The following is an incomplete list of paintings by Jacob van Ruisdael that are generally accepted as autograph by Seymour Slive and other sources. The list is more or less in order of creation, starting from around 1645 when Jacob began painting on his own. Prior to that, he was assistant to his father Isaack van Ruisdael and his uncle Salomon van Ruysdael.

Image Title Date Collection Inventory number
A Bleaching Ground in a Hollow by a Cottage 1640s National Gallery NG44
A hunter in a wooded landscape 1640s private collection
Dune Landscape with Thatched Cottage 1646 Frans Hals Museum os I-298
Peasant Cottage in a Landscape 1646 Hermitage Museum ГЭ-939
Landscape with a Cottage and Trees 1646 Kunsthalle Hamburg 159
Landscape with a Windmill 1646 Cleveland Museum of Art 1967.19
Entrance to a Wood 1646 Academy of Fine Arts Vienna GG-1368
Landscape with a Cottage and a Windmill 1646 private collection
Landscape with a Village in the Distance 1646 Metropolitan Museum of Art 65.181.10
Road in an Oak Forest 1646 Statens Museum for Kunst KMSsp575
Road through an Oak Forest 1647 Statens Museum for Kunst KMS3366
Blasted Oak near a Pond 1647 Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest 263
Sandbank 1647 Nivaagaard 0049NMK
Dune Landscape near Haarlem 1647 private collection
Dune landscape with a man and a boy walking towards a town 1647 Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts Ж-2636
A Landscape with Two Figures on a Rise and a Stream at Right 1647 private collection
Dune Landscape in Evening Light with a Man Driving an Ass 1647 Museum der bildenden Künste 1055
Landscape with Sluice 1647 Rijksmuseum Twenthe 433
Landscape with some houses and a sand track 1647 Hermitage Museum ГЭ-933
Road in the Dunes 1647 Alte Pinakothek 544
Road at the Edge of the Forest 1647 Hermitage Museum ГЭ-935
View of Naarden and the church of Muiderberg 1647 Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum 354 (1930.99)
Bridge with a Sluice 1648 J. Paul Getty Museum 86.PB.597
Old elm tree with view of Egmond aan Zee 1648 Currier Museum of Art
Dunes by the Sea 1648 private collection
Stone Bridge 1648 Philadelphia Museum of Art Cat. 570
Storm on the Dunes 1648 Philadelphia Museum of Art Cat. 567
A Wooded Landscape with a Pond 1648 Museum of Fine Arts, Houston 2001.8
Wooded Dune Landscape 1648 private collection
Road in the Dunes 1648 Frans Hals Museum os 2002-62
Oak Trees by a Pond 1649 Statens Museum for Kunst KMSsp572
The Banks of a River 1649 National Galleries of Scotland NGL 033.84
Landscape with river and cellar entrance 1649 Kunsthistorisches Museum GG_9807
Landscape with Dunes 1649 Los Angeles County Museum of Art M.75.138
A wooded landscape with a traveller resting on a path 1649 private collection
A Wooded Landscape with Travellers on a Track by a Pool 1649 private collection
Landscape with dead tree and an oncoming storm 1649 Musée Fabre 836-4-53
Landscape 1649 Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp (KMSKA) 320
Mountain Landscape with Waterfall 1650s Mauritshuis 153
Bentheim Castle 1650s Rijksmuseum SK-A-347
Dune Landscape with a Rabbit Hunt 1650s Frans Hals Museum os I-299
Stormy Sea 1650s Nationalmuseum NM 4033
Oaks at a lake with Water Lilies 1650s Gemäldegalerie 885G
A Cornfield, in the Background the Zuiderzee 1650s Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen 1742 (OK)
Landscape with a Wheatfield 1650s J. Paul Getty Museum 83.PA.278
Wooded hillside with a view of Bentheim Castle 1650s Art Gallery of New South Wales 256.1991
Rough Sea at a Jetty 1650s Kimbell Art Museum AP 1989.01
Travellers on a forest road 1650s Finnish National Gallery A III 2427
Fording the river 1650s Finnish National Gallery A I 680
A wooded hill 1650s Finnish National Gallery A I 683
Hilly Wooded Landscape with Castle 1650s Duke of Buccleuch collection
Cottages on the dunes 1650s Finnish National Gallery A I 681
