Leif Erikson (c.970–c.1020) was a famous Norse explorer who is credited for being the first European to set foot on American soil.

The following is a list of explorers. Their common names, countries of origin (modern and former), centuries when they were active and main areas of exploration are listed below.

Marco Polo (1254–1324) was an Italian explorer who traveled to the Far East and back to his hometown Venice in the matter of 24 years. He is noted for making detailed chronicles of his travels.
Zheng He (1371–c.1435) was a Chinese explorer who sailed along the Southeast Asian, South Asian, Western Asian, and East African coasts along with his fleet of large ships and several hundred men.
Portugal Diogo Cão (c.1452–1486) was the first European to explore the Congo River and the west coast of Africa, south of the equator.
Portugal Bartolomeu Dias (c.1450–1500) is known as the first European to sail around the southernmost tip of Africa in 1488, finding the eastern sea route to the Indian Ocean.
Crown of Castile Christopher Columbus (1451–1506). Famous Italian explorer and arguably the best-known explorer that ever lived. Known for "discovering" America in 1492, although he believed the landmass was a part of Asia.
Crown of Castile Alonso de Ojeda (c.1466–c.1515) is noted as the discoverer of South America, as commander of the fleet with Juan de la Cosa and Amerigo Vespucci.
England John Cabot (c.1450–c.1500) was an Italian navigator who was the first European that sailed along to North American coast in 1497 since the Norse 500 years prior.
Portugal Vasco da Gama (c.1460–1524). Famous Portuguese explorer who sailed to India in 1497–98. He accomplished finding a sea route to Asia which Europeans had been attempting to do for decades prior.
Spain Portugal Amerigo Vespucci (1451–1512). Italian navigator who made several trips to the New World. He is known for convincing the Europeans that the New World is not Asia, but an entirely new unknown continent. This new continent was soon named after him, America.
Portugal Pedro Álvares Cabral (c.1467–c.1520) discovered the land in what is now Brazil in 1500 and claimed it for Portugal.
Portugal Afonso de Albuquerque (c.1453–1515) raided, captured, and conquered many coastal cities in Asia that initiated Portugal's dominance in the Indian Ocean. He is also one of the first Europeans to sail to the East Indies and Spice Islands, along with Francisco Serrão and António de Abreu.
Spain Juan Ponce de León (1474–1521) was the first Governor of Puerto Rico and discovered Florida in 1513. He is the first known European to set foot on today's contiguous United States.
Spain Vasco Núñez de Balboa (c.1475–1519) is known for having crossed the Isthmus of Panama to the Pacific Ocean in 1513, becoming the first European to reach and see the Pacific from the America's
Spain Hernán Cortés (1485–1547). Famous Conquistador who led the Spanish expedition to explore and conquer the Aztec Empire (1519–1521).
Spain Ferdinand Magellan (1480–1521) was a Portuguese explorer who led the successful expedition under Spain to find a western sea route to Asia (1519–1521).
Spain Juan Sebastián Elcano (c.1486–1526) took command after Ferdinand's death and completed the voyage, becoming the first person (along with 17 other crewmates) to circumnavigate the Earth.
Kingdom of France Jacques Cartier (1491–1557) was the first European to travel inland in North America and claimed the lands he explored for France in 1534.
England Francis Drake (c.1540–1596) was an English privateer who plundered many Spanish towns and ships in the Caribbean and elsewhere. However, he is most notable for completing the second circumnavigation of the world (1577–1580).
Kingdom of France Samuel de Champlain (1567–1635) is known as "The Father of New France". He founded the first permanent European settlements in Canada, and explored many lakes and rivers in the interior lands from early age to his death.
Dutch RepublicEngland Henry Hudson (c.1565–c.1611) explored what is now New York and northeastern Canada. Today he has both a river and bay named after him.
Dutch Republic Abel Tasman (1603–1659) was a Dutch seafarer who was the first known European to sight the islands of Tasmania (named after him), New Zealand, and Fiji (1642–43).
Kingdom of Great Britain James Cook (1728–1779). Famous British explorer who led three voyages to the Pacific. He is known for exploring and charting many islands in the ocean such as Polynesia, New Zealand, The Hawaiian Islands, and the eastern coast of Australia.
United Kingdom David Livingstone (1813–1873) is a Scottish explorer and missionary who sought to convert the locals to Christianity and expand British colonization, all the while discovering lakes and rivers within Africa's interior.
Norway Roald Amundsen (1872–1928) was an explorer of the polar regions. He led the first successful expedition to the South Pole in 1911, and eventually also reached the North Pole by air in 1926.


