • Gymnopus griseifolius Murrill (1916)


  • Gymnopus hariolorum J.A. Cooper & P. Leonard (2013)
  • Gymnopus hariolorum (Bull.) Antonín, Halling & Noordel. (1997)
  • Gymnopus herinkii Antonín & Noordel. (1996)
  • Gymnopus hirtelloides Antonín & Noordel. (1996)
  • Gymnopus hirtellus (Berk. & Broome) Desjardin & B.A. Perry (2017)
  • Gymnopus hondurensis (Murrill) J.L. Mata (2003)
  • Gymnopus huijsmanii Antonín & Noordel. (1997)
  • Gymnopus hybridus (Kühner & Romagn.) Antonín & Noordel. (1997)


  • Gymnopus imbricatus J.A. Cooper & P. Leonard (2013)
  • Gymnopus impudicus (Fr.) Antonín, Halling & Noordel. (1997)
  • Gymnopus indoctoides A.W. Wilson, Desjardin & E. Horak (2004)
  • Gymnopus inexpectatus Consiglio, Vizzini, Antonín & Contu (2008)
  • Gymnopus inodorus (Pat.) Antonín & Noordel. (1997)
  • Gymnopus inusitatus (Vila & Llimona) Vila & Llimona (2006)
  • Gymnopus iocephalus (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Halling (1997)
  • Gymnopus irresolutus Desjardin & B.A. Perry (2017)


  • Gymnopus jamaicensis Murrill (1916)
  • Gymnopus johnstonii (Murrill) A.W. Wilson, Desjardin & E. Horak (2004)
  • Gymnopus junquilleus R.H. Petersen & J.L. Mata (2006)


  • Gymnopus kanukaneus (G. Stev.) J.A. Cooper (2023)
  • Gymnopus kauffmanii (Halling) Halling (1997)
  • Gymnopus kidsoniae (G. Stev.) J.A. Cooper & P. Leonard (2012)


Gymnopus lanipes
  • Gymnopus lachnophyllus (Berk.) Murrill (1916)
  • Gymnopus lanipes (Malençon & Bertault) Vila & Llimona (2006)
  • Gymnopus lodgeae (Singer) J.L. Mata (2003)
  • Gymnopus loiseleurietorum (M.M. Moser, Gerhold & Tobies) Antonín & Noordel. (1997)


  • Gymnopus macropus Halling (1996)
  • Gymnopus mammillatus Murrill (1939)
  • Gymnopus microspermus (Peck) Murrill (1916)
  • Gymnopus microsporus (Peck) Murrill (1916)
  • Gymnopus montagnei (Berk.) Redhead (2014)
  • Gymnopus monticola Murrill (1916)
  • Gymnopus moseri Antonín & Noordel. (1997)
  • Gymnopus mucubajiensis (Dennis) Halling (1996)
  • Gymnopus musicola Murrill (1916)
  • Gymnopus mustachius Desjardin & B.A. Perry (2017)


  • Gymnopus neobrevipes R.H. Petersen (2019)
  • Gymnopus nigrescens Bañares, G. Moreno, P. Alvarado & Antonín (2021)
  • Gymnopus nigritiformis Murrill (1916)
  • Gymnopus nigroimplicatus (Corner) Mešić, Tkalčec & Chun Y. Deng (2013)
  • Gymnopus nubicola Halling (1996)


  • Gymnopus ocellus Desjardin & B.A. Perry (2017)
  • Gymnopus ocior (Pers.) Antonín & Noordel. (1997)
  • Gymnopus oculatus Murrill (1916)
  • Gymnopus omphalina Murrill (1945)
  • Gymnopus omphalodes (Berk.) Halling & J.L. Mata (2004)
  • Gymnopus oncospermatis (Corner) Har. Takah. (2002)
  • Gymnopus oreadoides (Pass.) Antonín & Noordel. (1997)
  • Gymnopus orizabensis Murrill (1916)
  • Gymnopus otagensis (G. Stev.) J.A. Cooper (2023)


Gymnopus perforans
  • Gymnopus pacificus (Singer) Tkalčec & Mešić (2013)
  • Gymnopus pallidus Murrill (1916)
  • Gymnopus pallipes J.P. Li & Chun Y. Deng (2021)
  • Gymnopus phyllogenus Har. Takah., Taneyama & Terashima (2016)
  • Gymnopus physcopodius (Mont.) Murrill (1916)
  • Gymnopus piceipes T. Miyam. & Igarashi (2001)
  • Gymnopus pilularius (Mont.) Murrill (1916)
  • Gymnopus pleurocystidiatus Desjardin & B.A. Perry (2017)
  • Gymnopus polyphyllus (Peck) Halling (1997)
  • Gymnopus portoricensis R.H. Petersen (2019)
  • Gymnopus potassiovirescens (Contu) Antonín & Noordel. (2008)
  • Gymnopus pseudolodgeae J.L. Mata (2004)
  • Gymnopus pubipes Antonín, A. Ortega & Esteve-Rav. (2003)
  • Gymnopus purpureicollus (Corner) A.W. Wilson, Desjardin & E. Horak (2004)
  • Gymnopus putillus (Fr.) Antonín, Halling & Noordel. (1997)
  • Gymnopus pygmaeus V. Coimbra, E. Larss., Wartchow & Gibertoni (2016)
  • Gymnopus pyracanthoides R.H. Petersen (2016)
  • Gymnopus pyrenaeicus (Bon & Ballarà) Antonín & Noordel. (2008)


