Yunnan Province | |
Province | |
Capital: Kunming | |
Prefecture-level divisions | |
Prefectural cities | 8 |
Autonomous prefectures | 8 |
County level divisions | |
County cities | 17 |
Counties | 66 |
Autonomous counties | 29 |
Districts | 17 |
Township level divisions | |
Towns | 683 |
Townships | 545 |
Ethnic townships | 140 |
Subdistricts | 175 |
Villages level divisions | |
Communities | 2,421 |
Administrative villages | 11,902 |
Source: Yunnan Statistical Yearbook 2018[1]: 3–9 |
Administrative divisions of China |
History: before 1912, 1912–49, 1949–present Administrative division codes |
Yunnan, a province of the People's Republic of China, is made up of the following administrative divisions.
Administrative divisions
All of these administrative divisions are explained in greater detail at political divisions of China.
Prefecture level | County Level | ||||
Name | Chinese | Hanyu Pinyin | Division code[2] | ||
Kunming city 昆明市 Kūnmíng Shì (Capital) (5301 / KMG) |
Wuhua District | 五华区 | Wǔhuá Qū | 530102 | WHA |
Panlong District | 盘龙区 | Pánlóng Qū | 530103 | PLQ | |
Guandu District | 官渡区 | Guāndù Qū | 530111 | GDU | |
Xishan District | 西山区 | Xīshān Qū | 530112 | XSN | |
Dongchuan District | 东川区 | Dōngchuān Qū | 530113 | DCU | |
Chenggong District | 呈贡区 | Chénggòng Qū | 530114 | CGG | |
Jinning District | 晋宁区 | Jìnníng Qū | 530115 | JNE | |
Fumin County | 富民县 | Fùmín Xiàn | 530124 | FMN | |
Yiliang County | 宜良县 | Yíliáng Xiàn | 530125 | YIL | |
Shilin County[lower-alpha 1] | 石林县 | Shílín Xiàn | 530126 | SLY | |
Songming County | 嵩明县 | Sōngmíng Xiàn | 530127 | SMI | |
Luquan County[lower-alpha 2] | 禄劝县 | Lùquàn Xiàn | 530128 | LUC | |
Xundian County[lower-alpha 3] | 寻甸县 | Xúndiàn Xiàn | 530129 | XDN | |
Anning city | 安宁市 | Ānníng Shì | 530181 | ANG | |
Qujing city 曲靖市 Qǔjìng Shì (5303 / QJS) |
Qilin District | 麒麟区 | Qílín Qū | 530302 | QLQ |
Zhanyi District | 沾益区 | Zhānyì Qū | 530303 | ZYB | |
Malong District | 马龙区 | Mǎlóng Qū | 530304 | ||
Luliang County | 陆良县 | Lùliáng Xiàn | 530322 | LLX | |
Shizong County | 师宗县 | Shīzōng Xiàn | 530323 | SZD | |
Luoping County | 罗平县 | Luópíng Xiàn | 530324 | LPX | |
Fuyuan County | 富源县 | Fùyuán Xiàn | 530325 | FYD | |
Huize County | 会泽县 | Huìzé Xiàn | 530326 | HUZ | |
Xuanwei city | 宣威市 | Xuānwēi Shì | 530381 | XWS | |
Yuxi city 玉溪市 Yùxī Shì (5304 / YXS) |
Hongta District | 红塔区 | Hóngtǎ Qū | 530402 | HTA |
Jiangchuan District | 江川区 | Jiāngchuān Qū | 530403 | JCY | |
Tonghai County | 通海县 | Tōnghǎi Xiàn | 530423 | THI | |
Huaning County | 华宁县 | Huáníng Xiàn | 530424 | HND | |
Yimen County | 易门县 | Yìmén Xiàn | 530425 | YMD | |
Eshan County[lower-alpha 4] | 峨山县 | Éshān Xiàn | 530426 | ESN | |
Xinping County[lower-alpha 5] | 新平县 | Xīnpíng Xiàn | 530427 | XNP | |
Yuanjiang County[lower-alpha 6] | 元江县 | Yuánjiāng Xiàn | 530428 | YJA | |
Chengjiang city | 澄江市 | Chéngjiāng shì | 530481 | ||
Baoshan city 保山市 Bǎoshān Shì (5305 / BOS) |
Longyang District | 隆阳区 | Lóngyáng Qū | 530502 | LGU |
Shidian County | 施甸县 | Shīdiàn Xiàn | 530521 | SDD | |
Longling County | 龙陵县 | Lónglíng Xiàn | 530523 | LGL | |
Changning County | 昌宁县 | Chāngníng Xiàn | 530524 | CND | |
Tengchong city | 腾冲市 | Téngchōng Shì | 530581 | TCT | |
Zhaotong city 昭通市 Zhāotōng Shì (5306 / ZTS) |
Zhaoyang District | 昭阳区 | Zhāoyáng Qū | 530602 | ZGQ |
Ludian County | 鲁甸县 | Lǔdiàn Xiàn | 530621 | LDX | |
Qiaojia County | 巧家县 | Qiǎojiā Xiàn | 530622 | QJA | |
Yanjin County | 盐津县 | Yánjīn Xiàn | 530623 | YJD | |