Name Modern (and former) nationality Centuries Main areas explored
Antonio de Abreu Portuguese16th Indonesia
Thomas Wyndham English 16th West Africa
Sir Richard Guildford English 16th Mediterranean Sea
William Adams English17th Japan
Diogo Afonso Portuguese 15th Northwest African coast
Estevanico Moroccan16th North America
Crispin Agnew Scottish 20th Greenland, Elephant Island, Northern Patagonian Icefield, Himalayas
Charles Albanel French17th Canada (interior)
Afonso de Albuquerque Portuguese16th Asia
Buzz Aldrin American20th The Moon
Pêro de Alenquer Portuguese15th/16th Indian Ocean
Alexander the Great Greek (Macedonian) 4th BC Indus River, Hindu Kush
Jean Alfonse (João Afonso) Portuguese-French15th/16th Indian Ocean, Southeast Asia, possibly Australia; Brazil, North America
Benedict Allen English20th/21st various
Diego de Almagro Spanish16th Peru, Chile
László Almásy Hungarian19th/20th Africa
Francisco de Almeida Portuguese16th India
Lourenço de Almeida Portuguese16th Sri Lanka, India
Pedro de Alvarado Spanish16th Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras
Francisco Álvares Portuguese16th Ethiopia
Gonçalo Álvares Portuguese15th Gough Island, Namibia
Jorge Álvares Portuguese16th China
Roald Amundsen Norwegian 20thSouth Pole, Antarctica, Northwest Passage
José Alberto de Oliveira Anchieta Portuguese19th Gough Island
Charles John Andersson Swedish19th Southern Africa
António de Andrade Portuguese16th/17th India, Tibet
Fernão Pires de Andrade Portuguese16th Ming China
Salomon August Andrée Swedish19th Arctic
Roy Chapman Andrews American20th China, Mongolia
Juan Bautista de Anza Spanish18th California
Moncacht-Apé Yazoo 17th/18th North America
Dominick Arduin French20th/21st North Pole
Henryk Arctowski Polish20th Antarctic, South America
Neil Armstrong American20th The Moon
Ingólfur Arnarson Norse9th Iceland
Vladimir Arsenyev Russian20th Far East
Michael Asher English20th Africa
Pêro de Ataíde Portuguese16th/17th Indian Ocean
Vasco de Ataíde Portuguese16th/17th India, Tibet
Vladimir Atlasov Siberian Cossack17th Kamchatka Peninsula
François Xavier Aubry French Canadian19th American Southwest
Väinö Auer Finnish20th Tierra del Fuego and Patagonia
Pedro Menéndez de Avilés Spanish16th Florida
Juan de Ayala Spanish18th California
Lucas Vázquez de Ayllón Spanish 16th South Carolina
Diogo de Azambuja Portuguese15th West African coast
George Back English19th Canada (Arctic)
William Baffin English17th Northwest Passage, Canada (Arctic)
Abu Bakr II Mali Empire14th Atlantic Ocean, trans-Atlantic (allegedly)
Samuel Baker English19th Africa
Vasco Núñez de Balboa Spanish16th Panama, 'discovered' the Pacific Ocean
Robert Ballard American20th deep sea wrecks, Titanic
Ann Bancroft American20th/21st Arctic, Antarctic
Joseph Banks English18th Newfoundland and Labrador, South Pacific
Hong Bao Chinese 15th South Asia, Southeast Asia, Middle East, East African coast
Giosafat Barbaro Italian15th Black Sea, Near East
Duarte Barbosa Portuguese15th/16th Indian Ocean, 1st circumnavigation
Pêro de Barcelos Portuguese15th/16th North America
Afonso Gonçalves Baldaia Portuguese15th Western Sahara
Jeanne Baré French18th/19th Pacific Ocean
Willem Barentsz Dutch16th Northeast Passage, Novaya Zemlya, Svalbard
Heinrich Barth German19th Central and northern Africa
Robert Bartlett Newfoundlander 20th Arctic
William Bartram American 18th Southern United States
George Bass English18th Australia, Tasmania
Henry Walter Bates English19th Amazon basin
Abu Abdullah Muhammad Ibn Battuta[1][2] Marinid14th Africa, Central Asia, China, Europe, Indian subcontinent, Middle East, Russia, Southeast Asia
Nicolas Baudin French18th Australia
James Beckwourth American19th Sierra Nevada
William Beebe American20th deep sea
Pyotr Beketov Russian17th Siberia
Gertrude Bell English19th/20th Greater Syria Mesopotamia Asia Minor Arabia
Fabian Gottlieb von Bellingshausen Baltic German19th Antarctica
Joseph René Bellot French19th Arctic
Móric Benyovszky Hungarian18th northern Pacific Ocean[3]
Vitus Bering Danish18th Northern Pacific Ocean, Bering Strait, Alaska (North America)
Jean de Béthencourt French15th Canary Islands
Hiram Bingham III American20th Machu Picchu, Peru
Laura Bingham English20th/21st South America
Isabella Bird English19th/20th North America, Hawaii, Japan, Korea, China, Vietnam, Singapore, Malaysia, India, Persia, Kurdistan, Turkey, Morocco
John Blashford-Snell English20th/21st various
Adriaen Block Dutch17th East Coast of the United States
Nellie Bly American19th/20th trip around the world in 72 days
Juan Francisco de la Bodega y Quadra Spanish18th Pacific Northwest
Benjamin Bonneville American19th Oregon Country, Great Basin
Daniel Boone American18th Kentucky, Appalachian Mountains
Vittorio Bottego Italian19th Somalia
Adam Brand German17th Russia, China
Pierre Savorgnan de Brazza Italian-French19th Congo
Saint Brendan Irish6th Atlantic Ocean, Iceland
Jim Bridger American19th Western United States
James Bruce Scottish18th Algeria, the Middle East, Egypt
