2007 Serbian parliamentary election
21 January 2007

All 250 seats in the National Assembly
126 seats needed for a majority
Turnout60.61% Increase 1.87 pp
PartyLeader % Seats +/–
SRS Tomislav Nikolić 29.07 81 −1
DS Boris Tadić 23.08 64 +38
DSSNS Vojislav Koštunica 16.83 47 −15
G17+ Mlađan Dinkić 6.93 19 −12
SPS Ivica Dačić 5.74 16 −6
LDPGSSSDULSV Čedomir Jovanović 5.40 15 +8
Minority lists
VMSZ József Kasza 1.32 3 +3
LZS Sulejman Ugljanin 0.85 2 0
URS Rajko Đurić 0.43 1 New
KSLP Riza Halimi 0.43 1 New
RP Srđan Šajn 0.37 1 New
This lists parties that won seats. See the complete results below.
Results by municipalities
  SRS   DS   DSSNS   G17+   SPO   VMSZ   LZS
Prime Minister before Prime Minister after
Vojislav Koštunica
Vojislav Koštunica

Parliamentary elections were held in Serbia on 21 January 2007 to elect members of the National Assembly.[1][2] The first session of the new National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia was held on 14 February 2007. The elections enabled the coalition of DS; DSS & G17+ to continue.

Electoral system

The d'Hondt method was used to distribute parliamentary mandates following the election. Parties and coalitions had 10 days following the announcement of the final results to decide which candidates will take their allotted seats in parliament. Parties then had three months to negotiate a government.

Parties registering as ethnic minority parties (options 8, 10, 14, 17, 19 and 20) did not need to surpass the 5% threshold to gain seats in the parliament, but instead needed to pass a natural threshold at 0.4%. For the first time in a decade, Albanian parties from the Preševo Valley participated in the elections, but Kosovo Albanian parties continued their boycott of Serbian elections.

6,652,105 voters were eligible to vote, an increase of 14,000 voters when compared to the constitutional referendum held a few months before. 31,370 of the eligible voters were living abroad, and 7,082 were in prison.[3]

Electoral lists

Twenty party lists registered with the electoral commission before the deadline of 5 January 2007:[4]

# Ballot name Ballot carrier Main ideology Political position Note
Ružica Đinđić Social liberalism Centre to centre-left
  • G17 Plus – Mlađan Dinkić
  • G17+
Mlađan Dinkić Liberal conservatism Centre-right
  • Liberal Democratic Party – Civic Alliance of Serbia – Social Democratic Union – League of Social Democrats of Vojvodina – Čedomir Jovanović
Čedomir Jovanović Liberalism Centre
  • Serbian Radical Party – dr Vojislav Šešelj
  • SRS
Vojislav Šešelj Ultranationalism Far-right
  • Democratic Party of Serbia – New Serbia – dr Vojislav Koštunica
Vojislav Koštunica Conservatism Right-wing
Milanka Karić Conservatism Centre-right
  • Serbian Renewal Movement – Vuk Drašković
Vuk Drašković Liberalism Centre-right
  • Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians – József Kasza
József Kasza Minority politics Centre-right
  • Party of United Pensioners of Serbia (PUPS) – dr Jovan Krkobabić and the Social Democratic Party (SDP) – dr Nebojša Čović
Jovan Krkobabić Social democracy Centre-left
Sulejman Ugljanin Minority politics Centre
  • Socialist Party of Serbia
  • SPS
Ivica Dačić Democratic socialism Left-wing
  • Branko Pavlović – Because it has to be better
  • ZŠMB
Branko Pavlović Youth politics Centre
Dušica Karabenč Vojvodina autonomism Left-wing
  • Roma Union of Serbia – dr Rajko Đurić
  • URS, VDS
Rajko Đurić Minority politics Centre
  • Reformist Party – dr Aleksandar Višnjić
  • RS
Aleksandar Višnjić Reformism Centre
  • Democratic Community of Serbia – dr Obren Joksimović
  • DZS, PI
Obren Joksimović Right-wing populism Far-right
Riza Halimi Minority politics Centre-right
Vuk Obradović Social democracy Centre-left
Gyula László Minority politics
  • Roma Party – Srđan Šajn
  • RP
Srđan Šajn Minority politics



The parties' campaign slogans for the 2007 election:

