Temporal range:
Nemastoma bimaculatum from Belgium
Scientific classification

Simon, 1872
c. 170 species

The Nemastomatidae are a family of harvestmen with about 170 described species in 16 recent genera. Several fossil species and genera are known.

Unlike some related currently recognized families, the Nemastomatidae are monophyletic.[1]


Members of the Nemastomatidae range in body length from about one to almost six millimeters. Their chelicerae are of normal proportions, but the pedipalps are very elongated and thin in some groups. Leg length is likewise variable.[1]


The Nemastomatidae are divided into two subfamilies. The subfamily Ortholasmatinae occur on both sides of the Pacific Ocean: in western North America from Alaska and British Columbia to Mexico and possibly Honduras, but also eastern Asia (China, Japan Thailand and Vietnam). The subfamily Nemastomatinae occur across Europe and near, including Iceland and the Caucasus, plus in the Atlas Mountains of North Africa, from Anatolia to northern Iran. A few species are found outside this region in Central Asia and the Himalayas. Most species are geographically restricted to small zones in mountainous regions.[1]


The Nemastomatidae are probably a sister group to the Dicranolasmatidae and Trogulidae.[1]


The genus name Nemastoma is a combination of Ancient Greek nema "thread" and stoma "mouth", referring to the elongated pedipalps.[1]


For complete breakdown, see the following (as of 2023):[2]

For a broader recent listing of species see:

