This is a list of stars arranged by their apparent magnitude – their brightness as observed from Earth. It includes all stars brighter than magnitude +2.50 in visible light, measured using a V-band filter in the UBV photometric system. Stars in binary systems (or other multiples) are listed by their total or combined brightness if they appear as a single star to the naked eye as

or listed separately if they do not. As with all magnitude systems in astronomy, the scale is logarithmic and inverted i.e. lower/more negative numbers are brighter.

Most stars on this list appear bright from Earth because they are nearby, not because they are intrinsically luminous. For a list which compensates for the distances, converting the apparent magnitude to the absolute magnitude, see the list of most luminous stars.

Some major asterisms, which feature many of the brightest stars in the night sky


The Sun is the brightest star as viewed from Earth, at 26.78 mag. The second brightest is Sirius at 1.46 mag. For comparison, the brightest non-stellar objects in the Solar System have maximum brightnesses of:

Any exact order of the visual brightness of stars is not perfectly defined for four reasons:

  • Stellar brightness is based on the apparent visual magnitude as perceived by the human eye, from the brightest stars of 1st magnitude to the faintest at 6th magnitude. Since the invention of the optical telescope and the documenting of binary stars and multiple star systems, stellar brightness could be expressed as either individual (separate) or total (combined) magnitude. The table is ordered by combined magnitude of all naked eye components appearing as if it they were single stars. Such multiple star systems are indicated by parentheses showing the individual magnitudes of component stars bright enough to make a detectable contribution. For example, the binary star system Alpha Centauri has the total or combined magnitude of 0.27, while its two component stars have magnitudes of +0.01 and +1.33.[3]
  • New or more accurate photometry, standard filters, or adopting differing methods using standard stars can measure stellar magnitudes slightly differently. This may change the apparent order of lists of bright stars. The table shows measured V magnitudes, which use a specific filter that closely approximates human vision. However, other kinds of magnitude systems do exist based on different wavelengths, some well away from the distribution of the visible wavelengths of light, and these apparent magnitudes vary dramatically in the different systems.[4] For example, Betelgeuse has the K-band (infrared) apparent magnitude of 4.05.[5]
  • Some stars, like Betelgeuse and Antares, are variable stars, changing their magnitude over days, months or years. In the table, the range of variation is indicated with the symbol "var". Single magnitude values quoted for variable stars come from a variety of sources. Magnitudes shown in the table are either when the stars are at maximum brightness, which is repeated for every cycle (e.g. the eclipsing binary Algol); or, if the variations are small, a simple average magnitude. For red variable stars, specifying a single maximum brightness is often difficult because each cycle produces a different maximum brightness; this is thought to be caused by poorly understood pulsations in stellar evolution processes. Such quoted stellar brightness is sometimes based on the average maximum apparent magnitude[6] from estimated maxima over many observed light-curve cycles, sometimes spanning across centuries. Results often quoted in the literature are not necessarily straightforward and may differ in expressing an alternate value for a singular maximum brightness or as a range of values.
  • A few selected stars, thought to be uniformly fixed in brightness, are used as standard stars. These standard stars have carefully determined magnitudes that have been analysed over many years, and are often used to determine other stars' magnitudes or their stellar parameters using comparatively consistent scales.[7]


All of these stars have multiple valid names or catalogue designations. The table lists their Bayer designation and the most common proper name. Most of the proper names have been approved[8] by the Working Group on Star Names of the International Astronomical Union (IAU). Popular names which have not been approved by the IAU are omitted.


The source of magnitudes cited in this list is the linked Wikipedia articles. This basic list is a catalog of what Wikipedia itself documents. References can be found in the individual articles.