William S. Bruce Scottish20th Antarctica
Jørgen Brønlund Greenlandic20th Greenland
Étienne Brûlé French17th Canada (interior)
Bungaree Aboriginal Australian18th/19th Australian coasts
Lafayette Bunnell American19th Yosemite Valley
Johann Ludwig Burckhardt Swiss19th Middle East, Sudan
Robert O'Hara Burke Irish19th Australia
Frederick Russell Burnham American19th/20th Africa, Mexico
Richard Francis Burton English19th East Africa
Thomas Button Welsh 17th Northwest Passage
José de Bustamante y Guerra Spanish18th Pacific Ocean
Richard E. Byrd American20th North Pole, Antarctica
Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca Spanish16th Southwestern United States, Mexico, Argentina
John Cabot[4] Italian15th North American mainland (Canada)
Sebastian Cabot Italian15th Northwest Passage (Canada), Río de la Plata, Paraná River (South America)
João Cabral Portuguese16th Bhutan & Nepal
Pedro Álvares Cabral Portuguese15th/16th Brazil, Madagascar
Juan Rodríguez Cabrillo Portuguese or Spanish16th California
Estêvão Cacella Portuguese16th Himalayas
Alvise Cadamosto Italian15th Cape Verde islands
Antoine de la Mothe Cadillac French18th North America
René Caillié French19th North Africa
Álvaro Caminha Portuguese15th São Tomé and Príncipe islands
Pêro Vaz de Caminha Portuguese15th Brazil
Alberto del Canto Portuguese15th/16th Northwestern Mexico
Diogo Cão Portuguese15th west coast of Africa (including the Congo River)
Hermenegildo de Brito Capelo Portuguese19th African continent
John Carpini Italian13th Central Asia, Mongolia
Juan Carrasco Spanish18th Pacific Northwest
Kit Carson American19th Rocky Mountains, California, Oregon, Great Basin
Jan Carstensz Dutch17th New Guinea coast, Gulf of Carpentaria
Jacques Cartier French16th St. Lawrence River
João de Castro Portuguese15th India, Arabian Peninsula & Red Sea
René-Robert Cavelier de La Salle French17th Mississippi embayment
Thomas Cavendish English16th Virginia, Pacific coast of Central and South America
Merieme Chadid Moroccan, French20th/21st Antarctica, South America, Asia, Astronomer
Paul Du Chaillu French19th Africa
Harriet Chalmers Adams American19th/20th South America, Asia, South Pacific
Samuel de Champlain French16th/17th Quebec, Great Lakes
Chang Chun Chinese13th Central Asia, Mongolia
Jean Chardin French17th Persia, India
Semion Chelyuskin Russian18th Great Northern Expedition
Vasily Chichagov Russian18th Northern Sea Route
Aleksei Chirikov Russian18th Great Northern Expedition
Fletcher Christian English18th Polynesia
Boris Chukhnovsky Russian20th Arctic
Hugh Clapperton Scottish19th west and Central Africa
William Clark American19th Western United States
Gonçalo Coelho Portuguese15th/16th South American coast
Nicolau Coelho Portuguese15th Brazil
Frank Cole Canadian20th Sahara
Bartholomew Columbus Italian (Genoese) 15th/16th Hispaniola, The Antilles
Christopher Columbus[5] Italian (Genoese)


Bahamas, Caribbean, Central America, South America (Colombia and Venezuela)
Diego Columbus Portuguese 16th Hispaniola (Mainly Dominican Republic)
George Comer American19th/20th Arctic
Niccolò Da Conti Italian (Venetian)


India, Southeast Asia
Frederick Cook American19th/20th Arctic
James Cook English18th Australasia, Oceania
Francisco Vásquez de Coronado Spanish16th New Mexico
Diogo Álvares Correia Portuguese16th Brazil
Gaspar Côrte-Real Portuguese16th Newfoundland, Greenland
João Côrte-Real Portuguese15th Azores, Newfoundland (Possible exploration of North America in 1473)
Miguel Côrte-Real Portuguese16th Greenland, Newfoundland, Massachusetts
Hernán Cortés Spanish16th Mexico
Juan de la Cosa Spanish15th/16th Caribbean, South America
Thomas Coulter Irish19th Mexico, Alta California
Jean Cousin French15th Possibly the Americas around 1488. Possibly mouth of the Amazon River
Jacques-Yves Cousteau French20th the deep sea
Pêro da Covilhã Portuguese15th/16th India, Ethiopia
Tom Crean Irish20th Antarctica
Andrew Croft English20th Arctic
Tristão da Cunha Portuguese16th Tristan da Cunha islands
Jeremy Curl English/Irish20th African continent
William Healey Dall American19th Alaska, Yukon
William Dampier English17th/18th Australia, Panama, many other locations
Alexandra David-Néel French-Belgian 20th Tibet (Traveled to Lhasa)
Isaac Davis Welsh18th Hawaii
John Davis English16th East Indies, Falkland Islands
Wang Dayuan Chinese 14th Southeast Asia, Singapore
Semyon Dezhnev Russian17th Siberia, Bering Strait (80 years before Vitus Bering)
Bartolomeu Dias Portuguese15th Africa
Dinis Dias Portuguese 15th Northwest African coast
Diogo Dias Portuguese16th Madagascar, Somalia
Pêro Dias Portuguese 15th African coast
Dicuil Irish8th England, Scotland
Karl von Ditmar Baltic German19th Kamchatka
Raphaël Domjan Swiss21st various
Francis Drake English16th Caribbean, Pacific Coast of North America
Gil Eanes Portuguese15th Northwest African coast
Juan Sebastián Elcano Spanish16th completed Ferdinand Magellan's circumnavigation