Subfamily Nemastomatinae

  • Acromitostoma hispanum (Roewer, 1917)  Spain
  • Acromitostoma rhinoceros Roewer, 1951  Spain, Morocco
  • Burnia Prieto, 2021
  • Burnia sexmucronata (Simon, 1911)  Spain
  • Burnia spelaea Prieto, 2021  Spain
  • Carinostoma carinatum (Roewer, 1914)  southeastern Europe
  • Carinostoma elegans (Sørensen, 1894)  southeastern Europe
  • Carinostoma ornatum (Hadzi, 1940)  southeastern Europe
  • Caucnemastoma golovatchi Martens, 2006  Russia
  • Caucnemastoma martensi Snegovaya, 2011  Russia
  • Centetostoma Kratochvíl, 1958
  • Centetostoma centetes (Simon, 1881)  France (Alps)
  • Centetostoma juberthiei Martens, 2011  France/Spain (Pyrenees)
  • Centetostoma scabriculum (Simon, 1879)  France/Spain (Pyrenees)
  • Centetostoma ventalloi (Mello-Leitao, 1936)  France/Spain (Pyrenees)
  • Giljarovia crimeana Tchemeris & Kovblyuk, 2012  Ukraine
  • Giljarovia kratochvili Snegovaya, 2011  Russia
  • Giljarovia redikorzevi Charitonov, 1946  Georgia
  • Giljarovia rossica Kratochvíl, 1958  Russia
  • Giljarovia stridula (Kratochvíl, 1958)  Russia
  • Giljarovia tenebricosa (Redikortsev, 1936)  Georgia, Azerbaijan, Turkey
  • Giljarovia thoracocornuta Martens, 2006  Russia
  • Giljarovia triangula Martens, 2006  Russia, Georgia
  • Giljarovia trianguloides Martens, 2006  Russia
  • Giljarovia turcica Gruber, 1976  Turkey
  • Giljarovia vestita Martens, 2006  Russia, Georgia
  • Hadzinia ferrani Novak & Kozel, 2014  Slovenia
  • Hadzinia karamani (Hadzi, 1940)  Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia
  • Histricostoma Kratochvíl, 1958
  • Histricostoma anatolicum (Roewer, 1962)  Turkey
  • Histricostoma argenteolunulatum (Canestrini, 1875)  France (Corsica), Italy, Greece
  • Histricostoma caucasicum (Redikorzev, 1936)  Russia
  • Histricostoma creticum (Roewer, 1928)  Greece
  • Histricostoma dentipalpe (Ausserer, 1867)  Central Europe
  • Histricostoma drenskii Kratochvíl, 1958  Bulgaria
  • Histricostoma gruberi Snegovaya & Marusik, 2012  Turkey
  • Histricostoma mitovi Snegovaya & Marusik, 2012  Turkey
  • Mediostoma Kratochvíl, 1958
  • Mediostoma armatum Martens, 2006  Iran
  • Mediostoma ceratocephalum Gruber, 1976  Turkey
  • Mediostoma cypricum (Roewer, 1951)  Greece/Turkey: Cyprus, Israel, Lebanon,
  • Mediostoma globuliferum (L. Koch, 1867)  Greece
  • Mediostoma humerale (C.L. Koch, 1839)  Greece, Albania
  • Mediostoma izmirica Snegovaya, Kurt, & Yağmur, 2016  Turkey
  • Mediostoma nigrum Martens, 2006  Iran, Azerbaijan
  • Mediostoma pamiricum Staręga, 1986  Tajikistan
  • Mediostoma stussineri (Simon, 1885)  Greece
  • Mediostoma talischense (Morin, 1937)  Azerbaijan
  • Mediostoma variabile Martens, 2006  Iran, Azerbaijan
  • Mediostoma vityae (Roewer, 1927)  Greece
  • Mitostoma Roewer, 1951
  • Mitostoma alpinum (Hadži, 1931)  Southeastern Europe
  • Mitostoma anophthalmum (Fage, 1946)  Italy
  • Mitostoma atticum (Roewer, 1928)  Greece
  • Mitostoma cancellatum (Roewer, 1917)  Balkans
  • Mitostoma carneluttii Hadži, 1973  Montenegro
  • Mitostoma chrysomelas (Hermann, 1804)  Europe (widespread)
  • Mitostoma daccordii Tedeschi & Sciaky, 1997  Italy
  • Mitostoma fabianae Tedescie & Sciaky, 1997  Italy
  • Mitostoma gracile (Redikortsev, 1936)  Russia, Georgia, etc.
  • Mitostoma macedonicum Hadži, 1973  Macedonia
  • Mitostoma olgae (Šilhavý, 1939)  (see below Balkans)
  • Mitostoma olgae decorum (Šilhavý, 1939)  Montenegro
  • Mitostoma olgae kratochvili (Šilhavý, 1939)  Croatia
  • Mitostoma olgae olgae (Šilhavý, 1939)  Montenegro
  • Mitostoma olgae zorae Hadži, 1973  Macedonia
  • Mitostoma orobicum (Caporiacco, 1949)  Italy
  • Mitostoma patrizii Roewer, 1953  Italy
  • Mitostoma pyrenaeum (Simon, 1879)  France/Spain (Pyrenees)
  • Mitostoma sabbadinii Tedeschi & Sciaky  Italy
