Phyllothallia nivicola (Phyllothalliaceae).
Scientific classification Edit this classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Marchantiophyta
Class: Jungermanniopsida
Subclass: Pelliidae
Order: Pallaviciniales
W.Frey & M.Stech 2005

Pallaviciniales is an order of liverworts.[1][2]


  • Pallaviciniineae Schuster 1984
    • Hymenophytaceae Schuster 1963
      • Hymenophyton Dumortier 1835 [Umbraculum Gottsche 1861 non Schumacher 1817 non Kuntze 1891]
    • Moerckiaceae Stotler & Crandall-Stotler 2007
      • Hattorianthus Schuster & Inoue 1975
      • Moerckia Gottsche 1860 Blyttia Endlicher 1840 non Arnott 1838 non Fries 1839; Cordaea Nees 1833 non Sprengel 1831]
    • Pallaviciniaceae Migula 1904
      • Pallavicinioideae Migula ex Grolle
        • Jensenia Lindberg 1867 [Mittenia Gottsche 1864 non Lindberg 1863; Makednothallus Verdoorn 1932]
        • Pallavicinia Gray 1821 nom. cons. [Pallavicinius (sic); Dilaena Dumortier 1822; Diplolaena Dumortier 1831 non Brown 1814; Hollia Endlicher 1842 non Sieber 1826 non Heynhold 1846; Steetzia Lehmann 1846 non Sonder 1853; Thedenia Fries 1842 non Schimper 1852; Wuestneia Brockmüller 1863 non Auerswald ex Fuckel 1864]
        • Podomitrium Mitten 1855
      • Symphyogynoideae Schuster ex Grolle
        • Greeneothallus Hässel 1980
        • Seppeltia Grolle 1986
        • Symphyogyna Nees & Montagne 1836 [Strozzia Trevisan 1877; Viviania Raddi 1822 non Cavanilles 1804 non Willd. ex Less. non Colla 1825 non Rafinesque 1814 non Rondani 1861; Viviana (sic) Raddi 1822 non (sic) Bigot 1888 non (sic) Colla non Koken 1896]
        • Symphyogynopsis Grolle 1986
        • Xenothallus Schuster 1963
    • Sandeothallaceae Schuster 1984
  • Phyllothalliineae Schuster 1967


  1. Söderström; et al. (2016). "World checklist of hornworts and liverworts". PhytoKeys (59): 1–826. doi:10.3897/phytokeys.59.6261. PMC 4758082. PMID 26929706.
  2. "Part 2- Plantae (starting with Chlorophycota)". Collection of genus-group names in a systematic arrangement. Archived from the original on 6 October 2016. Retrieved 30 June 2016.
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