This is a list of 213 species in Leptogenys, a genus of ants in the family Formicidae.[1][2][3][4]

Leptogenys species

  • Leptogenys acutangula Emery, 1914 i c g
  • Leptogenys acutirostris Santschi, 1912 i c g
  • Leptogenys adlerzi Forel, 1900 i c g
  • Leptogenys alluaudi Emery, 1895 i c g
  • Leptogenys amazonica Borgmeier, 1930 i c g
  • Leptogenys ambigua Santschi, 1931 i c g
  • Leptogenys amon Bolton, 1975 i c g
  • Leptogenys anacleti Borgmeier, 1930 i c g
  • Leptogenys angusta (Forel, 1892) i c g
  • Leptogenys angustinoda Clark, 1934 i c g
  • Leptogenys anitae Forel, 1915 i c g
  • Leptogenys ankhesa Bolton, 1975 i c g
  • Leptogenys antillana Wheeler, 1914 i c g
  • Leptogenys antongilensis Emery, 1899 i c g
  • Leptogenys arcirostris Santschi, 1926 i c g
  • Leptogenys arcuata Roger, 1861 i c g
  • Leptogenys arnoldi Forel, 1913 i c g
  • Leptogenys aspera (Andre, 1889) i c g
  • Leptogenys assamensis Forel, 1900 i c g
  • Leptogenys attenuata (Smith, 1858) i c
  • Leptogenys australis (Emery, 1888) i c g
  • Leptogenys bellii Emery, 1901 i c g
  • Leptogenys bidentata Forel, 1900 i c g
  • Leptogenys binghamii Forel, 1900 i c g
  • Leptogenys birmana Forel, 1900 i c g
  • Leptogenys bituberculata Emery, 1901 i c g
  • Leptogenys bohlsi Emery, 1896 i c g
  • Leptogenys borneensis Wheeler, 1919 i c g
  • Leptogenys breviceps Viehmeyer, 1914 i c g
  • Leptogenys brevinodis g
  • Leptogenys bubastis Bolton, 1975 i c g
  • Leptogenys buyssoni Forel, 1907 i c g
  • Leptogenys caeciliae Viehmeyer, 1912 i c g
  • Leptogenys camerunensis Stitz, 1910 i c g
  • Leptogenys carinata Donisthorpe, 1943 i c g
  • Leptogenys castanea (Mayr, 1862) i c g
  • Leptogenys centralis Wheeler, 1915 i c g
  • Leptogenys chalybaea (Emery, 1887) i c g
  • Leptogenys chelifera (Santschi, 1928) i c g
  • Leptogenys chinensis (Mayr, 1870) i c g
  • Leptogenys clarki Wheeler, 1933 i c g
  • Leptogenys coerulescens Emery, 1895 i c g
  • Leptogenys comajojo Rakotonirina & Fisher, 2014 g
  • Leptogenys comorensis g
  • Leptogenys confucii Forel, 1912 i c g
  • Leptogenys conigera (Mayr, 1876) i c g
  • Leptogenys conradti Forel, 1913 i c g
  • Leptogenys consanguinea Wheeler, 1909 i c g
  • Leptogenys crassicornis Emery, 1895 i c g
  • Leptogenys crassinoda Arnold, 1926 i c g
  • Leptogenys cribrata g
  • Leptogenys crudelis (Smith, 1858) i c g
  • Leptogenys crustosa Santschi, 1914 i c g
  • Leptogenys cryptica Bolton, 1975 i c g
  • Leptogenys dalyi Forel, 1900 i c g
  • Leptogenys darlingtoni Wheeler, 1933 i c g
  • Leptogenys dasygyna Wheeler, 1923 i c g
  • Leptogenys davydovi Karavaiev, 1935 i c g
  • Leptogenys dentilobis Forel, 1900 i c g
  • Leptogenys diatra Bolton, 1975 i c g
  • Leptogenys diminuta (Smith, 1857) i c g
  • Leptogenys donisthorpei Mann, 1922 i c g
  • Leptogenys drepanon Wilson, 1958 i c g
  • Leptogenys ebenina Forel, 1915 i c g
  • Leptogenys elegans Bolton, 1975 i c g
  • Leptogenys elongata (Buckley, 1866) i c g b
  • Leptogenys emeryi Forel, 1901 i c g
  • Leptogenys emiliae Forel, 1902 i c g
  • Leptogenys ergatogyna Wheeler, 1922 i c g
  • Leptogenys erythraea Emery, 1902 i c g
  • Leptogenys excellens Bolton, 1975 i c g
  • Leptogenys excisa (Mayr, 1876) i c g
