The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Brazil
Members1,472,521 (2022)[1]
Total Congregations[2]2,176
Temples9 Operating
2 Under Construction
9 Announced
20 Total
Family History Centers454[3]

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) (Portuguese: A Igreja de Jesus Cristo dos Santos dos Últimos Dias) was established in Brazil in 1926 with the opening of the South American Mission. Missionary work was focused on small German immigrant colonies in South Brazil. The LDS Church was forced to expand missionary work to Brazilians and Portuguese speakers when non-Portuguese languages were banned in public meetings in 1938. The Brazil Mission was opened on February 9, 1935, with Rulon S. Howells as mission president. The first Portuguese translation of the Book of Mormon was published in 1939.

During Howells's second presidency in the early 1950s, he instituted programs to genealogically screen Brazilians interested in the LDS Church or its members in Brazil to prevent people with African ancestry from joining the church. Church policy at that time prevented males with African ancestry from being ordained to a priesthood office. In 1965, church president David O. McKay changed the policy in Brazil, requiring that all men be assumed qualified to receive the priesthood unless there was obvious evidence showing otherwise. The first stake in Brazil was established in São Paulo on May 1, 1966. In 1978, the São Paulo Brazil Temple was completed, becoming the church's first temple in Brazil and South America. The temple was thought to be one factor that influenced the 1978 Revelation on Priesthood that allowed male church members of any race to receive the priesthood.

As of October 2018, the LDS Church membership records reported 1,383,799 members in Brazil.[1] The 2010 Brazilian census reported 226,509 self-identifying specifically as LDS Church.[4] Brazil has the most members of the LDS Church in South America and the 3rd most members of any country worldwide, behind the United States and Mexico.[5]


1940 233
1950 648
1960 2,644
1965 19,050
1970 33,104
1976 45,747[7]
1980 81,504[8]
1985 206,000[8]
1989 302,000[8]
1995 548,000[8]
2000 775,822[9]
2005 928,926[9]
2010 1,102,428[10]
2015 1,326,738[10]
2019 1,429,935[11]


The Portuguese translation of the Book of Mormon, originally published in 1939

Andrew Jenson traveled to South America in 1923 to determine whether the conditions were right for missionary work. However, he was not impressed with Brazil's prospects and missionaries were, instead, sent to Argentina.[12] Max and Amalie Zapf were the first known members of the LDS Church in Brazil. They were immigrants who had joined the church in their native Germany before moving to Brazil in 1913. The Zapfs did not find other members of the LDS Church in Brazil until ten years later.[13][14] The Zapfs met Augusta Kuhlmann Lippelt and her family, other LDS Church members who emigrated from Germany. The Zapfs would eventually relocate to be closer to the Lippelts. This represented the first permanent LDS Church presence in Brazil.[13] An immigrant from Germany, Reinhold Stoof was made president of the South American Mission in May 1926. Stoof was headquartered in Buenos Aires, but realized that congregations of German immigrants were too sparse in Argentina, so he sent missionaries to the larger German colonies in Southern Brazil.[15] The first two missionaries in Brazil were William Fred Heinz and Emil A. J. Schindler.[13] Missionaries arrived in 1928, but due to the priesthood restriction, they were instructed to only work with German people living in the southern part of the country.[16] Missionaries found a group of 16,000 Germans in Joinville and began baptizing them.[17] The first people baptized in Brazil were Berta Sell and her four children on April 14, 1929.[13] In 1929, the LDS Church acquired the first property in Brazil to serve as a meeting place for its members.[17] On July 6, 1930, the first branch in Joinville was created.[13] The first LDS-owned meetinghouse was dedicated on October 25, 1931, in Joinville.[13]

The Brazil Mission was established on February 9, 1935, with Rulon S. Howells as mission president.[17] Howells headquartered the mission in São Paulo, which officially opened on May 25, 1935.[18]:333 At the time, the Brazilian Mission covered what is now modern Brazil, Bolivia, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, and French Guiana.[19] During this time, the mission targeted the German speaking people in Brazil. Church literature in German was ordered, and missionaries were taught German for the first three years of missionary work there.[18]:333–334 After more Portuguese-speaking Brazilians became interested, which had a high proportion of people with mixed ancestry, LDS officials advised missionaries to avoid teaching people who appeared to have black ancestry. When the Brazilian government outlawed the use of non-Portuguese languages in public meetings in 1938, the mission switched from a German language mission to a Portuguese-speaking one.[16] Consequently, missionaries in Brazil began learning Portuguese.[17] However, missionaries still remained in Southern Brazil, where there would be more European immigrants and less interracial Brazilians.[20]:41 The missionaries later realized that they would not be able to avoid teaching and interacting with people of African descent, because housing was not segregated in Brazil.[20]:41

A meetinghouse of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Santo Ângelo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

John Alden Bowers became mission president in 1938, and he oversaw the translation of missionary pamphlets and the Book of Mormon into Portuguese.[17][21] Howells asked Mário Pedroso, a Brazilian native, to work on a translation of the Book of Mormon into Portuguese.[18]:334 Daniel G. Shupe worked on his own Portuguese translation of the Book of Mormon.[22] A retired Brazilian newspaper editor compared the two translations to determine which was the best translation of the English words.[18]:334 The first Portuguese translation of the Book of Mormon was published in Brazil in 1939.[23] One of the early missionaries in Brazil, serving in 1939, was James E. Faust.[16]:26 During World War II, many missionaries were sent home.[16]:26 William West Seegmiller became mission president in 1942, serving for three years, but no missionaries were sent to Brazil during his presidency. Harold Morgan Rex became mission president in 1945 with only two missionaries sent to Brazil before 1946 when normal missionary work resumed.[18]:367 In 1949, Rulon S. Howells became mission president again.[18]:369 On his way to Brazil, Howells stopped in Washington D.C. and met the Brazilian Ambassador to the United States, Maurício Nabuco. Two of the governors of Brazil helped him register the LDS Church with the Brazilian government, as well as achieving tax exemption status.[18]:336 The Doctrine and Covenants and the Pearl of Great Price were translated into Portuguese in 1950 and 1952, respectively.[18]:336 In 1954, LDS Church president David O. McKay visited Brazil during a world tour.[20]:42

Mission development and racial implications

During the 1950s, in some areas in Brazil, up to 80% of the population was thought to have African ancestry, however this was difficult to prove due to inadequate recorded evidence.[24]:200 During the time Howells served for the second time as mission president, the primary goal for the Brazil Mission was racial purity for all new converts. He told the missionaries to scrutinize people's appearances for hints of black ancestry and avoid teaching those who had any black ancestry. Missionaries were instructed to look for relatives of the investigators if they were not sure about their racial heritage. If during the course of the lessons, it was discovered they had black ancestry, they were discouraged from investigating the church.[25]:27 In Piracicaba, where several black people had joined, Howells segregated the branch so that black people would stop coming. He instituted a genealogy program to determine race and screened all baptisms. If it was discovered a member had black ancestry, their records were marked.[16] In the 1960s, church protocol was to first consult physical appearance, then family and genealogical records. Sometimes church leaders, including the First Presidency, were consulted to make overriding decisions about an individual's lineage; leaders would declare "racial purity" sometimes despite African ties in a member's heritage.[16]:31–32 If unsuccessful, Patriarchal blessings would be used to establish lineage.[20]:41 Usually, Patriarchal blessings were considered "final authority".[16]:33

Generally, missionaries and LDS Church leaders avoided educating members about church policy surrounding black members of the church. Sometimes presentations urged members to avoid interracial marriage, but there was a lack of information about the church's policies and reasons behind them. Furthermore, the Portuguese translation of The Way to Perfection neglected to include information regarding the "lineage of Cain".[16]:30 Methods to determine lineage were vague and unclear.[16]:30 In 1965, McKay changed policies in Brazil that required all male converts in to be assumed qualified to receive the priesthood unless there was hard evidence otherwise.[24]:201 Brazilian church members were uncomfortable with the policies. They were often accused of racism by friends and family members, but they did not feel like they had the right or ability to suggest change. They believed the policy was revelation from God and only further revelation from God could change the policy.[20]:42

In 1959, the Brazil South Mission was created, increasing the number of missionaries sent to Brazil.[17] William Grant Bangerter, president of the northern Brazil mission, sent missionaries into areas that were previously avoided due to race.[20]:45 Previously, Bangerter sent missionaries to Recife and Pernambuco as a test to gauge the success of future missionary work. They did not have success at first, due to the large African-Brazilian population, anti-American feelings, and lack of familiarity with Mormonism. Missionary work improved after the baptism of Milton Soares, Jr. and his family. Soares influenced the baptism of many others and he became the branch president on October 27, 1961. Mission presidents began sending missionaries into North Brazil. Branches were established in Joāo Pessoa in 1960, Maceió in 1966, and Fortaleza and Campina Grande in 1968.[20]:46 Though missionaries in the north did not have as high of a baptism rate as the south, missionaries in the north tended to baptize people with higher education and economic status. Therefore, finding church members to serve in ecclesiastical leadership positions was not as difficult for missionaries in the north.[20]:46