View from the Dunes to the Sea 1650s Kunsthaus Zürich R 31
Dunes with a herdsman and his herd 1650s Fondation Custodia 6484
Wooded landscape with a flooded road 1650s Department of Paintings of the Louvre D.1955.2.1
Two Undershot Watermills with Men Opening a Sluice 1650s private collection
Landscape with view of Ootmarsum 1650s Alte Pinakothek 10818
Dunes 1650s Philadelphia Museum of Art Cat. 563
The Large Forest 1650s Kunsthistorisches Museum GG_426
View of Burg Bentheim 1650s Mauritshuis 1151
Landscape with Dune and Small Waterfall 1650s National Museum of Western Art P.1969-0002
A path on a wooded rise, Haarlem in the distance 1650s private collection
Ships in stormy weather off the coast 1650s Department of Paintings of the Louvre INV 1818
The Watermill at the Edge of the Wood 1650s private collection
The Gnarled Oak 1650s Art, Design & Architecture Museum 1960.18
Rolling landscape with an oak before a grainfield 1650s private collection
Ruins of the gate of Huis ter Kleef near Haarlem 1650s private collection
Woodland Scene with Lake 1650s Gemäldegalerie 884D
Wooded River Bank 1650s Gemäldegalerie 885H
Landscape with a Windmill near a Town Moat 1650s private collection
Travellers and shepherds at a crossroads near a dead tree 1650s Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium 1177
Wooded Landscape with Travellers 1650s Lower Saxony State Museum
Wooded River Landscape with Bridge 1650s private collection
Beach scene, possibly near Egmond 1650s Instituut Collectie Nederland
Stichting Nederlands Kunstbezit
Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Frans Hals Museum
Dienst Verspreide Rijkscollecties
Rijksdienst Beeldende Kunst
Landscape with Houses on a Rocky Hill with a View of a Plain Beyond 1650s private collection
Wooded Landscape with a Pond and Shepherds 1650s private collection
Wooded River Landscape 1650s Eijk and Rose-Marie van Otterloo Collection
Sandy Track in the Dunes 1650 Rijksmuseum
Amsterdam Museum
SA 7397
View of Egmond aan Zee 1650 Nationalmuseum NM 618
Dune Landscape near Haarlem 1650 Statens Museum for Kunst KMS3579
Landscape with a Windmill in the Evening 1650 Royal Collection RCIN 405538
Landscape with a Traveller 1650 Hermitage Museum ГЭ-938
Wooded Landscape with a Pond 1650 private collection
A View of Egmond aan Zee 1650 Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum 34
Extensive field landscape with a track and a church in the distance 1650 Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister 1503
The Cloister 1650s Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister 884b
Two Watermills and an Open Sluice near Singraven 1650 National Gallery NG986
Two Mills 1650s Musée des Beaux-Arts de Strasbourg MBA 265
Trees on a lake with rowboat 1650 Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen VdV 72A
The Castle at Bentheim 1651 private collection
Landscape with Windmills near Haarlem 1651 Dulwich Picture Gallery DPG168
Village at the Wood's Edge 1651 Gemäldegalerie 885F
Landscape with a Footbridge 1652 Frick Collection 1949.1.156
The Great Oak 1652 Los Angeles County Museum of Art M.91.164.1
Hilly Landscape 1652 Herzog Anton Ulrich Museum 376
The Great Pool 1652 Indianapolis Museum of Art 62.247
Castle Bentheim 1653 private collection
The Thicket near Haarlem 1653 Department of Paintings of the Louvre INV 1819
Cottage under Trees near a Grainfield 1653 private collection
Landscape with a mill-run and ruins 1653 Art Gallery of South Australia 853P6
Hilly Wooded Landscape with a Falconer and a Horseman 1653 private collection
The Castle of Bentheim 1653 Guildhall Art Gallery 57
Landscape with a Half-Timbered House and a Blasted Tree 1653 Speed Art Museum 1998.3
The Jewish Cemetery 1653 Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister 1502
Castle Bentheim 1653 National Gallery of Ireland NGI.4531
Forest scene 1653 Rijksmuseum SK-A-350
Two Watermills and an Open Sluice 1653 J. Paul Getty Museum 82.PA.18