  • Gymnopus quinaultii R.H. Petersen (2016)


  • Gymnopus ramulicola T.H. Li & S.F. Deng (2016)
  • Gymnopus reginae E. Ludw. (2012)
  • Gymnopus rhizomorphicola (Antonín) Mešić & Tkalčec (2013)
  • Gymnopus rigidichordus (Petch) Tkalčec & Mešić (2013)
  • Gymnopus roseilividus Murrill (1916)


  • Gymnopus semihirtipes (Peck) Halling (1997)
  • Gymnopus sepiiconicus (Corner) A.W. Wilson, Desjardin & E. Horak (2004)
  • Gymnopus similis Antonín, Ryoo & Ka (2016)
  • Gymnopus sinuatus Murrill (1916)
  • Gymnopus sphaerosporus M. Villarreal, Arenal & G. Moreno (2006)
  • Gymnopus spongiosus (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Halling (1996)
  • Gymnopus squamiger Murrill (1916)
  • Gymnopus striatipes (Peck) Halling (1997)
  • Gymnopus subabundans Murrill (1946)
  • Gymnopus subaquosus de Meijer (2009)
  • Gymnopus subavellaneus Murrill (1916)
  • Gymnopus subconiceps Murrill (1946)
  • Gymnopus subflavescens Murrill (1916)
  • Gymnopus subflavifolius Murrill (1916)
  • Gymnopus subfunicularis Murrill (1946)
  • Gymnopus sublatericius Murrill (1916)
  • Gymnopus subluxurians Murrill (1945)
  • Gymnopus subnivulosus Murrill (1916)
  • Gymnopus subrigidichordus (Corner) Tkalčec, Mešić & Chun Y. Deng (2013)
  • Gymnopus subrugosus Murrill (1916)
  • Gymnopus subsulphureus (Peck) Murrill (1916)
  • Gymnopus subsupinus (Berk.) J.A. Cooper (2014)
  • Gymnopus subterginus (Halling) Halling (1997)
  • Gymnopus subtortipes Murrill (1946)


  • Gymnopus talisiae V. Coimbra, Pinheiro, Wartchow & Gibertoni (2015)
  • Gymnopus tamatavae (Bouriquet) Antonín, Buyck & Randrianj. (2005)
  • Gymnopus terginus (Fr.) Antonín & Noordel. (1997)
  • Gymnopus texensis (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Murrill (1916)
  • Gymnopus thiersii (Desjardin) Mešić & Tkalčec (2013)
  • Gymnopus tomentellus (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Tkalčec & Mešić (2013)
  • Gymnopus tortipes Murrill (1916)
  • Gymnopus trabzonensis Vizzini, Antonín, Seslı & Contu (2015)
  • Gymnopus tricholoma Murrill (1941)


  • Gymnopus ugandensis (Pegler) Desjardin & B.A. Perry (2017)
  • Gymnopus uniformis (Peck) Murrill (1916)


  • Gymnopus variicolor Antonín, Ryoo, Ka & Tomšovský (2016)
  • Gymnopus vernus (Ryman) Antonín & Noordel. (2008)
  • Gymnopus vinaceus (G.Stev.) J.A.Cooper & P.Leonard (2012) – New Zealand
  • Gymnopus virescens A.W. Wilson, Desjardin & E. Horak (2004)
  • Gymnopus virginianus Murrill (1916)
  • Gymnopus vitellinipes A.W. Wilson, Desjardin & E. Horak (2004)
  • Gymnopus volkertii Murrill (1916)
  • Gymnopus westii (Murrill) E. César, Bandala & Montoya (2018)


  1. "Species Fungorum - Search Page". Retrieved 2023-12-19.
  2. Petersen RH, Hughes K (2014). "New North American species of Gymnopus". North American Fungi. 9 (3): 1–22. doi:10.2509/naf2014.009.003. Open access icon
  3. Antonín V, Ryoo R, Ka K-H (2014). "Marasmioid and gymnopoid fungi of the Republic of Korea. 7. Gymnopus sect. Androsacei". Mycological Progress. 13 (3): 703–18. doi:10.1007/s11557-013-0953-z. S2CID 17821802.
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