Michela Magas
Alma mater
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Michela Magas is a designer, entrepreneur and innovation specialist, of Croatian-British nationality,[1] and is the first woman from the Creative Industries to receive the European Woman Innovator of the Year award by the European Commission.[1][2]

Family and education

She is the daughter of the architects Olga and Boris Magaš,[3][4] and was raised in Rijeka, Croatia, where she was educated at Italian elementary and secondary schools, before graduating in design from the Royal College of Art in London.[4]


From 1995 until the end of 2000 she worked at the Financial Times, as a designer, becoming Art Editor.[5]

She is the co-founder, with Peter Russell-Clarke, of the London-based design innovation lab Stromatolite,[6] whose clients include Nike, Nokia and Apple.[4]

She is the founder of Music Tech Fest,[7][8] and chairs the Industry Commons Foundation.[9]

In December 2019 she was recognised as an "Outstanding Peer Reviewer" by Leonardo, the International Society for the Arts, Sciences and Technology.[10]

In 2016 she was awarded Innovation Luminary for Creative Innovation by the European Commission.[11]

Since about 2015,[4] she has lived in Umeå, Sweden, and works nomadically.[5]


  • Magas, M., Radziwon, A., Altosaar, A., Wretblad, L., Emanuilov, I., Bertels, N., 2022. White Paper: IP and Industry Agreements towards Industry Commons. Link
  • Magas, M., 2022 contribution to European Commission, Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology, Izsak, K., Terrier, A., Kreutzer, S., et al. Opportunities and challenges of artificial intelligence technologies for the cultural and creative sectors. Publications Office of the European Union. Link
  • Magas, M., Dubber, A. and Marsden, R., 2022. Intellectual Property and the Industry Commons: Unlocking the Renaissance, in European Crew, 2022, The Next Renaissance Culture and Creativity Shaping Europe, Odile Jacob Link
  • Magas, M. (contributor) in Martin, C. et al, 2022. Backing Visionary Entrepreneurs: Realising the Deep-Tech Entrepreneurial Talent of Europe (Report of the EIC Expert Group on Design of the EIC Marketplace and Tech to Market Activities), European Innovation Council
  • Michela Magas & Dimitris Kiritsis, 2021. Industry Commons: an ecosystem approach to horizontal enablers for sustainable cross-domain industrial innovation (a positioning paper), International Journal of Production Research, DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2021.1989514 Link
  • Magas, M. et al, 2021. New European Bauhaus: Concept paper by the High-Level Roundtable, European Commission. Link
  • Magas, M., 2020. Green Paper: CCI Innovation to Lead Beyond the Pandemic, presented at Framing Creative Futures – The 10th European Creative Industries Summit (ECIS 2020). Link
  • Magas, M, and Dubber, A., 2020. Expanding EOSC: Engagement of the wider public and private sectors in EOSC, Study funded by the European Union’s Horizon Programme call H2020-INFRAEOSC-2018-4, Grant Agreement number 831644, EOSCsecretariat.eu 2020. Link
  • Magas, M. in Taisch, M., Casidsid, M.L., May, G., Morin, T.R., Padelli, V., Pinzone, M., Wuest, T. (eds)., 2020. World Manufacturing Report 2020: Manufacturing in the Age of Artificial Intelligence. Link
  • Magas, M., 2018. 7 Ingredients for the Industry Commons. Link
  • Magas, M. and Koek, A., Lerhman-Madsen, O., Beetz, K., Curley, M., de Waele, W., Herlitschka, S., 2016. CAF Innovation Recommendations, H2020 Work Programme 2018–2020. DG Connect Advisory Forum, European Commission.
  • Magas, M., Fledderus, E. and Herlitschka, S., et al. 2016. CAF's recommendations for H2020's work program 2018–2020. DG Connect Advisory Forum, European Commission.
  • Magas, M. and Dubber, A. 2016. Final Public Report. #MusicBricks European Commission H2020 project report.
  • Magas, M., van der Klauw, K. et al., 2015. Report on Analysis and Recommendations for Innovation Ecosystems: The Alliance for Internet of Things Innovation (AIOTI). Published by the European Commission in October 2015.
  • Magas, M., Lidy, T., and Schindler, A., 2015. MusicBricks: Connecting digital Creators to the Internet of Music Things. ERCIM NEWS, 101, pp.39–40.
  • Magas, M., Laurier, C., 2014. Audio analysis system and method using audio segment characterisation. UK Intellectual Property Office Patent No. GB2523973B.Link
  • Magas, M., Dubber, A., Sterne, J., Baym, N., et al., 2014. Manifesto for Music Technologists. Published by Microsoft Research Link
  • Magas, M., Serra, X., Benetos, E., Chudy, M., Dixon, S., Flexer, A., Paytuvi, O., 2013. Roadmap for music information research. EU FP7.Link
  • Magas, M. and Proutskova, P., 2013. A location-tracking interface for ethnomusicological collections. Journal of New Music Research, 42(2), pp.151–160.
  • Magas, M., and Rea, C. 2012. Synaesthesia: Innovative music components for collaborating and creating music with objects in real space. Proceedings of the NEM Summit, Istanbul.
  • Magas, M. and Proutskova, P., 2009. A location-tracking interface for ethnomusicological collections. In Workshop on Exploring Musical Information Spaces.
  • Magas, M., Stewart, R. and Fields, B., 2009, August. decibel 151. In ACM SIGGRAPH 2009 Art Gallery (p. 21). ACM.
  • Magas, M. and Proutskova, P. 2009. Beyond the metadata, new intelligent audio content search for large music collections. Unlocking Audio 2, British Library, London, UK.
  • Magas, M. and Proutskova, P., 2009. A location-tracking interface for ethnomusicological collections. Proceedings of ECDL. Corfu, Greece.
  • Magas, M., Casey, M.A. and Rhodes, C., 2008, August. mHashup: fast visual music discovery via locality sensitive hashing. In SIGGRAPH New Tech Demos (p. 26).
  • Magas, M., Rhodes, C., Casey, M., d’Inverno, M., Knopke, I., and Slaney, M. 2008. Dark Media Navigation With the Audio

