52nd USSR Chess Championship
Mikhail Gurevich

The 1985 Soviet Chess Championship was the 52nd edition of USSR Chess Championship. Held from 22 January to 19 February 1985 in Lviv. The title was won by Mikhail Gurevich. Semifinals took place in Barnaul, Borjomi and Lviv; two First League tournaments (also qualifying to the final) was held at Sverdlovsk and Tashkent.[1][2]



Semifinals took place at Barnaul, Borjomi, and Lviv in August 1984.

First League

Both top five qualified for the final.[3]

Sverdlovsk, November 1984
1 Soviet Union Viktor Gavrikov 2485-½½1½½½½½½½1½½½19
2 Soviet Union Viktor Kupreichik 2480½-½½1½0111½01½½½9
3 Soviet Union Lev Psakhis 2535½½-½½½½1½½½½11½½9
4 Soviet Union Mikhail Gurevich 24200½½-½11½½0½½1½119
5 Soviet Union Alexander Chernin 2475½0½½-10½½1½½½½1½8
6 Soviet Union Bukhuti Gurgenidze 2470½½½00-½½½½111½½½8
7 Soviet Union Sergey Dolmatov 2525½1½01½-½1½½½0½½0
8 Soviet Union Andrei Kharitonov ½00½½½½-1½½½0½11
9 Soviet Union Anatoly Vaisser 2475½0½½½½00-½½½1½11
10 Soviet Union Leonid Yudasin 2460½0½10½½½½-½½½½½½7
11 Soviet Union Mikhail Podgaets 2450½½½½½0½½½½-½½½½½7
12 Soviet Union Sergey Gorelov 244501½½½0½½½½½-½½½½7
13 Soviet Union Jaan Ehlvest 2485½000½0110½½½-101
14 Soviet Union Ratmir Kholmov 2465½½0½½½½½½½½½0-½06
15 Soviet Union Nukhim Rashkovsky 2470½½½00½½00½½½1½-½6
16 Soviet Union Eduardas Rozentalis 0½½0½½100½½½01½-6
Tashkent, November 1984
1 Soviet Union Georgy Agzamov 2590-0½1½½½1½½½½½½119
2 Soviet Union Sergey Smagin 23551-½0½½1½0½½½½1119
3 Soviet Union Smbat Lputian 2540½½-½0½½½11½½1½½19
4 Soviet Union Arshak Petrosian 247001½-1½½½1½½½½½½½
5 Soviet Union Boris Gulko 2470½½10-½½1½½½1½½01
6 Soviet Union Yuri Razuvaev 2500½½½½½-½½½½½½½1½1
7 Soviet Union Elizbar Ubilava 2470½0½½½½-½½½½½111½
8 Soviet Union Evgeny Sveshnikov 25150½½½0½½-1½1½1½1½
9 Soviet Union Tamaz Giorgadze 2495½100½½½0-½½½½11½
10 Soviet Union Josif Dorfman 2515½½0½½½½½½-½½½½½½7
11 Soviet Union Vladimir Bagirov 2485½½½½½½½0½½-½½0½½
12 Soviet Union Igor Novikov 2420½½½½0½½½½½½-½0½06
13 Soviet Union Konstantin Aseev 2390½½0½½½00½½½½-10½6
14 Soviet Union Igor Glek 2395½0½½½00½0½110-½½6
15 Soviet Union Gennadi Kuzmin 250500½½1½000½½½1½-½6
16 Soviet Union Alexey Vyzmanavin 2470000½00½½½½½1½½½-


52nd USSR Chess Championship
1 Soviet Union Mikhail Gurevich 2435-½½½½½1½011½11½½½01011
2 Soviet Union Alexander Chernin 2495½-½10½½½1½½½0½½½½11111
3 Soviet Union Viktor Gavrikov 2550½½-½1½½½½½½11½½½1½0½11
4 Soviet Union Sergey Smagin 2405½0½-½½0½1½0½½11½1½1½10½
5 Soviet Union Andrei Sokolov 2550½10½-½11½1½½0½½½½½½½10½
6 Soviet Union Yuri Balashov 2495½½½½½-½1½½10½½½½½½½110½
7 Soviet Union Georgy Agzamov 25900½½10½-11½0½½01½½½1½10
8 Soviet Union Lev Psakhis 2555½½½½000-1½1½½½½½½1½110
9 Soviet Union Konstantin Lerner 252010½0½½00-1½½½½1½01½1
10 Soviet Union Evgeny Sveshnikov 25300½½½0½½½0-½½1½½½1101
11 Soviet Union Smbat Lputian 25300½½1½010½½-½½0½½1½1½
12 Soviet Union Vereslav Eingorn 2525½½0½½1½½½½½-½½0½1½01
13 Soviet Union Boris Gulko 2475010½1½½½½0½½-½½½½½1½
14 Soviet Union Vladimir Tukmakov 25700½½0½½1½½½1½½-½½½½0½9
15 Soviet Union Adrian Mikhalchishin 2505½½½0½½0½0½½1½½-½1½½½9
16 Soviet Union Yuri Razuvaev 2520½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½-½½0½9
17 Soviet Union Efim Geller 2540½½00½½½½1000½½0½-11½8
18 Soviet Union Arshak Petrosian 251010½½½½½000½½½½½½0-1½8
19 Soviet Union Viktor Kupreichik 24700010½½0½½10101½100-0
20 Soviet Union Bukhuti Gurgenidze 244510½½½0½000½0½½½½½½1-


First place was shared by Gavrikov, Gurevich and Chemin. The play-off saw all games end in draws. While the chess officials were pondering what to do next, a journalist announced that there would be no further play and Gurevich would be winner on tie-break from the final contest, what was accepted. So Mikhail Gurevich received the gold medal. Mark Taimanov notes that superior tie-break in the final had never been taken into account before.[1]

Vilnius, December 1985
1 Soviet Union Alexander Chernin 2560--½½½½2
2 Soviet Union Viktor Gavrikov 2550½½--½½2
3 Soviet Union Mikhail Gurevich 2435½½½½--2


  1. 1 2 Cafferty, Bernard; Taimanov, Mark (2016). The Soviet Championships. London: Everyman Chess. p. 199.
  2. Soltis, Andy (2000). Soviet chess, 1917-1991. McFarland & Co. ISBN 0-7864-0676-3. OCLC 41940198.
  3. "Russian Base".
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