Spencer W. Kimball organized Brazil's first stake on May 1, 1966, in São Paulo with Walter Spät as president.[26][27]:311 This was the first stake in all of South America.[26] Kimball had spent a lot of time visiting Brazil since 1959, and his experiences there made him aware of the doctrinal, administrative, and personal consequences related to priesthood restrictions.[20]:43 In 1967, the policy on race and the priesthood was changed such that dark skinned people were presumed eligible for the priesthood by default unless there was specific evidence of African descent.[16]:30–31 Starting in the 70s "lineage lessons" were added to determine that interested persons didn't have any Sub-Saharan African ancestry and thus deemed eligible for teaching.[28]:102[29] In March 1975, Kimball announced the LDS Church's intentions to construct a temple in São Paulo. Since priesthood ordination in males and lack of African ancestry in females were requirements to enter an LDS temple, the announcement led to questions and concerns about the current LDS Church policies on priesthood.[20]:47 Furthermore, Brazil was so racially mixed, it would be difficult to determine the eligibility of members to enter the temple without chance of error.[24] James E. Faust, a general authority over Brazil, advocated for the "faithfulness" of black church members, as they had labored and financially provided for the temple as other church members had.[20]:47 Several other general authorities acknowledged the virtues of black church members in Brazil.[20]:48 In March 1978, a change of policies allowed black males as a junior companion in home teaching, a position previously restricted to priesthood holders.[20]:49

In October 1977, a Missionary Training Center (MTC) was established in São Paulo, mainly for the training for missionaries from Brazil.[30] Bangerter and members of the Church Educational System provided daily instruction for the missionaries.[31]:297 Following the MTC in Provo, Utah, it was the LDS Church's second MTC.[32] In June 1978, the 1978 Revelation on Priesthood was announced, allowing all worthy male members of the LDS Church to be ordained to the priesthood, regardless of race.[20]:49 Later, in 1978, the São Paulo Temple was completed. It was the first temple in Brazil and in South America.[20]:39,50 Some scholars suggest that the opening of the temple in São Paulo may have influenced the church's decision to reverse the ban on men of African descent from holding the priesthood, due to difficulty in determining racial origins of many Brazilian church members.[20]:51(See main article.) After the opening of the temple in Brazil, missionary training in the MTC was increased from three to five days. Missionaries from other South American countries began to train in the Brazil MTC.[31]:297 In 1997, the Brazilian MTC moved to Casa Verde.[30] The Casa Verde MTC was seven stories.[31]:298 After the 1978 Revelation on Priesthood, Marcus Martins, from Brazil, became the first missionary of African descent to be called after the announcement, postponing his marriage to serve his mission.[24]:233 As a result of the Revelation on Priesthood, proselyting in Brazil was expanded three-fold with missionaries sent to large cities in North Brazil after 1980, indicating that missionary work was no longer reserved for Europeans in South Brazil.[15]:95

Recent developments

On March 31, 2018, Ulisses Soares, from São Paulo, became the first Latin American called as a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.

Brazil represents one of the countries in Latin America in which the LDS Church has experienced the most significant growth. Although its growth has been consistent for much of its history, growth accelerated significantly in 1984. This acceleration was partially due to the political and psychological effects of the end of Brazil's military dictatorship in 1985. Growth has slowed since mid-1990, yet the LDS Church experienced a 15 percent growth in Brazil from 1993 to 2003, over twice the growth of the LDS Church in Mexico.[15] On March 31, 1990, Brazilian native, Helvécio Martins, father of Marcus, became the LDS Church's first general authority of African descent.[33] Reactions were mixed. Many were happy, believing that this event signified change and a new paradigm for the LDS Church. LDS Church leaders attempted to minimize the event, stating that his race was not involved in the calling. Some believed the LDS Church appointed Martins to counteract previous accusations of racism from the media.[34] In 1993, Brazil became the third country to have 100 stakes.[14] In 2002, the São Paulo Brazil Temple was closed and renovated; one of the most prominent additions was the gold angel Moroni statue on top of the spire.[35] Brazil's fifth temple in Curitiba began construction in March 2005.[13] As of 2009, there were 234 stakes and 27 missions in Brazil.[13]

On March 31, 2018, Ulisses Soares, from São Paulo, became the first Latin American called as a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.[36]

Obstacles to missionary work

One challenge to LDS missionary work in Brazil is related to the strong ties between Brazilian culture and Catholicism. In Brazil, Catholicism is greatly tied to being Brazilian, meaning that changing religions is seen as rejecting family, history, and country.[15] Furthermore, scholars have postulated that low densities of missionaries serving in lower-developed countries such as Brazil have limited the potential growth of the LDS Church in these countries. For example, a 1993 issue of Ensign stated that one-fifth of cities in Brazil with a population larger than 100,000 did not have missionaries serving in their city and with a large suburb of 2 million people only having two active missionaries serving there.[37][38] Despite the high number of baptisms per year in Brazil, member retention can be low. For example, from 2000 to 2002, the LDS Church in Brazil had 66,000 baptisms, yet lost 190 congregations due to consolidation, representing the challenge that missionaries face in retaining Latin American converts.[39] Additionally, in the 2000 census, 199,645 Brazilian residents identified with the LDS Church, whereas there were 700,000 people that had been baptized and listed in its membership rolls.[40]

Statistics and other information

As of October 2018, the LDS Church reported 1,383,799 members, 34 missions, 354 family history centers, 268 stakes, 2,089 congregations with 1,651 wards and 438 branches, and 6 functioning temples.[41]

