Honey comes in various types based on the region it is grown and the types of flower that provide the nectar.


There are several European honey types with PDO/PGI that are protected under EU law with PDO status. Some of the criteria for the production of this honey include that it:

  • must be of high quality
  • may not contain any imported honey
  • may not contain any additives
  • must have a water content of less than 20%[1]
  • Bulgaria
  • Strandzhanski manov med
  • Miel de Galicia or Mel de Galicia
  • Miel de Granada
  • Miel de La Alcarria
  • Miel d'Alsace
  • Miel de Corse
  • Miel de Provence
  • Miel de Sapin des Vosges
  • Miele della Lunigiana
  • Miele delle Dolomiti bellunesi
  • Ghasel
  • Mel da Serra da Lousã
  • Mel da Serra de Monchique
  • Mel da Terra Quente
  • Mel das Terras Altas do Minho
  • Mel de Barroso
  • Mel do Alentejo
  • Mel do Parque de Montezinho
  • Mel do Ribatejo Norte
  • Mel dos Açores
  • Sunflower
  • Buckwheat
  • Acacia

Australia and Pacific Islands

  • Eucalyptus honey made in Australia
  • Leatherwood Honey, a noted monofloral honey from Tasmania that has been recognised by the international Slow Food movement in its Ark of Taste.
  • Mānuka honey made in New Zealand



American honeys include:



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