Francisco de Eliza Spanish18th Strait of Juan de Fuca and Strait of Georgia
Lincoln Ellsworth American20th Arctic and Antarctica
Franz Engel German19th South America
Leif Eriksson Norse Viking11th Vinland (Newfoundland) and North American mainland (Canada)
Erik the Red Norse Viking10th Greenland
Pedro Escobar Portuguese15th São Tomé and Príncipe islands
St Vincent Whitshed Erskine British-South African19th Gazaland & Limpopo River
Eudoxus of Cyzicus Greek2nd BC Indian Ocean, attempted circumnavigation of Africa
Euthymenes Greek6th BC Northwest African coast
George Everest Welsh19th India
Evliya Çelebi Turkish17th Turkey, Egypt, Africa, Europe
Ahmad ibn Fadlan Abbasid Caliphate10th Eastern Europe, Middle East, Russia
João Álvares Fagundes Portuguese 16th Newfoundland and Nova Scotia
Edmund Fanning American18th/19th Oceania
Percy Harrison Fawcett English20th Amazon Rainforest
Álvaro Fernandes Portuguese15th West African coast
Baltasar Fernandes Portuguese17th Brazil
Duarte Fernandes Portuguese16th Thailand
Juan Fernández Spanish16th Juan Fernández Islands, Pacific Ocean
Salvador Fidalgo Spanish18th Pacific Northwest
Peter Fidler English18th Western Canada
Sir Ranulph Fiennes English20th/21st Arctic, Antarctica
Matthew Flinders English18th/19th Australia, Tasmania
Alexander Forbes Scottish19th California
Peter Forsskål Finnish18th Arabian Peninsula
John Franklin English19th Northwest Passage
Simon Fraser Scottish18th/19th British Columbia
Lançarote de Freitas Portuguese 15th Northwest African coast
John C. Frémont American19th Oregon Trail, Sierra Nevada
Marc-Joseph Marion du Fresne French18th Oceania
Louis de Freycinet French19th Western Australia, Oceania
Martin Frobisher English16th Northwest Passage, Canada
Xu Fu Chinese3rd BC Japan
Juan de Fuca Greek-Spanish16th Strait of Juan de Fuca, Canada–United States border
Vivian Fuchs English20th Antarctica
Alfons Gabriel Austrian20th Iran
Yuri Gagarin Soviet20th Earth orbit
Martín Galeano Italian (Genoese)-Spanish 16th Colombia
Dionisio Alcalá Galiano Spanish18th Pacific Northwest
Juan Galindo Spanish/Irish19th Mesoamerica (Mayan remains)
Estevão da Gama Portuguese16th Trindade and Martim Vaz islands, Indian Ocean
João da Gama Portuguese16th Hokkaido, Kuril islands, North Pacific, North America
Paulo da Gama Portuguese15th sea route from Europe to India
Vasco da Gama Portuguese15th/16th sea route from Europe to India
Pedro Sarmiento de Gamboa Spanish16th Solomon Islands
Thomas Gann Irish19th/20th Mesoamerica (Mayan remains)
Francisco Garcés Spanish18th Southwestern United States, northwestern Mexico
Aleixo Garcia Portuguese16th Brazil, Paraguay and Bolivia
Francisco García Jofre de Loaísa Spanish16th Pacific Ocean
Francis Garnier French19th Mekong River
Adrien de Gerlache Belgian19th/20th Antarctica, Arctic
Romolo Gessi Italian19th the Nile, Sudan
Humphrey Gilbert English16th North America
Ernest Giles Australian19th Central Australia
Diogo Gomes Portuguese 15th West African coast
André Gonçalves Portuguese15th/16th Brazil
Antão Gonçalves Portuguese15th West African coast
Lopes Gonçalves Portuguese15th Atlantic Ocean
Binot Paulmier de Gonneville French15th/16th Brazil (Santa Catarina)
Sascha Grabow German20th/21st DRC Congo
James Augustus Grant Scottish19th East Africa
João Grego Portuguese15th African coast
Juan de Grijalva Spanish16th Mexico, Nicaragua
Grigory Grum-Grshimailo Russian19th/20th Central Asia, Tuva, Far East
Gonzalo Guerrero Spanish16th Yucatán Peninsula
Mikhail Gvozdev Russian18th First Kamchatka Expedition, Great Northern Expedition
Charles Gwynn Irish19th/20th Sudan
Niels Peter Høeg Hagen Danish20th Greenland
Hanno the Navigator Carthaginian6th BC West African coast
Hannu Egyptian21st/20th BC East Africa
Gonzalo López de Haro Spanish18th Pacific Northwest
Alfred Harrison English20th Arctic
Dirk Hartog Dutch17th Western Australian coast
Ahmed Pasha Hassanein[6] Egyptian20th Oweinat and the Sahara
Ferdinand Vandeveer Hayden American19th Rocky Mountains and the Western United States
Zheng He Chinese 15th South Asia, Southeast Asia, Middle East, East African coast
Samuel Hearne English18th North Canada, Arctic
Bruno de Heceta Spanish18th Pacific Northwest
Sven Hedin Swedish19th/20th Central Asia
Matthew Alexander Henson American20th Arctic
Louis Hennepin Belgian-French17th North American interior
Pedro de Heredia Spanish16th Northern Colombia
Bjarni Herjulfsson Norse Viking10th North America
William Lewis Herndon American19th Amazon basin
Herodotus Greek5th BC Near East, Middle East, North Africa
Thor Heyerdahl Norwegian20th anthropological ocean voyages
Sir Edmund Hillary New Zealander20th Mount Everest, Antarctica
Himilco the Navigator Carthaginian6th BC Northwestern coast of Europe
Hippalus Greek1st BC Indian Ocean
Clement Hodgkinson English19th New South Wales (Australia)
Pelham Aldrich English 19th/20th Arctic
Emil Holub Czech19th Africa
Robert Hottot French20th Congo River
Cornelis de Houtman Dutch16th sea route from Europe to Indonesia
Frederick de Houtman Dutch16th/17th Western Australian coast