Forest Scene 1655 National Gallery of Art 1942.9.80
Landscape with the Ruins of the Castle of Egmond 1655 Art Institute of Chicago 1947.475
Edge of a Forest with a Grainfield 1655 Kimbell Art Museum
Ruins of Brederode 1655 Philadelphia Museum of Art Cat. 564
Landscape with a windmill by a river 1655 private collection
Ships in Stormy Seas 1655 Instituut Collectie Nederland
Stichting Nederlands Kunstbezit
A river landscape with figures 1655 Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts Ж-575
Woodland landscape with figures by a river 1655 private collection
Hilly wooded landscape with a half-timbered house by a water fall 1655 Städel 754
Hilly wooded landscape with a waterfall 1655 private collection
Sloping Field with Sheaves of Wheat 1655 private collection
View of Binnen-Amstel in Amsterdam 1656 Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest
Winter landscape with a harbour 1660s Mauritshuis 802
Mountainous landscape with waterfall 1660s Rijksmuseum
Amsterdam Museum
SB 5813
The ford 1660s Rijksmuseum SK-A-2337
Rocky landscape 1660s Rijksmuseum
Amsterdam Museum
SA 8299
Kostverloren House on the Amstel 1660s Amsterdam Museum SA 38217
Winter Landscape 1660s Birmingham Museum of Art 1968.43
Road through a Grove 1660s Nationalmuseum NM 616
A Waterfall in a Rocky Region 1660s Statens Museum for Kunst KMSsp573
A Mountain Torrent 1660s Statens Museum for Kunst KMSsp569
Landscape with a Waterfall and a Hut 1660s Statens Museum for Kunst KMSsp570
Woodland Vistas 1660s Museum of Fine Arts 52.1757
Waterfall in a hilly landscape 1660s Hermitage Museum ГЭ-942
Landscape with Waterfall 1660s The Wallace Collection P56
View of Grainfields with a Distant Town 1660s Los Angeles County Museum of Art M.2009.106.12
Stag Hunt in a Wood with a Marsh 1660s Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister 1492
Waterfall with Castle Built on the Rock 1660s Herzog Anton Ulrich Museum 378
Winter Landscape with a View of the River Amstel and Amsterdam in the Distance 1660s private collection
Landscape with a Sluice Gate 1660s Toledo Museum of Art 1978.68
Three Great Trees in a Mountainous Landscape with a River 1660s Norton Simon Museum F.1971.2.P
Landscape with a Waterfall 1660s Philadelphia Museum of Art W1895-1-8
Sloping Field 1660s Philadelphia Museum of Art Cat. 566
Winter Landscape 1660s Philadelphia Museum of Art Cat. 569
Stormy Sea with Sailing Vessels 1660s Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum 359 (1957.2)
A Road through an Oak Wood 1660s National Museum of Western Art P.1980-0002
View of the Ruins of Huis ter Kleef and Haarlem 1660s Musée Jacquemart-André
Waterfall at sunset 1660s Gemäldegalerie 899A
Country Road with Cornfields and Oak Tree 1660s Uffizi 1201
River landscape with church 1660s Calouste Gulbenkian museum 398
Mountain landscape with waterfall 1660s National Museum in Warsaw Dep.2638 (Wil.1553)
Torrent with Oak Trees 1660s Alte Pinakothek 1038
Low Waterfall in a Wooded Landscape with a Dead Beech Tree 1660s Cleveland Museum of Art 1967.63
Wooded and Hilly Landscape 1660s Cleveland Museum of Art 1963.575
Mountainous landscape with a waterfall, a cottage, and a castle 1660s private collection
Waterfall in an Oak Forest 1660s Musée Fabre 836.4.54
Castle on a Mountain with a Waterfall and Pine trees 1660s Museum of Fine Arts of Lyon A4478
Waterfall with footbridge and pine trees 1660s Beecroft Art Gallery SOUAG.B113
A Waterfall with village, footbridge and pine trees 1660s National Gallery of Canada 5878
Winter Landscape with a Watermill 1660s private collection
Waterfall (Petworth) 1660s Petworth House
National Trust
NT 486803
A Waterfall in a Rocky Landscape 1660s Liechtenstein Museum
Mountainous landscape with waterfall 1660s private collection
Mountainous landscape with a waterfall, in the background on the right Bentheim castle 1660s private collection
