Location Somalia
City-state existed: 2nd century

Sarapion (Ancient Greek: Σαράπιον, also spelled Serapion) was an ancient port city located in the Horn of Africa.


It was situated on a site that later became Mogadishu. Sarapion was briefly mentioned in Ptolemy's Geographia as one of the harbours a trader would encounter after sailing southernly on the Indian Ocean, passing along the way by the Market of Spices (Damo) and the emporium of Opone. The town is believed by modern scholars to have been positioned in the vicinity of Mogadishu and Warsheikh in present-day south-central Somalia.[1][2]

See also


  1. An introduction to Somali history from 5000 years B.C. down to the present time By Mohamed Jama p. 19
  2. Boats of the World: From the Stone Age to Medieval Times By Seán McGrail p. 52

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