William Hovell English19th Southern New South Wales
Du Huan Chinese 8th Central Asia, Middle East, East African coast
Henry Hudson English17th Northwest Passage, Hudson River and Hudson Bay
Alexander von Humboldt German19th Latin America, Siberia
Hamilton Hume Australian19th Australian interior
James S. Hutchinson American20th Sierra Nevada
Hyecho Korean8th India, Persia and Central Asia
João Infante Portuguese15th African coast
Helge Ingstad Norwegian20th Newfoundland, Greenland, Alaska
James Irwin American 20th The Moon
Kurbat Ivanov Siberian Cossack17th Siberia, Russian Far East, discoverer of Lake Baikal
Roberto Ivens Portuguese19th African continent
Cristóvão Jacques Portuguese16th Paraná River, Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina
James of Ireland Irish14th Sumatra, China
Willem Janszoon Dutch17th Australia (Queensland)
Anthony Jenkinson English16th Russia, Persia
Louis Jolliet French Canadian17th Mississippi River
Jørgen Jørgensen Danish18th/19th Tasmania
Friar Julian Hungarian13th Volga Bulgaria
Conrad Carel Käyser Dutch20th Suriname
Thorfinn Karlsefni Icelandic11th Vinland
Johann Karl Ehrenfried Kegel German19th Kamchatka
George Kennan American19th/20th Russia[7]
Edmund Kennedy British-Australian19th Australian interior
Robert Kennicott American19th Alaska, Siberia, Yukon and Northern Canada
Yerofey Khabarov Russian17th Second Russian to explore the Amur region
Khashkhash Ibn Saeed Ibn Aswad Andalusian9th Atlantic Ocean
Mary Kingsley English 19th Cameroon, Gabon, Congo, and other South West African regions
Eusebio Kino Italian17th/18th Californias, Sonora and Arizona
Maria Klenova Russian20th One of the founders of marine geology
Amyr Klink Brazilian20th Antarctica
John Knight English17th Greenland, Labrador
Johan Peter Koch Danish20th Greenland
Alexander Kolchak Russian20th Russian Arctic
Ferdinand Konščak Croatian17th Baja California Peninsula
Fyodor Konyukhov Russian20th/21st circumnavigation, Explorers Grand Slam, pole of inaccessibility
Otto von Kotzebue Baltic German19th Pacific Ocean
Pyotr Kozlov Russian20th Mongolia, Tibet
Johann Ludwig Krapf German19th Ethiopia, Kenya
Pyotr Krenitsyn Russian18th Alaska, Aleutian Islands, Kamchatka Peninsula
Adam Johann von Krusenstern Baltic German19th First Russian circumnavigation
Francisco de Lacerda Portuguese 18th Zambia
Juan Ladrillero Spanish 16th Chile
Ernest Doudard de Lagrée French 19th Indochina, Mekong and Yunnan
Alexander Gordon Laing Scottish19th West Africa (Niger River and Timbuktu)
Pierre Martin de La Martinière French17th Norway, Lapland, northern Russia, Novaya Zemlya, Greenland and Iceland
Richard Lemon Lander English19th West Africa (Niger and Benue Rivers)
Grigori Ivanovitch Langsdorff RussianGerman19th Brazil
Jean-François de Galaup, comte de La Pérouse French18th Pacific Rim
Khariton Laptev Russian18th Great Northern Expedition
Anthony de la Roché English17th Antarctica
Gadifer de la Salle French15th Canary Islands
João Fernandes Lavrador Portuguese15th/16th Labrador
Joseph N. LeConte American20th Sierra Nevada
Albert von Le Coq German19th/20th Central Asia
John Ledyard American18th Australasia, Oceania, Russia
Miguel López de Legazpi Spanish16th Philippines
Ludwig Leichhardt German19th Australian interior
Jacob Le Maire Dutch17th South Pacific (Cape Horn, Tonga Islands, Wallis and Futuna)
Gaspar de Lemos Portuguese15th Brazil
Dragutin Lerman Croatian19th/20th Congo
Mikhail Levashev Russian18th Alaska, Aleutian Islands, Kamchatka Peninsula
Meriwether Lewis American18th/19th Western United States
Sir Martin Lindsay, 1st Baronet Scottish20th East Greenland
João de Lisboa Portuguese15th/16th Indian Ocean, Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina
St. George Littledale English19th Central Asia and North America
David Livingstone Scottish19th Southern and East Africa
Louis-Philippe Loncke Belgian21st Australia, the Andes and Iceland
Jim Lovell American20th Outer Space
Alexander Mackenzie Scottish Canadian18th/19th Canada
Ferdinand Magellan Portuguese15th/16th 1st circumnavigation, Philippines, Strait of Malacca, Indian Ocean
Jacques Mahu French-Dutch 16th Cape Verde islands
Alessandro Malaspina Italian-Spanish18th Pacific Ocean
Teoberto Maler German-Italian19th Mesoamerica (Mayan remains)
George Mallory English20th Mount Everest
Lancelotto Malocello Italian13th/14th Lanzarote (Canary Islands)
Albert Hastings Markham British19th Arctic
Lourenço Marques Portuguese16th Mozambique
Jacques Marquette French17th Mississippi River
Álvaro Martins Portuguese15th Newfoundland, Cape of Good Hope
Pedro Mascarenhas Portuguese16th Indian Ocean, Diego Garcia
John Minor Maury American19th Darién Gap
Douglas Mawson Australian20th Antarctica
Robert McClure Irish19th Arctic
Robert McCormick British 19th Arctic and Antarctic Oceans
Álvaro de Mendaña Spanish16th Pacific Ocean
António Lopes Mendes Portuguese 19th Brazil, India
Cristóvão de Mendonça Portuguese16th East Asia, Australasia