  Party English slogan Serbian slogan
    Democratic Party Because life can't waitZato što život ne može da čeka
Зато што живот не може да чека
    G17 Plus Expertise before politicsStručnost ispred politike
Стручност испред политике
    Liberal-Democratic Party-Civic Alliance of Serbia-Social Democratic Union-League of Social Democrats of Vojvodina It depends on usOd nas zavisi
Од нас зависи
    Serbian Radical Party So that things become better already todayDa već danas bude bolje
Да већ данас буде боље
    Democratic Party of Serbia / New Serbia Long live SerbiaŽivela Srbija
Живела Србија
    Strength of Serbia Movement Serbia has strengthSrbija ima snage
Србија има снаге
    Serbian Renewal Movement It's worth fighting forVredi se boriti
Вреди се борити
    Socialist Party of Serbia Serbia, Chin UpSrbijo, glavu gore
Србијо, главу горе
    Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians New chanceNova šansa
Új esély (*)
    List for Sandžak For Sandžak in European SerbiaZa Sandžak u evropskoj Srbiji
За Санџак у европској Србији
    Albanian Coalition from Preševo Valley For better life of Albanians in Preševo ValleyZa bolji život Albanaca u Preševskoj dolini
За бољи живот Албанаца у Прешевској долини

The change figure for the Democratic Party of Serbia/New Serbia list is in comparison to the 2003 result for the Democratic Party of Serbia; New Serbia was aligned to the Serbian Renewal Movement in 2003. The grouping headed by the Liberal Democratic Party is new: the Liberal Democratic Party split off from the Democratic Party in 2005; Civic Alliance of Serbia and the Social Democratic Union were part of the Democratic Party list in 2003; and the League of Social Democrats of Vojvodina were in a list with the Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians in 2003. The Coalition List for Sandžak previously stood as part of the Democratic Party list.


The Republican Electoral Commission finally published the final results after the repetition of voting in several places:

Serbian Radical Party1,153,45329.0781–1
Democratic Party coalition[lower-alpha 1]915,85423.0864+41
Democratic Party of SerbiaNew Serbia coalition[lower-alpha 2]667,61516.8347–10
G17 Plus275,0416.9319–12
Socialist Party of Serbia227,5805.7416–6
Liberal Democratic Party coalition[lower-alpha 3]214,2625.4015+8
Serbian Renewal Movement coalition134,1473.380–13
Strength of Serbia Movement70,7271.780New
Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians52,5101.323+3
List for Sandžak[lower-alpha 4]33,8230.8520
Roma Union of Serbia17,1280.431New
Albanian Coalition of Preševo Valley[lower-alpha 5]16,9730.431New
Branko Pavlović — Because it has to be better15,7220.400New
Roma Party14,6310.371New
Hungarian Union Coalition12,9400.330New
Vojvodina Parties7,3590.190New
Democratic Community of Serbia5,4380.140New
Social Democracy4,9090.1200
Reformist Party1,8810.050New
Valid votes3,967,33598.38
Invalid/blank votes65,4681.62
Total votes4,032,803100.00
Registered voters/turnout6,653,85160.61
Source: Republican Electoral Commission


  • Dutch foreign minister Ben Bot congratulated Boris Tadić with the result, stating "the fact that Mr. Tadić has doubled his position in the parliament is of great importance, since it means that the Serbian people value a "pro-European" course".[5]
  • EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana stated "The majority voted for forces that are democratic and pro-European", continuing "I hope very much there will be a speedy formation of a government that will be on the line of "pro-European" forces."[5]
  • German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier said "The radicals got most votes but nevertheless two thirds of the seats in parliament will go to "democratic" forces."[5]
  • Michael C. Polt, US ambassador to Serbia, congratulated Serbian people on results, stating that "the United States looks forward to continuing to work with you and your leadership as your country fulfills the promise of October 2000".[6]
  • Jean Asselborn, Deputy Prime Minister of Luxembourg, stated that EU should show support to Serbia, after "democratic" forces won the elections, as NATO did when Serbia was invited to join "Partnership for Peace" despite not cooperating with the ICTY.[7]
  • Sergey Baburin, Vice-president of the Russian State Duma stated “the parties to form the government will soon hear Martti Ahtisaari’s recommendations for the settlement of the Kosovo issue, and I deem their position unenviable. In my opinion, parties are making a big mistake by not letting Serbian Radicals partake in the government. Patriotic parties in Serbia are getting potentially stronger”.[7]


  1. "Serbian President Calls Early Elections". Retrieved 2007-01-21.
  2. Nohlen, D & Stöver, P (2010) Elections in Europe: A data handbook, p1715 ISBN 978-3-8329-5609-7
  3. "6,652,105 citizens eligible to vote". Retrieved 2007-01-21.
  4. "Izborne liste". Republic Electoral Commission (in Serbian). Retrieved 2022-10-08.
  5. 1 2 3 "Solana puts brave face on results". CNN. January 22, 2007. Archived from the original on January 29, 2007.
  6. "International reactions to election results". B92. January 22, 2007. Archived from the original on September 29, 2007.
  7. 1 2 "Reakcije iz sveta na ishod izbora". B92. January 22, 2007.
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