Daguan County | 大关县 | Dàguān Xiàn | 530624 | DGN | |
Yongshan County | 永善县 | Yǒngshàn Xiàn | 530625 | YSB | |
Suijiang County | 绥江县 | Suíjiāng Xiàn | 530626 | SUJ | |
Zhenxiong County | 镇雄县 | Zhènxióng Xiàn | 530627 | ZEX | |
Yiliang County | 彝良县 | Yíliáng Xiàn | 530628 | YLG | |
Weixin County | 威信县 | Wēixìn Xiàn | 530629 | WIX | |
Shuifu city | 水富市 | Shuǐfù Shì | 530681 | ||
Lijiang city 丽江市 Lìjiāng Shì (5307 / LJH) |
Gucheng District | 古城区 | Gǔchéng Qū | 530702 | GUQ |
Yulong County[lower-alpha 7] | 玉龙县 | Yùlóng Xiàn | 530721 | YLZ | |
Yongsheng County | 永胜县 | Yǒngshèng Xiàn | 530722 | YOS | |
Huaping County | 华坪县 | Huápíng Xiàn | 530723 | HAP | |
Ninglang County[lower-alpha 8] | 宁蒗县 | Nínglàng Xiàn | 530724 | NLG | |
Pu'er city 普洱市 Pǔ'ěr Shì (5308 / PRS) |
Simao District | 思茅区 | Sīmáo Qū | 530802 | SYM |
Ning'er County[lower-alpha 9] | 宁洱县 | Níng'ěr Xiàn | 530821 | NER | |
Mojiang County[lower-alpha 10] | 墨江县 | Mòjiāng Xiàn | 530822 | MJG | |
Jingdong County[lower-alpha 11] | 景东县 | Jǐngdōng Xiàn | 530823 | JDD | |
Jinggu County[lower-alpha 12] | 景谷县 | Jǐnggǔ Xiàn | 530824 | JGD | |
Zhenyuan County[lower-alpha 13] | 镇沅县 | Zhènyuán Xiàn | 530825 | ZYY | |
Jiangcheng County[lower-alpha 14] | 江城县 | Jiāngchéng Xiàn | 530826 | JCE | |
Menglian County[lower-alpha 15] | 孟连县 | Mènglián Xiàn | 530827 | MLN | |
Lancang County[lower-alpha 16] | 澜沧县 | Láncāng Xiàn | 530828 | LCA | |
Ximeng County[lower-alpha 17] | 西盟县 | Xīméng Xiàn | 530829 | XMG | |
Lincang city 临沧市 Líncāng Shì (5309 / LIH) |
Linxiang District | 临翔区 | Línxiáng Qū | 530902 | LXU |
Fengqing County | 凤庆县 | Fèngqìng Xiàn | 530921 | FQX | |
Yunxian County[lower-alpha 18] | 云县 | Yúnxiàn | 530922 | YXP | |
Yongde County | 永德县 | Yǒngdé Xiàn | 530923 | YDX | |
Zhenkang County | 镇康县 | Zhènkāng Xiàn | 530924 | ZKG | |
Shuangjiang County[lower-alpha 19] | 双江县 | Shuāngjiāng Xiàn | 530925 | SGJ | |
Gengma County[lower-alpha 20] | 耿马县 | Gěngmǎ Xiàn | 530926 | GMA | |
Cangyuan County[lower-alpha 21] | 沧源县 | Cāngyuán Xiàn | 530927 | CYN | |
Chuxiong Prefecture[lower-alpha 22] 楚雄州 Chǔxióng Zhōu (5323 / CXD) |
Chuxiong city | 楚雄市 | Chǔxióng Shì | 532301 | CXS |
Shuangbai County | 双柏县 | Shuāngbǎi Xiàn | 532322 | SBA | |
Mouding County | 牟定县 | Móudìng Xiàn | 532323 | MDI | |
Nanhua County | 南华县 | Nánhuá Xiàn | 532324 | NHA | |
Yao'an County | 姚安县 | Yáo'ān Xiàn | 532325 | YOA | |
Dayao County | 大姚县 | Dàyáo Xiàn | 532326 | DYO | |
Yongren County | 永仁县 | Yǒngrén Xiàn | 532327 | YRN | |
Yuanmou County | 元谋县 | Yuánmóu Xiàn | 532328 | YMO | |
Wuding County | 武定县 | Wǔdìng Xiàn | 532329 | WDX | |
Lufeng County | 禄丰县 | Lùfēng Xiàn | 532331 | LFX | |
Honghe Prefecture[lower-alpha 23] 红河州 Hónghé Zhōu (5325 / HHZ) |
Gejiu city | 个旧市 | Gèjiù Shì | 532501 | GJU |
Kaiyuan city | 开远市 | Kāiyuǎn Shì | 532502 | KYD | |
Mengzi city | 蒙自市 | Měngzì Xiàn | 532503 | MEZ | |
Mile city | 弥勒市 | Mílè Shì | 532504 | MLY | |
Pingbian County[lower-alpha 24] | 屏边县 | Píngbiān Xiàn | 532523 | PBN | |
Jianshui County | 建水县 | Jiànshuǐ Xiàn | 532524 | JSD | |
Shiping County | 石屏县 | Shípíng Xiàn | 532525 | SPG | |
Luxi County | 泸西县 | Lúxī Xiàn | 532527 | LXD | |
Yuanyang County | 元阳县 | Yuányáng Xiàn | 532528 | YYD | |
Honghe County | 红河县 | Hónghé Xiàn | 532529 | HHX | |
Jinping County[lower-alpha 25] | 金平县 | Jīnpíng Xiàn | 532530 | JNP | |
Lüchun County | 绿春县 | Lǜchūn Xiàn | 532531 | LCX | |
Hekou County[lower-alpha 26] | 河口县 | Hékǒu Xiàn | 532532 | HKM | |
