This is a list of the paintings by the British Pre-Raphaelite artist John William Waterhouse.


ImageNameYearCurrent LocationRef
The Slave1872private collection
Undine1872location unknown
Gone, But Not Forgotten1873private collection
The Unwelcome Companion: A Street Scene in Cairo1873Towneley Hall Art Gallery & Museum, Burnley
In the Peristyle1874Rochdale Art Gallery, Rochdale
La Fileuse1874private collection
Sleep and His Half-Brother Death1874private collection
Miranda1875private collection (assumed)
Two Little Italian Girls by a Villagec.1875private collection
Portrait of a Young Womanc.1875–1878private collection
After the Dance1876private collection
A Sick Child brought into the Temple of Aesculapius1877private collection
The Remorse of the Emperor Nero after the Murder of his Mother1878private collection
Dolce Far Niente or The White Feather Fan1879private collection (assumed)
Offerings1879private collection


ImageNameYearCurrent LocationRef
A Flower Stall1880Laing Art Gallery, Newcastle upon Tyne
Dolce Far Niente1880Kirkcaldy Museum and Art Gallery, Kirkcaldy, Scotland
The Household Godsc.1880Private collection
Diogenes1882Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney
Summerc.1882private collection (assumed)
The Favourites of the Emperor Honorius1883Art Gallery of South Australia, Adelaide
Consulting the Oracle1884Tate, London
A Byway: Ancient Rome or Winding the Distaff1884current location unknown
Good Neighbours1885Also known as Gossip or The Gossips or Washing Day. Unknown location
Saint Eulalia1885Tate, London
Esther Kenworthy Waterhousec.1885Sheffield City Art Galleries, Sheffield
Restingc.1885private collection
A Flower Market, Old Rome1886private collection
The Magic Circle1886Tate, London
The Magic Circle1886private collection
The Magic Circle studyc.1886private collection
Mariamne leaving the Judgement Seat of Herod1887Forbes Magazine Collection, New York
Cleopatra1888private collection
The Lady of Shalott1888Tate, London
Ophelia1889collection of Andrew Lloyd Webber


ImageNameYearCurrent LocationRef
A Roman Offeringc.1890unknown location
The Orange Gatherersc.1890private collection
Florac.1890private collection
At Capri or Alfresco Toilet at Capri or The Toilet1890Location unknown
Arranging Flowersc.1890location unknown
Circe Offering the Cup to Ulysses1891Gallery Oldham, UK
Flora1891location unknown
Ulysses and the Sirens1891National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne
Circe Invidiosa1892Art Gallery of South Australia, Adelaide
The Mermanc.1892Private collection
Danaë1892stolen - location unknown
A Hamadryad1893Plymouth City Museum and Art Gallery, UK
Gathering Summer Flowers in a Devonshire Gardenc.1893–1910private collection
A Naiad1893private collection
La Belle Dame Sans Merci1893Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt, Germany
Ophelia1894private collection
The Lady of Shalott Looking at Lancelot1894Leeds Art Gallery, UK
Field Flowers1894location unknown
Mrs. Charles Newton-Robinson1894location unknown
Phyllis, younger daughter of E A Waterlow, Esq1895private collection
St Cecilia1895collection of Andrew Lloyd Webber
The Shrine1895private collection
Hylas and the Nymphs1896Manchester City Art Gallery, UK
Pandora1896private collection
Mariana in the Southc.1897private collection
Ariadne1898private collection
Flora and the Zephyrs1898private collection
Juliet1898private collection
Portrait of Miss Claire Kenworthyc.1890sPrivate collection


ImageNameYearCurrent LocationRef
The Awakening of Adonisc.1900private collection
Spring (The Flower Picker)c.1900private collection
The Sirenc.1900private collection
A Mermaid1900Royal Academy of Arts, London
Destiny1900Towneley Hall Art Gallery & Museum, Burnley, UK
Miss Margaret Henderson1900private collection
Nymphs Finding the Head of Orpheus1900private collection
The Lady Clare1900private collection
The Crystal Ball1902private collection
The Missal1902location unknown
Boreas1903private collection
Echo and Narcissus1903Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool
Psyche Opening the Golden Box1903private collection
Windflowers1903private collection
Danaïdes1904private collection
Psyche Opening the Door into Cupid's Garden1904Harris Museum and Art Gallery, Preston, UK
Lamia and the Soldier1905private collection
Lamia and the Soldier1905Auckland Art Gallery
The Danaïdes1906Aberdeen Art Gallery, Scotland
Lady Violet Henderson1907Private collection
Isabella and the Pot of Basil1907Private collection
Jason and Medea1907private collection
Phyllis and Demophoön1907location unknown
Apollo and Daphne1908private collection
The Bouquetc. 1908Falmouth Art Gallery, Cornwall
Gather Ye Rosebuds While Ye May1908private collection
The Soul of the Rose1908private collection
Gather Ye Rosebuds While Ye May1909Odon Wagner Gallery, Toronto
Lamia1909private collection
Mrs A. P. Henderson1909private collection
Thisbe1909private collection
Veronica1909private collection
The Necklacec.1909private collection
Woman Picking Flowersc.1909–14private collection


ImageNameYearCurrent LocationRef
Portrait of a Girl1910
Ophelia1910private collection
Spring Spreads One Green Lap of Flowers1910location unknown
Circe (The Sorceress)1911private collection
Circe (The Sorceress)1911-1915private collection
Listening to My Sweet Pipings1911private collection
Miss Betty Pollock1911private location
The Charmer1911unknown location
Mrs Charles Schreiber1912private collection
Narcissus1912private collection
Penelope and the Suitors1912City of Aberdeen Art Gallery and Museums Collection, Aberdeen
Sweet Summer1912private collection
The Annunciation1914private collection
The Love Philtre1914private collection
Matilda (formerly Beatrice)1915Private collection
A Tale from the Decameron1916Lady Lever Art Gallery, Liverpool
I am Half-Sick of Shadows, said the Lady of Shalott1916Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto
Miranda - The Tempest1916private collection
The Enchanted Garden1916Lady Lever Art Gallery, Liverpool
Tristan and Isolde with the Potionc.1916private collection
Fair Rosamund1917private collection
Camelliasc.1910private collection
The Rose Bowerc.1910private collection
Vanityc.1910private collection
Circec.1911private collection
Maidens picking Flowers by a Streamc.1911private collection
A Song of Springtimec.1913private collection
The Mystic Woodc.1914–17Queensland Art Gallery, Brisbane
Dante and Beatrice (or Dante and Matilda)c.1915Dahesh Museum, New York
Gathering Almond Blossomsc.1916private collection
Tristan and Isoldec.1916private collection

See also

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