Hainan Province
Capital: Haikou
Prefecture-level divisions
Prefectural cities4
County level divisions
County cities5
Autonomous counties4
Township level divisions
Villages level divisions
Administrative villages2,553
Danzhou districts are not counted into the figures above. However Sansha management committees are counted as towns.

Hainan uses a slightly different administrative system from other administrative regions of China. Most other provinces are divided entirely into prefecture-level divisions, each of which is then divided entirely into county-level divisions, which generally do not come directly under the province. In Hainan, nearly all county-level divisions (the eight districts excepted) come directly under the province. This method of division is due to Hainan's relatively sparse population. However, it is planned that the counties and cities in Hainan (excluding Sansha) would be merged into five city-level cities, just like those on the mainland area of China.

Administrative divisions

All of these administrative divisions are explained in greater detail at Administrative divisions of the People's Republic of China. This chart lists only prefecture-level and county-level divisions of Hainan.

Sansha oversees the South China Sea Islands: the Xisha (Paracel Islands), Zhongsha (Macclesfield Bank), and Nansha (Spratly Islands). The Spratlys are in reality disputed and divided among China and several neighbouring countries, while the Paracel Islands is claimed by the People's Republic of China, the Republic of China (Taiwan), and Vietnam.

Prefecture level
(Division code)
County Level
NameChineseHanyu PinyinDivision code[1]
Haikou city
Hǎikǒu Shì
(4601 / HAK)
Xiuying District秀英区Xiùyīng Qū460105XYH
Longhua District龙华区Lónghuá Qū460106LOH
Qiongshan District琼山区Qióngshān Qū460107QOS
Meilan District美兰区Měilán Qū460108MEL
Sanya city
Sānyà Shì
(4602 / SYX)
Haitang District海棠区Hǎitáng Qū460202HTN
Jiyang District吉阳区Jíyáng Qū460203JYV
Tianya District天涯区Tiānyá Qū460204TYA
Yazhou District崖州区Yázhōu Qū460205YZB
Sansha city[lower-alpha 1]
Sānshā Shì
(4603 / SSB)
Xisha District西沙区Xīshā Qū460302
Nansha District南沙区Nánshā Qū460303
Danzhou city
Dānzhōu Shì
(4604 / DNZ)
Chengqu District[lower-alpha 2]城区片区Chéngqū Piànqū460401DNZ
Binhai District[lower-alpha 2]滨海片区Bīnhǎi Piànqū
Wuzhishan city五指山市Wǔzhǐshān Shì469001WZN
Qionghai city琼海市Qiónghǎi Shì469002QHA
Wenchang city文昌市Wénchāng Shì469005WEC
Wanning city万宁市Wànníng Shì469006WNN
Dongfang city东方市Dōngfāng Shì469007DFG
Ding'an County定安县Dìng'ān Xiàn469021DIA
Tunchang County屯昌县Túnchāng Xiàn469022TCG
Chengmai County澄迈县Chéngmài Xiàn469023CMA
Lingao County临高县Língāo Xiàn469024LGO
Baisha County[lower-alpha 3]白沙县Báishā Xiàn469025BSX
Changjiang County[lower-alpha 4]昌江县Chāngjiāng Xiàn469026CJX
Ledong County[lower-alpha 5]乐东县Lèdōng Xiàn469027LED
Lingshui County[lower-alpha 6]陵水县Língshuǐ Xiàn469028LSL
Baoting County[lower-alpha 7]保亭县Bǎotíng Xiàn469029BTG
Qiongzhong County[lower-alpha 8]琼中县Qióngzhōng Xiàn469030QZG
  1. Sansha city is administered partially by the People's Republic of China. Sansha city is also claimed and administered partially by Taiwan (Republic of China), Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Vietnam.
  2. 1 2 These districts within Danzhou are not formal administrative subdivisions recognized by the Ministry of Civil Affairs.
  3. Conventional name: Baisha Li Autonomous County; Chinese: 白沙黎族自治县; pinyin: Báishā Lízú Zìzhìxiàn
  4. Conventional name: Changjiang Li Autonomous County; Chinese: 昌江黎族自治县; pinyin: Chāngjiāng Lízú Zìzhìxiàn
  5. Conventional name: Ledong Li Autonomous County; Chinese: 乐东黎族自治县; pinyin: Lèdōng Lízú Zìzhìxiàn
  6. Conventional name: Lingshui Li Autonomous County; Chinese: 陵水黎族自治县; pinyin: Língshuǐ Lízú Zìzhìxiàn
  7. Conventional name: Baoting Li and Miao Autonomous County; Chinese: 保亭黎族苗族自治县; pinyin: Bǎotíng Lízú Miáozú Zìzhìxiàn
  8. Conventional name: Qiongzhong Li and Miao Autonomous County; Chinese: 琼中黎族苗族自治县; pinyin: Qióngzhōng Lízú Miáozú Zìzhìxiàn