Stakes and districts

Stake/District Organized Mission Temple State
Alegrete Brazil Stake20 Sep 1981Brazil Santa MariaPorto Alegre BrazilRio Grande do Sul
Alphaville Brazil Stake17 Oct 2010Brazil São Paulo NorthSão Paulo BrazilSão Paulo
Alvarenga Brazil Stake21 Nov 2010Brazil São Paulo SouthSão Paulo BrazilSão Paulo
Americana Brazil Stake25 Jun 1995Brazil PiracicabaCampinas BrazilSão Paulo
Anápolis Brazil Stake29 Jun 1997Brazil GoiâniaBrasília BrazilGoiás
Apucarana Brazil Stake6 Jul 1997Brazil LondrinaCuritiba BrazilParaná
Aracaju Brazil North Stake23 Jul 1995Brazil MaceióRecife BrazilSergipe
Aracaju Brazil South Stake8 Mar 1992Brazil MaceióRecife BrazilSergipe
Araçatuba Brazil Stake14 Jun 1992Brazil Ribeirão PretoCampinas BrazilSão Paulo
Arapiraca Brazil Stake17 Sep 1995Brazil MaceióRecife BrazilAlagoas
Araraquara Brazil Stake22 Oct 1978Brazil Ribeirão PretoCampinas BrazilSão Paulo
Araripina Brazil District24 Feb 2019Brazil Fortaleza EastFortaleza Brazil TemplePernambuco
Arsenal Brazil Stake18 Oct 2009Brazil Rio de Janeiro NorthRio de Janeiro BrazilRio de Janeiro
Bagé Brazil Stake31 Oct 1993Brazil Porto Alegre SouthPorto Alegre BrazilRio Grande do Sul
Barcarena Brazil District16 Apr 1997Brazil BelémBelém BrazilPará
Barreiras Brazil District27 Sep 2015Brazil BrasíliaBrasília BrazilBahia
Barueri Brazil Stake26 Oct 1997Brazil São Paulo NorthSão Paulo BrazilSão Paulo
Bauru Brazil Stake2 Aug 1992Brazil LondrinaCampinas BrazilSão Paulo
Belém Brazil Cabanagem Stake25 Jun 1995Brazil BelémBelém BrazilPará
Belém Brazil Cidade Nova Stake22 Jun 1997Brazil BelémBelém BrazilPará
Belém Brazil Entroncamento Stake12 Dec 2010Brazil BelémBelém BrazilPará
Belém Brazil Icoaraci Stake12 Dec 2010Brazil BelémBelém BrazilPará
Belém Brazil Stake29 Dec 1991Brazil BelémBelém BrazilPará
Belo Horizonte Brazil East Stake15 Feb 2009Brazil Belo HorizonteCampinas BrazilMinas Gerais
Belo Horizonte Brazil Pampulha Stake3 Sep 2000Brazil Belo HorizonteCampinas BrazilMinas Gerais
Belo Horizonte Brazil Stake15 Feb 1981Brazil Belo HorizonteCampinas BrazilMinas Gerais
Belo Horizonte Brazil West Stake12 Dec 1993Brazil Belo HorizonteCampinas BrazilMinas Gerais
Betim Brazil Stake29 Sep 2013Brazil Belo HorizonteCampinas BrazilMinas Gerais
Birigüi Brazil Stake9 Jul 1995Brazil Ribeirão PretoCampinas BrazilSão Paulo
Boa Vista Brazil Stake3 Sep 1995Brazil ManausManaus BrazilRoraima
Botucatu Brazil District29 Jan 1995Brazil PiracicabaCampinas BrazilSão Paulo
Brasília Brazil Alvorada Stake9 Jan 1983Brazil BrasíliaBrasília BrazilDistrito Federal
Brasília Brazil Ceilândia Stake17 Sep 2006Brazil BrasíliaBrasília BrazilDistrito Federal
Brasília Brazil North Stake30 Nov 1997Brazil BrasíliaBrasília BrazilDistrito Federal
Brasília Brazil Stake12 Oct 1980Brazil BrasíliaBrasília BrazilDistrito Federal
Brasília Brazil Taguatinga Stake17 Dec 1995Brazil BrasíliaBrasília BrazilDistrito Federal
Cabo Frio Brazil District4 Jun 2017Brazil Rio de Janeiro NorthRio de Janeiro BrazilRio de Janeiro
Caicó Brazil Stake17 Jun 2007Brazil NatalRecife BrazilRio Grande do Norte
Camaçari Brazil Central Stake8 Mar 2009Brazil SalvadorRecife BrazilBahia
Camaçari Brazil Stake5 Aug 2001Brazil SalvadorRecife BrazilBahia
Camaragibe Brazil Stake24 Jul 1994Brazil Recife NorthRecife BrazilPernambuco
Campina Grande Brazil Liberdade Stake12 Mar 2006Brazil João PessoaRecife BrazilParaíba
Campina Grande Brazil Stake18 Sep 1983Brazil João PessoaRecife BrazilParaíba
Campinas Brazil Campos Elíseos Stake30 Oct 2005Brazil CampinasCampinas BrazilSão Paulo
Campinas Brazil Castelo Stake2 Feb 1986Brazil CampinasCampinas BrazilSão Paulo
Campinas Brazil Flamboyant Stake23 Aug 1992Brazil CampinasCampinas BrazilSão Paulo
Campinas Brazil Stake9 Jun 1973Brazil CampinasCampinas BrazilSão Paulo
Campo Grande Brazil Monte Líbano Stake13 Sep 2009Brazil CuiabáCampinas BrazilMato Grosso do Sul
Campo Grande Brazil Stake30 Jun 1991Brazil CuiabáCampinas BrazilMato Grosso do Sul
Campo Maior Brazil District2 May 2021Brazil TeresinaFortaleza Brazil TemplePiauí
Campo Mourão Brazil District16 Oct 2016Brazil LondrinaCuritiba BrazilParaná
Campos Brazil Stake23 Nov 1997Brazil VitóriaRio de Janeiro BrazilRio de Janeiro
Canoas Brazil North Stake30 Nov 2008Brazil Porto Alegre NorthPorto Alegre BrazilRio Grande do Sul
Canoas Brazil Stake5 Dec 1993Brazil Porto Alegre NorthPorto Alegre BrazilRio Grande do Sul
Carajás Brazil District29 Nov 2015Brazil BelémBelém BrazilPará
Carapicuiba Brazil Stake14 Nov 2021Brazil São Paulo WestSão Paulo BrazilSão Paulo
Cariacica Brazil Stake13 Mar 2005Brazil VitóriaCampinas BrazilEspírito Santo
Caruaru Brazil Stake18 May 2008Brazil Recife SouthRecife BrazilPernambuco
Cascavel Brazil Stake20 Apr 1997Brazil LondrinaCuritiba BrazilParaná
Castanhal Brazil Stake26 Oct 1997Brazil BelémBelém BrazilPará
Caucaia Brazil Stake18 Nov 2007Brazil FortalezaFortaleza Brazil TempleCeará
Caxias do Sul Brazil Stake5 Dec 1993Brazil Porto Alegre NorthPorto Alegre BrazilRio Grande do Sul
Chapecó Brazil Stake1 Jul 1990Brazil FlorianópolisCuritiba BrazilSanta Catarina
Colatina Brazil District21 Jun 1993Brazil VitóriaCampinas BrazilEspírito Santo
Contagem Brazil Stake6 Jun 1993Brazil Belo HorizonteCampinas BrazilMinas Gerais
Cruz Alta Brazil Stake29 Feb 2004Brazil Santa MariaPorto Alegre BrazilRio Grande do Sul
Cuiabá Brazil Industriário Stake3 May 2009Brazil CuiabáCampinas BrazilMato Grosso
Cuiabá Brazil Stake5 Mar 1995Brazil CuiabáCampinas BrazilMato Grosso
Curitiba Brazil Boa Vista Stake22 Mar 1998Brazil CuritibaCuritiba BrazilParaná
Curitiba Brazil Boqueirão Stake15 Mar 1981Brazil Curitiba SouthCuritiba BrazilParaná
Curitiba Brazil Campo Comprido Stake16 Jul 2023Brazil CuritibaCuritiba BrazilParaná
Curitiba Brazil Iguaçu Stake29 Apr 1984Brazil CuritibaCuritiba BrazilParaná
Curitiba Brazil Jardim do Sol Stake12 Aug 2007Brazil Curitiba SouthCuritiba BrazilParaná
Curitiba Brazil Luz Stake8 Feb 1998Brazil Curitiba SouthCuritiba BrazilParaná
Curitiba Brazil Novo Mundo Stake20 Feb 1994Brazil Curitiba SouthCuritiba BrazilParaná
Curitiba Brazil Portão Stake26 Feb 1978Brazil Curitiba SouthCuritiba BrazilParaná
Curitiba Brazil São Lourenço Stake1 Nov 1981Brazil CuritibaCuritiba BrazilParaná
Curitiba Brazil Stake12 Sep 1971Brazil CuritibaCuritiba BrazilParaná
Curitiba Brazil Tarumã Stake9 Jul 1995Brazil CuritibaCuritiba BrazilParaná
Diadema Brazil Stake20 Oct 1996Brazil São Paulo SouthSão Paulo BrazilSão Paulo
Feira de Santana Brazil Kalilândia Stake5 Aug 2001Brazil Feira de SantanaRecife BrazilBahia
Feira de Santana Brazil North Stake18 Nov 2018Brazil Feira de SantanaRecife BrazilBahia
Feira de Santana Brazil Stake15 Sep 1996Brazil Feira de SantanaRecife BrazilBahia
Florianópolis Brazil Stake2 Nov 1985Brazil FlorianópolisCuritiba BrazilSanta Catarina
Fortaleza Brazil Benfica Stake12 Dec 2010Brazil FortalezaFortaleza Brazil TempleCeará
Fortaleza Brazil Bom Jardim Stake17 Sep 2006Brazil FortalezaFortaleza Brazil TempleCeará
Fortaleza Brazil Bom Sucesso Stake17 Nov 1991Brazil Fortaleza EastFortaleza Brazil TempleCeará
Fortaleza Brazil Castelão Stake28 Jun 2009Brazil Fortaleza EastFortaleza Brazil TempleCeará
Fortaleza Brazil Ceará Stake2 May 1993Brazil FortalezaFortaleza Brazil TempleCeará
Fortaleza Brazil Dunas Stake10 Jun 2018Brazil FortalezaFortaleza Brazil TempleCeará
Fortaleza Brazil East Stake4 Sep 2005Brazil Fortaleza EastFortaleza Brazil TempleCeará
Fortaleza Brazil Lisboa Stake25 Aug 2019Brazil FortalezaFortaleza Brazil TempleCeará
Fortaleza Brazil Litoral Stake22 Jun 1997Brazil FortalezaFortaleza Brazil TempleCeará
Fortaleza Brazil Messejana Stake7 Dec 2008Brazil Fortaleza EastFortaleza Brazil TempleCeará
Fortaleza Brazil Montese Stake13 Nov 1983Brazil FortalezaFortaleza Brazil TempleCeará
Fortaleza Brazil South Stake17 Aug 1997Brazil Fortaleza EastFortaleza Brazil TempleCeará
Fortaleza Brazil Stake19 Jul 1981Brazil FortalezaFortaleza Brazil TempleCeará
Fortaleza Brazil West Stake24 Nov 1985Brazil FortalezaFortaleza Brazil TempleCeará
Foz do Iguaçu Brazil Stake26 Nov 2017Brazil LondrinaCuritiba BrazilParaná
Franca Brazil Stake5 Sep 1993Brazil Ribeirão PretoCampinas BrazilSão Paulo
Garanhuns Brazil Stake21 May 1995Brazil Recife SouthRecife BrazilPernambuco
Goiânia Brazil North Stake15 Dec 1996Brazil GoiâniaBrasília BrazilGoiás
Goiânia Brazil South Stake21 Sep 2014Brazil GoiâniaBrasília BrazilGoiás
Goiânia Brazil Stake24 May 1987Brazil GoiâniaBrasília BrazilGoiás
Gramado Brazil Stake20 Mar 2005Brazil Porto Alegre NorthPorto Alegre BrazilRio Grande do Sul
Gravataí Brazil Stake10 Dec 1995Brazil Porto Alegre NorthPorto Alegre BrazilRio Grande do Sul
Guarapuava Brazil District26 Apr 1992Brazil Curitiba SouthCuritiba BrazilParaná
Guaratinguetá Brazil Stake23 Feb 1997Brazil São Paulo EastCampinas BrazilSão Paulo
Guarujá Brazil Stake18 Aug 1996Brazil SantosSão Paulo BrazilSão Paulo
Hortolândia Brazil Stake28 Jan 2007Brazil PiracicabaCampinas BrazilSão Paulo
Imperatriz Brazil Stake30 Nov 2008Brazil TeresinaBelém BrazilMaranhão