Pedro de Mendoza Spanish 16th South America
Jorge de Menezes Portuguese16th Papua New Guinea
Archibald Menzies Scottish18th/19th Pacific Ocean, circumnavigation
Alexander von Middendorff Russian-Baltic German19th Siberia, Far East, Lapland, Fergana Valley
Ejnar Mikkelsen Danish20th Greenland
Nicholas Miklouho-Maclay Russian19th New Guinea
Thomas Mitchell Scottish19th Australian interior
Richard Mohun American19th/20th Congo Free State
Pierre Dugua, Sieur de Mons French16th/17th North America
George Fletcher Moore Irish19th Australia
John Moresby English19th New Guinea coast
Ivan Moskvitin Russian17th First European to reach the Sea of Okhotsk
António Mota Portuguese 16th Japan
Henri Mouhot French19th South East Asia
Francisco Antonio Mourelle Spanish18th Pacific Northwest and Pacific Ocean
Bimal Mukherjee Indian20th circumnavigation
Ludvig Mylius-Erichsen Danish20th Greenland
Gustav Nachtigal German19th Africa[8]
Naddoddur Norse Viking9th Iceland
Nain Singh Rawat (Pundit Brothers) Indian19th Tibet, Himalayas and Central Asia
Fridtjof Nansen Norwegian19th/20th Arctic
José María Narváez Spanish18th Pacific Northwest
Nearchus Greek4th BC Arabian Sea, Persian Gulf
Nehsi Egyptian15th BC Land of Punt
Arthur Henry Neumann English19th Africa
Gennady Nevelskoy Russian19th Sakhalin
Jean Nicolet French17th Northwest Territory (United States)
Joseph Nicollet French-American19th Mississippi and Missouri Rivers
Afanasiy Nikitin Russian15th India
António Noli Portuguese15th Cape Verde islands
Adolf Erik Nordenskiöld Finnish19th Arctic
Tenzing Norgay Nepalese20th Mount Everest
Fernão de Noronha Portuguese15th/16th Atlantic Ocean
João da Nova Galician-Portuguese16th Atlantic and Indian Oceans
Paulo Dias de Novais Portuguese16th Angola
Kazimierz Nowak Polish20th Africa
Vanessa O'Brien American and British20th/21st Mountaineering and Challenger Deep in Marianas Trench
Sebastián de Ocampo Spanish16th Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico
Addison O'Dea American21st The Sahara
Odoric of Pordenone Italian14th Persia, India and China
Peter Skene Ogden Canadian19th Snake River country, Western United States
Alonso de Ojeda Spanish 15th/16th South America (north), Caribbean
Juan de Oñate Spanish16th American Southwest
Francisco de Orellana Spanish16th South America, Amazon River
Simone Orlandini Italian21st Arctic, Tibet
Íñigo Órtiz de Retes Spanish16th Papua New Guinea
John Oxenham English16th Panama, Pacific Ocean
John Oxley English19th Australia[9]
Pedro Páez Spanish16th/17th Ethiopia
Juan Pardo Spanish 16th Southeastern United States
Mungo Park Scottish18th/19th West Africa (Niger River)
William Parry English19th Arctic
James Ohio Pattie American19th Western United States
Fiann Paul Icelandic 21st Arctic, Antarctic, Oceans
Nathaniel Pearce English19th Ethiopia
Robert Peary American19th/20th Arctic
Paul Pelliot French19th/20th central Asia
Diogo Fernandes Pereira Portuguese15th/16th Madagascar, Mascarenes (Réunion, Mauritius, and Rodrigues)
Duarte Pacheco Pereira Portuguese15th Atlantic Ocean, Brazil
Bartolomeu Perestrelo Portuguese15th Madeira Islands
Juan Pérez Spanish18th Pacific Northwest
Maksim Perfilyev Siberian Cossack17th Eastern Siberia, first Russian to reach Transbaikalia
Ivan Petlin Siberian Cossack17th First Russian to reach China
Auguste Piccard Swiss20th Earth's atmosphere, the deep sea
Jacques Piccard Swiss20th the deep sea
Antonio Pigafetta Italian (Venetian)16th Survived the 1st circumnavigation of the world
Zebulon Pike American19th Louisiana Purchase (United States)
Alonso Alvarez de Pineda Spanish16th Gulf Coast
Fernão Mendes Pinto Portuguese16th India, Far East, Japan
Serpa Pinto Portuguese19th Southern Africa
Martin Alonzo Pinzón Spanish15th Caribbean
Vicente Yáñez Pinzón Spanish15th/16th Caribbean, Brazil
Luís Pires Portuguese15th abortive voyage to Brazil
Francisco Pizarro Spanish16th Hispaniola, Panama, Peru
Fernão do Pó Portuguese15th West African coast
Marco Polo Italian (Venetian)13th/14th China, Mongol Empire, India
Juan Ponce de León Spanish15th/16th Florida
Peter Pond American18th/19th Canada interior
Fedot Popov Russian17th The first European expedition through the Bering Strait
António da Silva Porto Portuguese 19th Angola interior
Gaspar de Portolà Spanish18th Alta and Baja California
Posidonius Greek1st BC Gaul
Sydney Possuelo Brazilian20th/21st Amazon
Panayotis Potagos Greek19th Africa
Grigory Potanin Russian19th Inner Asia
John Wesley Powell American19th Western United States
Vassili Poyarkov Russian17th First Russian explorer of the Amur region
Mandil Pradhan Nepalese 21st Himalayas
Gavriil Pribylov Russian18th Pribilof Islands
Vasili Pronchishchev Russian18th Great Northern Expedition
Maria Pronchishcheva Russian18th The first female Arctic explorer
Nathaniel Hale Pryor American19th western United States
Nikolai Przhevalsky Russian19th Central Asia
Peter Puget English19th Puget Sound
Pytheas Greek4th BC Northern Europe
Zhang Qian Chinese 2nd BC Central Asia