View of Bentheim Castle with grain field below 1660s private collection
Wooded mountainous landscape with fishermen and resting travellers near a waterfall 1660s Museum De Lakenhal
Instituut Collectie Nederland
Stichting Nederlands Kunstbezit
Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
Dienst Verspreide Rijkscollecties
Rijksdienst Beeldende Kunst
Landscape with waterfall and wooden footbridge 1660s private collection
Wooded landscape with swans in a pond 1660s Städel 941
Winter landscape with dead tree 1660s Hermitage Museum ГЭ-936
Landscape with waterfall and pine trees 1660s private collection
Wooded landscape with a water fall 1660s Städel 1156
A Scandinavian Landscape with a Watermill 1660s private collection
Rolling wooded landscape with cattle on a flooded road 1660s private collection
View of the dunes near Bloemendaal with ruins in the foreground 1660s private collection
Sailing ships in stormy seas 1660s private collection
Vessels in a fresh breeze 1660s National Gallery NG2567
Vessels in choppy seas 1660s private collection
View from the Coast of Norway 1660s Calouste Gulbenkian museum 120
Beach and Dunes at Scheveningen 1660s Condé Museum PE 138
A Rocky Landscape with Great Oaks 1660s Maximilian Speck von Sternburg 143
View of the Plain of Haarlem with Bleaching Grounds 1660s private collection
View of the Dunes near Bloemendaal with Bleaching Fields 1660s private collection
Hilly Landscape with Waterfall 1660s Lower Saxony State Museum
Pond at Forest Edge 1660s Lower Saxony State Museum
Wooded Landscape 1660s Hofje van Mevrouw van Aerden Br.L8
A winter landscape with peasants on a road and skaters on a frozen river, a cottage nearby 1660s private collection
Lumbermen working in the woods 1660s Department of Paintings of the Louvre RF 710
A wooded river landscape with peasants on a bridge 1660s private collection
Mountainous landscape with a torrent 1660s private collection
A wooded river landscape with a waterfall and travellers on a bridge 1660s private collection
View of Bleaching Fields of Family De Mol in Bloemendaal 1660s Wadsworth Atheneum 1950.498
View of bleaching fields of Bloemendaal near Haarlem 1660s Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum 355 (1930.100)
Water mill near a farm 1660 Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen 2520 (OK)
Wooded Landscape with a Pool and Figures 1660 Norton Simon Museum M.1969.33.P
The watermill 1660 National Gallery of Victoria 1249-3
Oak Trees near a Road, Evening 1660 Statens Museum for Kunst KMS372
Cornelis de Graeff with his Wife and Sons 1660 National Gallery of Ireland NGI.287
Small Woodland Landscape 1660 Kunsthistorisches Museum GG_456
Landscape with Bridge, Cattle, and Figures 1660 Clark Art Institute 1955.29
Wooded Landscape with a Waterfall 1660 San Diego Museum of Art 1940.74
Hilly wheat field 1660 Palais des Beaux-Arts de Lille P 224
Marsh in a forest at dusk 1660 Bilbao Fine Arts Museum 92/118
Wooded Landscape with a Rocky Stream 1660 private collection
Houses near Castle Bentheim 1660 Augsburg Municipal Art Collection
Wooded river landscape with a waterfall, a shepherd with his flock and houses beyond 1660 private collection
Stichting Nederlands Kunstbezit
Collection Goudstikker heirs
Jacques Goudstikker collection
Dienst Verspreide Rijkscollecties
Rijksdienst Beeldende Kunst
Instituut Collectie Nederland
The Forest Stream 1660s Metropolitan Museum of Art 89.15.4
A Waterfall in a Rocky Landscape 1660 National Gallery NG627
The Jewish Cemetery 1660 Detroit Institute of Arts 26.3
Entrance to a Forest ca. 1660–1665 Musée des Beaux-Arts de Mulhouse 58.1.82
Landscape with watermill 1661 Rijksmuseum
Amsterdam Museum
SA 8298
A Wooded Landscape 1662 Barber Institute of Fine Arts 38.11
View of the IJ on a Stormy Day 1662 Worcester Art Museum 1940.52
A wooded landscape 1662 National Gallery of Ireland NGI.37
The Ray of Light 1665 Department of Paintings of the Louvre INV 1820