Ipatinga Brazil Stake1 Jan 1991Brazil Belo HorizonteCampinas BrazilMinas Gerais
Itabuna Brazil Stake27 Oct 1996Brazil Feira de SantanaRecife BrazilBahia
Itacoatiara Brazil District20 Nov 1994Brazil ManausManaus BrazilAmazonas
Itapetininga Brazil District4 Oct 1998Brazil São Paulo NorthCampinas BrazilSão Paulo
Itapeva Brazil District1 Dec 2002Brazil São Paulo NorthCampinas BrazilSão Paulo
Itatiba Brazil Stake21 Jun 1998Brazil CampinasCampinas BrazilSão Paulo
Itu Brazil Stake20 Apr 1997Brazil São Paulo NorthCampinas BrazilSão Paulo
Jaboatão Brazil Litoral Stake15 May 1994Brazil Recife SouthRecife BrazilPernambuco
Jaboatão dos Guararapes Brazil Stake26 Jul 1992Brazil Recife SouthRecife BrazilPernambuco
Jaraguá do Sul Brazil Stake16 Jul 2023Brazil FlorianópolisCuritiba BrazilSanta Catarina
João Pessoa Brazil Centro Stake6 Nov 2016Brazil João PessoaRecife BrazilParaíba
João Pessoa Brazil Rangel Stake23 Aug 1992Brazil João PessoaRecife BrazilParaíba
João Pessoa Brazil Stake2 Nov 1980Brazil João PessoaRecife BrazilParaíba
João Pessoa Brazil Torre Stake24 Jun 2007Brazil João PessoaRecife BrazilParaíba
Joinville Brazil North Stake21 Apr 1982Brazil FlorianópolisCuritiba BrazilSanta Catarina
Joinville Brazil South Stake16 Mar 2014Brazil FlorianópolisCuritiba BrazilSanta Catarina
Juazeiro do Norte Brazil Stake1 May 2005Brazil Fortaleza EastFortaleza Brazil TempleCeará
Juiz de Fora Brazil Stake24 Nov 1996Brazil Juiz de ForaRio de Janeiro BrazilMinas Gerais
Jundiaí Brazil Represa Stake19 Jun 2005Brazil CampinasCampinas BrazilSão Paulo
Jundiaí Brazil Stake19 Jun 2005Brazil CampinasCampinas BrazilSão Paulo
Lafaiete Brazil Stake8 Sep 1996Brazil Juiz de ForaRio de Janeiro BrazilMinas Gerais
Lagarto Brazil District10 Oct 2004Brazil MaceióRecife BrazilSergipe
Lages Brazil Stake27 Oct 1996Brazil FlorianópolisCuritiba BrazilSanta Catarina
Leopoldina Brazil District15 Mar 2015Brazil Juiz de ForaRio de Janeiro BrazilMinas Gerais
Livramento Brazil Stake27 Oct 1991Brazil Santa MariaPorto Alegre BrazilRio Grande do Sul
Londrina Brazil Stake11 Nov 1979Brazil LondrinaCuritiba BrazilParaná
Londrina Brazil Tiradentes Stake20 Oct 1996Brazil LondrinaCuritiba BrazilParaná
Macaé Brazil Stake30 Oct 1994Brazil Rio de Janeiro NorthRio de Janeiro BrazilRio de Janeiro
Macapá Brazil Stake1 Apr 1993Brazil BelémBelém BrazilAmapá
Maceió Brazil Colina Stake24 Jan 2016Brazil MaceióRecife BrazilAlagoas
Maceió Brazil Litoral Stake7 Feb 1993Brazil MaceióRecife BrazilAlagoas
Maceió Brazil Pajuçara Stake5 Mar 1995Brazil MaceióRecife BrazilAlagoas
Maceió Brazil Stake21 Jan 1982Brazil MaceióRecife BrazilAlagoas
Maceió Brazil Tabuleiro Stake9 Dec 2007Brazil MaceióRecife BrazilAlagoas
Mamanguape Brazil District6 Jul 2008Brazil João PessoaRecife BrazilParaíba
Manaus Brazil Cidade Nova Stake5 Nov 1995Brazil ManausManaus BrazilAmazonas
Manaus Brazil Guarany Stake4 Nov 2012Brazil ManausManaus BrazilAmazonas
Manaus Brazil Mindu Stake5 Mar 2006Brazil ManausManaus BrazilAmazonas
Manaus Brazil Ponta Negra Stake16 Mar 2007Brazil ManausManaus BrazilAmazonas
Manaus Brazil Rio Amazonas Stake22 Mar 1998Brazil ManausManaus BrazilAmazonas
Manaus Brazil Rio Negro Stake30 May 1993Brazil ManausManaus BrazilAmazonas
Manaus Brazil Samaúma Stake27 Nov 2005Brazil ManausManaus BrazilAmazonas
Manaus Brazil Solimões Stake16 Mar 1997Brazil ManausManaus BrazilAmazonas
Manaus Brazil Stake16 Oct 1988Brazil ManausManaus BrazilAmazonas
Maracanaú Brazil North Stake20 Mar 2016Brazil Fortaleza EastFortaleza Brazil TempleCeará
Maracanaú Brazil Stake17 Dec 1995Brazil Fortaleza EastFortaleza Brazil TempleCeará
Marília Brazil Stake23 Oct 1983Brazil LondrinaCampinas BrazilSão Paulo
Maringá Brazil Stake27 Aug 1995Brazil LondrinaCuritiba BrazilParaná
Mauá Brazil Stake28 Nov 2004Brazil São Paulo SouthSão Paulo BrazilSão Paulo
Mogi Mirim Brazil Stake25 Jun 1995Brazil CampinasCampinas BrazilSão Paulo
Montes Claros Brazil District15 Jun 1997Brazil Belo HorizonteCampinas BrazilMinas Gerais
Mossoró Brazil Stake10 Dec 2006Brazil NatalFortaleza Brazil TempleRio Grande do Norte
Nanuque Brazil District21 Jun 1993Brazil VitóriaCampinas BrazilMinas Gerais
Natal Brazil Pajuçara Stake3 Dec 2006Brazil NatalRecife BrazilRio Grande do Norte
Natal Brazil Ponta Negra Stake26 Nov 2006Brazil NatalRecife BrazilRio Grande do Norte
Natal Brazil Potengi Stake31 May 1998Brazil NatalRecife BrazilRio Grande do Norte
Natal Brazil Stake16 Aug 1992Brazil NatalRecife BrazilRio Grande do Norte
Navegantes Brazil Stake1 Nov 2020Brazil FlorianópolisCuritiba BrazilSanta Catarina
Niterói Brazil Stake19 Sep 1976Brazil Rio de Janeiro NorthRio de Janeiro BrazilRio de Janeiro
Nova Iguaçu Brazil Stake16 Mar 1997Brazil Rio de Janeiro SouthRio de Janeiro BrazilRio de Janeiro
Novo Hamburgo Brazil Stake3 Dec 1978Brazil Porto Alegre NorthPorto Alegre BrazilRio Grande do Sul
Olinda Brazil Stake12 Jul 1981Brazil Recife NorthRecife BrazilPernambuco
Osasco Brazil Stake18 Apr 1993Brazil São Paulo WestSão Paulo BrazilSão Paulo
Osório Brazil District24 Mar 1996Brazil Porto Alegre NorthPorto Alegre BrazilRio Grande do Sul
Pacajus Brazil Stake12 Dec 2010Brazil Fortaleza EastFortaleza Brazil TempleCeará
Palhoça Brazil Stake6 Jun 2021Brazil FlorianópolisCuritiba BrazilSanta Catarina
Palmares Brazil District4 Jul 2004Brazil Recife SouthRecife BrazilPernambuco
Palmas Brazil North Stake6 Dec 2020Brazil BrasíliaBrasília BrazilTocantins
Palmas Brazil Stake2 Dec 2007Brazil BrasíliaBrasília BrazilTocantins
Paranaguá Brazil Stake31 May 1998Brazil Curitiba SouthCuritiba BrazilParaná
Parnaíba Brazil District25 Jan 2004Brazil TeresinaFortaleza Brazil TemplePiauí
Passo Fundo Brazil South Stake4 Sep 2016Brazil Porto Alegre NorthPorto Alegre BrazilRio Grande do Sul
Passo Fundo Brazil Stake10 Aug 1986Brazil Porto Alegre NorthPorto Alegre BrazilRio Grande do Sul
Patos de Minas Brazil District29 May 2016Brazil GoiâniaBrasília BrazilMinas Gerais
Paulista Brazil Stake5 Feb 1995Brazil Recife NorthRecife BrazilPernambuco
Pelotas Brazil North Stake23 Jul 1995Brazil Porto Alegre SouthPorto Alegre BrazilRio Grande do Sul
Pelotas Brazil Stake18 Oct 1987Brazil Porto Alegre SouthPorto Alegre BrazilRio Grande do Sul
Petrolina Brazil Stake21 Jun 1998Brazil Feira de SantanaRecife BrazilPernambuco
Petrópolis Brazil Stake14 Nov 1982Brazil Juiz de ForaRio de Janeiro BrazilRio de Janeiro
Pinhais Brazil Stake9 Dec 2007Brazil CuritibaCuritiba BrazilParaná
Piracicaba Brazil Rezende Stake13 Oct 2019Brazil PiracicabaCampinas BrazilSão Paulo
Piracicaba Brazil Stake15 Jan 1995Brazil PiracicabaCampinas BrazilSão Paulo
Pirassununga Brazil Stake11 Feb 2001Brazil PiracicabaCampinas BrazilSão Paulo
Planaltina Brazil District8 Jun 2008Brazil BrasíliaBrasília BrazilDistrito Federal
Ponta Grossa Brazil Campos Gerais Stake30 Nov 1997Brazil CuritibaCuritiba BrazilParaná
Ponta Grossa Brazil North Stake2 Jul 2023Brazil CuritibaCuritiba BrazilParaná
Ponta Grossa Brazil Stake22 Sep 1980Brazil CuritibaCuritiba BrazilParaná
Ponta Porã Brazil Stake14 Dec 1997Brazil CuiabáAsunción ParaguayMato Grosso do Sul
Porto Alegre Brazil Moinhos de Vento Stake10 May 1992Brazil Porto Alegre SouthPorto Alegre BrazilRio Grande do Sul
Porto Alegre Brazil North Stake21 Apr 1981Brazil Porto Alegre NorthPorto Alegre BrazilRio Grande do Sul
Porto Alegre Brazil Partenon Stake5 May 1991Brazil Porto Alegre SouthPorto Alegre BrazilRio Grande do Sul
Porto Alegre Brazil South Stake1 Dec 1996Brazil Porto Alegre SouthPorto Alegre BrazilRio Grande do Sul
Porto Alegre Brazil Stake13 Feb 1973Brazil Porto Alegre SouthPorto Alegre BrazilRio Grande do Sul
Porto Seguro Brazil District24 Oct 2010Brazil Feira de SantanaRecife BrazilBahia
Porto Velho Brazil Stake8 Dec 1996Brazil ManausManaus BrazilRondônia
Pouso Alegre Brazil District24 Oct 2004Brazil CampinasCampinas BrazilMinas Gerais
Praia Grande Brazil Stake8 Feb 1998Brazil SantosSão Paulo BrazilSão Paulo
Presidente Prudente Brazil District21 Jun 1988Brazil LondrinaCampinas BrazilSão Paulo
Recife Brazil Boa Viagem Stake21 Mar 1982Brazil Recife SouthRecife BrazilPernambuco
Recife Brazil Casa Amarela Stake3 Sep 2006Brazil Recife NorthRecife BrazilPernambuco
Recife Brazil Caxangá Stake22 Jun 1997Brazil Recife NorthRecife BrazilPernambuco
Recife Brazil Imbiribeira Stake3 Dec 1995Brazil Recife SouthRecife BrazilPernambuco
Recife Brazil Jardim São Paulo Stake25 Aug 1991Brazil Recife NorthRecife BrazilPernambuco
Recife Brazil Stake31 Oct 1980Brazil Recife NorthRecife BrazilPernambuco
Registro Brazil District8 Feb 1998Brazil SantosCampinas BrazilSão Paulo
Ribeirão Pires Brazil Stake13 Dec 1992Brazil São Paulo SouthSão Paulo BrazilSão Paulo
Ribeirão Preto Brazil East Stake28 Jun 1987Brazil Ribeirão PretoCampinas BrazilSão Paulo
Ribeirão Preto Brazil South Stake9 Jun 2019Brazil Ribeirão PretoCampinas BrazilSão Paulo
Ribeirão Preto Brazil West Stake21 Jun 1992Brazil Ribeirão PretoCampinas BrazilSão Paulo
Rio Branco Brazil Stake3 Dec 1995Brazil ManausManaus BrazilAcre