Media coverage

  • Nomad Magazine covered Collaborative Innovator Michela Magas[12]
  • JN.pt covered Aveiro Tech week 2022[13]
  • TOUCHIT.sk covered Festival Art & Tech Days 2021 [14]
  • Fraunhofer ISC on EIT Kultur & Kreativität - eine wegweisende Partnerschaft für ein erfolgreiches Europa[15]
  • OAGi (Open Applications Group): Industrial Ontologies Foundry Releases Core Ontology Beta[16]
  • Royal College of Art interview with Michela Magas[17]
  • Ara.cat on Michela Magas[18]
  • Forbes on Michela Magas and MTF[19]
  • Market insider on Music Tech Fest Hosts MTF Labs Together With Infobip in Croatia[20]
  • Leonardo.info on Recognition of outstanding peer reviewers[21]
  • Dagens industri covers Michela Magas[22]
  • BBC The Next Web on How the first Music Tech Fest explored the future of sound[23]
  • Bergenna.no covered Gründer-gatefest på OPPNÅ[24]
  • Financial Times Michela Magas' nomadic working life[25]
  • Yle Finland on Music Tech Fest -ryhmälle musiikki on sosiaalista liimaa: "Me emme ennusta tulevaisuutta, vaan luomme sitä"[26]
  • Poslovni.hr on Michela Magaš[27]
  • Vecernhi list on Živjela sam u Caritasu, jela tost. Slomila sam se kad je tata imao infarkt, no tad su me profesori ‘prošvercali’ pod studenta iz EU [28]
  • Dnevni avaz on Svjetski inovatori i studenti zajedničkim snagama pokreću inovativnu BiH[29]
  • VIDI on Michela Magaš[30]
  • Radio MOF: Interview with Michela Magas[31]
  • 24SATA on Michela Magaš[32]
  • BBC on Michela Magaš[33]
  • BBC European Prize for Women Innovators[34]
  • Women in Adria Što treba da bi se bilo najinovativnija europska poduzetnica Michela Magaš?[35]
  • Telegram Media Group: Michela Magaš europska je inovatorica godine, a ovo je njezin prvi životni intervju za naše medije[36]
  • Novi list Michela Magaš osvojila nagradu EU za inovatoricu godine: Riječanka tražilicom glazbe osvaja Europu[37]
  • Jutarnji List: Michela magaš, ona je vjerojatno najpoznatija hrvatica za koju niste čuli Svojim je inovacijama nevjerojatno utjecala na vaše živote i učinila ih lagodnijima[38]
  • Telegram Media Group: Donosimo veliku vijest; Michela Magaš jučer je u Bruxellesu proglašena inovatoricom godine[39]
  • Jutarnji List: Hrvatica Michela Magaš osvojila je prvu nagradu za EU inovatoricu godine i 100.000 eura, ali njen laboratorij za inovacije u dizajnu je u Britaniji[40]
  • Poslovni dnevnik: Michela Magaš dobitnica Nagrade Europske unije za inovatorice 2017[41]
  • The Calvert Journal: Croatian-British entrepreneur wins EU Prize for Women Innovators[42]
  • MTF Labs: Interview at Swedish Ambassador’s residence in Croatia[43]
  • WIRED Magazine (guest edited by Barack Obama): Bionic Artist Viktoria Modesta Transcends the Human Body[44]
  • Open Innovation 2.0 Conference 2016: Innovation Luminary Awards Ceremony Interview [45]
  • Collective Awareness Platforms for Sustainability and Social Innovation: Interview for CAPS 2015[46]
  • #OI2Conf Dublin: interview with Michela Magas, Stromatolite[47]
  • Digital Music trends: Michela Magas of Stromatolite and Music Tech Fest[48]
  • NEM Summit 2010: Interview with Michela Magas [49]


