Southern Fried Road Trip is a television show appearing on the Food Network. It features Bobby Deen and Jamie Deen, the sons of Paula Deen,[1] touring the southern portion of the United States and sampling food.[2] Episodes also featured the customers eating at each establishment the duo visited, as they highlighted various dishes available at restaurants in the region and their impressions of each dish.[3]


  1. Khushbu Shah (April 8, 2015). "Bobby and Jamie Deen Are Filming a New Food Network Show 'Southern Fried Road Trip'".
  2. Lucy Berry (April 6, 2015). "Bobby and Jamie Deen to visit CF Penn's, Blue Plate Cafe Saturday for Food Network show". Alabama Media Group.
  3. Megan Wyatt (April 28, 2015). "Food Network in Acadiana for 'Southern Fried Road Trip'". The Daily Advertiser.
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