Rio Claro Brazil Stake21 May 1980Brazil PiracicabaCampinas BrazilSão Paulo
Rio de Janeiro Brazil Andaraí Stake20 May 1979Brazil Rio de Janeiro NorthRio de Janeiro BrazilRio de Janeiro
Rio de Janeiro Brazil Campo Grande Stake15 Dec 1996Brazil Rio de Janeiro SouthRio de Janeiro BrazilRio de Janeiro
Rio de Janeiro Brazil Engenho de Dentro Stake19 Jun 2011Brazil Rio de Janeiro SouthRio de Janeiro BrazilRio de Janeiro
Rio de Janeiro Brazil Itaguaí Stake20 Mar 2005Brazil Rio de Janeiro SouthRio de Janeiro BrazilRio de Janeiro
Rio de Janeiro Brazil Jacarepaguá Stake22 Mar 1998Brazil Rio de Janeiro SouthRio de Janeiro BrazilRio de Janeiro
Rio de Janeiro Brazil Madureira Stake14 Nov 1982Brazil Rio de Janeiro SouthRio de Janeiro BrazilRio de Janeiro
Rio de Janeiro Brazil Stake22 Oct 1972Brazil Rio de Janeiro NorthRio de Janeiro BrazilRio de Janeiro
Rio Grande Brazil Stake23 Jul 1995Brazil Porto Alegre SouthPorto Alegre BrazilRio Grande do Sul
Rio Verde Brazil Stake19 May 1997Brazil GoiâniaBrasília BrazilGoiás
Rondonópolis Brazil District1 Jun 1997Brazil CuiabáCampinas BrazilMato Grosso
Salvador Brazil Imbuí Stake5 Mar 2006Brazil SalvadorRecife BrazilBahia
Salvador Brazil Liberdade Stake15 Sep 2002Brazil SalvadorRecife BrazilBahia
Salvador Brazil North Stake2 May 1993Brazil SalvadorRecife BrazilBahia
Salvador Brazil Stake10 May 1992Brazil SalvadorRecife BrazilBahia
Santa Cruz do Sul Brazil Stake25 Sep 1994Brazil Porto Alegre NorthPorto Alegre BrazilRio Grande do Sul
Santa Maria Brazil Stake31 Jan 1993Brazil Santa MariaPorto Alegre BrazilRio Grande do Sul
Santa Rita Brazil Stake1 Sep 1996Brazil João PessoaRecife BrazilParaíba
Santarém Brazil Stake12 Sep 2010Brazil BelémManaus BrazilPará
Santo André Brazil Stake23 May 1980Brazil São Paulo SouthSão Paulo BrazilSão Paulo
Santo Ângelo Brazil Stake1 Jun 1979Brazil Santa MariaPorto Alegre BrazilRio Grande do Sul
Santos Brazil Stake8 Jun 1973Brazil SantosSão Paulo BrazilSão Paulo
São Bernardo Brazil Rudge Ramos Stake16 Aug 1998Brazil São Paulo SouthSão Paulo BrazilSão Paulo
São Bernardo Brazil Stake6 Sep 1970Brazil São Paulo SouthSão Paulo BrazilSão Paulo
São Borja Brazil District21 Oct 2001Brazil Santa MariaPorto Alegre BrazilRio Grande do Sul
São Carlos Brazil Stake15 Nov 1992Brazil PiracicabaCampinas BrazilSão Paulo
São Gabriel Brazil District4 Nov 2001Brazil Santa MariaPorto Alegre BrazilRio Grande do Sul
São Jerônimo Brazil District17 Nov 2013Brazil Porto Alegre SouthPorto Alegre BrazilRio Grande do Sul
São João da Boa Vista Brazil Stake30 Jul 1995Brazil PiracicabaCampinas BrazilSão Paulo
São José Brazil Stake19 Dec 1993Brazil FlorianópolisCuritiba BrazilSanta Catarina
São José do Rio Preto Brazil South Stake16 Nov 2014Brazil Ribeirão PretoCampinas BrazilSão Paulo
São José do Rio Preto Brazil Stake13 Dec 1992Brazil Ribeirão PretoCampinas BrazilSão Paulo
São José dos Campos Brazil South Stake25 Nov 2018Brazil São Paulo EastCampinas BrazilSão Paulo
São José dos Campos Brazil Stake3 Mar 1985Brazil São Paulo EastCampinas BrazilSão Paulo
São José dos Pinhais Brazil Jardim Ipê Stake25 Feb 2018Brazil Curitiba SouthCuritiba BrazilParaná
São José dos Pinhais Brazil Stake14 Sep 1997Brazil Curitiba SouthCuritiba BrazilParaná
São Leopoldo Brazil Stake5 Dec 1993Brazil Porto Alegre NorthPorto Alegre BrazilRio Grande do Sul
São Lourenço do Sul Brazil District20 Nov 2016Brazil Porto Alegre SouthPorto Alegre BrazilRio Grande do Sul
São Luís Brazil East Stake21 Aug 2016Brazil TeresinaBelém BrazilMaranhão
São Luís Brazil Stake2 Jul 1995Brazil TeresinaBelém BrazilMaranhão
São Paulo Brazil Campo Limpo Stake9 Feb 1992Brazil São Paulo WestSão Paulo BrazilSão Paulo
São Paulo Brazil Casa Grande Stake7 Dec 2008Brazil São Paulo InterlagosSão Paulo BrazilSão Paulo
São Paulo Brazil Cotia Stake6 Sep 2009Brazil São Paulo WestSão Paulo BrazilSão Paulo
São Paulo Brazil Cumbica Stake11 Mar 2007Brazil São Paulo EastSão Paulo BrazilSão Paulo
São Paulo Brazil Embu Stake4 Mar 2007Brazil São Paulo InterlagosSão Paulo BrazilSão Paulo
São Paulo Brazil Ferreira Stake17 Apr 2011Brazil São Paulo WestSão Paulo BrazilSão Paulo
São Paulo Brazil Grajaú Stake8 Jun 1997Brazil São Paulo InterlagosSão Paulo BrazilSão Paulo
São Paulo Brazil Guarapiranga Stake1 Jun 1997Brazil São Paulo InterlagosSão Paulo BrazilSão Paulo
São Paulo Brazil Guarulhos Stake11 Mar 2007Brazil São Paulo EastSão Paulo BrazilSão Paulo
São Paulo Brazil Interlagos Stake26 May 1985Brazil São Paulo InterlagosSão Paulo BrazilSão Paulo
São Paulo Brazil Ipiranga Stake25 May 1980Brazil São Paulo EastSão Paulo BrazilSão Paulo
São Paulo Brazil Itaquá Stake10 Jun 2007Brazil São Paulo EastSão Paulo BrazilSão Paulo
São Paulo Brazil Itaquera Stake10 May 1992Brazil São Paulo EastSão Paulo BrazilSão Paulo
São Paulo Brazil Jaçanã Stake2 Jun 1996Brazil São Paulo NorthSão Paulo BrazilSão Paulo
São Paulo Brazil Jaraguá Stake23 Nov 2008Brazil São Paulo NorthSão Paulo BrazilSão Paulo
São Paulo Brazil Jardim da Saúde Stake16 Sep 2007Brazil São Paulo SouthSão Paulo BrazilSão Paulo
São Paulo Brazil Mogi das Cruzes Stake24 May 1992Brazil São Paulo EastSão Paulo BrazilSão Paulo
São Paulo Brazil North Stake20 Feb 1977Brazil São Paulo NorthSão Paulo BrazilSão Paulo
São Paulo Brazil Parque Bristol Stake14 Sep 1997Brazil São Paulo SouthSão Paulo BrazilSão Paulo
São Paulo Brazil Parque Pinheiros Stake9 Mar 1997Brazil São Paulo InterlagosSão Paulo BrazilSão Paulo
São Paulo Brazil Penha Stake24 Nov 1968Brazil São Paulo EastSão Paulo BrazilSão Paulo
São Paulo Brazil Perdizes Stake25 May 1980Brazil São Paulo WestSão Paulo BrazilSão Paulo
São Paulo Brazil Piratininga Stake6 Dec 1992Brazil São Paulo SouthSão Paulo BrazilSão Paulo
São Paulo Brazil Pirituba Stake25 May 1997Brazil São Paulo NorthSão Paulo BrazilSão Paulo
São Paulo Brazil Raposo Tavares Stake16 Jul 1995Brazil São Paulo WestSão Paulo BrazilSão Paulo
São Paulo Brazil Santo Amaro Stake12 Nov 1979Brazil São Paulo InterlagosSão Paulo BrazilSão Paulo
São Paulo Brazil São Miguel Paulista Stake10 Nov 1991Brazil São Paulo EastSão Paulo BrazilSão Paulo
São Paulo Brazil Sapopemba Stake27 Oct 2019Brazil São Paulo EastSão Paulo BrazilSão Paulo
São Paulo Brazil South Stake10 Jun 1973Brazil São Paulo SouthSão Paulo BrazilSão Paulo
São Paulo Brazil Stake1 May 1966Brazil São Paulo WestSão Paulo BrazilSão Paulo
São Paulo Brazil Taboão Stake18 Sep 1983Brazil São Paulo WestSão Paulo BrazilSão Paulo
São Sebastião Brazil District19 Nov 1995Brazil SantosCampinas BrazilSão Paulo
São Vicente Brazil Serra do Mar Stake11 Feb 2007Brazil SantosSão Paulo BrazilSão Paulo
São Vicente Brazil Stake20 Sep 1981Brazil SantosSão Paulo BrazilSão Paulo
Sete Lagoas Brazil East Stake20 Sep 2015Brazil Belo HorizonteCampinas BrazilMinas Gerais
Sete Lagoas Brazil Stake17 May 1998Brazil Belo HorizonteCampinas BrazilMinas Gerais
Sobral Brazil Stake6 Aug 2006Brazil FortalezaFortaleza Brazil TempleCeará
Sorocaba Brazil Barcelona Stake26 Jul 1992Brazil São Paulo NorthCampinas BrazilSão Paulo
Sorocaba Brazil Santana Stake17 Oct 2004Brazil São Paulo NorthCampinas BrazilSão Paulo
Sorocaba Brazil Stake10 Dec 1978Brazil São Paulo NorthCampinas BrazilSão Paulo
Sorocaba Brazil Trujilo Stake17 Dec 1995Brazil São Paulo NorthCampinas BrazilSão Paulo
Sorriso Brazil District25 Jul 2010Brazil CuiabáCampinas BrazilMato Grosso
Sousa Brazil District11 Oct 2009Brazil NatalRecife BrazilParaíba
Sumaré Brazil Stake23 Jan 2011Brazil PiracicabaCampinas BrazilSão Paulo
Teresina Brazil Horto Stake23 Apr 2006Brazil TeresinaFortaleza Brazil TemplePiauí
Teresina Brazil Planalto Stake20 Nov 2016Brazil TeresinaFortaleza Brazil TemplePiauí
Teresina Brazil Stake28 Nov 1993Brazil TeresinaFortaleza Brazil TemplePiauí
Teresópolis Brazil Stake8 Mar 1998Brazil Juiz de ForaRio de Janeiro BrazilRio de Janeiro
Três Corações Brazil District22 Jun 1997Brazil Juiz de ForaCampinas BrazilMinas Gerais
Três Rios Brazil District17 Apr 2016Brazil Juiz de ForaRio de Janeiro BrazilRio de Janeiro
Tubarão Brazil Stake19 Dec 1993Brazil FlorianópolisPorto Alegre BrazilSanta Catarina
Tupã Brazil District26 Feb 1995Brazil LondrinaCampinas BrazilSão Paulo
Uberaba Brazil Stake16 Aug 1998Brazil GoiâniaCampinas BrazilMinas Gerais
Uberlândia Brazil Stake29 Jan 1995Brazil GoiâniaBrasília BrazilMinas Gerais
União da Vitória Brazil District30 Apr 1995Brazil Curitiba SouthCuritiba BrazilParaná
Uruguaiana Brazil Stake29 Nov 1992Brazil Santa MariaPorto Alegre BrazilRio Grande do Sul
Vale do Itajaí Brazil Stake20 Oct 1996Brazil FlorianópolisCuritiba BrazilSanta Catarina
Valparaíso Brazil Stake14 Jun 2015Brazil BrasíliaBrasília BrazilGoiás
Viamão Brazil Stake10 Sep 2017Brazil Porto Alegre SouthPorto Alegre BrazilRio Grande do Sul
Vila Velha Brazil Stake27 Aug 1995Brazil VitóriaCampinas BrazilEspírito Santo
Vitória Brazil Stake15 Feb 1987Brazil VitóriaCampinas BrazilEspírito Santo
Vitória da Conquista Brazil Stake15 Jun 1997Brazil Feira de SantanaRecife BrazilBahia
Volta Redonda Brazil Stake1 Jun 1997Brazil Juiz de ForaRio de Janeiro BrazilRio de Janeiro