Waterfall with a Half-Timbered House and Castle 1665 Fogg Museum 1953.2
A Village in Winter 1665 Alte Pinakothek 117
Grove of Large Oak Trees at the Edge of a Pond 1665 Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe 2565
Norwegian Landscape with Waterfall 1665 Residenzgalerie 425
An Extensive Landscape with Ruins 1665 National Gallery NG2561
Landscape with Waterfall (St. Louis) 1665 Saint Louis Art Museum 44:1974
Sailing Vessels in a Choppy Sea 1665 private collection
View of Amsterdam 1665s National Gallery
private collection
A Landscape with a Ruined Castle and a Church 1665 National Gallery NG990
A Wooded Marsh 1665
Hermitage Museum ГЭ-934
Winter Landscape 1665 Rijksmuseum SK-A-349
Waterfall in a Mountainous Landscape with a Ruined Castle 1666 private collection
Winter Landscape with Skaters 1667 Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen 2522 (OK)
View of Haarlem from the South with Bleaching fields 1667 Timken Museum of Art
Grainfields 1668 Metropolitan Museum of Art 32.100.14
View of Haarlem from the Northwest 1668 Gemäldegalerie 885C
Dunes and bleaching fields 1668 Gemäldegalerie 885E
Waterfall with mountain top castle and cottage 1668 Museumslandschaft Hessen Kassel
A Waterfall with church and trees 1668 Wallraf-Richartz Museum
Wooded Landscape with Waterfall 1668 North Carolina Museum of Art 52.9.56
Landscape with Waterfall 1668 Rijksmuseum
Amsterdam Museum
SA 8297
Mountainous Landscape with a Torrent early 1670s Musée des Beaux-Arts de Strasbourg MBA 619
Farmhouse in ruins 1670s Rijksmuseum SK-A-281
View of Haarlem from the Northwest, with the Bleaching Fields in the Foreground 1670s Rijksmuseum SK-A-351
View of the Damrak in Amsterdam 1670s Amsterdam Museum
SB 6330
Quay at Amsterdam 1670s Frick Collection 1910.1.110
Mountain Torrent 1670s Metropolitan Museum of Art 25.110.18
Country House in a Park 1670s National Gallery of Art 1960.2.1
Landscape with a Hunting Scene 1670s Statens Museum for Kunst KMS2025
View on the Amstel Looking towards Amsterdam 1670s Fitzwilliam Museum 74
River Landscape with a Castle on a High Cliff 1670s Cincinnati Art Museum 1946.98
Mountainous Landscape 1670s Hermitage Museum ГЭ-932
Bleaching Fields to the North-Northeast of Haarlem 1670s Philadelphia Museum of Art E1924-3-90
Boats on a Stormy Sea 1670s Philadelphia Museum of Art E1924-3-56
Landscape of a Forest with a Wooden Bridge 1670s Philadelphia Museum of Art E1924-3-77
Winter Landscape with a windmill 1670s Fondation Custodia 6104
Landscape with a Waterfall 1670s Uffizi 8436
Mountain Landscape with Waterfall 1670s Kunsthistorisches Museum GG_449
Landscape with Mountain Stream 1670s Kunsthistorisches Museum GG_6984
Road through Grainfields near the Zuider Zee 1670s Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum 357 (1934.18)
Winter Landscape with figures and a Windmil 1670s private collection
Winter Landscape near Haarlem 1670s Städel 1109
Winter Landscape with Two Windmills 1670s Eijk and Rose-Marie van Otterloo Collection
Mountain Landscape along a River 1670s Michaelis Collection 14/53
Castle and Watermill by a River 1670s Minneapolis Institute of Art 88.43
Sunrise in a Wood 1670s The Wallace Collection P247
Landscape with Cascade 1670s Indianapolis Museum of Art 44.54
Rocky Landscape with Castle and Cascade 1670s Dayton Art Institute
private collection
Art Institute of Chicago
Winter landscape with windmill and a house in scaffolding 1670s private collection
Winter landscape with a snow covered tree group 1670s Städel 535
Waterfall with ruins and a village in the distance 1670s Museum Kunsthaus Heylshof G 53
Mountainous landscape with a torrent 1670s private collection
Winter View of the Hekelveld in Amsterdam 1670s Mount Stuart House
The Waterfall in front of the Wooded Slope 1670s Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister 1498
Landscape with a Waterfall near a Castle 1670s private collection
