This is a list of California ballot propositions from 1990–1999.


June 5, 1990

  • 107 – Passed – Housing And Homeless Bond Act Of 1990.
  • 108 – Passed – Passenger Rail And Clean Air Bond Act Of 1990
  • 109 – Passed – Governor's Review Of Legislation. Legislative Deadlines.
  • 110 – Passed – Property Tax Exemption For Severely Disabled Persons.
  • 111 – Passed – The Traffic Congestion Relief And Spending Limitation Act Of 1990.
  • 112 – Passed – State Officials, Ethics, Salaries. Open Meetings.
  • 113 – Passed – Practice Of Chiropractic. Legislative Initiative Amendment.
  • 114 – Passed – Murder Of A Peace Officer. Criminal Penalties. Special Circumstance. Peace Officer Definition.
  • 115 – Passed – Criminal Law.
  • 116 – Passed – Rail Transportation. Bond Act.
  • 117 – Passed – Wildlife Protection.
  • 118 – Failed – Legislature. Reapportionment. Ethics.
  • 119 – Failed – Reapportionment By Commission. Initiative. Constitutional Amendment And Statute.
  • 120 – Passed – New Prison Construction Bond Act Of 1990.
  • 121 – Passed – Higher Education Facilities Bond Act Of June 1990.
  • 122 – Passed – Earthquake Safety And Public Buildings Rehabilitation Bond Act Of 1990.
  • 123 – Passed – 1990 School Facilities Bond Act.

November 6, 1990

  • 124 – Failed – Local Hospital Districts.
  • 125 – Failed – Motor Vehicle Tax. Rail Transit Funding.
  • 126 – Failed – Alcoholic Beverages. Taxes.
  • 127 – Passed – Earthquake Safety. Property Tax Exclusion.
  • 128 – Failed – Environment. Public Health. Bonds.
  • 129 – Failed – Drug Enforcement, Prevention, Treatment, Prisons. Bonds.
  • 130 – Failed – Forest Acquisition. Timber Harvesting Practices. Bond Act.
  • 131 – Failed – Limits On Terms Of Office. Ethics. Campaign Financing.
  • 132 – Passed – Marine Resources. Initiative Constitutional Amendment.
  • 133 – Failed – Drug Enforcement And Prevention. Taxes. Prison Terms.
  • 134 – Failed – Alcohol Surtax.
  • 135 – Failed – Pesticide Regulation.
  • 136 – Failed – State, Local Taxation.
  • 137 – Failed – Initiative And Referendum Process.
  • 138 – Failed – Forestry Programs. Timber Harvesting Practices.
  • 139 – Passed – Prison Inmate Labor. Tax Credit.
  • 140 – Passed – Limits On Terms Of Office, Legislators' Retirement, Legislative Operating Costs.
  • 141 – Failed – Toxic Chemical Discharge. Public Agencies. Legislative Statute.
  • 142 – Passed – Veterans' Bond Act Of 1990.
  • 143 – Failed – Higher Education Facilities Bond Act Of November 1990.
  • 144 – Failed – New Prison Construction Bond Act Of 1990-B.
  • 145 – Failed – California Housing Bond Act Of 1990.
  • 146 – Passed – School Facilities Bond Act Of 1990.
  • 147 – Failed – County Correctional Facility Capital Expenditure And Juvenile Facility Bond Act Of 1990.
  • 148 – Failed – Water Resources Bond Act Of 1990.
  • 149 – Failed – California Park, Recreation, And Wildlife Enhancement Act Of 1990.
  • 150 – Failed – County Courthouse Facility Capital Expenditure Bond Act Of 1990.
  • 151 – Failed – Child Care Facilities Financing Act Of 1990.

June 2, 1992

  • 152 – Passed – School Facilities Bond Act of 1992
  • 153 – Passed – Higher Education Facilities Bond Act of June 1992
  • 154 – Failed – Property Tax Postponement.

November 3, 1992

  • 155 – Passed – 1992 School Facilities Bond Act.
  • 156 – Failed – Passenger Rail and Clean Air Bond Act of 1992.
  • 157 – Failed – Toll Roads and Highways.
  • 158 – Failed – Office of California Analyst.
  • 159 – Failed – Office of the Auditor General.
  • 160 – Passed – Property Tax Exemption.
  • 161 – Failed – Physician-Assisted Death. Terminal Condition.
  • 162 – Passed – Public Employees' Retirement Systems.
  • 163 – Passed – Ends Taxation of Certain Food Products.
  • 164 – Passed – Congressional Term Limits.
  • 165 – Failed – Budget Process. Welfare. Procedural and Substantive Changes.
  • 166 – Failed – Basic Health Care Coverage.
  • 167 – Failed – State Taxes.

November 2, 1993

  • 168 – Failed – Low Rent Housing Projects.
  • 169 – Failed – Budget Implementation.
  • 170 – Failed – Property Taxes. Schools. Development-Fee Limits.
  • 171 – Passed – Property Taxation. Transfer of Base Year Value.
  • 172 – Passed – Local Public Safety Protection and Improvement Act of 1993.
  • 173 – Failed – California Housing and Jobs Investment Bond Act. $185 Million Legislative Bond Act.
  • 174 – Failed – Education. Vouchers.

June 7, 1994

  • 1A – FailedEarthquake Relief and Seismic Retrofit Bond Act of 1994.
  • 1B – Failed – School Facilities Bond Act of 1994.[1]
  • 1C – Failed – Higher Education Facilities Bond Act of June 1994.
  • 175 – Failed – Renters' Income Tax Credit.
  • 176 – Passed – Taxation: Nonprofit Organizations.
  • 177 – Passed – Property Tax Exemption. Disabled Persons' Access.
  • 178 – Failed – Property Tax Exclusion. Water Conservation Equipment.
  • 179 – Passed – Murder: Punishment.
  • 180 – Failed – Park Lands, Historic Sites, Wildlife and Forest Conservation Bond Act.

