The Registrary is the senior administrative officer of the University of Cambridge. The term is unique to Cambridge,[1] and uses an archaic spelling. Most universities in the United Kingdom and in North America have administrative offices entitled "registrar" or "the registry", although typically with substantially less official responsibility than the Cambridge post.

At Cambridge, the Registrary is also Secretary to the University Council. As the head of the university's Unified Administrative Service, the Registrary is responsible for the central management and the non-academic services of the university. The Registrary has control of the University Chest (formerly a physical chest in which the funds of the university were held secure, now a metaphor for the university's bank accounts). The actual chest is still kept in the Registrary's office. It is over 600 years old and is locked with 17 locks. The previous chest was burned in the Cambridge Peasants' Revolt of 1381. Until the 14th century, the university's books were also kept in the chest.[1]

The office of the Registrary was established in 1506, to compile and maintain the records of the university. The office has been held by only 26 persons in continuous succession since that date. Many early registraries held, or had held, the office of Esquire Bedell. The current Registrary is Emma Rampton, who took office in October 2017.[2]

List of Registraries

Subordinate posts

The office of Assistant Registrary was established in 1885, and was until 1926 was a fixed term appointment of three years. A Second Assistant Registrary was added in 1920, and a Third Assistant in 1921. In April 1961 the posts were renamed as Deputy Registrary and Deputy Secretary General, Senior Assistant Registrary, and Assistant Registrary.[3]

See also


  1. 1 2 "500th birthday for Registrary". University of Cambridge. 24 April 2006. Retrieved 7 October 2014.
  2. "The Registrary - Ms Emma Rampton". University of Cambridge. Retrieved 20 February 2019.
  3. "Lists of Officeholders". Cambridge University Library. 2004. Retrieved 7 October 2014.
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