Wenshan Prefecture[lower-alpha 27] 文山州 Wénshān Zhōu (5326 / WSZ) |
Wenshan city | 文山市 | Wénshān Xiàn | 532601 | WSB |
Yanshan County | 砚山县 | Yànshān Xiàn | 532622 | YSD | |
Xichou County | 西畴县 | Xīchóu Xiàn | 532623 | XIC | |
Malipo County | 麻栗坡县 | Málìpō Xiàn | 532624 | MLP | |
Maguan County | 马关县 | Mǎguān Xiàn | 532625 | MGN | |
Qiubei County | 丘北县 | Qiūběi Xiàn | 532626 | QBE | |
Guangnan County | 广南县 | Guǎngnán Xiàn | 532627 | GGN | |
Funing County | 富宁县 | Fùníng Xiàn | 532628 | FND | |
Xishuangbanna Prefecture[lower-alpha 28] 西双版纳州 Xīshuāngbǎnnà Zhōu (5328 / XSB) |
Jinghong city | 景洪市 | Jǐnghóng Shì | 532801 | JHG |
Menghai County | 勐海县 | Měnghǎi Xiàn | 532822 | MHI | |
Mengla County | 勐腊县 | Měnglà Xiàn | 532823 | MLA | |
Dali Prefecture[lower-alpha 29] 大理州 Dàlǐ Zhōu (5329 / DLZ) |
Dali city | 大理市 | Dàlǐ Shì | 532901 | DLS |
Yangbi County[lower-alpha 30] | 漾濞县 | Yàngbì Xiàn | 532922 | YGB | |
Xiangyun County | 祥云县 | Xiángyún Xiàn | 532923 | XYD | |
Binchuan County | 宾川县 | Bīnchuān Xiàn | 532924 | BCD | |
Midu County | 弥渡县 | Mídù Xiàn | 532925 | MDU | |
Nanjian County[lower-alpha 31] | 南涧县 | Nánjiàn Xiàn | 532926 | NNJ | |
Weishan County[lower-alpha 32] | 巍山县 | Wēishān Xiàn | 532927 | WSY | |
Yongping County | 永平县 | Yǒngpíng Xiàn | 532928 | YPX | |
Yunlong County | 云龙县 | Yúnlóng Xiàn | 532929 | YLO | |
Eryuan County | 洱源县 | Ěryuán Xiàn | 532930 | EYN | |
Jianchuan County | 剑川县 | Jiànchuān Xiàn | 532931 | JIC | |
Heqing County | 鹤庆县 | Hèqìng Xiàn | 532932 | HQG | |
Dehong Prefecture[lower-alpha 33] 德宏州 Déhóng Zhōu (5331 / DHG) |
Ruili city | 瑞丽市 | Ruìlì Shì | 533102 | RUI |
Mangshi city[lower-alpha 18] | 芒市 | Mángshì | 533103 | MAB | |
Lianghe County | 梁河县 | Liánghé Xiàn | 533122 | LHD | |
Yingjiang County | 盈江县 | Yíngjiāng Xiàn | 533123 | YGL | |
Longchuan County | 陇川县 | Lǒngchuān Xiàn | 533124 | LCN | |
Nujiang Prefecture[lower-alpha 34] 怒江州 Nùjiāng Zhōu (5333 / NUJ) |
Lushui city | 泸水市 | Lúshuǐ Shì | 533302 | LMS |
Fugong County | 福贡县 | Fúgòng Xiàn | 533323 | FGO | |
Gongshan County[lower-alpha 35] | 贡山县 | Gòngshān Xiàn | 533324 | GSN | |
Lanping County[lower-alpha 36] | 兰坪县 | Lánpíng Xiàn | 533325 | LPG | |
Dêqên (Diqing) Prefecture[lower-alpha 37] 迪庆州 Díqìng Zhōu (5334 / DEZ) |
Xianggelila city | 香格里拉市 | Xiānggélǐlā Shì | 533401 | SEL |
Deqin County | 德钦县 | Déqīn Xiàn | 533422 | DQN | |
Weixi County[lower-alpha 38] | 维西县 | Wéixī Xiàn | 533423 | WXI |
- ↑ Conventional name: Shilin Yi Autonomous County; Chinese: 石林彝族自治县; pinyin: Shílín Yízú Zìzhìxiàn
- ↑ Conventional name: Luquan Yi and Miao Autonomous County; Chinese: 禄劝彝族苗族自治县; pinyin: Lùquàn Yízú Miáozú Zìzhìxiàn
- ↑ Conventional name: Xundian Hui and Yi Autonomous County; Chinese: 寻甸回族彝族自治县; pinyin: Xúndiàn Huízú Yízú Zìzhìxiàn
- ↑ Conventional name: Eshan Yi Autonomous County; Chinese: 峨山彝族自治县; pinyin: Éshān Yízú Zìzhìxiàn
- ↑ Conventional name: Xinping Yi and Dai Autonomous County; Chinese: 新平彝族傣族自治县; pinyin: Xīnpíng Yízú Dǎizú Zìzhìxiàn
- ↑ Conventional name: Yuanjiang Hani, Yi and Dai Autonomous County; Chinese: 元江哈尼族彝族傣族自治县; pinyin: Yuánjiāng Hānízú Yízú Dǎizú Zìzhìxiàn
- ↑ Conventional name: Yulong Naxi Autonomous County; Chinese: 玉龙纳西族自治县; pinyin: Yùlóng Nàxīzú Zìzhìxiàn
- ↑ Conventional name: Ninglang Yi Autonomous County; Chinese: 宁蒗彝族自治县; pinyin: Nínglàng Yízú Zìzhìxiàn
- ↑ Conventional name: Ning'er Hani and Yi Autonomous County; Chinese: 宁洱哈尼族彝族自治县; pinyin: Níng'ěr Hānízú Yízú Zìzhìxiàn
- ↑ Conventional name: Mojiang Hani Autonomous County; Chinese: 墨江哈尼族自治县; pinyin: Mòjiāng Hānízú Zìzhìxiàn