November 8, 1994

  • 181 – Failed – Passenger Rail and Clean Air Bond Act of 1994.
  • 182 – Passed by voters, but courts struck it down.
  • 183 – Passed – Recall Elections. State Officers.
  • 184 – Passed – Increased Sentences. Repeat Offenders (Three Strikes)
  • 185 – Failed – Public Transportation Trust Funds. Gasoline Sales Tax. Initiative Statute.
  • 186 – Failed – Health Services. Taxes.
  • 187Passed – Illegal Aliens. Ineligibility for Public Services. Verification and Reporting.
  • 188 – Failed – Smoking and Tobacco Products. Local Preemption. Statewide Regulation.
  • 189 – Passed – Bail Exception. Felony Sexual Assault.
  • 190 – Passed – Commission on Judicial Performance.
  • 191 – Passed – Abolish Justice Courts

March 26, 1996

  • 192 – Passed – Seismic Retrofit Bond Act of 1996.
  • 193 – Passed – Property Appraisal. Exception. Grandparent-Grandchild Transfer.
  • 194 – Passed – Prisoners. Joint Venture Program. Unemployment Benefits. Parole.
  • 195 – Passed – Punishment. Special Circumstances. Carjacking. Murder of Juror.
  • 196Passed – Punishment for Murder. Special Circumstances. Drive-By Shootings.
  • 197 – Failed – Amendment of the California Wildlife Protection Act of 1990 (Proposition 117). Mountain Lions.
  • 198 – Passed – Elections. Open Primary.
  • 199 – Failed – Limits on Mobilehome Rent Control. Low-Income Rental Assistance. Initiative Statute.
  • 200 – Failed – No-Fault Motor Vehicle Insurance. Initiative Statute.
  • 201 – Failed – Attorneys' Fees. Shareholder Actions. Class Actions.
  • 202 – Failed – Attorneys' Contingent Fees. Limits.
  • 203 – Passed – Public Education Facilities Bond Act of 1996.

November 5, 1996

  • 204 – Passed – Safe, Clean, Reliable Water Supply Act.
  • 205 – Failed – Youthful and Adult Offender Local Facilities Bond Act of 1996.
  • 206 – Passed – Veterans' Bond Act of 1996.
  • 207 – Failed – Attorneys. Fees. Right to Negotiate. Frivolous Lawsuits.
  • 208 – Passed – Campaign Contributions and Spending Limits. Restricts Lobbyists.
  • 209Passed – Prohibition Against Discrimination or Preferential Treatment by State and Other Public Entities.
  • 210 – Passed – Minimum Wage Increase.
  • 211 – Failed – Attorney-Client Fee Arrangements. Securities Fraud. Lawsuits.
  • 212 – Failed – Campaign Contributions and Spending Limits. Repeals Gift and Honoraria Limits. Restricts Lobbyists.
  • 213 – Passed – Limitation on Recovery to Felons, Uninsured Motorists, Drunk Drivers.
  • 214 – Failed – Health Care. Consumer Protection. Initiative Statute.
  • 215Passed – Compassionate Use Act of 1996. Medical Use of Marijuana.
  • 216 – Failed – Health Care. Consumer Protection. Taxes on Corporate Restructuring.
  • 217 – Failed – Top Income Tax Brackets. Reinstatement. Revenues to Local Agencies.
  • 218Passed – Voter Approval for Local Government Taxes. Limitations on Fees, Assessments, and Charges.

June 2, 1998

  • 219 – Passed – Ballot Measures. Application.
  • 220 – Passed – Courts. Superior and Municipal Court Consolidation.
  • 221 – Passed – Subordinate Judicial Officers. Discipline.
  • 222 – Passed – Murder. Peace Officer Victim. Sentence Credits.
  • 223 – Failed – Schools. Spending Limits on Administration.
  • 224 – Failed – State-Funded Design and Engineering Services. Initiative Constitutional Amendment.
  • 225 – Passed – Limiting Congressional Terms. Proposed U.S. Constitutional Amendment.
  • 226 – Failed – Political Contributions by Employees, Union Members, Foreign Entities.
  • 227Passed – English Language in Public Schools.

November 3, 1998

  • 1A – Passed – Class Size Reduction Kindergarten-University Public Education Facilities Bond Act of 1998.
  • 1 – Passed – Property Taxes: Contaminated Property.
  • 2 – Passed – Transportation: Funding.
  • 3 – Failed – Partisan Presidential Primary Elections.
  • 4 – Passed – Trapping Practices. Bans Use of Specified Traps and Animal Poisons.
  • 5 – Passed – Tribal-State Gaming Compacts. Tribal Casinos.
  • 6Passed – Criminal Law. Prohibition on Slaughter of Horses and Sale of Law. Prohibition on Slaughter of Horses and Sale of Horsemeat for Human Consumption.
  • 7 – Failed – Air Quality Improvement. Tax Credits.
  • 8 – Failed – Public Schools. Permanent Class Size Reduction. Parent- Teacher Councils. Teacher Credentialing. Pupil Suspension for Drug Possession. Chief Inspector's Office.
  • 9 – Failed – Electric Utilities. Assessments. Bonds.
  • 10Passed – State and County Early Childhood Development Programs. Additional Tobacco Surtax.
  • 11 – Passed – Local Sales and Use Taxes—Revenue Sharing.


  1. "California Proposition 1B, School Facilities Bond Act (1994)". Ballotpedia. Retrieved February 4, 2020.
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