Mission Organized
Brazil Belém Mission 1 July 1994
Brazil Belo Horizonte Mission 1 July 1988
Brazil Brasília Mission 1 July 1985
Brazil Campinas Mission 1 July 1986
Brazil Cuiabá Mission 1 July 2006
Brazil Curitiba Mission 1 July 1980
Brazil Curitiba South Mission[42] 1 July 2013
Brazil Feira de Santana Mission 1 July 1990
Brazil Florianópolis Mission 1 July 1993
Brazil Fortaleza Mission 1 July 1987
Brazil Fortaleza East Mission[42] 1 July 2013
Brazil Goiânia Mission 1 July 1998
Brazil João Pessoa Mission 1 July 1998
Brazil Juiz de Fora Mission[42] 1 July 2013
Brazil Londrina Mission 1 July 1995
Brazil Maceió Mission 1 July 1993
Brazil Manaus Mission 1 July 1990
Brazil Natal Mission[42] 1 July 2013
Brazil Piracicaba Mission[42] 1 July 2013
Brazil Porto Alegre North Mission 1 July 1991
Brazil Porto Alegre South Mission 20 Sep 1959
Brazil Recife North Mission 1 July 1979
Brazil Recife South Mission 13 Aug 2020
Brazil Ribeirão Preto Mission 1 Feb 1993
Brazil Rio de Janeiro North Mission 7 July 1968
Brazil Rio de Janeiro South Mission[43] 28 June 2018
Brazil Salvador Mission 1 July 1994
Brazil Santa Maria Mission 1 July 1998
Brazil Santos Mission[42] 1 July 2013
Brazil São Paulo East Mission 1 July 1991
Brazil São Paulo West Mission[42] 1 July 2013
Brazil São Paulo Interlagos Mission 1 July 1991
Brazil São Paulo North Mission 25 May 1935
Brazil São Paulo South Mission 17 Oct 1972
Brazil Teresina Mission 1 July 2009
Brazil Vitória Mission 1 July 1993