Administrative divisions history

Recent changes in administrative divisions

1988-04-13parts of Guangdong ProvinceHainan Provinceprovincial establishedCivil Affairs Announcement
Haikou (PL-City) city districtHaikou (PL-City) city districttransferred
Sanya (PL-City) city districtSanya (PL-City) city districttransferred
Hainan Administrative Regionprovincial-controlleddisestablished & transferred
↳ Tongshi (CL-City)↳ Tongshi (CL-City)transferred
↳ Qiongshan County↳ Qiongshan Countytransferred
↳ Qionghai County↳ Qionghai Countytransferred
↳ Wenchang County↳ Wenchang Countytransferred
↳ Wanning County↳ Wanning Countytransferred
↳ Tunchang County↳ Tunchang Countytransferred
↳ Ding'an County↳ Ding'an Countytransferred
↳ Chengmai County↳ Chengmai Countytransferred
↳ Lingao County↳ Lingao Countytransferred
↳ Dan County↳ Dan Countytransferred
↳ Baisha County (Aut.)↳ Baisha County (Aut.)transferred
↳ Changjiang County (Aut.)↳ Changjiang County (Aut.)transferred
↳ Ledong County (Aut.)↳ Ledong County (Aut.)transferred
↳ Lingshui County (Aut.)↳ Lingshui County (Aut.)transferred
↳ Baoting County (Aut.)↳ Baoting County (Aut.)transferred
↳ Qiongzhong County (Aut.)↳ Qiongzhong County (Aut.)transferred
↳ Dongfang County (Aut.)↳ Dongfang County (Aut.)transferred
Xisha, Nansha, and Zhongsha Islands
Authority (CL-Administration Office)
Xisha, Nansha, and Zhongsha Islands
Authority (CL-Administration Office)
1990-11-15Haikou (PL-City) city districtZhendong Districtestablished
Xinhua Districtestablished
Xiuying Districtestablished
1992-11-06Qionghai CountyQionghai (CL-City)reorganizedCivil Affairs [1992]132
1993-03-03Danzhou CountyDanzhou (CL-City)reorganizedCivil Affairs [1993]45
1994-01-24Qiongshan CountyQiongshan (CL-City)reorganizedCivil Affairs [1994]26
1995-11-07Wenchang CountyWenchang (CL-City)reorganizedCivil Affairs [1995]77
1996-08-05Wanning CountyWanning (CL-City)reorganizedCivil Affairs [1996]53
1997-04-22Dongfang County (Aut.)Dongfang (CL-City)reorganizedCivil Affairs [1997]4
2001-07-05Tongshen (CL-City)Wuzhishan (CL-City)renamedCivil Affairs [2001]170
2002-10-16Qiongshan (CL-City)Qiongshan DistrictreorganizedState Council [2002]92
Zhendong DistrictMeilan Districtrenamed
Xinhua DistrictLonghua Districtrenamed
2012-06-21provincial-controlledSansha (PL-City) city districtestablishedState Council [2012]51
Xisha, Nansha, and Zhongsha Islands
Authority (CL-Administration Office)
2014-01-25Sanya (PL-City) city districtJiyang DistrictestablishedState Council [2014]14
Tianya Districtestablished
Haitang Districtestablished
Yazhou Districtestablished
2015-02-19provincial-controlledDanzhou (PL-City) city districtestablishedState Council [2015]41
↳ Danzhou (CL-City)
2020-04-??Sansha (PL-City) city districtXisha Districtestablished
Nansha Districtestablished

Population composition


Prefecture 2010 2000
Haikou 2,046,189 1,508,341
Sanya 685,408 482,296
Sansha not established not established
Danzhou 932,362


JiyangSanyanot established
FenghuangSanyanot established
HaitangSanyanot established
YazhouSanyanot established
XishaSanshanot established
NanshaSanshanot established
WuzhishanDirectly administered104,122
QionghaiDirectly administered483,217
WenchangDirectly administered537,428
WanningDirectly administered545,597
DongfangDirectly administered408309
Ding'anDirectly administered284,616
TunchangDirectly administered256,931
ChengmaiDirectly administered467,161
LingaoDirectly administered427,873
BaishaDirectly administered167,918
ChangjiangDirectly administered223,839
LedongDirectly administered458,876
LingshuiDirectly administered32,046
BaotingDirectly administered146,684
QiongzhongDirectly administered174,076
YangpuDirectly administered37,000
XNZIA (dissolved)Directly administered444


  1. 2012国家统计局统计用区划代码 (in Simplified Chinese). National Bureau of Statistics of the People's Republic of China. Archived from the original on 2013-07-27. Retrieved 2013-07-15.
  2. 中华人民共和国行政区划沿革 (1949-2006). www.gov.cn. Government of the People's Republic of China. Retrieved 11 January 2016.
  3. 县级以上行政区划变更情况 (1999-present). www.mca.gov.cn. Ministry of Civial Affairs of the People's Republic of China. Retrieved 11 January 2016.
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