- ↑ Conventional name: Jingdong Yi Autonomous County; Chinese: 景东彝族自治县; pinyin: Jǐngdōng Yízú Zìzhìxiàn
- ↑ Conventional name: Jinggu Dai and Yi Autonomous County; Chinese: 景谷傣族彝族自治县; pinyin: Jǐnggǔ Dǎizú Yízú Zìzhìxiàn
- ↑ Conventional name: Zhenyuan Yi, Hani and Lahu Autonomous County; Chinese: 镇沅彝族哈尼族拉祜族自治县; pinyin: Zhènyuán Yízú Hānízú Lāhùzú Zìzhìxiàn
- ↑ Conventional name: Jiangcheng Hani and Yi Autonomous County; Chinese: 江城哈尼族彝族自治县; pinyin: Jiāngchéng Hānízú Yízú Zìzhìxiàn
- ↑ Conventional name: Menglian Dai, Lahu and Va Autonomous County; Chinese: 孟连傣族拉祜族佤族自治县; pinyin: Mènglián Dǎizú Lāhùzú Wǎzú Zìzhìxiàn
- ↑ Conventional name: Lancang Lahu Autonomous County; Chinese: 澜沧拉祜族自治县; pinyin: Láncāng Lāhùzú Zìzhìxiàn
- ↑ Conventional name: Ximeng Va Autonomous County; Chinese: 西盟佤族自治县; pinyin: Xīméng Wǎzú Zìzhìxiàn
- 1 2 Official name registered by the Ministry of Civil Affairs.
- ↑ Conventional name: Shuangjiang Lahu, Va, Blang and Dai Autonomous County; Chinese: 双江拉祜族佤族布朗族傣族自治县; pinyin: Shuāngjiāng Lāhùzú Wǎzú Bùlǎngzú ǎizú Zìzhìxiàn
- ↑ Conventional name: Gengma Dai and Va Autonomous County; Chinese: 耿马傣族佤族自治县; pinyin: Gěngmǎ Dǎizú Wǎzú Zìzhìxiàn
- ↑ Conventional name: Cangyuan Va Autonomous County; Chinese: 沧源佤族自治县; pinyin: Cāngyuán Wǎzú Zìzhìxiàn
- ↑ Conventional name: Chuxiong Yi Autonomous Prefecture; Chinese: 楚雄彝族自治州; pinyin: Chǔxióng Yízú Zìzhìzhōu
- ↑ Conventional name: Honghe Hani and Yi Autonomous Prefecture; Chinese: 红河哈尼族彝族自治州; pinyin: Hónghé Hānízú Yízú Zìzhìzhōu
- ↑ Conventional name: Pingbian Miao Autonomous County; Chinese: 屏边苗族自治县; pinyin: Píngbiān Miáozú Zìzhìxiàn
- ↑ Conventional name: Jinping Miao, Yao and Dai Autonomous County; Chinese: 金平苗族瑶族傣族自治县; pinyin: Jīnpíng Miáozú Yáozú Dǎizú Zìzhìxiàn
- ↑ Conventional name: Hekou Yao Autonomous County; Chinese: 河口瑶族自治县; pinyin: Hékǒu Yáozú Zìzhìxiàn
- ↑ Conventional name: Wenshan Zhuang and Miao Autonomous Prefecture; Chinese: 文山壮族苗族自治州; pinyin: Wénshān Zhuàngzú Miáozú Zìzhìzhōu
- ↑ Conventional name: Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture; Chinese: 西双版纳傣族自治州; pinyin: Xīshuāngbǎnnà Dǎizú Zìzhìzhōu
- ↑ Conventional name: Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture; Chinese: 大理白族自治州; pinyin: Dàlǐ Báizú Zìzhìzhōu
- ↑ Conventional name: Yangbi Yi Autonomous County; Chinese: 漾濞彝族自治县; pinyin: Yàngbì Yízú Zìzhìxiàn
- ↑ Conventional name: Nanjian Yi Autonomous County; Chinese: 南涧彝族自治县; pinyin: Nánjiàn Yízú Zìzhìxiàn
- ↑ Conventional name: Weishan Yi and Hui Autonomous County; Chinese: 巍山彝族回族自治县; pinyin: Wēishān Yízú Huízú Zìzhìxiàn
- ↑ Conventional name: Dehong Dai and Jingpo Autonomous Prefecture; Chinese: 德宏傣族景颇族自治州; pinyin: Déhóng Dǎizú Jǐngpōzú Zìzhìzhōu
- ↑ Conventional name: Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture; Chinese: 怒江傈僳族自治州; pinyin: Nùjiāng Lìsùzú Zìzhìzhōu
- ↑ Conventional name: Gongshan Derung and Nu Autonomous County; Chinese: 贡山独龙族怒族自治县; pinyin: Gòngshān Dúlóngzú Nùzú Zìzhìxiàn
- ↑ Conventional name: Lanping Bai and Pumi Autonomous County; Chinese: 兰坪白族普米族自治县; pinyin: Lánpíng Báizú Pǔmǐzú Zìzhìxiàn
- ↑ Conventional name: Dêqên Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture; Chinese: 迪庆藏族自治州; pinyin: Díqìng Zàngzú Zìzhìzhōu
- ↑ Conventional name: Weixi Lisu Autonomous County; Chinese: 维西傈僳族自治县; pinyin: Wéixī Lìsùzú Zìzhìxiàn
Recent changes in administrative divisions
Date | Before | After | Note | Reference[3][4] |