Temples in Brazil ()
  • = Operating
  • = Under construction
  • = Announced
  • = Temporarily Closed


São Paulo, Brazil
1 March 1975 by Spencer W. Kimball
20 March 1976 by James E. Faust
October 30, 1978 by Spencer W. Kimball
22 February 2004 by Gordon B. Hinckley
59,246 sq ft (5,504.1 m2) on a 1.85-acre (0.75 ha) site
Spanish influenced modern, single-spire design - designed by Emil B. Fetzer
Recife, Brazil
13 January 1995 by Gordon B. Hinckley
11 November 1996 by Gordon B. Hinckley
15 December 2000 by Gordon B. Hinckley
37,200 sq ft (3,460 m2) on a 5.59-acre (2.26 ha) site
Classic modern, single-spire design - designed by Jerônimo da Cunha Lima (J&P Arquitetos Ltda.) and Church A&E Services
Porto Alegre, Brazil
30 September 1997 by Gordon B. Hinckley
2 May 1998 by James E. Faust
17 December 2000 by Gordon B. Hinckley
10,700 sq ft (990 m2) on a 2-acre (0.81 ha) site
Classic modern, single-spire design - designed by Andre Belo de Faria and Church A&E Services
Campinas, Brazil
3 April 1997 by Gordon B. Hinckley
1 May 1998 by James E. Faust
17 May 2002 by Gordon B. Hinckley
49,100 sq ft (4,560 m2) on a 6.18-acre (2.50 ha) site
Classic modern, single-spire design - designed by JCL Arquitetos Ltd., and Church A&E Services
Curitiba, Brazil
23 August 2002 by Gordon B. Hinckley
10 March 2005 by Russell M. Nelson
1 June 2008 by Thomas S. Monson
27,850 sq ft (2,587 m2) on a 8.15-acre (3.30 ha) site
Classic modern, single-spire design - designed by Jeronimo da Cunha Lima and GSBS
Temple dedicated on 1 June 2008 following an open house from 10 May to 24 May 2008.[44]
Manaus, Brazil
23 May 2007 by Gordon B. Hinckley
20 June 2008 by Charles A. Didier
10 June 2012 by Dieter F. Uchtdorf[45]
32,032 sq ft (2,975.9 m2) on a 7.7-acre (3.1 ha) site
The temple will serve approximately 44,000 members.[46][47]
Fortaleza, Brazil
3 October 2009 by Thomas S. Monson[48][49]
15 November 2011 by David A. Bednar[50]
2 June 2019 by Ulisses Soares[51]
36,000 sq ft (3,300 m2) on a 10-acre (4.0 ha) site
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
April 6, 2013 by Thomas S. Monson[52]
March 4, 2017 by Claudio R. M. Costa
May 8, 2022 by Gary E. Stevenson[53][54]
29,966 sq ft (2,783.9 m2) on a 9.44-acre (3.82 ha) site
Belém, Brazil
3 April 2016 by Thomas S. Monson[55]
17 August 2019 by Marcos A. Aidukaitis[56]
20 November 2022 by Dale G. Renlund[57]
28,675 sq ft (2,664.0 m2) on a 6.7-acre (2.7 ha) site
Brasília, Brazil
2 April 2017 by Thomas S. Monson[58]
26 September 2020 by Adilson de Paula Parrella[59]
17 September 2023 by Neil L. Andersen[60]
25,000 sq ft (2,300 m2) on a 6-acre (2.4 ha) site

Under construction

Salvador, Brazil
7 October 2018 by Russell M. Nelson[61][62]
7 August 2021 by Adilson de Paula Parrella
31,530 sq ft (2,929 m2) on a 4.85-acre (1.96 ha) site
Belo Horizonte, Brazil
4 April 2021 by Russell M. Nelson[63]
17 June 2023 by Juan A. Uceda[64]
26,884 sq ft (2,497.6 m2) on a 11.9-acre (4.8 ha) site


São Paulo, Brazil
4 October 2020 by Russell M. Nelson[65]
46,050 sq ft (4,278 m2) on a 10.7-acre (4.3 ha) site
Vitória, Brazil
3 October 2021 by Russell M. Nelson[66][67]
10,600 sq ft (980 m2) on a 0.75-acre (0.30 ha) site
Maceió, Brazil
3 April 2022 by Russell M. Nelson[68][69]
19,000 sq ft (1,800 m2) on a 3-acre (1.2 ha) site
Santos, Brazil
3 April 2022 by Russell M. Nelson[70][71]
23,000 sq ft (2,100 m2) on a 1.1-acre (0.45 ha) site
Londrina, Brazil
2 October 2022 by Russell M. Nelson[72][73]
32,000 sq ft (3,000 m2) on a 6.23-acre (2.52 ha) site
Ribeirão Preto, Brazil
2 October 2022 by Russell M. Nelson[72][73]
32,000 sq ft (3,000 m2) on a 8.77-acre (3.55 ha) site
Site announced on November 20, 2023.[74]
Teresina, Brazil
2 April 2023 by Russell M. Nelson[75][76]
25,420 sq ft (2,362 m2) on a 3.6-acre (1.5 ha) site
Parnamirim, Brazil
2 April 2023 by Russell M. Nelson[75][76]
19,800 sq ft (1,840 m2) on a 5.53-acre (2.24 ha) site
Goiânia, Brazil
1 October 2023 by Russell M. Nelson[77][78]
João Pessoa, Brazil
1 October 2023 by Russell M. Nelson[77][78]
18,850 sq ft (1,751 m2) on a 3.9-acre (1.6 ha) site