Wolf–Rayet star
O-type star
B-type star
A-type star
F-type star
G-type star
K-type star
M-type star
Brightest star of its constellation
Rank Visual magnitude (mV) Proper name[8] Bayer
Distance (ly) Spectral type
0 −26.74 Sun 0.0 G2 V
1 −1.46 Sirius α CMa 8.6 A0mA1 Va, DA2
2 −0.74 Canopus α Car 310 A9 II
3 −0.27 (0.01 + 1.33) Rigil Kentaurus
& Toliman
α Cen 4.34 G2 V, K1 V
4 −0.05 Arcturus α Boo 37 K0 III
5 0.03 (0.02–0.07var) Vega α Lyr 25 A0 Va
6 0.08 (0.03–0.16var) Capella α Aur 43 K0 III, G1 III
7 0.13 (0.05–0.18var) Rigel β Ori 860 B8 Ia
8 0.34 Procyon α CMi 11 F5 IV-V
9 0.46 (0.40–0.46var) Achernar α Eri 139 B3 Vpe
10 0.50 (0.0–1.6var) Betelgeuse α Ori 550 M1-M2 Ia-ab
11 0.61 Hadar β Cen 390 B1 III
12 0.76 Altair α Aql 17 A7 V
13 0.76 (1.33 + 1.73) Acrux α Cru 320 B0.5 IV, B1 V
14 0.86 (0.75–0.95var) Aldebaran α Tau 65 K5 III
15 0.96 (0.6–1.6var) Antares α Sco 550 M1.5 Iab-Ib, B2.5 V
16 0.97 (0.97–1.04var) Spica α Vir 250 B1 III-IV, B2 V
17 1.14 Pollux β Gem 34 K0 III
18 1.16 Fomalhaut α PsA 25 A3 V
19 1.25 (1.21–1.29var) Deneb α Cyg 2,600 A2 Ia
20 1.25 (1.23–1.31var) Mimosa β Cru 280 B0.5 III, B2 V
21 1.39 Regulus α Leo 79 B8 IVn
22 1.50 Adhara ε CMa 430 B2 II
23 1.62 Shaula λ Sco 570 B2 IV
24 1.62 (1.98 + 2.97) Castor α Gem 51 A1 V, Am
25 1.64 Gacrux γ Cru 89 M3.5 III
26 1.64 Bellatrix γ Ori 250 B2 III
27 1.65 Elnath β Tau/γ Aur 130 B7 III
28 1.69 Miaplacidus β Car 110 A1 III
29 1.69 (1.64–1.74var) Alnilam ε Ori 2,000 B0 Ia
30 1.72 (1.81–1.87var + 4.27) γ Vel 840 WC8, O7.5III
31 1.74 Alnair α Gru 100 B6 V
32 1.77 Alnitak ζ Ori 1,300 O9.5 Iab, B1 IV, B0 III
33 1.77 Alioth ε UMa 83 A1 III-IVp kB9
34 1.79 Dubhe α UMa 120 K0 III, F0 V
35 1.80 Mirfak α Per 510 F5 Ib
36 1.82 Wezen δ CMa 1,800 F8 Ia
37 1.84 Sargas θ Sco 330 F0 II
38 1.85 Kaus Australis ε Sgr 140 B9.5 III
39 1.86 Avior ε Car 600 K3 III, B2 Vp
40 1.86 Alkaid η UMa 100 B3 V
41 1.90 (1.89–1.94var) Menkalinan β Aur 80 A1mIV+A1mIV
42 1.91 Atria α TrA 390 K2 IIb-IIIa
43 1.92 Alhena γ Gem 100 A1.5 IV+
44 1.94 Peacock α Pav 180 B3 V
45 1.96 (1.99–2.39var + 5.57) Alsephina δ Vel 80 A1 Va(n), F7.5 V
46 1.98 Mirzam β CMa 500 B1 II-III
47 2.00 Alphard α Hya 180 K3 II-III
48 1.98 (1.86–2.13var) Polaris α UMi 430 F7 Ib
49 2.00 Hamal α Ari 66 K1 IIIb