1981-01-18 | parts of Zhaotong County | Zhaotong (PC-City) | established | |
1981-05-09 | parts of Pu'er County | Simao County | established | |
1981-08-14 | Shuifu (CC-District) | Shuifu County | reorganized | |
parts of Yanjin County | merged into | |||
parts of Suijiang County | merged into | |||
1981-11-18 | Kaiyuan County | Kaiyuan (PC-City) | reorganized | |
1983-01-18 | all Province-controlled city (P-City) → Prefecture-level city (PL-City) | Civil Affairs Announcement | ||
all Prefecture-controlled city/town (PC-City/Town) → County-level city/town (CL-City/Town) | ||||
1983-09-09 | parts of Qujing Prefecture | Kunming (PL-City) | transferred | |
↳ Yiliang County | ↳ Yiliang County | transferred | ||
↳ Songming County | ↳ Songming County | transferred | ||
↳ Lunan County (Aut.) | ↳ Lunan County (Aut.) | transferred | ||
parts of Chuxiong Prefecture (Aut.) | Kunming (PL-City) | transferred | ||
↳ Luquan County | ↳ Luquan County | transferred | ||
Zhaotong County | Zhaotong (CL-City) | merged into | ||
Qujing County | Qujing (CL-City) | reorganized | ||
Zhanyi County | merged into | |||
Yuxi County | Yuxi (CL-City) | reorganized | ||
Baoshan County | Baoshan (CL-City) | reorganized | ||
Dali County | Dali (CL-City) | reorganized | ||
Xiaguan (CL-City) | merged into | |||
1985-01-31 | Wanding (CL-Town) | Wanding (CL-City) | reorganized | |
1985-06-11 | Shuangjiang County | Shuangjiang County (Aut.) | reorganized | |
Weixi County | Weixi County (Aut.) | reorganized | ||
Jingdong County | Jingdong County (Aut.) | reorganized | ||
Jinggu County | Jinggu County (Aut.) | reorganized | ||
Pu'er County | Pu'er County (Aut.) | reorganized | ||
Yangbi County | Yangbi County (Aut.) | reorganized | ||
Luquan County | Luquan County (Aut.) | reorganized | ||
Jinping County | Jinping County (Aut.) | reorganized | ||
1986-09-24 | Bijiang County | Lushui County | disestablished & merged into | |
Fugong County | disestablished & merged into | |||
1987-11-27 | Lanping County | Lanping County (aut.) | reorganized | |
1990-02-03 | Zhenyuan County | Zhenyuan County (Aut.) | reorganized | |
1992-06-26 | Ruili County | Ruili (CL-City) | reorganized | Civil Affairs [1992]69 |
1993-03-25 | Simao County | Simao (CL-City) | reorganized | Civil Affairs [1993]61 |
1993-12-22 | Jinghong County | Jinghong (CL-City) | reorganized | Civil Affairs [1993]256 |
1994-02-18 | Xuanwei County | Xuanwei (CL-City) | reorganized | |
1995-10-13 | Anning County | Anning (CL-City) | reorganized | |
1996-10-28 | Luxi County | Luxi (CL-City) | reorganized | Civil Affairs [1996]80 |
1997-05-06 | Qujing Prefecture | Qujing (PL-City) | reorganized | State Council [1997]32 |
Qujing (CL-City) | Qilin District | disestablished & established | ||
Zhanyi County | disestablished & established | |||
1997-12-13 | Yuxi Prefecture | Yuxi (PL-City) | reorganized | State Council [1997]108 |
Yuxi (CL-City) | Hongta District | disestablished & established | ||
1998-10-08 | Lunan County (Aut.) | Shilin County (Aut.) | renamed | |
1998-12-06 | Dongchuan (PL-City) | Kunming (PL-City) | disestablished & merged into | |
↳ Dongchuan District | reorganized & transferred | |||
parts of Qujing (CL-City) | Kunming (PL-City) | transferred | ||
↳ Xundian County (Aut.) | ↳ Xundian County (Aut.) | transferred | ||
1999-01-02 | Wanding (CL-City) | Ruili (CL-City) | merged into | State Council [1999]1 |
2000-12-30 | Baoshan Prefecture | Baoshan (PL-City) | reorganized | |