  1. 1 2 "EU Prize for Women Innovators : 2017 Contest". European Commission. Archived from the original on 20 November 2017.
  2. Arnold, Harriet (2 May 2017). "Michela Magas: my nomadic working life". Financial Times. Retrieved 24 March 2020.
  3. Nobilo, Igor. "British-Croatian Michela Magaš European Innovator of the Year". www.total-croatia-news.com. Retrieved 24 March 2020.
  4. 1 2 3 4 Pleše, Mladen (12 March 2017). "Michela Magaš europska je inovatorica godine, a ovo je njezin prvi životni intervju za naše medije". Telegram.hr (in Croatian). Retrieved 24 March 2020.
  5. 1 2 Arnold, Harriet (2 May 2017). "Michela Magas: my nomadic working life". Financial Times. Retrieved 24 March 2020.
  6. "EU Prize for Women Innovators: Meet the 2017 finalists!". European Commission. Archived from the original on 21 June 2017.
  7. "Michela Magas – Founder, Music Tech Fest; Design Innovation & Music Tech Specialist". MusicTank. Retrieved 24 March 2020.
  8. Peschl, Florian. "Bunte Vielfalt". Forbes Austria (in German). Retrieved 24 March 2020.
  9. "Foundation". Industry Commons. 26 May 2019. Retrieved 24 March 2020.
  10. "Recognition of Outstanding Peer Reviewers". Leonardo/ISAST. 12 April 2019. Retrieved 24 March 2020.
  11. Anonymous (27 May 2016). "The Innovation Luminary Awards 2016". Shaping Europe’s digital future - European Commission. Retrieved 9 April 2021.
  12. Sarah Dorkenwald. "Collaborative Innovator Michela Magas". Nomad Magazine.
  13. "Como é que a tecnologia pode melhorar a nossa vida? Descubra nas Tech Sessions". jn.pt.
  14. "Kyborg Neil Harbisson, inovátorka Michela Magas a umelec Daan Roosegaarde sú prvými menami festivalu Art & Tech Days". TouchIT. 27 September 2021.
  15. "EIT Kultur & Kreativität - eine wegweisende Partnerschaft für ein erfolgreiches Europa". ISC Fraunhofer. 23 June 2022.
  16. "OAGi's Industrial Ontologies Foundry Releases Core Ontology Beta". oagi.org.
  17. Lisa Pierre (14 February 2022). "Michela Magas". rca.ac.uk.
  18. "Michela Magas: "Reunir tota mena de ments brillants en un espai d'entesa mutua genera un entorn realment enriquidor". ara.cat.
  19. "Bunte Vielfalt". forbes.at. 17 June 2019.
  20. "Music Tech Fest Hosts MTF Labs Together With Infobip in Croatia". markets.businessinsider.com. 8 May 2019.
  21. Erica Hruby (4 December 2019). "Recognition of outstanding peer reviewers". leonardo.info.
  22. Annika Sandholm Hellner (15 December 2018). "Nytänkaren vill göra industrins teknik tillgänglig för hackare". di.se.
  23. "Music Tech Fest in Stockholm". bbc.co.uk.
  24. "Gründer-gatefest på OPPNÅ". bergenna.no. 24 May 2012.
  25. "Michela Magas: my nomadic working life". Financial times. 2 May 2017.
  26. Jussi Mankkinen (28 November 2017). "Music Tech Fest -ryhmälle musiikki on sosiaalista liimaa: "Me emme ennusta tulevaisuutta, vaan luomme sitä"". yle.fi.