  • Leptogenys exigua (Crawley, 1921) i c g
  • Leptogenys exudans (Walker, 1859) i c g
  • Leptogenys falcigera Roger, 1861 i c g
  • Leptogenys fallax (Mayr, 1876) i c
  • Leptogenys famelica Emery, 1896 i c g
  • Leptogenys ferrarii Forel, 1913 i c g
  • Leptogenys foreli Mann, 1919 i c g
  • Leptogenys fortior Forel, 1900 i c g
  • Leptogenys foveopunctata Mann, 1921 i c g
  • Leptogenys fugax Mann, 1921 i c g
  • Leptogenys furtiva Arnold, 1926 i c g
  • Leptogenys gagates Mann, 1922 i c g
  • Leptogenys gaigei Wheeler, 1923 i c g
  • Leptogenys gracilis Emery, 1899 i c g
  • Leptogenys grandidieri Forel, 1910 i c g
  • Leptogenys guianensis Wheeler, 1923 i c g
  • Leptogenys guineensis Santschi, 1914 i c g
  • Leptogenys hackeri Clark, 1934 i c g
  • Leptogenys hanseni Borgmeier, 1930 i c g
  • Leptogenys harmsi Donisthorpe, 1935 i c g
  • Leptogenys havilandi Forel, 1901 i c g
  • Leptogenys hebrideana Wilson, 1958 i c g
  • Leptogenys hemioptica Forel, 1901 i c g
  • Leptogenys hodgsoni Forel, 1900 i c g
  • Leptogenys honduriana Mann, 1922 i c g
  • Leptogenys honoria Bolton, 1975 i c g
  • Leptogenys humiliata Mann, 1921 i c g
  • Leptogenys hysterica Forel, 1900 i c g
  • Leptogenys iheringi Forel, 1911 i c g
  • Leptogenys imperatrix Mann, 1922 i c g
  • Leptogenys incisa Forel, 1891 i c g
  • Leptogenys indigatrix Wilson, 1958 i c g
  • Leptogenys ingens Mayr, 1866 i c g
  • Leptogenys intermedia Emery, 1902 i c g
  • Leptogenys intricata Viehmeyer, 1924 i c g
  • Leptogenys iridescens (Smith, 1857) i c g
  • Leptogenys iridipennis (Smith, 1858) i c
  • Leptogenys jeanneli Santschi, 1914 i c g
  • Leptogenys karawaiewi Santschi, 1928 i c g
  • Leptogenys keysseri Viehmeyer, 1914 i c g
  • Leptogenys khaura Bolton, 1975 i c g
  • Leptogenys kitteli (Mayr, 1870) i c g
  • Leptogenys kraepelini Forel, 1905 i c g
  • Leptogenys langi Wheeler, 1923 i c g
  • Leptogenys leiothorax Prins, 1965 i c g
  • Leptogenys letilae Mann, 1921 i c g
  • Leptogenys linearis (Smith, 1858) i c g
  • Leptogenys longensis Forel, 1915 i c g
  • Leptogenys longiceps Santschi, 1914 i c g
  • Leptogenys longiscapa Donisthorpe, 1943 i c g
  • Leptogenys lucidula Emery, 1895 i c g
  • Leptogenys luederwaldti Forel, 1913 i c g
  • Leptogenys mactans Bolton, 1975 i c g
  • Leptogenys magna Forel, 1900 i c g
  • Leptogenys manni Wheeler, 1923 i c g b
  • Leptogenys mastax Bolton, 1975 i c g
  • Leptogenys maxillosa (Smith, 1858) i c g
  • Leptogenys mayotte Rakotonirina & Fisher, 2014 g
  • Leptogenys melzeri Borgmeier, 1930 i c g
  • Leptogenys meritans (Walker, 1859) i c g
  • Leptogenys mexicana (Mayr, 1870) i c g
  • Leptogenys microps Bolton, 1975 i c g
  • Leptogenys minchinii Forel, 1900 i c g
  • Leptogenys mjobergi Forel, 1915 i c g
  • Leptogenys modiglianii Emery, 1900 i c g
  • Leptogenys moelleri (Bingham, 1903) i c
  • Leptogenys mucronata Forel, 1893 i c g
  • Leptogenys mutabilis (Smith, 1861) i c g
  • Leptogenys myops (Emery, 1887) i c g
  • Leptogenys navua Mann, 1921 i c g
  • Leptogenys nebra Bolton, 1975 i c g
  • Leptogenys neutralis Forel, 1907 i c g
  • Leptogenys nitens Donisthorpe, 1943 i c g
  • Leptogenys nitida g
  • Leptogenys nuserra Bolton, 1975 i c g