  • Mitostoma valdemonense Marcellino, 1974  Italy
  • Mitostoma zmajevicae Hadži, 1973  Macedonia
  • Nemaspela Silhavý, 1966
  • Nemaspela abchasica Ljovuschkin & Starobogatov, 1963  Russia, Georgia/Abkhazia
  • Nemaspela birsteini Levushkii, 1972  Georgia/Abkhazia
  • Nemaspela borkoae Kozel, Delić & Novak, 2020  Montenegro
  • Nemaspela caeca (Grese, 1911)  Ukraine (Crimea) [Can be "Grese in Nowikoff, 1911. Else, possibly should incl. Phalangodes taurica (Lebedinskiy, 1914) per Chemeris (2009)].
  • Nemaspela femorecurvata Martens, 2006  Georgia
  • Nemaspela gagrica Tchemeris, 2013  Georgia/Abkhazia
  • Nemaspela kovali Tchemeris, 2009  Russia
  • Nemaspela ladae Karaman, 2013  Bosnia & Herzegovina
  • Nemaspela melouri Martens, Maghradze & Barjadze, 2021  Georgia
  • Nemaspela prometheusi Martens, Maghradze & Barjadze, 2021  Georgia
  • Nemaspela sokolovi (Ljovuschkin & Starobogatov, 1963)  Russia
  • Nemaspela taurica (Lebedinski, 1914)  Ukraine (Crimea) (See as synonym under Nemaspela caeca per some e.g. Chemeris (2009).
  • Nemastoma bidentatum Roewer, 1914  Europe
  • Nemastoma bidentatum bidentatum Roewer, 1914  Central Europe, Southeastern Europe
  • Nemastoma bidentatum gruberi Novak, Slana Novak, Kozel & Raspotnig, 2021  Southern Europe
  • Nemastoma bidentatum martensi Novak, Slana Novak & Raspotnig, 2021  Slovenia
  • Nemastoma bidentatum schmidti Novak, Raspotnig & Slana Novak, 2021  Central Europe, Southern Europe
  • Nemastoma bidentatum sneznikensis Novak, Komposch, Slana Novak & Raspotnig, 2021  Slovenia
  • Nemastoma bidentatum sparsum Gruber & Martens, 1968  Central Europe, Southeastern Europe
  • Nemastoma bimaculatum (Fabricius, 1775)  Europe (Widespread), Iceland
  • Nemastoma daciscum Koch, 1869  (?) [Insertae sedis [3]].
  • Nemastoma dentigerum Canestrini, 1873  Europe (Widespread)
  • Nemastoma kozari Novak, Kozel, Podlesnik & Raspotnig, 2021  Bosnia & Herzegovina
  • Nemastoma lilliputanum (Lucas, 1846)  Algeria [Insertae sedis [3]].
  • Nemastoma lugubre (Müller, 1776)  Europe (Widespread)
  • Nemastoma pluridentatum (Hadži, 1973)  Balkans
  • Nemastoma relictum (Gruber & Martens, 1968)  Austria
  • Nemastoma rude Simon, 1881  France [Insertae sedis [3]].
  • Nemastoma schuelleri Gruber & Martens, 1968  Austria
  • Nemastoma transsylvanicum Gruber & Martens, 1968  Romania
  • Nemastoma triste (C.L. Koch, 1835)  Central Europe
  • Nemastomella Mello-Leitão, 1936
  • Nemastomella armatissima (Roewer, 1962)  Portugal
  • Nemastomella bacillifera (Simon, 1879)  Western Europe
  • Nemastomella bacillifera bacillifera (Simon, 1879)  France/Spain (Pyrenees)
  • Nemastomella bacillifera carbonaria (Simon, 1907)  Spain
  • Nemastomella cristinae (Rambla, 1969)  Spain
  • Nemastomella dentipatellae (Dresco, 1967)  Spain
  • Nemastomella dipentata (Rambla, 1959)  Spain
  • Nemastomella dubia (Mello-Leitão, 1936)  Spain [Inc. N. integripes Mello-Leitão, 1936, synonymy by Staręga 1987: 303].
  • Nemastomella gevia Prieto, 2004  Spain
  • Nemastomella hankiewiczii (Kulczyński, 1909)  Portugal
  • Nemastomella iberica (Rambla in Dresco, 1967)  Spain
  • Nemastomella maarebensis (Simon, 1913)  Algeria
  • Nemastomella manicata (Simon, 1913)  Spain
  • Nemastomella monchiquensis (Kraus, 1961)  Portugal
  • Nemastomella spinosissima (Kraus, 1961)  Spain
  • Paranemastoma Redikorzev, 1936
  • Paranemastoma aeginum (Roewer, 1951)  Greece [Nomen dubium [3]]
  • Paranemastoma amseli (Roewer, 1951)  Italy [Nomen dubium [3]]
  • Paranemastoma amuelleri (Roewer, 1951)  Macedonia [Nomen dubium [3]]
  • Paranemastoma ancae Avram, 1973  Romania
  • Paranemastoma armatum (Kulczyński, 1909)  Balkans
  • Paranemastoma aurigerum (Roewer, 1951)  Bulgaria (all subspecies)
  • Paranemastoma aurigerum aurigerum (Roewer, 1951)  Bulgaria