Baoshan (CL-City) | Longyang District | reorganized | ||
2001-01-30 | Zhaotong Prefecture | Zhaotong (PL-City) | reorganized | State Council [2001]6 |
Zhaotong (CL-City) | Zhaoyang District | reorganized | ||
2001-12-17 | Zhongdian County | Xianggelila County | renamed | Civil Affairs [2001]348 |
2002-12-26 | Lijiang Prefecture | Lijiang (PL-City) | reorganized | State Council [2002]122 |
Lijiang (CL-City) | Gucheng District | reorganized | ||
Lijiang County (Aut.) | Yulong County (Aut.) | renamed | ||
2003-10-30 | Simao Prefecture | Simao (PL-City) | reorganized | State Council [2003]113 |
Simao (CL-City) | Cuiyun District | reorganized | ||
2003-10-30 | Lincang Prefecture | Lincang (PL-City) | reorganized | State Council [2003]136 |
Lincang (CL-City) | Linxiang District | reorganized | ||
2007-01-21 | Simao (PL-City) | Pu'er (PL-City) | renamed | State Council [2007]8 |
Cuiyun District | Simao District | renamed | ||
Pu'er County (Aut.) | Ning'er County (Aut.) | renamed | ||
2010-07-20 | Luxi (CL-City) | Mangshi (CL-City) | renamed | State Council [2010]166 |
2010-09-10 | Mengzi County | Mengzi (CL-City) | reorganized | Civil Affairs [2010]219 |
2010-12-02 | Wenshan County | Wenshan (CL-City) | reorganized | Civil Affairs [2010]295 |
2011-05-20 | Chenggong County | Chenggong District | reorganized | State Council [2011]58 |
2013-01-24 | Mile County | Mile (CL-City) | reorganized | Civil Affairs [2013]29 |
2014-12-16 | Xianggelila County | Xianggelila (CL-City) | reorganized | Civil Affairs [2014]375 |
2015-08-01 | Tengchong County | Tengchong (CL-City) | reorganized | Civil Affairs [2015]248 |
2015-12-03 | Jiangchuan County | Jiangchuan District | reorganized | State Council [2015]208 |
2016-03-20 | Zhanyi County | Zhanyi District | reorganized | State Council [2016]54 |
2016-06-16 | Lushui County | Lushui (CL-City) | reorganized | Civil Affairs [2016]176 |
2016-11-24 | Jinning County | Jinning District | reorganized | State Council [2016]187 |
2018-02-09 | Malong County | Malong District | reorganized | State Council [2018]24 |
2018-07-02 | Shuifu County | Shuifu (CL-City) | reorganized | Civil Affairs [2018]108 |
2019-11-20 | Chengjiang County | Chengjiang (CL-City) | reorganized | Civil Affairs [2019]124 |
Population composition
Prefecture | 2010 | 2000 |
Kunming | 6,432,212 | 5,781,294 |
Qujing | 5855,055 | 5,466,100 |
Yuxi | 2,303,511 | 2,073,005 |
Baoshan | 2,506,491 | 2,348,315 |
Zhaotong | 5,213,533 | 4,592,388 |
Lijiang | 1,244,769 | 1,126,646 |
Pu'er | 2,542,898 | 2,395,248 |
Lincang | 2,429,505 | 2,228,785 |
Dehong | 1,211,440 | 1,071,300 |
Nujiang | 534,337 | 491,824 |
Dêqên (Diqing) | 400,182 | 353,518 |
Dali | 3,456,000 | 3,297,000 |
Chuxiong | 2,684,174 | 2,542,465 |
Honghe | 4,501,000 | 4,130,500 |
Wenshan | 3,517,941 | 3,268,553 |
Xishuangbanna | 1,133,515 | 993,397 |
Name | Prefecture | 2010 |
Wuhua | Kunming | 855,521 |
Panlong | Kunming | 809,881 |
Guandu | Kunming | 853,371 |
Xishan | Kunming | 753,813 |
Dongchuan | Kunming | 271,917 |
Chenggong | Kunming | 310,843 |
Jinning | Kunming | 283,784 |
Fumin | Kunming | 145,554 |
Yiliang | Kunming | 419,400 |
Songming | Kunming | 287,095 |
Shilin | Kunming | 246,220 |
Luquan | Kunming | 396,404 |
Xundian | Kunming | 457,068 |
Anning | Kunming | 341,341 |
Qilin | Qujing | 740,747 |
Malong | Qujing | 184,989 |
Luliang | Qujing | 622,397 |
Shizong | Qujing | 392,361 |
Luoping | Qujing | 549,680 |