Pedro Fernandes de Queirós Portuguese16th/17th Oceania
Gonzalo Jiménez de Quesada Spanish16th From Santa Marta to the Bogotá savanna; quest for El Dorado
Hernán Pérez de Quesada Spanish16th Caquetá, Colombia; quest for El Dorado
Manuel Quimper Spanish18th Pacific Northwest
Emil Racoviță Romanian19th/20th Antarctica
John Rae Scottish Canadian19th Northwest Passage, Canada (Arctic)
Sir Walter Raleigh English16th/17th Virginia, Orinoco River
Knud Rasmussen Danish20th Arctic
Piri Reis Turkish15th/16th Mediterranean Sea
Matteo Ricci Italian16th China
Mario Rigby Turks and Caicos Islander21st Africa
Arthur Rimbaud French19th Horn of Africa (Abyssinia)
Luigi Robecchi Italian19th Africa
Anthony de la Roché English17th Antarctic (South Georgia)
Diogo Rodrigues Portuguese16th Mascarene Islands
Nicholas Roerich Russian20th Central Asia, Northeast Asia
Jacob Roggeveen Dutch18th South Pacific (Easter Island)
Cândido Rondon Brazilian19th/20th Brazilian interior (Amazon Basin)
James Clark Ross English19th Arctic, Antarctic
Sir John Ross Scottish19th Arctic
John Ross Scottish Australian19th Northern Territory
William of Rubruck Flemish13th Central Asia
Nikolay Rudanovsky Russian19th Sakhalin
Henry Russell Irish19th Pyrenees
Ahmad ibn Rustah Persian10th Russia, Scandinavia, Arabia
João de Sá Portuguese 15th/16th India, African coast
Álvaro de Saavedra Spanish16th Papua New Guinea, Caroline Islands, Marshall Islands
Edward Sabine Irish19th Arctic
Sacagawea Lemhi Shoshone18th/19th Western United States
Anatoly Sagalevich Russian20th/21st Explorer of the World Ocean, seabed at the North Pole
Kira Salak American20th/21st Papua New Guinea, Mali, Bhutan
Alonso de Salazar Spanish16th Marshall Islands, Pacific Ocean
Agustín Lizárraga Peruvian21st Machu Picchu
Gadiel Sánchez Rivera Peruvian21st Amazon, Lake Titicaca
Sándor Kőrösi Csoma Hungarian19th Tibet
Yakov Sannikov Russian19th New Siberian Islands
João de Santarém Portuguese15th São Tomé and Príncipe islands
Gavril Sarychev Russian18th/19th Sea of Okhotsk, Baltic Sea, Aleutian Islands
Martin Sauer English18th Siberia, Alaska
Rabban Bar Sauma Turco-Mongol13th Europe, Middle East
Johann Schiltberger German15th Central Asia
Adolf Schlagintweit German19th Central Asia
Eduard Schlagintweit German19th Central Asia
Emil Schlagintweit German19th Central Asia
Hermann Schlagintweit German19th Central Asia
Robert Schlagintweit German19th Central Asia
Ulrich Schmidl German 16th Río de la Plata
Willem Schouten Dutch17th South Pacific (Cape Horn, Tonga Islands, Wallis and Futuna)
Georg August Schweinfurth Baltic German19th East and Central Africa
Robert Falcon Scott English19th/20th Antarctica (South Pole)
Scylax of Caryanda Greek6th BC Indus River, Indian Ocean, Red Sea
Tibor Sekelj Croat20th Argentina
Mirko and Stjepan Seljan Croat20th Ethiopia, South America
Frederick Courtney Selous English19th Africa
Symon Semeonis Hiberno-Norman14th Jerusalem, Albania
Gomes de Sequeira Portuguese16th Caroline Islands, Pacific Ocean
João Serrão Portuguese15th/16th 1st Circumnavigation (also later its co-captain general); commanded the ship Santiago in the Atlantic and the Concepcion across the Pacific, Strait of Malacca, Indian Ocean
Francisco Serrão Portuguese15th/16th Indonesia
Ernest Shackleton English-Irish20th Antarctica
Robert Barkley Shaw English19th Central Asia
Eric Shipton English20th Mount Everest, southern Patagonia
Tanaka Shōsuke Japanese17th Mexico
Diogo Silves Portuguese15th Azores
James Simpson English20th North Greenland
Pêro de Sintra Portuguese15th West African coast, Sierra Leone
Pierre-Jean De Smet Belgian19th North America
Jedediah Smith American 19th Western United States, Rocky Mountains
John Smith English 17th North America
William Smith English19th South Shetland Islands
Eugene Smurgis Russian 20th Arctic Ocean
J. Dewey Soper Canadian20th Canadian Arctic
Hernando de Soto Spanish16th Central America, Southern United States
Martim Afonso de Sousa Portuguese16th Brazilian interior
John Hanning Speke English19th East Africa
Hans Staden German16th Brazil
Ed Stafford English21st Amazon
William Grant Stairs Canadian19th Central Africa
Henry Morton Stanley Welsh19th East Africa
Vilhjalmur Stefansson Icelandic Canadian20th Canadian Arctic
Marc Aurel Stein Hungarian-British19th/20th Central Asia
John Lloyd Stephens American19th Middle East, Mesoamerica (Mayan remains)
Paweł Strzelecki[10] Polish-British19th the Americas, Australia (Gippsland)
John McDouall Stuart Scottish19th Australian Interior
Charles Sturt British19th Australian Interior
Gardar Svavarsson Swedish9th Iceland
Anders Svedlund Swedish 20th Oceans
Otto Sverdrup Norwegian19th/20th Arctic
Ignacije Szentmartony Croat18th Amazon River
Abel Tasman Dutch17th Australasia, including Tasmania
António Raposo Tavares Portuguese17th Paraguay River, part of the Andes mountain range, Grande River, Mamoré River, Madeira River, Amazon River (Brazil, Paraguay, Bolivia) Union of La Plata Basin to the Amazon River – circumnavigation of Brazil.
