Erzurum offensive
Part of the Caucasus campaign of the First World War
ALT=painting of wounded soldiers in retreat
Le Petit Journal Feb. 27, 1916
Retreat of the Turks after the taking of Erzurum by the Russians
Date10 January 1916 16 February 1916

Decisive Russian victory

  • The almost complete destruction of the 3rd Turkish Army[1]
Russian Empire Ottoman Empire
Commanders and leaders
Nikolai Yudenich Abdul Kerim Pasha
Russian Caucasus Army
130,000 infantry
338 guns[2]
Third Army
150 guns[2]
Casualties and losses
17,000[3] 66,000[4][5]

The Erzurum offensive (Russian: Эрзурумское сражение, romanized: Erzurumskoe srazhenie; Turkish: Erzurum Taarruzu) or Battle of Erzurum (Turkish: Erzurum Muharebesi) was a major winter offensive by the Imperial Russian Army on the Caucasus Campaign, during the First World War that led to the capture of the strategic city of Erzurum. The Ottoman forces, in winter quarters, suffered a series of unexpected reverses, which led to a Russian victory.


After the defeat at the Battle of Sarikamish, the Ottomans tried to reorganise. However, throughout 1915, the northern sectors of the front remained quiet.

At the same time, the end of the Gallipoli Campaign would free up considerable Turkish soldiers, which made Nikolai Yudenich, the commander of the Russian Caucasus Army, prepare to launch an offensive. He hoped to take the main fortress of Erzurum in the area, followed by Trabzon. That would be was a difficult campaign since Erzurum was protected by a number of forts in the mountains.[6]

Eight of the available Ottoman divisions were designated for the Caucasus Front. Yudenich believed that he could launch an offensive before the Ottoman divisions could be redeployed and readied for battle.[6]



The Russians had 130,000 infantry and 35,000 cavalry. They also had 160,000 troops in reserve, 150 supply trucks and 20 planes of the Siberian Air Squadron.[6] According to other sources, the attacking group (the Russian Caucasian army) included about 120 thousand people and 338 guns.[2]


The Ottoman forces had 78,000 troops in the region.[6]


The Ottoman High Command did not expect any Russian operations during winter. Mahmut Kamil was in Istanbul, and his chief of staff, Colonel Felix Guse, was in Germany. General Yudenich launched a major winter offensive.

Defense lines

soldier standing in front of a large gun
Russian soldiers in front of captured Ottoman guns.

The Russians had a slight edge in numbers but could not rely on numbers alone. For that reason, the Russian plan was to break through a weak part of the line.[7]

On January 10, the initial offensive was directed at the XI Corps. The first engagement was at the Azkani village and its mountain crest of Kara Urgan.

On January 17, at Battle of Koprukoy The forces at Köprüköy, the main town on the road to Erzurum, were forced to leave. By 18 January, the Russian forces approached Hasankale, a town on the road to Erzurum and the new location of the Third Army headquarters. on January 23 Kargabazar Dag Hinis.

On January 29, Mahmut Kamil Paşa returned from Istanbul. He could feel that the Russians would not only attack Erzurum but also renew the offensive southern flank around Lake Van. Hınıs, to the south, was taken on February 7 to prevent reinforcements from Muş from coming in.[7] Mahmut Kamil tried to strengthen the defensive lines. That drew most of the Ottoman reserves and diverted their attention away from the decisive attack farther north.

On February 11 and 12th, the Deveboynu Ridge, an important artillery platform, was the scene of heavy fighting. North of the Deveboynu Ridge, the Russian columns approached over the Kargapazar Ridge, which the Ottomans had considered impassable. The X Corps guarded that sector of the line, and its commander had positioned his divisions so that they could not support one another.[7] Mahmut Kamil had five divisions in the Deve-Boyun ridge area but was slow to react to events north of that position.

