USA Gonzo Games is a game show that aired on the USA Network[1] from October 6 to December 29, 1991. Mark L. Walberg[2] made his debut as a game show host on this series. The show was produced by Stone Stanley Productions.


Ten contestants (5 male and 5 female) competed in various stunts that tested their endurance.

Each episode was set up in a tournament format, with the top 2 male and female contestants being announced as the winners. Unlike most game shows, USA Gonzo Games did not offer prizes.


  1. DeFalco, Kim (September 3, 1991). "Unusual fun draws folks to Gonzo Games tryouts". The Tampa Tribune. Retrieved 24 May 2022.
  2. Belcher, Walt (October 6, 1991). "Contestants get messy on 'Gonzo Games'". The Tampa Tribune. Retrieved 24 May 2022.
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