See also


  1. 1 2 "Facts and Statistics: Statistics by Country: Brazil", Newsroom, LDS Church, retrieved 30 May 2023
  2. Excludes groups meeting separate from wards and branches.
  3. Category:Brazil Family History Centers,, retrieved April 24, 2022
  4. "População residente, por situação do domicílio e sexo, segundo os grupos de religião - Brasil - 2010" (PDF). Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística. Retrieved 2013-03-21.
  5. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints membership statistics
  6. "Country information: Brazil", Deseret News Church Almanac (multiple almanacs from various years), Deseret News, 2010-01-25
  7. Actual Membership for January 1 of the respective year
  8. 1 2 3 4 Estimated membership for December 31 of the respective year
  9. 1 2 Actual Membership for December 31 of the respective year
  10. 1 2 Actual Membership for January 1 of the respective year
  11. "Statistics and Church Facts | Total Church Membership".
  12. Grover, Mark L. (2008). "5. Brazil: Spreading the Message". A Land of Promise and Prophecy: Elder A. Theodore Tuttle in South America, 1960-1965. Provo, Utah: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University. ISBN 9780842527132. Retrieved April 5, 2019.
  13. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 "Country Information: Brazil". Deseret News. Deseret News Publishing Company. January 25, 2010. Retrieved April 3, 2019.
  14. 1 2 Grover, Mark. "The Church in Brazil: The Future Has Finally Arrived". Retrieved 20 April 2016.
  15. 1 2 3 4 Grover, Mark L. (Summer 2005). "The Maturing of the Oak: The Dynamics of LDS Growth in Latin America". Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought. 38 (2): 79–104. ProQuest 905091873.
  16. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Grover, Mark. "Religious Accommodation in the Land of Racial Democracy: Mormon Priesthood and Black Brazilians" (PDF). Dialogue. Retrieved 20 April 2016.
  17. 1 2 3 4 5 6 "The Church in Brazil". Ensign. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. February 1975. Retrieved March 20, 2019.
  18. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Williams, Frederick Salem; Williams, Frederick G. (1987). From Acorn to Oak Tree: A Personal History of the Establishment and First Quarter Development of the South American Missions. Fullerton, California: Et Cetera, Et Cetera Graphics. ISBN 978-0944329009.
  19. "Brazilian Mission: Founded 1935". The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Retrieved March 20, 2019.
  20. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Grover, Mark L. (Spring 1990). "The Mormon Priesthood Revelation and the Sao Paulo, Brazil Temple" (PDF). Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought. 23 (1). Retrieved March 20, 2019.
  21. "Death: J. Alden Bowers". Deseret News. Deseret News Publishing Company. June 17, 1990. Retrieved March 20, 2019.
  22. "Comment: Updating Our Information". Ensign. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. August 1975. Retrieved March 27, 2019.
  23. Walsh, Robert (February 24, 2012). "Book of Mormon translation in Portuguese came soon after new mission". Deseret News. Deseret News Publishing Company. Retrieved March 20, 2019.
  24. 1 2 3 4 Kimball, Edward L. (2005). Lengthen Your Stride: The Presidency of Spencer W. Kimball. Salt Lake City, Utah: Deseret Book. ISBN 978-1590384572.
  25. Grover, Mark. "Religious Accommodation in the Land of Racial Democracy: Mormon Priesthood and Black Brazilians" (PDF). Dialogue. Retrieved 20 April 2016. If at any point during the teaching process the missionaries had questions or found evidence indicating probable black lineage, they discouraged the person from continuing his or her investigation.
  26. 1 2 "Sao Paulo Brazil Stake Established". The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Retrieved March 29, 2019.
  27. Grover, Mark L (1985). Mormonism in Brazil: Religion and Dependency in Latin America (PhD). Indiana University.
  28. Harris, Matthew L.; Bringhurst, Newell G. (2015). The Mormon Church and Blacks: A Documentary History. Chicago: University of Illinois Press. ISBN 978-0-252-08121-7.
  29. "Lineage lesson, 1970 December". Brazil North LDS Mission. Retrieved 2 August 2017. An example of these missionary "lineage lessons" (in Portuguese) can be viewed at the Church History website here with a document translation found here and here
  30. 1 2 Taylor, Scott (June 27, 2018). "Brazil MTC Has Experienced 40 Years of Miracles". Church News. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Retrieved March 20, 2019.
  31. 1 2 3 Cannon, Donald Q.; Cowan, Richard O. (2003). Unto Every Nation: Gospel Light Reaches Every Land. Salt Lake City, Utah: Deseret Book. ISBN 978-1570089480.
  32. "About the Brazil MTC". The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Retrieved March 20, 2019.
  33. "Elder Helvecio Martins dies in Brazil at age 75". Church News. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. May 19, 2005. Retrieved March 29, 2019.
  34. Grover, Mark L. (Summer 2010). "Helvecio Martins: First Black General Authority". Journal of Mormon History. 36 (3): 27–28. JSTOR 23291159.
  35. Assis, Fernando (January 30, 2004). "Sao Paulo temple ready for re-dedication". Church News. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Retrieved April 1, 2019.
  36. Furlong, Josh (March 31, 2018). "Elder Ulisses Soares clled to serve as first Latin American apostle in LDS Church". KSL. KSL Broadcasting. Retrieved March 20, 2019.
  37. "Burgeoning Brazil: The Blessings and Challenges of Growth". Ensign. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. January 1993. Retrieved March 20, 2019.
  38. Walker, Bradley (2003). "Spreading Zion Southward Part II: Sharing Our Loaves and Fishes" (PDF). Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought. 36 (1): 40. Retrieved March 20, 2019.
  39. Phillips, Rick (August 2006). "Rethinking the International Expansion of Mormonism". Nova Religio: The Journal of Alternative and Emergent Religions. 10 (1): 62. doi:10.1525/nr.2006.10.1.52. JSTOR 10.1525/nr.2006.10.1.52.
  40. Stack, Peggy Fletcher (July 26, 2005). "Keeping members a challenge for LDS Church" (PDF). The Salt Lake Tribune. Retrieved March 20, 2019.
  41. "Facts and Statistics-Brazil". Newsroom. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Retrieved March 20, 2019.
  42. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 "New mission presidents by area for 2013", Church News, Deseret News, 5 March 2013, retrieved 4 Aug 2023
  43. "Church Announces Mission Adjustments". Newsroom. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. February 1, 2018. Retrieved April 1, 2019.
  44. "Curtiba Brazil Temple: Additional info",, LDS Church, retrieved 2012-10-16
  45. Weaver, Sarah Jane (June 10, 2012), "Manaus Brazil Temple: Dedication marks Church's 138th worldwide and sixth in Brazil", Church News, retrieved 2012-10-15
  46. "New Temple to Be Built in Manaus, Brazil", Newsroom (News Story), LDS Church, June 7, 2007, retrieved 2012-10-15
  47. "Ground Broken for Brazil's Sixth Temple", Newsroom (News Story), LDS Church, June 23, 2008, retrieved 2012-10-15
  48. "President Thomas S. Monson: 'Welcome to Conference'", Deseret News, October 3, 2009, retrieved 2012-11-06.
  49. Talor, Scott (October 4, 2009), "Brigham City among five new locales for LDS temples", Deseret News, retrieved 2012-11-06.
  50. "Ground Broken for Fortaleza Brazil Temple", Newsroom (News Release), LDS Church, November 15, 2011, retrieved 2012-11-06
  51. "Elder Ulisses Soares Dedicates Fortaleza Brazil Temple: Temple is the 7th in the country, 164th worldwide". Newsroom. LDS Church. 2 June 2019.
  52. Walker, Joseph (April 6, 2013). "LDS react with joy to temples announced in Cedar City, Rio". Deseret News..
  53. Rio de Janeiro Brazil Temple Opens to the Public, Newsroom,, 20 March 2022. Retrieved 21 March 2022.
  54. Rio de Janeiro Temple Dedicated and Brazilian Saints Receive Apostolic Promise, Newsroom, 8 May 2022. Retrieved 8 May 2022.
  55. Toone, Trent (3 April 2016). "President Monson announces 4 new temples at Sunday morning session". Deseret News..
  56. Groundbreaking for the Belém Brazil Temple, Newsroom, 17 August 2019. Retrieved 13 June 2020.
  57. Taylor, Scott (20 November 2022). "How Elder Renlund tied rivers and 'pororoca' to the Belém Brazil Temple dedication". The Church News. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Retrieved 22 May 2023.
  58. "President Monson Announces Five New Temples: Mormon temples to be built in South America, Africa, Philippines and US". Newsroom. LDS Church. 2 April 2017.
  59. "Church Announces Groundbreaking Date for Brasília Brazil Temple", newsroom, LDS Church, 6 August 2020, retrieved 28 September 2023
  60. "Two US Temples and One in Brazil Dedicated on the Same Day", newsroom, LDS Church, 17 September 2023, retrieved 28 September 2023
  61. "Twelve Temples Announced as October 2018 General Conference Closes: Number of temples operating, announced or under construction now above 200", Newsroom, LDS Church, 7 October 2018
  62. LDS Church announces plans to build 12 new temples worldwide, pioneer generation temples will be renovated, KSTU Fox 13, 7 October 2018
  63. "Prophet Announces Twenty New Temples at April 2021 General Conference", Newsroom, LDS Church, 4 April 2021
  65. "Prophet Announces Six New Temples at October 2020 General Conference", Newsroom, LDS Church, 4 October 2020
  66. "13 new temple locations announced by President Nelson as conference closes", Church News, Deseret News, 3 Oct 2021
  67. "At the October 2021 General Conference, the Prophet Says the Church Will Build 13 More Temples", Newsroom, LDS Church, 3 Oct 2021
  68. "7 new temple locations announced by President Nelson to close conference", Deseret News, Deseret News, April 3, 2022
  69. "President Nelson Announces 17 New Temples", Newsroom, LDS Church, April 3, 2022
  70. "7 new temple locations announced by President Nelson to close conference", Deseret News, Deseret News, 3 Apr 2022
  71. "President Nelson Announces 17 New Temples", Newsroom, LDS Church, 3 Apr 2022
  72. 1 2 "President Nelson announces 18 new temples, including 4 near Mexico City, as conference closes", Deseret News, Deseret News, 2 October 2022
  73. 1 2 "The Church of Jesus Christ Will Build 18 New Houses of the Lord", Newsroom, LDS Church, 2 October 2022
  74. As verified here
  75. 1 2 Full summary of Sunday’s LDS General Conference: Nelson urges members to be peacemakers, announces 15 new temples, Salt Lake Tribune, 2 April 2023
  76. 1 2 "The Church of Jesus Christ Will Build 15 New Houses of the Lord", Newsroom, LDS Church, 2 April 2023
  77. 1 2 Where the 20 new Latter-day Saint temples will be built as Russell Nelson’s record tally continues to rise, Salt Lake Tribune, 1 October 2023
  78. 1 2 "The Church of Jesus Christ Will Build 20 New Temples", Newsroom, LDS Church, 1 October 2023
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