Vanitas (c. 1650–1670) by Mattia Preti

Vanitas is an oil-on-canvas painting executed ca. 1650–1670 by the Italian artist Mattia Preti, now inventory number 9283 in the Uffizi in Florence, for which it was bought in 1951 from a private collection.[1][2] Art historians diasgree on whether the painting is a fragment of a larger work or retains its original dimensions, as well as whether it is a general vanitas or depicts Mary Magdalene.[3]


  1. (in Italian) Gallerie degli Uffizi, Gli Uffizi: Catalogo generale, Firenze, Centro Di, 1980, p. 436 [1979]
  2. (in Italian) " - Vanita".
  3. (in Italian) Evelina Borea (ed.), Caravaggio e caravaggeschi nelle gallerie di Firenze: Firenze, Palazzo Pitti, estate 1970, Firenze, Sansoni, 1970, pp. 115-116, e n. 76, SBN IT\ICCU\SBL\0109114.
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