Radulphus de Canaberiis
Personal details
Île-de-France, France
ProfessionCanon law

Radulphus de Canaberiis or Raoul de Chenevières (c.1240-1297) was a French nobleman, teacher of Roman law in Orléans (France).[1]

Canaberiis was born in the Île-de-France. During the early years of his career, he taught at Orléans and served as an official of the bishop.[2] On 18 December 1291 he was appointed Canon in the Cathedral of the Holy Cross of Orléans.[3]


  1. Études d'histoire du droit: Le droit romain au moyen âge. pt.1. A. L'enseignement du droit dans trois universités du XIIIe siècle. B. Histoire des sources. Eduard Maurits Meijers. 1956. ISBN 9789060211540.
  2. Kanonisten und ihre Texte (1234 bis Mitte 14. Jh.): 18 Aufsätze und 14 Exkurse. Martin Bertram. 12 October 2012. ISBN 978-9004228764.
  3. Revue de droit canonique, Volumes 43-44. Université des sciences humaines. 1993.
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