56th USSR Chess Championship
Rafael Vaganian

The 1989 Soviet Chess Championship was the 56th edition of USSR Chess Championship. Held from 23 September 15 October 1989 in Odessa. The title was won by Rafael Vaganian. Semifinals took place at Barnaul, Blagoveshchensk and Uzhhorod; two First League tournaments (qualifying to the final) were held at Klaipeda and Simferopol.[1][2]



Semifinals took place at Barnaul, Blagoveshchensk and Uzhhorod.

First League

Klaipeda, November 1988
1 Soviet Union Sergey Dolmatov 2550-½½½011½½½1½1½½1110½
2 Soviet Union Boris Gelfand 2585½-½½½½0½½111½111½10½
3 Soviet Union Lev Psakhis 2560½½-½½½½½½1½½1½½1110
4 Soviet Union Yuri Balashov 2540½½½-½½½½1½½½1½½½1
5 Soviet Union Lembit Oll 24751½½½-0½½½½½½½11019
6 Soviet Union Ilia Smirin 25000½½½1-1½½½½½½½½½19
7 Soviet Union Konstantin Aseev 244501½½½0-10½½½½½1119
8 Soviet Union Yury Dokhoian 2520½½½½½½0-½½½½½1½½½8
9 Soviet Union Eduardas Rozentalis 2490½½½0½½1½-½½½10½½0
10 Soviet Union Adrian Mikhalchishin 2480½00½½½½½½-½½1½½½½
11 Soviet Union Sergey Ionov 236000½½½½½½½½-½½½½½1
12 Soviet Union Ratmir Kholmov 2475½0½½½½½½½½½-½½½0½7
13 Soviet Union Alexei Shirov 23800½00½½½½00½½-1½117
14 Soviet Union Alexander Goldin 2530½0½½0½½01½½½0-1½0
15 Soviet Union Andrei Lukin 2430½0½½0½0½½½½½½0-½1
16 Soviet Union Elmar Magerramov 2430000½1½0½½½½10½½-½
17 Soviet Union Aidyn Guseinov 23250½00000½1½0½010½-
Simferopol, November 1988
1 Soviet Union Semen Dvoirys 2440-½001½½01½11½1½11111
2 Soviet Union Vladimir Tukmakov 2590½-½½½½10½1½½½11½½110½
3 Soviet Union Vladimir Malaniuk 25201½-½½1½11½½½½½½½½½10½
4 Soviet Union Konstantin Lerner 25301½½-½0½11½½½½½½01110
5 Soviet Union Giorgi Giorgadze 0½½½-10½½½½½½11½1110
6 Soviet Union Alexey Dreev 2495½½010-½½1½½½111½½
7 Soviet Union Mikhail Ulybin 2390½0½½1½-0½½½0½1111½
8 Soviet Union Leonid Yudasin 25051100½½1-½½½½½½½1½½
9 Soviet Union Andrei Kovalev 24400½00½0½½-1½½½111½½
10 Soviet Union Oleg Romanishin 2550½0½½½½½½0-½½½½0111
11 Soviet Union Alexander Khalifman 25300½½½½½½½½½-½½½½½½1
12 Soviet Union Stanislav Savchenko 24800½½½½½1½½½½-½0½½½½8
13 Soviet Union Andrei Kharitonov 2550½½½½½½½½½½½-½½½½½8
14 Soviet Union Alex Yermolinsky 246000½½000½0½½1½-½1½17
15 Soviet Union Leonid Yurtaev 2485½0½½000½01½½½½-½1½7
16 Soviet Union Lasha Janjgava 24700½½1½00000½½½0½-1½6
17 Soviet Union Smbat Lputian 25400½½00½0½½0½½½½00-½5
18 Soviet Union Leonid Basin 235000½00½½½½00½½0½½½-5


56th USSR Chess Championship
1 Soviet Union Rafael Vaganian 2585-00½½½1½1½½½11½19
2 Soviet Union Alexander Beliavsky 26201-½011½½1½010½01
3 Soviet Union Boris Gelfand 25901½-½½½½½101½½10½
4 Soviet Union Sergey Dolmatov 2615½1½-½1½010½01011
5 Soviet Union Vereslav Eingorn 2560½0½½-0½½½½111½1½
6 Soviet Union Lembit Oll 2550½0½01-½10½1½½½1½8
7 Soviet Union Konstantin Lerner 25300½½½½½-1½10½½½½18
8 Soviet Union Alexey Dreev 2570½½½1½00-½½½½1½½½
9 Soviet Union Konstantin Aseev 24850000½1½½-½½½½111
10 Soviet Union Andrei Sokolov 2595½½11½½0½½-½0½½½07
11 Soviet Union Vladimir Tukmakov 2565½10½001½½½-101½07
12 Soviet Union Giorgi Giorgadze ½0½10½½½½10-½10½7
13 Soviet Union Yuri Balashov 253501½00½½0½½1½-½½½
14 Soviet Union Semen Dvoirys 25200½01½½½½0½00½-11
15 Soviet Union Vladimir Malaniuk 2560½11000½½0½½1½0-06
16 Soviet Union Ilia Smirin 253000½0½½0½011½½01-6


  1. Cafferty, Bernard; Taimanov, Mark (2016). The Soviet Championships. London: Everyman Chess. p. 213.
  2. Soltis, Andy (2000). Soviet chess, 1917-1991. McFarland & Co. ISBN 0-7864-0676-3. OCLC 41940198.
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