Oscar Terán (Panama July 22, 1868 – 1936) was a Panamanian lawyer that served in the Senate of Colombia when Panama was still part of Colombia.

He wrote the following books:

  • Relación de viaje: Tierra Santa y los paises que bañan el Mediterreaneo oriental (1924-1925)
  • Escritos y Discursos y Del Tratado Herrán-Hay al Tratado Hay-Bunau Varilla (1936)[1][2]


  1. Pizzurno, Patricia and Araúz, Celestino Andrés "Oscar Terán", EDITORA PANAMA. Retrieved on 2 March 2013.
  2. Tobón, Alfredo Cardona "OSCAR TERÁN: UN PANAMEÑO CON ALMA COLOMBIANA", Historia y región. Retrieved on 2 March 2013.

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