  27. Bernard Ivezić (13 November 2017). "Michela Magaš stvara pandan Linuxa za glazbenu industriju". poslovni.hr.
  28. Sandra Veljković (14 March 2017). "Živjela sam u Caritasu, jela tost. Slomila sam se kad je tata imao infarkt, no tad su me profesori 'prošvercali' pod studenta iz EU". vecernji.hr.
  29. E.HALIMIĆ (6 December 2017). "Svjetski inovatori i studenti zajedničkim snagama pokreću inovativnu BiH". vecernji.hr.
  30. Lucija Pilić (25 August 2017). "Michela Magaš: Velikim ambicijama do inovatorice godine". vidi.hr.
  31. "Interview with Michela Magas". Radio MOF.
  32. Željko Ivanković (8 May 2017). "Inovatorica godine: Naša djeca se moraju baviti s umjetnošću". 24sata.
  33. "Quién es Michela Magas,"la mujer más innovadora de Europa" y cómo está revolucionando la tecnología musical". bbc.com. 7 April 2017.
  34. "Quién es Michela Magas,"la mujer más innovadora de Europa" y cómo está revolucionando la tecnología musical". bb.com. 7 April 2017.
  35. Antonija Antončić (21 March 2017). "Što treba da bi se bilo najinovativnija europska poduzetnica Michela Magaš?". womeninadria.com.
  36. MLADEN PLEŠE (12 March 2017). "Michela Magaš europska je inovatorica godine, a ovo je njezin prvi životni intervju za naše medije". telegram.hr.
  37. Vedrana Simičević (12 March 2017). "Michela Magaš osvojila nagradu EU za inovatoricu godine: Riječanka tražilicom glazbe osvaja Europu". novilist.hr.
  38. Tomislav Novak (12 March 2017). "ONA JE VJEROJATNO NAJPOZNATIJA HRVATICA ZA KOJU NISTE ČULI Svojim je inovacijama nevjerojatno utjecala na vaše živote i učinila ih lagodnijima". jutarnji.hr.
  39. "Donosimo veliku vijest; Michela Magaš jučer je u Bruxellesu proglašena inovatoricom godine". telegram.hr. 9 March 2017.
  40. "Hrvatica Michela Magaš osvojila je prvu nagradu za EU inovatoricu godine i 100.000 eura, ali njen laboratorij za inovacije u dizajnu je u Britaniji". jutarnji.hr. 9 March 2017.
  41. "Michela Magaš dobitnica Nagrade Europske unije za inovatorice 2017". poslpvni.hr. 9 March 2017.
  42. Elise Morton (9 March 2017). "Croatian-British entrepreneur wins EU Prize for Women Innovators". calvertjournal.
  43. "Michela Magas on women in innovation". MTF labs. 10 November 2017.
  44. Marley Walker (31 October 2016). "Bionic Artist Viktoria Modesta Transcends the Human Body". wired.com.
  45. "Michela Magas, Innovation Luminary Awards Ceremony; Open Innovation 2.0 Conference 2016". OISPG. 30 May 2016.
  46. "CAPS2015 - Michela Magas' interview". CAPSSI. 18 August 2015.
  47. "#OI2Conf: interview with Michela Magas, Stromatolite". Silicon Republic. 14 July 2014.
  48. "Ep.8: Michela Magas, Stromatolite & Music Tech Fest - DMT 1-2-1". Silicon Republic. 5 May 2013.
  49. "Michela Magas - NEM Summit 2010". NEM Summit. 6 June 2011.
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