Jean-Baptiste Tavernier French17th Persia, India
Mikhail Tebenkov Russian19th Alaska, Aleutian Islands, Amur River
Pedro Teixeira Portuguese17th Amazon River
Tristão Vaz Teixeira Portuguese15th Madeira Islands
Wilfred Thesiger English20th Africa, Middle East
David Thompson WelshEnglish18th/19th Western Canada, Pacific Northwest
Guðríður Þorbjarnardóttir Icelandic11th North America
Harold William Tilman English20th Himalayas, Patagonia
Yermak Timofeyevich Russian[11]16th Siberia
Tenjiku Tokubei Japanese17th South East Asia, India
Eduard Toll Baltic German19th Arctic
Luis Váez de Torres Spanish Galician16th/17th Australasia
Nuno Tristão Portuguese15th West African coast, Guinea-Bissau
Petrus Johannes Truter Dutch19th Bechuanaland
Hasekura Tsunenaga Japanese17th Mexico, Europe
Benjamin of Tudela Jewish Navarrese12th Mediterranean Sea, Arabian Peninsula, Red Sea, Persian Gulf
Andrés de Urdaneta Spanish16th Pacific Ocean, Manila Galleon route
Jules Dumont d'Urville French19th Antarctica
Cayetano Valdés y Flores Spanish18th Pacific Northwest
George Vancouver English18th Pacific coast of North America[12]
Ludovico di Varthema Italian15th/16th Arabian Peninsula, Indian Ocean, Southeast Asia
Gonçalo Velho Portuguese15th Azores
François de La Vérendrye French Canadian18th Western Canada
Louis-Joseph Gaultier de La Vérendrye French Canadian18th Great Plains
Pierre Gaultier de Varennes, sieur de La Vérendrye French18th Great Plains
Giovanni da Verrazzano Italian16th East Coast of the United States
Amerigo Vespucci Italian15th/16th Eastern South American coast, Caribbean
Flóki Vilgerðarson Norse Viking 9th Iceland
Ruy López de Villalobos Spanish16th Pacific Ocean, Philippines
Vandino and Ugolino Vivaldi Italian 13th Africa, in a failed attempt to reach India
Sebastián Vizcaíno Spanish16th Northwest Pacific, California Coast
Willem de Vlamingh Dutch17th Southwest Australian coast
Maarten Gerritsz Vries Dutch17th Northwest Pacific (Hokkaido, Sakhalin)
Lionel Wafer Welsh17th Malay Archipelago, Isthmus of Panama
Jean-Frédéric Waldeck French19th Mesoamerica (Mayan remains)
Thomas Walker American18th Eastern United States[13]
Samuel Wallis British 18th First recorded visit to Tahiti
Gino Watkins English20th East Greenland & Labrador
Langdon Warner American20th the Silk Road
Alfred Wegener German20th Greenland
John White English15th Roanoke Island
Jim Whittaker American20th Mount Everest, Antarctica
Frederick Whymper English19th Alaska, Kamchatka, Yukon
Charles Wilkes American19th Pacific Ocean
Edward Adrian Wilson English19th/20th Antarctica
Ernest Henry Wilson English 19th/20th East Asia, East Africa, Central and South America, Australia, New Zealand
James Wilson British 18th Pacific Islands
Thomas Braidwood Wilson Scottish Australian 19th Australia
Harry de Windt French19th/20th Eurasia
Fanny Bullock Workman American 19th/20th Himalaya
Ferdinand von Wrangel Baltic German19th Northern Russia
Xuanzang Chinese7th Indian subcontinent, Central Asia
John Young Scottish-English18th Hawaii
Sir Francis Younghusband British19th/20th Central Asia
Topa Inca Yupanqui Inca 15th Pacific
João Gonçalves Zarco Portuguese15th Madeira Islands
Gonzalo García Zorro Spanish 16th Colombia

See also


  1. "Travellers on the Silk Road before the year 1000 AD - Silk-Road.com". Archived from the original on 11 April 2001. Retrieved 14 June 2022.
  2. Battuta's Travels: Part Three – Persia and Iraq Archived 23 April 2008 at the Wayback Machine
  3. "Memoirs and Travels of Mauritius Augustus Count de Benyowsky: Consisting of His Military Operations in Poland, His Exile into Kamchatka, His Escape and Voyage from that Peninsula through the Northern Pacific Ocean, Touching at Japan and Formosa, to Canton in China, with an Account of the French Settlement He Was Appointed to Form upon the Island of Madagascar". World Digital Library. 1790. Archived from the original on 22 April 2009. Retrieved 6 July 2013.
  4. Giovanni Caboto.
  5. Cristoforo Colombo.
  6. "The World of Ahmed Bey Hassanein". saharasafaris.org. Archived from the original on 3 May 2021. Retrieved 14 June 2022.
  7. Kamchatka, Caucasus, Siberia.
  8. "Sahara and Sudan: The Results of Six Years Travel in Africa". World Digital Library. 1879–1889. Archived from the original on 3 May 2021. Retrieved 2 October 2013.
  9. New South Wales, southeastern Queensland.
  10. Sir Paul de Strzelecki.
  11. Cossack.
  12. U.S. Pacific Coast, Pacific Northwest.
  13. Allegheny Mountains, Cumberland Plateau.
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