50 2.08 (2.37 + 3.64) Algieba γ Leo 130 K0 III, G7 IIIb
51 2.02 Diphda β Cet 96 K0 III
52 2.04 Mizar ζ UMa 83 A2 Vp, A2 Vp, Am
53 2.05 Nunki σ Sgr 230 B2.5 V
54 2.06 Menkent θ Cen 59 K0 III
55 2.05 (2.01–2.10var) Mirach β And 200 M0 III
56 2.06 Alpheratz α And/δ Peg 97 B8 IVpMnHg, A3 V
57 2.07 Rasalhague α Oph 47 A5IVnn
58 2.08 Kochab β UMi 130 K4 III
59 2.09 Saiph κ Ori 720 B0.5 Ia
60 2.11 Denebola β Leo 36 A3 Va
61 2.12 (2.1–3.39var) Algol β Per 93 B8 V, K0 IV, A7m
62 2.15 (2.0–2.3var) Tiaki β Gru 170 M5 III
63 2.17 Muhlifain γ Cen 130 A0 III, A0 III
64 2.21 Aspidiske ι Car 690 A9 Ib
65 2.21 (2.14–2.30var) Suhail λ Vel 570 K4 Ib
66 2.23 (2.21–2.32var) Alphecca α CrB 75 A0 V, G5 V
67 2.23 (2.23–2.35var) Mintaka δ Ori 900 O9.5 II, B1 V, B0 IV
68 2.23 Sadr γ Cyg 1,500 F8 Iab
69 2.23 Eltanin γ Dra 150 K5 III
70 2.24 Schedar α Cas 230 K0 IIIa
71 2.25 Naos ζ Pup 1,080 O4 If(n)p
72 2.26 Almach γ And 350 K3 IIb, B9.5 V, B9.5 V, A0 V
73 2.28 (2.25–2.31var) Caph β Cas 54 F2 III
74 2.29 Izar ε Boo 202 K0 II-III, A2 V
75 2.30 (2.29–2.34var) α Lup 550 B1.5 III
76 2.30 (2.29–2.31var) ε Cen 380 B1III
77 2.31 (1.6–2.32var) Dschubba δ Sco 400 B0.3 IV, B1-3 V
78 2.31 Larawag ε Sco 65 K1 III
79 2.35 (2.30–2.41var) η Cen 310 B1.5 Vne
80 2.37 Merak β UMa 79 A1 IVps
81 2.38 Ankaa α Phe 77 K0.5 IIIb
82 2.39 κ Sco 460 B1.5 III
83 2.40 (0.7–3.0var) Enif ε Peg 670 K2 Ib
84 2.42 (2.31–2.74var) Scheat β Peg 200 M2.5 II-IIIe
85 2.43 Sabik η Oph 88 A1 IV, A1 IV
86 2.44 Phecda γ UMa 84 A0 Ve
87 2.45 Aludra η CMa 2,000 B5 Ia
88 2.46 Markeb κ Vel 540 B2 IV
89 2.47 (1.6–3.0var) γ Cas 610 B0.5 IVe
90 2.48 Markab α Peg 140 A0 IV
91 2.48 Aljanah ε Cyg 72 K0 III-IV
92 2.50 Acrab β Sco 404 B0.5 IV-V, B1.5 V, B2 V

Brighest star by galaxy

Galaxy Apparent Magnitude Star Distance (ly) Spectral type Notes
Milky Way –26.74 Sun 0 G2V
Large Magellanic Cloud 8.99 – 9.22 (variable)[9] HD 33579 163,000 A3Ia+ The Luminous Blue Variables S Doradus and R71 are brighter during their outbursts.
Small Magellanic Cloud 10.47[10] SK 69 200,000 B8Ia
Andromeda Galaxy 15.6[11] [DMM2009] J004406.32+420131 2,500,000 F2Ia
Triangulum Galaxy 14.859[12] B324 3,200,000 A8–F0Ia A yellow hypergiant.

See also


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