Lietuvos Tarybų Socialistinės Respublikos himnas
English: 'Anthem of the Lithuanian Soviet Socialist Republic'
Sheet music

Former regional anthem of the  Lithuanian SSR
LyricsAntanas Venclova
MusicBalys Dvarionas and Jonas Švedas
RelinquishedNovember 18, 1988 (1988-11-18)
Succeeded by"Tautiška giesmė"

"State Anthem of the Lithuanian SSR" (Lithuanian: Lietuvos Tarybų Socialistinės Respublikos himnas) was the regional anthem of the Lithuanian Soviet Socialist Republic from 1950 to 1989.


During the Soviet rule in Lithuania, the song was adopted by the Lithuanian SSR government in 1950, substituted for the Tautiška giesmė, which was used briefly as a national anthem of Lithuania in 1944 until 1950.[1] In 1988, the official anthem of the Republic of Lithuania (Tautiška giesmė) was once again openly utilized as the Lithuanian anthem, and its status as the national anthem was restored by the independent Lithuanian government in 1992 and is still used today. In 2015, during the victory ceremony for the Lithuanian team in World Deaf Basketball Championships in Taoyuan, Taiwan, where they achieved first place, the Soviet-era song was accidentally played, much to the surprise of the Lithuanians. The organizers promptly acknowledged their mistake and apologized.[2]


The music was composed by Balys Dvarionas and Jonas Švedas, and the original lyrics authored by Antanas Venclova. After Joseph Stalin's death, Vacys Reimeris changed the second stanza of the lyrics to remove mention of Stalin. The second stanza lyrics were changed to state that Lenin had lit the path to freedom, helped by the Russian people, led by the party (Reimeris changed the word "Stalin" to "party") and exhorted the Lithuanian people to work with peoples of the other Soviet Republics. This Soviet era anthem was confirmed in Article 169 of the 1978 Constitution of the Lithuanian SSR (this is the version presented below). The Soviet era anthem for the Lithuanian SSR is presented below:


1978-1988 version

Lithuanian Russian English

Tarybinę Lietuvą liaudis sukūrė,
Už laisvę ir tiesą kovojus ilgai.
Kur Vilnius, kur Nemunas, Baltijos jūra,
Ten klesti mūs miestai, derlingi laukai.

Tarybų Sąjungoj šlovingoj,
Tarp lygių lygi ir laisva,
Gyvuok per amžius, būk laiminga,
Brangi Tarybų Lietuva!

Į laisvę mums Leninas nušvietė kelią,
Padėjo kovoj didi rusų tauta.
Mus Partija* veda į laimę ir galią,
Tautų mūs draugystė kaip plienas tvirta.


Tėvynė galinga, nebijom pavojų,
Tebūna padangė taiki ir tyra.
Mes darbu sukursim didingą rytojų,
Ir žemę nušvies komunizmo aušra.


Советской навечно по воле народа
Ты стала, моя дорогая Литва.
Здесь Вильнюс, здесь Неман, Балтийское море,
Цветут наши нивы, растут города.

В Союзе братском обрели мы
Средь равных равные права.
Живи в веках и будь счастливой,
Моя Советская Литва!

Нам русский народ помогал в битве грозной,
Нам Ленин открыл лучезарную даль.
Союз нерушимый наш Партией создан,
И дружба народов прочнее, чем сталь.


Никто нам не страшен - могуча Отчизна!
И небу быть мирным и чистым всегда.
Приблизим трудом торжество коммунизма,
Свети над планетою, счастья звезда.


Soviet Lithuania was built by the people,
who fought for their freedom for a long time.
Where Vilnius, where Nemunas, where the Baltic Sea is,
There our cities and our fields flourish.

In thy glorious Soviet Union,
Amid the equal and free,
Live for centuries, be happy
precious Soviet Lithuania!

Lenin showed us the way to freedom,
The great Russian nation helped us in the fight.
The Party leads us to fortune and power,
Our friendship between nations is strong as steel.


Our fatherland is mighty, we fear no danger,
May the skies be peaceful and pure.
We will work to build a great tomorrow,
the earth will be illuminated by the dawn of Communism.


1950-1953 version

Lithuanian Russian English

Tarybinę Lietuvą liaudis sukūrė,
Už savąją laisvę kovojus ilgai.
Kur Vilnius senasis, kur Baltijos jūra,
Ten klesti mūs miestai, derlingi laukai.

Tarybų Sąjungoj šlovingoj,
Tarp lygių lygi ir laisva,
Gyvuok per amžius, būk laiminga,
Brangi Tarybų Lietuva!

Į laisvę mums Leninas nušvietė kelią,
Padėjo kovoj didi rusų tauta.
Mus Stalinas veda į laimę ir galią,
Tautų mūs draugystė kaip plienas tvirta.


Šalis mūs galinga, nebijom pavojų,
Apginsim Tėvynę nuo priešų visų.
Mes žengiam pirmyn į didingą rytojų
Skaidriuos spinduliuos komunizmo šviesų.


Советской навечно по воле народа
Ты стала, моя дорогая Литва.
Здесь Вильнюс старинный, Балтийское море,
Цветут наши нивы, растут города.
В Союзе братском обрели мы
Средь равных равные права.
Живи в веках и будь счастливой,
Моя Советская Литва!
Нам русский народ помогал в битве грозной,
Нам Ленин открыл лучезарную даль.
Союз нерушимый наш Сталиным создан,
И дружба народов прочнее, чем сталь.
Никто нам не страшен — могуча Отчизна!
Мы орды врагов победим навсегда!
Идём мы вперёд, к торжеству коммунизма,
Свети над планетою, счастья звезда.

Soviet Lithuania was built by the people,
who fought for their freedom for a long time.
Where is old Vilnius, where the Baltic Sea,
There our cities and our fields flourish.

In thy glorious Soviet Union,
Amid the equal and free,
Live for centuries, be happy
precious Soviet Lithuania!

Lenin showed us the way to freedom,
The great Russian nation helped in the fight.
Stalin leads us to fortune and power,
Our friendship between nations is strong as steel.


Our country is mighty, we fear no danger,
Let's defend the Homeland from all enemies.
We're moving forward into a great tomorrow,
With transparent rays of the light of Communism.




    1. Marcinkevičius, Juozas (2005). "Tautiškos giesmės likimas prijungus Lietuvą prie Sovietų Sąjungos (1940-1950)" (PDF). In Česnys, Gintautas; Kulnytė, Birutė; Treideris, Romas (eds.). Lietuvos himnas. Vilnius: Lietuvos nacionalinis muziejus. ISBN 9955415231.
    2. "Rinktinės treneris apie Lietuvos kurčiųjų rinktinei sugrotą tarybinį himną: klysta visi". (in Lithuanian). 2015-09-08. Retrieved 2023-12-13.
    3. "Anthem of the Lithuanian Ssr testo". Testi Canzoni. Archived from the original on 2020-06-27. Retrieved 2020-04-22.
    4. "Sovietinė tautų draugystė mitas – Rusija buvo okupantė ir diskriminavo". 2014-11-24.
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