40th Soviet Chess Championship
Mikhail Tal

The 1972 Soviet Chess Championship was the 40th edition of USSR Chess Championship. Held from 16 November to 19 December 1972 in Baku. The tournament was won by Mikhail Tal. The final were preceded by semifinals events at Chelyabinsk, Uzhgorod, Kaliningrad and Odessa.[1][2]

Table and results

40th Soviet Chess Championship
1 Soviet Union Mikhail Tal -½½11½1½1½½½½½11½½1½1115
2 Soviet Union Vladimir Tukmakov ½-½0½0½½1011½½1½½111½113
3 Soviet Union Gennadi Kuzmin ½½-½1½½½1½101½½0½11½½½12½
4 Soviet Union Vladimir Savon 01½-½½1½½1½½½½½½10½1½112½
5 Soviet Union Mikhail Mukhin 0½0½-1½½½½½1½½111½1½½½12½
6 Soviet Union Evgeni Vasiukov ½1½½0-11½001110100½½½111½
7 Soviet Union Yuri Balashov 0½½0½0-1½11½½1½½½1½10½11½
8 Soviet Union Vladimir Bagirov ½½½½½00-1½½½½½½1½½½11011
9 Soviet Union Semyon Furman 000½½½½0-10½½1111½½½1½11
10 Soviet Union Ratmir Kholmov ½1½0½10½0-1½0½01½1½½½½10½
11 Soviet Union Anatoly Lein ½00½½10½10-½½1½1½½½0½110½
12 Soviet Union Yuri Razuvaev ½01½00½½½½½-½½½½1½0½½110
13 Soviet Union Albert Kapengut ½½0½½0½½½1½½-½10½½0½½½
14 Soviet Union Roman Dzindzichashvili ½½½½½00½0½0½½-10½0½111
15 Soviet Union Leonid Shamkovich 00½½01½½01½½00-½½1½1½½
16 Soviet Union David Bronstein 0½1½00½0000½11½-½½½½11
17 Soviet Union Eduard Gufeld ½½½001½½0½½0½½½½-1½½½09
18 Soviet Union Karen Grigorian ½001½10½½0½½½10½0-0½½19
19 Soviet Union Valery Zilberstein 000½0½½½½½½11½½½½1-½009
20 Soviet Union Nukhim Rashkovsky ½0½0½½00½½1½½00½½½½-119
21 Soviet Union Valery Zhidkov 0½½½½½100½½½½0½0½½10-½
22 Soviet Union Lev Alburt 00½0½0½1½½00½0½01010½-7


  1. Cafferty, Bernard (2016). The Soviet Championships. London: Everyman Chess. p. 157.
  2. Soltis, Andy. (2000). Soviet chess, 1917-1991. McFarland & Co. ISBN 0-7864-0676-3.
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