Fuyuan | Qujing | 722,640 |
Huize | Qujing | 908,292 |
Zhanyi | Qujing | 431,058 |
Xuanwei | Qujing | 1,302,891 |
Hongta | Yuxi | 495,129 |
Jiangchuan | Yuxi | 280,889 |
Chengjiang | Yuxi | 169,366 |
Tonghai | Yuxi | 300,800 |
Huaning | Yuxi | 214,650 |
Yimen | Yuxi | 177,110 |
Eshan | Yuxi | 162,831 |
Xinping | Yuxi | 285,344 |
Yuanjiang | Yuxi | 217,392 |
Longyang | Baoshan | 935,618 |
Shidian | Baoshan | 305,223 |
Tengchong | Baoshan | 644,765 |
Longling | Baoshan | 277,319 |
Changning | Baoshan | 343,566 |
Zhaoyang | Zhaotong | 787,845 |
Ludian | Zhaotong | 390,654 |
Qiaojia | Zhaotong | 516,349 |
Yanjin | Zhaotong | 369,881 |
Daguan | Zhaotong | 263,225 |
Yongshan | Zhaotong | 394,267 |
Suijiang | Zhaotong | 153,091 |
Zhenxiong | Zhaotong | 1,328,375 |
Yiliang | Zhaotong | 521,838 |
Weixin | Zhaotong | 385,865 |
Shuifu | Zhaotong | 102,143 |
Gucheng | Lijiang | 211,151 |
Yulong | Lijiang | 214,697 |
Yongsheng | Lijiang | 392,024 |
Huaping | Lijiang | 168,028 |
Ninglang | Lijiang | 258,869 |
Simao | Pu'er | 296,500 |
Ning'er | Pu'er | 185,700 |
Mojiang | Pu'er | 360,500 |
Jingdong | Pu'er | 359,500 |
Jinggu | Pu'er | 291,700 |
Zhenyuan | Pu'er | 208,600 |
Jiangcheng | Pu'er | 121,500 |
Menglian | Pu'er | 135,500 |
Lancang | Pu'er | 491,900 |
Ximeng | Pu'er | 91,300 |
Linxiang | Lincang | 323,708 |
Fengqing | Lincang | 458,330 |
Yun(xian) | Lincang | 449,460 |
Yongde | Lincang | 369,702 |
Zhenkang | Lincang | 176,356 |
Shuangjiang | Lincang | 176,549 |
Gengma | Lincang | 296,302 |
Cangyuan | Lincang | 179,098 |
Chuxiong | Chuxiong | 588,620 |
Shuangbai | Chuxiong | 159,867 |
Mouding | Chuxiong | 208,726 |
Nanhua | Chuxiong | 236,138 |
Yao'an | Chuxiong | 197,676 |
Dayao | Chuxiong | 273,315 |
Yongren | Chuxiong | 109,304 |
Yuanmou | Chuxiong | 215,795 |
Wuding | Chuxiong | 271,963 |
Lufeng | Chuxiong | 422,770 |
Mengzi | Honghe | 417,200 |
Gejiu | Honghe | 459,800 |
Kaiyuan | Honghe | 322,700 |
Mile | Honghe | 539,700 |
Shiping | Honghe | 299,100 |
Jianshui | Honghe | 531,500 |
Luxi(xian) | Honghe | 400,700 |
Yuanyang | Honghe | 396,800 |
Honghe | Honghe | 296,500 |
Lüchun | Honghe | 222,200 |
Pingbian | Honghe | 154,000 |
Jinping | Honghe | 356,200 |
Hekou | Honghe | 104,600 |
Wenshan | Wenshan | 481,504 |
Yanshan | Wenshan | 463,264 |
Xichou | Wenshan | 255,286 |
Malipo | Wenshan | 277,960 |
Maguan | Wenshan | 367,507 |
Qiubei | Wenshan | 477,441 |
Guangnan | Wenshan | 787,449 |
Funing | Wenshan | 407,530 |
Jinghong | Xishuangbanna | 519,935 |
Menghai | Xishuangbanna | 331,850 |
Mengla | Xishuangbanna | 281,730 |
Dali | Dali | 652,000 |
Xiangyun | Dali | 456,000 |
Binchuan | Dali | 349,000 |
Midu | Dali | 313,000 |
Yongping | Dali | 175,000 |
Yunlong | Dali | 200,000 |
Eryuan | Dali | 268,000 |
Jianchuan | Dali | 170,000 |
Heqing | Dali | 255,000 |
Yangbi | Dali | 102,000 |
Nanjian | Dali | 212,000 |
Weishan | Dali | 304,000 |
Ruili | Dehong | 180,627 |
Luxi(shi) → Mangshi | Dehong | 389,891 |
Lianghe | Dehong | 154,175 |
Yingjiang | Dehong | 305,167 |
Longchuan | Dehong | 181,580 |
Lushui | Nujiang | 184,835 |
Fugong | Nujiang | 98,616 |
Gongshan | Nujiang | 37,894 |
Lanping | Nujiang | 212,992 |
Xianggelila | Dêqên | 172,988 |
Diqin | Dêqên | 66,589 |
Weixi to | Dêqên | 160,605 |
List of autonomous subdivisions by ethnic group

Major Autonomous areas within Yunnan. (excluding Hui)
There are 29 autonomous counties and 8 autonomous prefectures assigned to 18 different ethnic minorities in Yunnan.