  • Paranemastoma aurigerum joannae Staręga, 1976  Bulgaria
  • Paranemastoma aurigerum ryla (Roewer, 1951)  Bulgaria
  • Paranemastoma aurosum (L. Koch, 1869)  Greece
  • Paranemastoma bacurianum (Mkheidze, 1959)  Georgia
  • Paranemastoma beroni Mitov, 2011  Bulgaria
  • Paranemastoma bicuspidatum (C.L. Koch, 1835)  Central Europe
  • Paranemastoma bolei (Hadži, 1973)  Macedonia [Nomen dubium [3]]
  • Paranemastoma brevipalpatum (Roewer, 1951)  Spain [Nomen dubium [3]]
  • Paranemastoma bureschi (Roewer, 1926)  Bulgaria, Tunisia (? [3])
  • Paranemastoma caporiaccoi (Roewer, 1951)  Italy [Nomen dubium [3]]
  • Paranemastoma carneluttii (Hadži, 1973)  Montenegro [Nomen dubium [3]]
  • Paranemastoma corcyraeum (Roewer, 1917)  Balkans
  • Paranemastoma emigratum (Roewer, 1959  India (?) [Nomen dubium [3]]
  • Paranemastoma ferkeri (Roewer, 1951)  Turkey [Nomen dubium [3]]
  • Paranemastoma filipes (Roewer, 1917)  South Caucasus, Iran
  • Paranemastoma gostivarense (Hadži, 1973)  Macedonia [Nomen dubium [3]]
  • Paranemastoma ikarium (Roewer, 1951)  Greece [Nomen dubium [3]]
  • Paranemastoma ios (Roewer, 1917)  Greece [Nomen dubium [3]]
  • Paranemastoma iranicum Martens, 2006  Iran
  • Paranemastoma kaestneri (Roewer, 1951)  Greece [Nomen dubium [3]]
  • Paranemastoma kalischevskyi (Roewer, 1951)  South Caucasus
  • Paranemastoma karolianum Çorak Öcal, Bayram, Yiğit & Sancak, 2017  Turkey
  • Paranemastoma kochii (Nowicki, 1870)  Central Europe, Southeastern Europe
  • Paranemastoma longipalpatum (Roewer, 1951)  Greece [Nomen dubium [3]]
  • Paranemastoma longipes (Schenkel, 1947)  Southeastern Europe
  • Paranemastoma macedonicum (Hadži, 1973)  Macedonia [Nomen dubium [3]]
  • Paranemastoma machadoi (Roewer, 1951)  Spain [Nomen dubium [3]]
  • Paranemastoma mackenseni (Roewer, 1923)  Serbia [Nomen dubium [3]]
  • Paranemastoma montenigrinum (Nosek, 1904)  Montenegro [Nomen dubium [3]]
  • Paranemastoma monticola (Babalean, 2011)
  • Paranemastoma multisignatum (Hadži, 1973)  Macedonia [Nomen dubium [3]]
  • Paranemastoma nigrum (Hadži, 1973)  Macedonia [Nomen dubium [3]]
  • Paranemastoma perfugium (Roewer, 1951)  Italy [Nomen dubium [3]]
  • Paranemastoma quadripunctatum (Perty, 1833)  Europe (widespread)
  • Paranemastoma radewi (Roewer, 1926)  Southeastern Europe
  • Paranemastoma redikorzevi (Roewer, 1951)  Ukraine [Nomen dubium [3]]
  • Paranemastoma santorinum (Roewer, 1951)  Greece [Nomen dubium [3]]
  • Paranemastoma senussium (Roewer, 1951)  Lybia [Nomen dubium [3]]
  • Paranemastoma sillii (Herman, 1871) 
  • Paranemastoma simplex (Giltay, 1932) 
  • Paranemastoma sketi (Hadži, 1973)  Montenegro [Nomen dubium [3]]  Central Europe, Southeastern Europe
  • Paranemastoma spinosulum (Koch, 1869)  Greece [Nomen dubium [3]]
  • Paranemastoma superbum Redikorzev, 1936  Georgia, Turkey
  • Paranemastoma thessalum (Simon, 1885)  Greece, Bosnia & Herzegovia (?)
  • Paranemastoma titaniacum (Roewer, 1914)  Southeastern Europe
  • Paranemastoma umbo (Roewer, 1951)  Georgia [Nomen dubium [3]]
  • Paranemastoma werneri (Kulczyński, 1903)  Turkey
  • Pyza Starega, 1976
  • Pyza anatolica (Roewer, 1959)  Turkey
  • Pyza bosnica (Roewer, 1919)  Balkans
  • Pyza navarrense (Roewer, 1951)  Greece
  • Pyza taurica Gruber, 1979  Turkey
  • Saccarella Schönhofer & Martens, 2012
  • Saccarella schilleri Schönhofer & Martens, 2012  Italy
  • Sinostoma Martens, 2016
  • Sinostoma yunnanicum Martens, 2016  China
  • Starengovia Snegovaya, 2010
  • Starengovia ivanloebli Martens, 2017  Pakistan
  • Starengovia kirgizica Snegovaya, 2010  Kyrgyzstan
  • Starengovia quadrituberculata Zhang & Martens, 2018  China
  • Vestiferum Martens, 2006
  • Vestiferum alatum Martens, 2006  Georgia, Turkey
  • Vestiferum funebre (Redikorzev, 1936)  Georgia/Abkhazia, Russia (also possibly turkey)