City of Erzurum

The fortress was under Russian threat, both from north and east. With the victories, the Russian Army had cleared the approaches to Erzurum. The Russians were now planning to take Erzurum, a heavily-fortified stronghold. Erzurum was considered as the second best-defended town in the Ottoman Empire. The fortress was defended by 235 pieces of artillery. Its fortifications covered the city on a 180° arc in two rings. There were eleven forts and batteries covering the central area.[7] The flanks were guarded by a group of two forts on each flank. The Ottoman Third Army lacked the soldiers to adequately man the perimeter.[7]

On February 11, the Russians began to shell the fortified formations around Erzurum. Fierce fighting erupted. Ottoman battalions of 350 men had to defend against Russian battalions of 1,000 men. There were few reinforcements for the beleaguered Ottomans. In three days, the Russians had managed to reach the heights overlooking the Erzurum plain. It was now obvious to the Third Army's leaders that the town had been lost. The Ottoman units began to retreat from the fortified zones at the front and to evacuate the town of Erzurum.

On February 12, Fort Kara-gobek was taken. On the 13th, the Russians continued their attacks.

On February 14, Fort Tafet was taken, and the Russians had now penetrated through both rings of the cities's defenses.

By February 15, the remaining forts surrounding Erzurum were evacuated.

Early in the morning of the 16th, Russian Cossacks were among the first to enter the city.[6] Ottoman units had successfully withdrawn and avoided encirclement, but casualties were already high, and 327 pieces of artillery had been lost to the Russians. Support units of the Third Army and around 250 wounded at the town's hospital were taken prisoner.

Although aerial reconnaissance revealed the Ottomans retreat, the Russian pursuit was not effective as it could have been.[7] Meanwhile, remnants of the X and XI Corps established another defensive line, 8 km east of Erzurum.


soldiers standing with flags
Russian troops holding captured standards at Erzurum

The initial phase of the offensive, known as the Battle of Koprukoy, resulted in 20,000 casualties for the Ottomans and 12,000 for the Russians.[8] At the end of the offensive, during the storming of the city of Erzurum itself, the Russians captured some 9 standards and 100+ guns. The Ottomans lost about 10,000 men.[9] Of the Russians, 1,000 were killed, 4,000 wounded and 4,000 affected by frostbite.[6][10]


The Ottoman Empire did not have a chance to enjoy its victory at the Battle of Gallipoli since its loss of Erzurum to the Russians changed the atmosphere in an instant. The V Corps (consisting of 10th and 13th Divisions) was deployed from Gallipoli. On 27 February, Mahmud Kamil was replaced with Wehib Pasha. The new location of the headquarters became Erzincan. As a further result of the Erzurum Campaign, Trabzon fell in April.

In literature

The Battle of Erzurum forms the climax of John Buchan's novel Greenmantle.


  1. А. Борисюк. История России которую приказали забыть
  2. 1 2 3 "Эрзурум. Большая Российская энциклопедия". Archived from the original on 2022-04-09. Retrieved 2021-01-22.
  3. Эрзурум. Большая Российская энциклопедия
  4. операция 1916|580
  5. Эрзурумская операция 1916. Эрзурумская операция 1916 // Советская историческая энциклопедия : в 16 т. / под ред. Е. М. Жукова. – М. : Советская энциклопедия, 1961–1976
  6. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Walton, 1984
  7. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Allen & Muratoff
  8. Allen and Muratoff, page 342.
  9. McMeekin, Sean. THE BERLIN-BAGHDAD EXPRESS: THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE AND GERMANY'S BID FOR WORLD POWER. In the battle of Erzurum in February, the Turks had lost 15,000 men, nearly half the effective strength of the Third Army. One infantry division, the 34th, had 312
  10. Allen and Muratoff, page 363.


  • Walton, Robert (1984). The Fall of Erzerum. Marshall Cavendish Illustrated Encyclopedia of World War I, vol iv. New York: Marshall Cavendish Corporation. pp. 1262–1264. ISBN 0-86307-181-3.
  • W.E.D. Allen and Paul Muratoff, Caucasian Battlefields, A History of Wars on the Turco-Caucasian Border, 1828–1921, 351–363. ISBN 0-89839-296-9

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