- Yi (15 counties, 2 prefectures)
- Shilin Yi Autonomous County, Kunming
- Luquan Yi and Miao Autonomous County, Kunming
- Xundian Hui and Yi Autonomous County, Kunming
- Eshan Yi Autonomous County, Yuxi
- Xinping Yi and Dai Autonomous County, Yuxi
- Yuanjiang Hani, Yi and Dai Autonomous County, Yuxi
- Ninglang Yi Autonomous County, Lijiang
- Ning'er Hani and Yi Autonomous County, Pu'er
- Jingdong Yi Autonomous County, Pu'er
- Jinggu Dai and Yi Autonomous County, Pu'er
- Zhenyuan Yi, Hani and Lahu Autonomous County, Pu'er
- Jiangcheng Hani and Yi Autonomous County, Pu'er
- Yangbi Yi Autonomous County, Dali
- Nanjian Yi Autonomous County, Dali
- Weishan Yi and Hui Autonomous County, Dali
- Chuxiong Yi Autonomous Prefecture
- Honghe Hani and Yi Autonomous Prefecture
- Hui (2 counties)
- Miao (3 counties, 1 prefecture)
- Luquan Yi and Miao Autonomous County
- Jinping Miao, Yao and Dai Autonomous County, Honghe
- Pingbian Miao Autonomous County, Honghe
- Wenshan Zhuang and Miao Autonomous Prefecture
- Yao (2 counties)
- Zhuang (1 prefecture)
- Dai (6 counties, 2 prefectures)
- Xinping Yi and Dai Autonomous County, Yuxi
- Yuanjiang Hani, Yi and Dai Autonomous County, Yuxi
- Jinggu Dai and Yi Autonomous County, Pu'er
- Menglian Dai, Lahu and Va Autonomous County, Pu'er
- Gengma Dai and Va Autonomous County, Lincang
- Dehong Dai and Jingpo Autonomous Prefecture
- Jinping Miao, Yao and Dai Autonomous County, Honghe
- Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture
- Lahu (4 counties)
- Zhenyuan Yi, Hani and Lahu Autonomous County, Pu'er
- Menglian Dai, Lahu and Va Autonomous County, Pu'er
- Lancang Lahu Autonomous County, Pu'er
- Shuangjiang Lahu, Va, Blang and Dai Autonomous County, Lincang
- Hani (5 counties, 1 prefecture)
- Yuanjiang Hani, Yi and Dai Autonomous County, Yuxi
- Ning'er Hani and Yi Autonomous County, Pu'er
- Mojiang Hani Autonomous County, Pu'er
- Zhenyuan Yi, Hani and Lahu Autonomous County, Pu'er
- Jiangcheng Hani and Yi Autonomous County, Pu'er
- Honghe Hani and Yi Autonomous Prefecture
- Wa (5 counties)
- Menglian Dai, Lahu and Va Autonomous County, Pu'er
- Ximeng Va Autonomous County, Pu'er
- Shuangjiang Lahu, Va, Blang and Dai Autonomous County, Lincang
- Gengma Dai and Va Autonomous County, Lincang
- Cangyuan Va Autonomous County, Lincang
- Bulang (1 county)
- Jingpo (1 prefecture)
- Bai (1 county, 1 prefecture)
- Lisu (1 county, 1 prefecture)
- Naxi (1 county)
- Pumi (1 county)
- Dulong (1 county)
- Nu (1 county)
- Tibetan (1 prefecture)
- ↑ Statistical Bureau of Yunnan Province (2018). 云南统计年鉴2018 [Yunnan Statistical Yearbook 2018]. Beijing: China Statistics Press. ISBN 978-7-5037-8518-4.
- ↑ 最新县及县以上行政区划代码(截止2014年10月31日)
- ↑ 中华人民共和国行政区划沿革 (1949-2006). Government of the People's Republic of China. Retrieved 11 January 2016.
- ↑ 县级以上行政区划变更情况 (1999-present). Ministry of Civial Affairs of the People's Republic of China. Retrieved 11 January 2016.
External links
- Yunnan Provincial Government (2006-10-25)
- Administrative divisions network (2007-02-12)
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