Subfamily Ortholasmatinae

  • Asiolasma Martens, 2009 (6 species, Eastern Asia)
  • Cryptolasma Cruz-López, Cruz-Bonilla & Francke, 2018 (2 species, Eastern Mexico)
  • Cryptolasma aberrante Cruz-López, Cruz-Bonilla & Francke, 2018  Mexico
  • Cryptolasma citlaltepetl Cruz-López, Cruz-Bonilla & Francke, 2018  Mexico
  • Martensolasma catrina Cruz-López, 2017  Mexico
  • Martensolasma jocheni Shear, 2006  Mexico
  • Ortholasma Banks, 1894 (5 species, Western USA, Northwestern Mexico)
  • Trilasma Goodnight & Goodnight, 1942 (9 species, Mexico, Honduras)
  • Trilasma bolivari Goodnight & Goodnight, 1942  Mexico
  • Trilasma chipinquense Shear, 2010  Mexico
  • Trilasma hidalgo Shear, 2010  Mexico
  • Trilasma petersprousei Shear, 2010  Mexico
  • Trilasma ranchonuevo Shear, 2010  Mexico
  • Trilasma sbordonii (Šilhavý, 1973)  Mexico
  • Trilasma tempestado Shear, 2010  Mexico
  • Trilasma trispinosum Shear, 2010  Mexico
  • Trilasma tropicum Shear, 2010  Honduras


  • Nemastoma tuberculatum Koch & Berendt, 1854 — fossil: Oligocene
  • Nemastoma succineum Roewer, 1939 — fossil: Baltic amber

incertae sedis

  • Rhabdotarachnoides Haupt, 1956 — fossil
  • Rhabdotarachnoides simoni Haupt, 1956Permian


  1. 1 2 3 4 5 Gruber, Jürgen (2007): Nemastomatidae. Simon, 1872. In: Pinto-da-Rocha et al. 2007: 148ff
  2. "Dendrolasma". Kury, A. et al. (2023). WCO-Lite: World Catalogue of Opiliones. Retrieved 2024-01-07.
  3. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Schönhofer, A.L. (2013). "A taxonomic catalogue of the Dyspnoi Hansen and Sørensen, 1904 (Arachnida: Opiliones)". Zootaxa. 3679 (1): 1–68. doi:10.11646/zootaxa.3679.1.1. PMID 26146693.


Further reading

  • Pinto-da-Rocha, R., Machado, G. & Giribet, G. (eds.) (2007). Harvestmen - The Biology of Opiliones. Harvard University Press, USA. ISBN 0-674-02343-9

For older species listings, see:

  • Joel Hallan's Biology Catalog (2005) [defunct after 2014]: Nemastomatidae
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