Bebost rivier landschap met rustende familie 1670s private collection
Wooded Landscape with a Shepherd and Low Waterfall 1670s private collection
A wooded river landscape with a low waterfall 1670s private collection
Norwegian Landscape with Waterfall 1670s private collection
Landscape with birches and a stream 1670s private collection
View inland from the Dunes 1670s Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum 356 (1930.101)
View of Haarlem with Bleaching Fields 1670 Kunsthaus Zürich
View of bleaching fields and Haarlem 1670 Mauritshuis 155
The Damrak in Amsterdam 1670 Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen 1744 (OK)
Wheat Fields 1670 Metropolitan Museum of Art 14.40.623
Winter Landscape 1670 Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen 1745 (OK)
Landscape 1670 National Gallery of Art 1961.9.85
Winter Landscape 1670 Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum 358 (1934.19)
Hilly landscape with a waterfall 1670 private collection
Landscape with a Church by a Torrent 1670 Cleveland Museum of Art 1962.256
A Waterfall 1670 Dulwich Picture Gallery DPG105
A Rocky River Landscape with a Waterfall 1670 private collection
Panoramic View of Haarlem 1670 Guildhall Art Gallery
Low Waterfall in a Hilly Landscape with a Thatched Cottage 1670 private collection
Winter Landscape with Wooden House 1670 Alfred Bader Fine Arts
Mountainous landscape with a torrent and church 1670 private collection
The Bleaching Grounds near Haarlem 1670 Montreal Museum of Fine Arts 1945.92
The Windmill at Wijk bij Duurstede 1670 Rijksmuseum
Amsterdam Museum
SA 8296
View of Alkmaar (Upton) 1672 Upton House, Warwickshire
National Trust
NT 446731
Rough Sea 1675 Museum of Fine Arts 57.4
View of Alkmaar 1675 Museum of Fine Arts 39.794
The Dam Square in Amsterdam with the Weigh House 1675 Gemäldegalerie 885D
The Shore at Egmond aan Zee 1675 National Gallery NG1390
Seashore 1676 Hermitage Museum ГЭ-5616
The Zuiderzee Coast near Muiden 1678s Polesden Lacey 1246494
Farm in a wooded dune landscape 1680s Rijksmuseum SK-A-3498
Canal 1680s Philadelphia Museum of Art Cat. 572
View on the Amstel from Amsteldijk 1680 Amsterdam Museum SA 56435
Landscape with ruins 1682 Rijksmuseum SK-A-3343
Landscape with Bentheim Castle, seen from below National Galleries of Scotland NG 1798
Waterfall in Norway Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp (KMSKA) 713
A Castle on a Hill by a River National Gallery NG996
A Road winding between Trees towards a Distant Cottage National Gallery NG988
A Landscape with a Ruined Building National Gallery NG991
Three Watermills with Washerwomen National Gallery NG989
A Ruined Castle Gateway National Gallery NG2562
A Landscape with a Waterfall and a Castle on a Hill National Gallery NG737
A Road leading into a Wood National Gallery NG2563
Ruins in a Dune Landscape National Gallery NG746
A Rocky Hill with Three Cottages, a Stream at its Foot National Gallery NG2564
A Waterfall at the Foot of a Hill, near a Village National Gallery NG855
A Pool surrounded by Trees National Gallery NG854
A Torrent in a Mountainous Landscape National Gallery NG987
A Cottage and a Hayrick by a River National Gallery NG2565
VERVALLEN Berglandschap Groninger Museum 1948.0090*
Landschap met man, kind en hond Groninger Museum 1953.0075*
Waldlandschaft mit Wasserfall Auckland Art Gallery U/277
Landscape: trees and houses Auckland Art Gallery 1940/12/1
Landscape Showing Haarlem Church Auckland Art Gallery 1940/12/2
A River Scene with Angler Indianapolis Museum of Art 74.565
Farm Hermitage Museum ГЭ-941
A Wooded Landscape with a Pond Museum of Fine Arts, Houston 2001.80
Landscape with Cornfields Museum of Fine Arts, Houston BF.1977.6
Rotspartij met waterval in boslandschap Frans Hals Museum os 2012-2
Aan de bosrand Frans Hals Museum os 2012-1
View of the Dam and the Damrak in Amsterdam Mauritshuis 803


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