This is a list of categories of government bonds around the world.

Main issuers

Currency Country Generic Name or Nickname Public sector debt 2015
(US dollar bn nominal equivalent)
Government financial liabilities
as % of GDP
(end 2015 - source : OECD)
Issuer Internet site
Yen  Japan JGBs 9,074 205.5% Ministry of Finance (MoF) Site
US dollar  United States US Treasuries 18,150 (13,059 negotiable) 98.5% Bureau of the Fiscal Service Site
Euro  Italy BTPs 2,571 127.6 % Dipartimento del Tesoro Site
Euro  France OATs 2,304 86.8% Agence France Trésor Site
Euro  Germany Bunds 1,750 45.3% German Finance Agency Site
Pound sterling  United Kingdom Gilts 2,609 92.1% UK Debt Management Office Site
Indian Rupee  India G-sec Not Found Not Found Reserve Bank of India Site


Country by country data


 South Korea

Issued by: Ministry of Strategy and Finance

  • Korea Treasury Bond (KTB)
  • Korea International Bond (KIB)
  • National Housing Bond (NHB)

Ministry of Strategy and Finance


Issued By: Ministry of Finance (Zaimu-shō)

  • Japanese Government Bonds (JGBs)
    • Revenue Bonds/Straight Bonds
    • Financing Bills
    • Subsidy Bonds
    • Subscription Bonds
    • Contribution Bonds
    • Demand Bonds (kofu kokusai)
    • Index-linked Bonds (JGBi)

Ministry of Finance

 Hong Kong

Issued by: Hong Kong Monetary Authority

  • Government Bond Programme

Hong Kong Monetary Authority

 People's Republic of China

Issued by: Ministry of Finance

  • Ministry of Finance


Issued by: Reserve Bank of India

  • Government Securities(G-Secs)
  • State Development Loans(SDL's)

Government Bonds by RBI




Issued By: Österreichische Bundesfinanzierungsagentur, the Austrian Federal Financing Agency

  • Government Bonds
  • Debt Issuance Programme (DIP and DIP 144A)
  • Euro Medium Term Note (EMTN)
  • ATB-Programms

Österreichische Bundesfinanzierungsagentur


Issued By: Agentschap van de schuld/Agence de la Dette, the Belgian Debt Agency

  • Belgian Treasury Bills BTB - bills, tap-issued
  • Certificats de Trésorerie (CTs) - bills
  • Obligations linéaires ordinaires (OLOs) - bonds

Agentschap van de schuld/Agence de la Dette


Issued By: Valtiokonttori, the Finland State Treasury

  • Government Bonds
  • Yield Bonds
  • EMTN Programme
  • Government Treasury Bills



Issued By: Agence France Trésor, the French Debt Agency

  • OATs
    • BTFs - bills of up to 1 year maturities
    • BTANs - 1 to 6 year notes
    • Obligations assimilables du Trésor (OATs) - 7 to 50 year bonds
    • TEC10 OATs - floating rate bonds indexed on constant 10year maturity OAT yields
    • OATi - French inflation-indexed bonds
    • OAT€i - Eurozone inflation-indexed bonds

Agence France Trésor


Issued By: German Finance Agency, the German Debt Agency

  • Bunds[2]
    • Unverzinsliche Schatzanweisungen (Bubills) - 6 and 12 month (zero coupon) Treasury discount paper
    • Bundesschatzanweisungen (Schätze) - 2 year Federal Treasury notes
    • Bundesobligationen (Bobls) - 5 year Federal notes
    • inflationsindexierte Bundesobligationen (Bobl/ei) - 5 year inflation-linked Federal notes
    • Bundesanleihen (Bunds) - 10 and 30 year Federal bonds
    • inflationsindexierte Bundesanleihen (Bund/ei) - 10, 15 and 30 year inflation-linked Federal bonds

Federal Republic of Germany - Finance Agency


Issued By: Οργανισμός Διαχείρισης Δημοσίου Χρέους, the Public Debt Management Agency (PDMA).

Negotiable debt : Euro 354bn on 31 March 2011[3]

Public Debt Management Agency


Issued By: Dipartimento del Tesoro

  • Buoni Ordinari del Tesoro (BOTs) - bills up to 1 year
  • Certificati del Tesoro Zero Coupon (CTZ) - bills up to 2 year
  • Buoni del Tesoro Poliannuali (BTPs) - bonds
  • Certificati di Credito del Tesoro (CCTs) - floating rate notes
  • BTP Indicizzato all'Inflazione - inflation linked bonds linked to Eurozone inflation
  • BTP Italia - inflation linked bonds linked to Italian Inflation

Dipartimento del Tesoro


Issued by: Agentschap van het ministerie van Financiën, the Dutch State Treasury Agency

  • DTC (Dutch Treasury Certificates) - bills
  • DSL (Dutch State Loans) - bonds

Dutch State Treasury Agency


Issued By: Tesoro Público, the Spanish Public Treasury

  • Letras del Tesoro - bills
  • Bonos del Estado - bonds 2–5 years
  • Obligaciones del Estado - bonds 5+ years

Tesoro Público



Issued By: Ministry of Finance


Issued By: Danmarks Nationalbank, the Danish National Bank

  • Nominelle obligationer - bonds.
  • Inflationsindekserede obligationer - bonds, index-linked
  • Skatkammerbeviser - treasury bonds


 United Kingdom

Issued By: UK Debt Management Office

UK Debt Management Office


Issued By: Lánasýsla ríkisins, the Icelandic National Debt Management Agency

Bond information in English
National Debt Management Agency


Issued By: Ministerul Finanțelor Publice, the Public Finance Ministry

  • Certificate de trezorerie - bills, maturity up to a year
  • Obligațiuni de stat - bonds

Bond information in English from the Ministry of Public Finance


Issued By: Riksgäldskontoret, the Swedish National Debt Office




 Puerto Rico

Issued by: COFINA, Puerto Rico Government Development Bank

North America

 United States

Issued By: Bureau of the Fiscal Service

Bureau of the Fiscal Service


Issued By:

See also


  1. "OECD Statistics". Archived from the original on 2019-08-11. Retrieved 2016-05-13.
  2. website of German Government bonds, Finance Agency, as at July 1, 2015
  3. Ministry of Finance (2011). "HELLENIC REPUBLIC PUBLIC DEBT BULLETIN 61 (MARCH 2011)" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2011-08-09.
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