  • Leptogenys occidentalis Bernard, 1953 i c g
  • Leptogenys optica Viehmeyer, 1914 i c g
  • Leptogenys oresbia Wilson, 1958 i c g
  • Leptogenys oswaldi (Forel, 1891) i c
  • Leptogenys panops Lattke, 2011 g
  • Leptogenys papuana Emery, 1897 i c g
  • Leptogenys parvula Emery, 1900 i c g
  • Leptogenys pavesii Emery, 1892 i c g
  • Leptogenys peninsularis Mann, 1926 i c g
  • Leptogenys peringueyi Forel, 1913 i c g
  • Leptogenys peuqueti (Andre, 1887) i c g
  • Leptogenys piroskae Forel, 1910 i c g
  • Leptogenys podenzanai (Emery, 1895) i c g
  • Leptogenys pompiloides (Smith, 1857) i c g
  • Leptogenys princeps Bolton, 1975 i c g
  • Leptogenys processionalis (Jerdon, 1851) i c g
  • Leptogenys pruinosa Forel, 1900 i c g
  • Leptogenys pubiceps Emery, 1890 i c g
  • Leptogenys punctata Emery, 1914 i c g
  • Leptogenys punctaticeps Emery, 1890 i c g
  • Leptogenys punctiventris (Mayr, 1879) i c g
  • Leptogenys purpurea (Emery, 1887) i c g
  • Leptogenys pusilla (Emery, 1890) i c g
  • Leptogenys quiriguana Wheeler, 1923 i c g
  • Leptogenys ravida Bolton, 1975 i c g
  • Leptogenys regis Bolton, 1975 i c g
  • Leptogenys ridens Forel, 1910 i c g
  • Leptogenys ritae Forel, 1899 i c g
  • Leptogenys roberti Forel, 1900 i c g
  • Leptogenys rouxi (Emery, 1914) i c g
  • Leptogenys rufa Mann, 1922 i c g
  • Leptogenys rugosopunctata Karavaiev, 1925 i c g
  • Leptogenys sagaris Wilson, 1958 i c g
  • Leptogenys saussurei (Forel, 1891) i c g
  • Leptogenys schwabi Forel, 1913 i c g
  • Leptogenys sjostedti Forel, 1915 i c g
  • Leptogenys spandax Bolton, 1975 i c g
  • Leptogenys stenocheilos (Jerdon, 1851) i c g
  • Leptogenys sterops Bolton, 1975 i c g
  • Leptogenys strator Bolton, 1975 i c g
  • Leptogenys striatidens Bolton, 1975 i c g
  • Leptogenys stuhlmanni Mayr, 1893 i c g
  • Leptogenys stygia Bolton, 1975 i c g
  • Leptogenys sublaevis g
  • Leptogenys sulcinoda (Andre, 1892) i c g
  • Leptogenys terroni Bolton, 1975 i c g
  • Leptogenys testacea (Donisthorpe, 1948) i c
  • Leptogenys titan Bolton, 1975 i c g
  • Leptogenys tricosa Taylor, 1969 i c g
  • Leptogenys triloba Emery, 1901 i c g
  • Leptogenys trilobata Santschi, 1924 i c g
  • Leptogenys truncata Mann, 1919 i c g
  • Leptogenys truncatirostris Forel, 1897 i c g
  • Leptogenys turneri Forel, 1900 i c g
  • Leptogenys unistimulosa Roger, 1863 i c g
  • Leptogenys varicosa Stitz, 1925 i c g
  • Leptogenys venatrix Forel, 1899 i c g
  • Leptogenys vindicis Bolton, 1975 i c g
  • Leptogenys violacea Donisthorpe, 1942 i c g
  • Leptogenys vitiensis Mann, 1921 i c g
  • Leptogenys voeltzkowi Forel, 1897 i c g
  • Leptogenys vogeli Borgmeier, 1933 i c g
  • Leptogenys watsoni Forel, 1900 i c g
  • Leptogenys wheeleri Forel, 1901 i c g
  • Leptogenys yerburyi Forel, 1900 i c g
  • Leptogenys zapyxis Bolton, 1975 i c g

Data sources: i = ITIS,[1] c = Catalogue of Life,[2] g = GBIF,[3] b =[4]


  1. 1 2 "Leptogenys Report". Integrated Taxonomic Information System. Retrieved 2018-04-25.
  2. 1 2 "Browse Leptogenys". Catalogue of Life. Retrieved 2018-04-25.
  3. 1 2 "Leptogenys". GBIF. Retrieved 2018-04-25.
  4. 1 2 "Leptogenys Genus Information". Retrieved 2018-04-25.
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